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Messages - Justicity

Pages: [1]
When you throw a burning rock at someone while shouting "Ember attack!"

When you run up and down hoping it will make an egg hatch faster.
    - Or when you give it to a burning duck, thinking 'Flame Body' is a real ability.
    - Or when you attempt to make your male cat breed with a lump of goo just because you can't find a female cat.

When you throw stones at your pets to force evolution.

When your teacher can't remember his grandsons name until you tell him, accepting it no matter what you say.

When you start to believe the word "evolution" is actually used correctly in Pokemon...

When you become convinced people can only give your pets massages once a day.

When you buy cheap, ugly pet fish, assuring your kids they'll evolve into Gyaridos & Milotic soon...
     - Or when you assure your kids you old fat cat really was pretty once...

When you truly start to believe Arceus created the universe through the dragon, weather & lake trio's and accept them as your deity's (I'm half there  :tongue2:)

When you visit every building in a city, talk to every stranger, and search every trash can for items in the city before leaving for the next one.

When you throw a hamster in a river, expecting "Bidoof" to know surf.

When you try to bribe your way into a club by giving the guard a soda.

When it doesn't matter whether you've got one or 99 of every item in your bag but it's full anyway.

When every pre-teen just north of your home town collects insects.

When you try to fit a bike, several fishing rods AND a large baked goods box into the same pocket of your backpack.

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