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Re: Tim and Richard's HGSS Nuzlocke!
« Reply #15 on: February 28, 2013, 07:27 »
Niniaaaaannnn Q-Q

Oh man I nearly cried there, you wrote it so well. Also I looove how Danika constantly makes those Harry Potter references, I swear I'll never get sick of it xD

Keep it up you guys!!

Thanks, Richard, for the great sig!

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Re: Tim and Richard's HGSS Nuzlocke!
« Reply #16 on: March 01, 2013, 12:42 »
I nearly had a similar issue with one of my Pokemon in my Nuzlocke. I was lucky enough to switch out on the turn they used Mean Look though, and so I was aware from that point onwards. Poor Ninian apparently wasn't so lucky :( Well written guys, keep up the good work.
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Re: Tim and Richard's HGSS Nuzlocke!
« Reply #17 on: March 01, 2013, 23:37 »
Oh god poor Ninian ;_;

I'm's kinda the same for Danika >_<


Danika's Diary

So today has been like a really difficult day for me and for everyone. But I'll get to that bit in a bit because it's going to take me a little while to write everything. It's really hard to write when you're crying!

Right so we went into the forest and found a new Pokemon, a Weedle that I called Charlotte because I read this book about a spider and she had a web and was called Charlotte and Weedle might not be a spider but it is a bug which is like a spider I guess so I called her Charlotte.

So then we found this guy who was trying to catch some Farfetch'd which I did for him because he totally failed at it and I'm like "hun plz" and I just went up to it to catch it


And it totally flew away from me. So I tried again and snuck up proper quiet and I was literally right behind him until


so I'm like "OH MY GOOOOOOOD" and ran up to him and was WAY TOO QUICK FOR THEM and the guy gave me a Cut HM and I'm like "DUDE I'M NOT EMO" and he's like "dudette cut trees not wrists" so I taught it to Kio (because his name sounds like Emo JOKES) and he cut down this tree which was awesome.

Anyway we got to Goldenrod City after loads of trainer battles and this guy was like "wow your Hoothoot is amazing" and I'm like "bro I totally know" and he's like "that burd gonna evolve soon" and I'm like "NO WAY!"

I mean, since Hilton evolved into a Ledian, he's been amazing - and now Eli might evolve too!?!?  ((BTW HILTON EVOLVED IN THE FOREST ZOMG))

So I went into the Gym to look for Jericho but they were really strong in there and he wasn't there anyway, so I carried on and went up the road to the park because it was a nice day and I wanted to lay in some grass

And then it happened. This guy battled me and he had these really derp looking Pokemon called Magmarz and I was like "pht Eli can beat them AND THEN EVOLVE ZOMG"

So Eli uses Hypnosis. And misses. And then Magmarz uses Ember. And hits - like, really hard. REALLY hard. And Eli didn't get up.

And my face was literally =o

I'm thinking "if I had a timeturner I could go back and not battle this guy" but I DON'T have a timeturner, and Dumbledore's not here to tell me in his office that everything's gonna be okay. Because it's not okay. Eli's dead.

The guy was really sorry he'd killed my Pokemon and he's all "i don't know how this happened" and I'm like "YOU SET MY BURD ON FIRE MAYBE!?!?" and I just hit him and ran away with Eli in my arms.

So I'm sitting in the park and it's getting dark now and I don't really know what I'm doing. Some woman gave me a really funny look a minute ago which I don't blame her for because I'm just sitting here with a dead Hoothoot in my lap.

I think I'll sleep out here tonight.


LV 18 Kio (Teddiursa)
LV 21 Roxie (Geodude)
LV 20 Hilton (Ledyba)
LV 12 Cleo (UNOWN????)
LV 3 Ratter (Rattata)

Those who have passed...
Eli the Hoothoot

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Re: Tim and Richard's HGSS Nuzlocke!
« Reply #18 on: March 03, 2013, 16:01 »
Oh god Danika being a twit with the Unown joke XD First time I've seen someone use that as a joke.

Sorry for both of your losses though...Ninian's death was so damn painful to read...

Keep it up though guys!

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Re: Tim and Richard's HGSS Nuzlocke!
« Reply #19 on: March 04, 2013, 00:59 »
Visions of Ninian flooded my dreams... I dare not recount the brutal images that plague my mind. It's early in the morning as I write this... I've left Ecruteak and headed west. This grassy route is very serene and beautiful. No other people are around yet, and the Pokemon all seem to have hidden themselves away. I really am unsure of what to do... I don't want to be responsible for the death of more Pokemon...

