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Messages - Wanderer Jiyuren

Pages: [1]
Random Randomness / Re: Discord Problem
« on: August 12, 2018, 09:21 »
This discussion seems to describe similar problems to what you have.
Apparently the user was able to utilize the 'forgotten password' function and fixed their issue through that.

Additionally, see if you can't access the account from another device (even if that's a dinosaur computer at your local library)

Screenshots(watch that personal info though!) would be helpful to understand your situation more fully.

Forum Games / Re: Whaddya Listening To Version 1.3
« on: August 07, 2018, 08:24 »
I am so surprised this topic is still around. The nostalgia is real. XD

Hinoi Asuka- VOICES

Random Randomness / Re: first world problems
« on: August 05, 2018, 19:46 »
I'm putting off getting my hair trimmed because I want to straighten it first but I don't really have the time.

when you expect to be born with a whole three thousand yuan/yen (forgot which one was japanese)

When you see a pidgeon and try to flameify it with you pet mouse...... uh........ Hinoarashi... instinctively.

when you find a hard candy on the ground and expect that when you pet pidgeon eats it, it will get bigger, and better looking, and you expect that you can fly on it.

when you pick up an inch-worm and expect it to cocoonify itself after feeding it five hard candy's, and then turn into a butterfree after three more.

when you go snake hunting for rattlers and expect them to become cobra's.

when you expect to find wild dogs with armor on, and are able to use Flamethrower.

when you think that twister that attacked your house the other day was Seadra or Dragonair playfully asking for a Pokemon battle.

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