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i grew out of this site, went to college, did uni and stuff and now i have returned to save you all from death
too late man i died years ago
all the OG members are dead inside by now
The most active this forum has ever been was on March 22nd 2012. I often wonder what happened on that day to make the site so busy.Though I was a member of the site back then, I wasn't all that active on the forum, so I didn't see what everyone was posting that day.Does this site have some sort of archive with a list of all the posts that were made that day?
im guessing its that We're All Going To Die In 2012 theory and every1 decided browsing puk would be the last thing theyd do for some reason, the "bein caught on the toilet when pompeii was destroyed" aesthetic except deliberateahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh scary you posted about being dead on midnight. cursed post.