While writing the above, I looked up and found a Tauros roaming the field. It didn't seem to notice me, but my heart dropped as I watched it. Tauros are incredibly powerful, but incredibly dangerous. I released Liam and commanded him to use Mud Shot at the bull, sticking him in place as I threw a Great Ball. When it stopped shaking, I could feel the excitement rush through me. I had captured a rare, powerful Pokemon.

After going back to the Pokemon Center, I taught Shane, my new Tauros, Payback via a TM I'd acquired. I can't tell you exactly how I knew, but I knew that this was destiny. Ninian must be avenged, I cannot give up here. Storming back into the Gym, Shane and I blitzed through every Ghost type Trainer the place had to offer until we found our way to Morty. He released a Gastly and Shane immediately knocked it out in one single shot. He sent out a Haunter and used Spite, but was quickly KO'd. His next Haunter laid a Curse on Shane before being knocked out, and I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. He was trying to employ the same strategy that killed Ninian. His final Pokemon, Gengar, appeared and grinned menacingly at Shane. It used Sucker Punch and Shane was knocked down, taking heavy damage. I screamed out at Shane, and Morty tilted his head to the side. "You should learn from your mistakes. Your Rattata died when it had no moves left to harm our superior Ghost types, and now Tauros is in the same prediciment," He said as Gengar approached the bull Pokemon.

From the corner of my eye, I could see something rising from the depths of the swirling abyss beneath the Gym. My breath caught in my throat as I watched an ethereal Rattata rushing straight at Shane and enter his body. The Tauros rose up and cried out loudly, charging full speed at the Gengar , and smashed through the Pokemon, making it go up in a puff of smoke. I wiped my eyes from the tears that had flooded them, and saw Ninian sitting on Tauros' back. I could swear she was smiling at me, and I could not fight back the tears any longer.

We left Morty's Gym, and I have regained my resolve. I will never give up on my Pokemon, because they are a part of me now.

We've made our way to Olivine, but the Gym Leader isn't here. After climbing a long lighthouse and battling many Trainers, I've found her. She's caring for a sick Pokemon that is on the verge of death. I'll be damned if I let any Pokemon die, so Liam has agreed to swim across the sea with me. For as slow as he is on land, he swims like a motorboat across the water. We battled a couple Trainers, and after knocking out a Trainer's Staryu, Marcus has evolved! I'm so proud of him... when I found him, he was on the verge of death too, but now he's growing up.

After surfing for most of the day, we've arrived in Cianwood and entered the pharmacy. The clerk was quick to hand over the Secretpotion after hearing our plight. As I left, I sent Liam back out to swim me back across the sea, but it was beginning to get dark, and Liam was tired from swimming all day. A woman came up to me and told me that if I beat the Gym Leader, she'd give me an HM that would teach my Pokemon to fly. With time against my side, I agreed and entered the Gym.

Inside, a rather large man was sitting beneath a waterfall, competely unresponsive to my demands for a Gym battle. Terry and Agatha managed to beat all the small-time trainers in the Gym, and Agatha evolved into Haunter! We turned the cranks and the waterfall stopped. Making my way back down, Chuck was finally ready to battle. I sent Agatha into the battle, and he began with Primeape. Agatha began launching Shadow Balls, learned from a TM Morty gave me. Even as they struck the Primeape, he continued forward, scooping rocks into his arms and leaping high into the air, throwing the rocks down and smashing them over Agatha. The attack was incredibly powerful, and Agatha fell to the ground, sinking through it.

"Agatha!" I cried out in panic, feeling my arms shaking and my eyes welling up. I had done it again... another Pokemon had died because of me. Or so I thought. Agatha rose up behind the Primeape and before Chuck could say anything, it attacked with a flurry of Shadow Balls, laughing as Primeape hit the ground, unable to get back up. Chuck recalled his Pokemon and gritted his teeth. "Let's see how you handle my toughest Pokemon, Poliwrath!" He shouted, sending the Pokemon onto the field. It was quite an impressive looking Pokemon, to be sure. "Surf!" He commanded, and I immediately held out Agatha's Pokeball, recalling her and sending Liam into the arena. As the water on the ground rose into a wave and crashed over Liam, the Pokemon got up and cried out joyfully, feeling refreshed.

