PKMN.NET :: PKMN.NET Tournaments
Tournaments | Everybody was kung-fu fighting

Author of the Month Tournament

Just something I decided to put together. Not anything to do with PKMN.NET, just write a short story (at least 300 words), and submit it. Each one will be marked by a rubric. No subject, just write about anything. Must be fictional, however.

Tournament leaders: Lorem Ipsum

Half Finals

Battle #2

The winner of this battle goes on to battle #1 in the next round.

RachelPiplupLover vs Ten Silver Spoons (WINNER)

Battle #3

The winner of this battle goes on to battle #1 in the next round.

Mik (WINNER) vs Shaymin


Battle #1

The winner of this battle has won the tournament!

Mik vs Ten Silver Spoons (WINNER)