Author Topic: What would happen if Jack Harkness had his name written in a Death Note?  (Read 4533 times)

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Offline Petzbreeder

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I've been wondering for a while, since Jack is immortal, what would happen if his name was written in a death note?

There are a couple of rules that would prevent the death note from killing him, but just ignore these rules just to make this thread more fun.

The rules that would prevent his death are:

How to use: I
"The human who's name is written in this note shall die."
Since Jack Harkness isn't his real name, the death note can't kill him.

How to use: XXIX
"You cannot kill humans at the age of 124 or over with the death note."
I read somewhere that Jack is 170 years old.

There may be a few other rules (there are a lot of them!) that I missed. You can check them out here.

Offline The Hooded Trainer

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I doubt hed die. If you just wrote his name down, hed probably have a heart attack, technically die when his heart stopped beating, and then hed just come back to life like usual.

The real question is, though, what would happen if you used it on someone who can regenerate. Like, i guess it wouldnt work on the doctor, because it specifies numerous times that it only works on humans, but what if you were to, say, use it on river song, before she gave up all her regenerations for the doctor. Would she be able to regenerate out of it? Would you have to specify in the note that shes killed in a way that cuts off her regeneration?

Offline SaRo|Rapidash

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Would probably be similar to what happens in Torchwood: Miracle Day, where everyone becomes immortal but is subject to the pain and suffering of whatever the would-be cause of death, so here he'd suffer the pain of the heart attack but it wouldn't kill him. Iirc there were people in Miracle Day who had like all of their skin burnt and limbs missing but were still alive.
...╚⊙ ⊙╝...

Offline The Hooded Trainer

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Yeah, miracle day was weird... Like, it was pretty good, until it turned out that the main villain was basically just a hole in the ground.

Also, new question - if a shinigami had killed jack before he became immortal, would the shinigami get all of his days and effectively live for thousands of years without having to write another name, or would they just get the remaining days he had before his first death?

Offline Petzbreeder

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if a shinigami had killed jack before he became immortal, would the shinigami get all of his days and effectively live for thousands of years without having to write another name

Combine the Death Note rules with the Doctor Who "fixed point in time" thing and everything gets complicated!

When Jack became immortal, he became a fixed point in time. Maybe the event that caused him to be a fixed point in time was a fixed point in time in itself. Can a shinigami kill someone involved in a fixed point in time before the fixed point in time happens? Maybe the death note would break! lol.

I just rewatched a scene from Death Note that I forgot about. A shinigami isn't, as Rem puts it, "permitted to undo that which has been fated", meaning that if what I said above was true, nobody could kill Jack before he became immortal, with the exception of the Dalek who killed him, as his death and immortality were possibly fated to happen that way.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2017, 16:24 by Petzbreeder »