"Body Slam!" Chuck called out as I commanded Liam to use Mud Shot. The mud hit the Poliwrath dead-center, but it powered through and slammed Liam to the ground. As it held Liam down, Chuck commanded the Pokemon to use Focus Punch. My eyes widened and I recalled Liam to his ball just before the punch landed, which cracked the Gym floor. Agatha returned to the battle, and Poliwrath used Surf again. I continued switching between the two until Poliwrath exhausted itself, unable to attack again. I sent Marcus into the battle and put the Poliwrath to sleep with Sleep Powder, before whipping it with Vine Whip, securing victory for myself. I smiled, feeling a sense of pride; smart switching and type advantages had saved my friends. Jericho is wrong.

As I left the Gym, I saw Suicune standing at the end of the beach. I approached it, and it stared me in the eye for a moment, before darting across the sea. Eusine came running behind me, watching as Suicune sped away. "Wow, you got so close to it, closer than even I have!" He said excitedly as Suicune disappeared from sight. "Let's have a battle, I want to see what kind of Trainer you are!" He smiled, sending out a Drowzee. Honestly, after all of the battles I've written about today, I don't feel like explaining this one, but Danika destroyed him, and immediately evolved afterwards. I feel so powerful now. Eusine explained that he'd keep chasing Suicune. He explained that the three legendary beasts are said to impart lost knowledge to the ones it chooses, and he believes he's Suicune's chosen one. I don't know about that, but I used that Zubat I caught a while back to Fly back to Olivine and deliver the medicine. Jasmine says I saved Amphy just in time, and I smiled at the Pokemon as it beamed light out across the ocean.

I've decided to rest here for the night because we're all exhausted. Tomorrow, we take on Jasmine.


Lv. 24 Terry (Doduo)
Lv. 25 Agatha (Haunter)
Lv. 23 Marcus (Weepinbell)
Lv. 25 Liam (Quagsire)
Lv. 25 Danika (Graveler)
Lv. 24 Shane (Tauros)

Those that have passed...
Ninian the Rattata
Discord - richardblaziken

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Re: Tim and Richard's HGSS Nuzlocke!
« Reply #20 on: March 04, 2013, 02:44 »
Heh, glad everyone's enjoying this. It's so much fun writing up Nuzlocke's - but the losses really hit you hard, because you really get a bond with the Pokemon you're training with ;_;


Danika's Diary

Charlotte the Weedle has tried really hard today and has really cheered me up after my SUPER AWFUL day yesterday when we lost Eli – Charlotte has evolved twice and is now a Beedrill! She’s still super weak though but I don’t care because I actually have my first Pokemon that’s evolved into it’s FINAL FORM. HOW GD AM I!?

I’ve been training up Cleo – she STILL hasn’t learnt any new moves, so I’m trying to level her up as much as possible – some guy told me his Magikarp wouldn’t learn any new moves until it evolved, so I’m gonna do the same for Cleo. She tries really hard though <3

So this morning I went and battled Whitney and beat her stupid Clefairy that kept on using Metronome to use all these weird attacks. Roxie was just like “NUP” and shut her down though which was amazing. Kio’s super weak at the moment, he’s just not doing much in battle. I think he’s upset at losing Eli too. :(

So yeah we totally beat Whitney (she’s a total cow GEDDIT SHE HAS A MILTANK WHICH IS A COW LOLZ) and then we went and found LOADS of new Pokemon:

I went up to this cool place called Ecruteak and didn’t go in ANY HOUSES because people ALWAYS try and battle you when you’re not expecting it – and since losing Eli, I’m trying to avoid difficult battles. So we went and captured lots of Pokemonz.

First we captured a Pidgeotto that tried to blow me away using Whirlwind, but I captured it instead and called it Oz because Dorothy had this Pokemon and I think it was called Pidgeotto .

And then I went to this cool place called Mt. Mortar and captured a Machop and I called it Morty because we were in Mt. Mortar.

And then Kio was having fun headbutting trees outside and I found a SPEAROW and captured it, and I called her Sheila because she doesn’t shut up, and my mum has this friend whose a lesbian called Sheila and she says “that woman doesn’t shut up” so I figured that made sense

And then I went into this burned down tower and the guy (IT WAS THE GYM LEADER I FOUND OUT LATER =O ) was all “this is Burned Tower” and I’m like LOL IMAGINATVE and I found a Koffing so I captured it and called it Betsy because Betsy is Sheila’s lesbian girlfriend and my mum says “everything that comes out that woman’s mouth is poison” because my mum actually hates her and I was like “omg Koffing has poison coming out of its mouth” so I called her betsy like my mum’s lesbian’s friend’s girlfriend.

AND THEN I caught a Magnemite in some grass and called it iMagnet because it’s a magnet with just one eye.

So we’re training loads and loads because I want to try and battle the Gym Leader. He told me to come back later when I was stronger and meet him at his gym WHICH I’M TOTALLY GONNA DO D<


LV 20 Kio (Teddiursa)
LV 24 Roxie (Geodude)
LV 21 Hilton (Ledyba)
LV 14 Cleo (UNOWN????)
LV 10 Charlotte (Beedrill)
LV 3 Ratter (Rattata)

Those who have passed...
Eli the Hoothoot

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Re: Tim and Richard's HGSS Nuzlocke!
« Reply #21 on: March 04, 2013, 17:30 »
I'm loving this :) Danika is so funny to read, but Adam is more serious so it's nice to keep changing between the two. I almost cried when Ninian died as well, and Eli's death was so sad :'( Carry on guys, this is brilliant...!
Awkward :/

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Re: Tim and Richard's HGSS Nuzlocke!
« Reply #22 on: March 06, 2013, 00:38 »
For the first time in a while, I slept soundly. My dreams weren't plagued with nightmares of Totodile or Ninian - in fact, I don't recall dreaming at all. I slept restfully and peacefully... until I heard voices in the night.

"The light's back on, the lighthouse Pokemon must have gotten better," One voice spoke, though in the dead of night I could not see where the voice came from. "What incredible luck, we can use it for the generator! Let's just take it and go," Another voice spoke. Before I knew what happened, the lighthouse was illuminated, and the sound of windows crashing could be heard. Electricity filled the room, and I saw members of Team Rocket in the room, about eight of them. "Danika!" I shouted, releasing Graveler. The members finally took notice of me and half of them went for me. We faced down a Muk, Golbat, Raticate and Weezing. The Golbat dove at Danika with poisonous fangs bared, but she grabbed and threw it into the Raticate without much effort. The Muk lifted itself up and locked arms with the Graveler, the two struggling against each other, but as the Weezing began breathing poisonous gas, she began to lose the struggle. To even the match, I released Agatha and she took on Weezing, giving Danika a chance to overtake the Muk with Rollout, completely flattening it.

The other Rocket Grunts had overpowered Amphy with sheer numbers and I rushed over to fight back against their attack.  The Rocket Grunts I'd beaten before came running back over with new Pokemon released - about 3 more each. I'd become surrounded from every side with mostly Poison type Pokemon. Just then, Jasmine rushed into the room with two Magnemite accompanying her, firing Thundershocks at the grunts and their Pokemon. We fought side-by-side for what seemed like an hour, and I found myself rotating through each of my Pokemon multiple times, giving injured ones a break while others fought on. Jasmine was down to only one Magnemite by this point, and it seemed like we would still lose the battle. I could hear Amphy crying out in pain, and I knew there was only one way I could clear the rest of the opposing Pokemon from the field. "Magnitude!" I commanded, and Danika smashed the floor, causing large cracks in it, knocking out a majority of the opposing Pokemon, and Jasmine's Magnemite, while Agatha continued her Shadow Ball assault on anything that flew or levitated.

As it neared 6 AM, daylight was beginning to creep into the night, and Team Rocket had found themselves outmatched. With no other option, they escaped through a window in an act of desperation, and we rushed to check on Amphy, who had collapsed in the center of the room. Jasmine placed her head and hands on it, and within seconds, I could hear the panic in her accelerated breathing. She turned to me, immediately bursting into tears. "You killed him!" She shouted through her tears, running at me and knocking me down. "You used Magnitude! You killed Amphy!" She kept screaming at me through sobs. She held Amphy's lifeless body, crying onto him and I laid motionless on the cold floor. She got up and climbed out the window without another word, and I felt the tower beginning to rumble. Scrambling to my feet, I too climbed out the window onto the walkway to see a massive Steelix wrapped around the entire lighthouse. Jasmine had a look of hatred in her eyes as tears ran down her cheeks. "Iron Head!" She commanded, and the Steelix smashed its head into the lighthouse, sending debris crashing into the ocean.

"Liam, Mud Shot!" I shouted through panic, releasing Liam from his ball. As he shot mud at the Steelix, Jasmine commanded the Steelix to use Dragonbreath. The enourmous mouth of the Pokemon exhaled, blowing the mud back at Liam. It splattered in his eyes, and Liam was knocked back, tumbling off the walkway. I screamed out as I watched him fall, unable to do anything to save him. "Iron Tail," Jasmine said coldly, and the Steelix uncoiled the bottom half of itself from the lighthouse, smacking Liam powerfully as he fell, sending him reeling far into the ocean. I felt the rage overtake me, and I could only see red. I threw Danika's ball onto Steelix's back and screamed for her to use Magnitude. The Graveler smashed into the Steelix with incredible power and it roared out in pain, which could be heard throughout the small city. Steelix bucked Danika off of him and she fell onto the ground near the entrance of the lighthouse, creating a large crater in the ground. Jasmine climbed onto the Steelix and I felt my heart pound in my chest. "You killed my best friend... Steelix, Iron Head. Kill him," She said through a pained voice. Steelix turned his head to the side, however, and looked out at the ocean. I turned to see an enourmous wave rising from the ocean with Liam riding the wave. It smashed into the lighthouse, and Steelix fell. I ran forward and grabbed Jasmine's hand while her Pokemon crashed loudly into the ocean.

"Jasmine, I was trying to save him, you know that! We were outnumbered by Team Rocket! If you want to hate anyone, hate them!" I screamed, feeling the strain on my voice taking it's toll. I pulled her up and held her as she cried. For the first time in a long time, I could relate to another human being. I knew exactly how she felt, losing a Pokemon, and no one should have to go through that.

It's been a few hours since the mayhem. My Pokemon are resting now, but they're all okay. They've been exhausted again after the long day. Jasmine apologized to me about a thousand times, and I've forgiven her. When you lose a friend like that, you don't think straight. We have given Amphy a proper burial behind the lighthouse, which is now both in need of repairs, and a Pokemon to light it.


Lv. 26 Terry (Doduo)
Lv. 27 Agatha (Haunter)
Lv. 24 Marcus (Weepinbell)
Lv. 28 Liam (Quagsire)
Lv. 27 Danika (Graveler)
Lv. 25 Shane (Tauros)

Those that have passed...
Ninian the Rattata
~Amphy the Ampharos~
Discord - richardblaziken

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Re: Tim and Richard's HGSS Nuzlocke!
« Reply #23 on: March 06, 2013, 03:30 »
Whoah, man, talk about intense O_O

You two have been doing such a fantastic job! I really enjoy reading these two characters! Keep up the great work!

Thanks, Richard, for the great sig!

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Re: Tim and Richard's HGSS Nuzlocke!
« Reply #24 on: March 11, 2013, 21:58 » That was intense stuff! Shows just how you are a great writer, please continue going on with this, great stuff.

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Re: Tim and Richard's HGSS Nuzlocke!
« Reply #25 on: March 12, 2013, 01:46 »
Danika's Diary

K so today has been the worst day SO FAR ;_____________________; (<- this is how upset I am right now)

So we got up really early in the morning and battled Morty - which was super easy because I found this TM called Shadow Claw which I taught Kio and Kio was all "Scratch attack BUT WITH SHADOWS LOL" and completely nobbed all over Morty's stupid ghost Pokemon (which kept trying to Hypnotise Kio TO MAKE HIM DO WHAT I DUNNO!?!?)

So that was awesome because we won like, really easily and Roxie evolved into this EVEN BIGGER ROCK. And then this cool guy gave me an HM which is like a TM but begins with H instead and it's got Surf in it, so I gave it to Roosevelt (the Slowpoke I caught ALL THE WAY BACK at Slowpoke Well) who I'd started training BECAUSE HE'S JUST SO CUTE =3

Anyway, we got to this place called Olivine which is by the sea and I tried out this Surf HM thing by sitting on Roosevelt and he pulled me into the sea - and we were like literally A STEP away from the beach and this MAHOOSIVE Tentacruel just BOOMS out the water and goes for my poor little Roosevelt!

So then Kio comes along and just smacks it around a bit and guess what? WE CAUGHT THE TENTACRUEL.

So I called her Ursula from the Little Mermaid, but I won't lie, I was REALLY scared about going in the sea and this guy that was there was all "but you have to go across the sea if you're collecting badges" and I'm like "SAKE"

So I thought I'd just go for a walk and train up my Pokemon - I had this feeling that Cleo the Unown Pokemon was going to evolve really soon (i could just feel it you know?) and so we went for this MASSIVE walk

And I found myself back in Goldenrod, and I found this little stream and I thought I'd try riding on Ursula's back AND SHE'S SO GOOD AT SWIMMING AND CARRYING ME and we were having like, the best time ever -

and then THEY showed up.

They were these three girls, all with water type Pokemon. I thought they might want to see my water Pokemon so I showed them Ursula and they said she was super ugly, so I challenged them to a battle.

And that's when it all went wrong. Their Seaking and Starmie ganged up on Oz, and my poor little Pideotto got hit by a critical hit from Swift and...

Yeah. I REALLY cried when I was surfing back to the Pokemon centre. I didn't know what to do so I phoned Adam (I don't even know why IT'S NOT BECAUSE I LIKE HIM LIKE THAT OMG) and he was like "omg Danika I totes wouldn't stand for that, you should totes go back and teach them a lesson" and I'm like "dude you're totes right, I WILL DO IT IN MEMORY OF OZ"

And so I turn up and their oldest sister was Really. Really. Strong.

She had a Cloyster. And I thought I would use Cleo's awesome grass attack - and Cloyster used this rainbow aurora beam thing and Cleo wouldn't get back up...and while I was trying to make Cleo wake up again, Roosevelt got REALLY angry and tried to attack it - but then he got hit too...

So then Kio completely lost it and runs up to the Cloyster and I'm like "DUDE NO GET BACK" and then he starts SHINING and evolves and

TEARS THE CLOYSTER IN HALF O)O <- my face when he did it

So...yeah. I'm sitting in Goldenrod, writing this now. Three Pokemon died today. Oz, Cleo and Roosevelt. I won't forgive myself - but at the same time, I can't help but feel SO FRICKIN ANGRY at Adam. If it wasn't for him, I would have only lost one partner today, not three...I bet HE doesn't know how it feels to watch your friends DIE.

That guy on the beach said that Chuck was like, super strong, so i'm going to train up loads and use him to get stronger. I won't let any more of my Pokemon die. ;-;

I've put some new Pokemon in my team that I caught previously. I hope I can make them strong before they have to fight any really hard battles :(

LV 30 Kio (Ursaring)
LV 28 Roxie (Graveler)
LV 24 Hilton (Ledian)
LV 26 Ursula (Tentacruel)
LV 16 Morty (Machop)
LV 10 Sheila (Spearow)

Those that have passed...
Eli the Hoothoot
Oz the Pidgeotto
Cleo the Unown
Roosevelt the Slowpoke
« Last Edit: March 12, 2013, 02:16 by Enigma »

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Re: Tim and Richard's HGSS Nuzlocke!
« Reply #26 on: March 15, 2013, 14:55 »
So sad :( RIP to Oz, Cleo and Roosevelt... Hopefully Sheila and Morty will fit in with your team well, but... oh my... I can't believe you lost three in one day. So, so sad... anyway, try to keep smiling and you'll get stronger! :)
Awkward :/

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Re: Tim and Richard's HGSS Nuzlocke!
« Reply #27 on: March 18, 2013, 12:30 »
Leaving Olivine was difficult for me. The first person I could connect to was one that was going through heartbreak, and I had to leave. I offered to stay with her, but she sent me off. I could see it in her eyes... all she could see in me was pain, even after everything. I don't blame her.

Terry and I made our way back north and walked through Ecruteak. I could feel the thoughts of Ninian creeping into my mind, and my eyes began to well with tears again. As I wiped them away, the Pokegear's phone rang. Danika screamed into the phone about losing her Pokemon to some girls on a beach and whined to me about giving up. I could feel my blood boiling beneath my skin as I stared at the Ecruteak Gym. I can't recall my exact words, but I could feel them scathing Danika through her end of the phone. To give up after losing a Pokemon... to not honor the death of a friend with the complete domination of the ones who took them from you is pathetic. Morty will never be forgiven for what he took from me.

After hanging up I was still seething from the conversation. Terry's heads nudged me and I could see it... we needed a break after everything we've been through recently. I decided to spend some time in Goldenrod.

It is here that I found Danika sitting in the Pokemon Center. We sat for a while, and she initially tried to blame me for her losses, but I wouldn't have it. I told her that the only way we could protect our friends would be through strengthening our Pokemon. I traded Agatha and Danika to her (she was pretty upset by Graveler's nickname, but after today, I'm convinced that it was the right choice) and she traded me her Graveler to evolve them.

After that, I found the new game in town: Voltorb Flip. The prizes looked really good... I wanted both Ice Beam and Thunderbolt... so I sat down and played. For six straight hours I flipped cards, eventually developing a system that earned me enough coins for the prizes I coveted. Agatha has learned Thunderbolt, and Liam learned Ice Beam. Night has set in, and we're resting for the day. Danika spent the day training her new Pokemon, showing resolve I've not seen in her before, and we've decided to sleep in the Pokemon Center for the night.


In the morning, I woke up determined. I've left Danika behind in Goldenrod, quickly making my way through Ecruteak once more and pressed onward to Mahogany Town. It had begun raining lightly when I left, but by the time I'd entered town, the downpour had me drenched. There was a lot of commotion about something happening at the Lake of Rage, just north of town. After healing my Pokemon, I set out to see what was happening.

When I got there, a group of spectators were gathered around the lake, all watching something amazing: a red Gyarados was thrashing inside of the lake, with many regular Gyarados attacking it, all being defeated one after the other. It had created a massive Twister inside the lake that stretched into the clouds, and from here, it was launching devastating attacks, far stronger than anything I'd ever seen. A few Trainers had sent their Pokemon out to try to halt the beast's assault, but they were all quickly defeated. I released Agatha and Liam from their  Pokeballs with a strategy in mind.

Gengar held onto Quagsire and began levitating in the air, using Quagsire as a shield from the Hydro Pumps that Gyarados blasted at the Pokemon, Liam happily absorbing the water. "Thunderbolt," I commanded. The dark sky crackled with electricity and it began filling the twister, creating a blinding and dangerous effect as lightning spewed from the vortex. When all went quiet, the Twister dissipated and Gyarados fell, crashing half onto the land. I had my Pokeball ready, but the Gyarados began glowing a bright red, before disappearing entirely. I looked up to see some guy with spiky red hair, riding a Dragonite and holding a diamond-encrusted Pokeball. He dismounted and grinned at me, congratulating me for quelling the beast, but said I would not be able to control such a violent Pokemon. As much as the words angered me, his tone sounded completely sincere. He bent down and picked up a scale from the Gyarados that had chipped off when the beast fell, handing to me.

"I have a feeling that you will need this far more than the actual Pokemon," He said, grinning, though it looked as if his smile came from a joke that I didn't understand. "I can see you're quite a powerful Trainer, but your power does not come from sheer strength, it comes from your will to do what is necessary. But what is it that drives you to go further?" He said, not actually asking me as he looked out to the lake.

He turned to me with a more serious expression. "I've just driven Team Rocket out of Mahogany Town before I got here. That Gyarados is the unfortunate side-effect of something they caused to happen. I'm lucky you were here while I dealt with them at their base, but I fear this won't be the last we see of them. I'll take good care of Gyarados and make sure it calms down. I expect we'll meet again if you keep pursuing what you're after... but remember that what you think you're after may lead you down a road you never intended to take. Farewell"

And that's how he left. I mean... he kind of stole my Pokemon and said a bunch of cryptic things, but I don't think he was entirely wrong... maybe. I don't know. There's nothing I can do about it now, so I've headed back to Mahogany Town to face the Gym Leader. After skating around his Gym, I finally got to him. Pryce was an old man, definitely not what I was expecting from a Gym Leader, but I was ready for anything by this point.

He began with Seel, and I was ready with Agatha. A single Thunderbolt put Seel away, and he tried Dewgong, but it ended the same. Then... he sent out Piloswine. I tried another Thunderbolt, but it didn't seem to faze the Pokemon, who then used Blizzard, freezing my Gengar in place. I quickly called her back, and I could feel the chill of the ball in my hands. I sent Liam onto the field, but another Blizzard made him cry in pain. I healed him with a Hyper Potion, but the Blizzard kept coming. Through the attack, Pryce stood straight and expressionless, but the attack was wearing me and my Pokemon down thoroughly. While spraying my Quagsire with my last Hyper Potion, I commanded him to use Surf. Liam summoned a mighty wave that crashed over not only Piloswine, but Pryce as well. I cannot imagine how cold that must have felt, but even for an Ice type, Piloswine couldn't take it and fell, earning us victory.

As I left Mahogany Town, dark clouds still hung overhead. I stopped to stare at them for a moment, and then I saw nothing but light, followed by the loudest crashing sound I'd ever heard. I fell backwards and held my head. The sound felt like it shattered my eardrums and I felt my body shaking. As I opened my eyes, I came face-to-face with the legendary Pokemon Raikou, staring me down.


Lv. 29 Terry (Doduo)
Lv. 32 Agatha (Gengar)
Lv. 29 Marcus (Weepinbell)
Lv. 31 Liam (Quagsire)
Lv. 30 Danika (Golem)
Lv. 28 Shane (Tauros)

Those that have passed...
Ninian the Rattata
~Amphy the Ampharos~
« Last Edit: March 18, 2013, 12:48 by Richard and Blaziken »
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Re: Tim and Richard's HGSS Nuzlocke!
« Reply #28 on: March 18, 2013, 16:10 »
Nice stuff yet again! I feel that both characters are doing less things to anger each other now, but still somethings are being done...but good news that you didn't lose anyone in that entry.

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Re: Tim and Richard's HGSS Nuzlocke!
« Reply #29 on: March 28, 2013, 00:53 »
So it's been ages since I wrote, but I've been SO BUSY OMG

Last time I wrote, we'd lost a load of our friends. I won't lie, it has been SO hard living without them - they were my friends, you know? And I met up with Adam, and it turns out he's lost a lot of Pokemon - like, permanently - and he was really nice and I felt a bit guilty for being so SUPER mean to him. We both evolved our Gravelers (HE NAMED HIS AFTER ME =33333 I pretended to be super mad but I'm like OMG he fancies me *swoon* )

Anyway, I decided I'd train up Sheila who just won't shut up - she just squawks all the time and I reckon she'll evolve into something really pretty - so I trained her up against all the Tentacools that are in the sea on the way to Cianwood AND SHE DID EVOLVE

And now she squawks even louder x_X


She was absolutely amazing and DESTROYED Chuck. He was all "IMMA DOUBLE TEAM" and I'm all "SHEILA USE AERIAL ACE" and she's all "IMMA HIT WITH AERIAL ACE"



It was amazing.

So then this chick gave me Fly AND OMG - it's so cool. I can ride on Sheila's back and she flies me everywhere and I think she's my new favourite Pokemon ^_^

And then I went to Mahogany and there was this gym run by DUMBLEPryce, who was really strong; but Morty the Machop managed to evolve into Machoke which was super helpful - he just threw Pyce's Pokemon at the walls and we WON.

So now I'm back in Goldenrod, because Whitney phoned me up and was all "baw Team Rocket" and I'm like "I love the slots so I can swing by and help out maybe!?!?!?" so yeah! Here I am. Going to bed now. =]


So it's still today, but loads of stuff has happened. Again. x_x;

I got woken up in the night by TEAM ROCKET coming into the Pokemon Centre and being REALLY loud and threateny (like they were threatning the nUrse and stuff) so I managed to scare them off and knocked one of them out. And I was like "omg these clothes would totes fit me" so I dressed up as one of them to see how cool dI'd look AND THEN THIS ADMIN COMES IN and is all "ermagherd you're late for the takeover we need to go to the Radio Tower" and I'm like "yeah I'm totes a Team Rocket member herp"

So then I'm in the Radio Tower and Team Rocket are trying to take over and I'm like "imma be a spy" and then JERICHO OMG shows up and is all "DANIKA YOU'RE NOT TEAM ROCKET" *facepalm*

So I have to go on the offensive and start beating the hell out of Team Rocket

And that's when it happens

This Weezing uses Explosion. And hits Roxie the Golem.

And she faints.

I was in a massive rage, and I decided there and then that I would single handedly destroy every single Team Rocket member there.

So I end up in the basement of the shopping centre (don't ask how it's boring) and Sheila is literally shredding EVERYONE - and then a Koffing uses Selfdestruct....

and in like an hour, two more of my friends have gone.

I don't...even know how I got here, but I'm in the Game Corner. Team Rocket have left the city, and Kio keeps touching my arm all gently like he's asking if I'm okay. The guy running the Voltorb Flips asked me if I was okay after my ordeal, but I don't think I rememebr what he's talkinga bout. TEam Rocket's gone, so everything's okay, right? What does it matter how they were driven away?

So now I'm sat here. I don't think I want to train Pokemon any more. I'm going to just sit here forever, playing this Voltorb Flip game, until I win big and can move to Unova or something. I bet this kind of thing doesn't happen there. :(


LV32 Kio (Ursaring)
LV 26 Hilton (Ledian)
LV 29 Ursula (Tentacruel)
LV 28 Morty (Machoke)

Those that have passed...

Eli the Hoothoot
Oz the Pidgeotto
Cleo the Unown
Roosevelt the Slowpoke
Roxie the Golem
Sheila the Fearow
« Last Edit: March 30, 2013, 13:22 by Enigma »