Author Topic: [1st char (redo. New character.)] Amelia (Ami) Silver  (Read 1388 times)

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[1st char (redo. New character.)] Amelia (Ami) Silver
« on: September 12, 2008, 07:45 »
Character name: Amelia (Ami) Silver

Age: Thirteen. Birthday is twenty-second of September

Gender: Female

Description: The first thing one might notice about Amelia is that there's nothing to really notice. She keeps her mousy brown hair tied into a ponytail, although you can't see it underneath the pale grey hooded jumper she usually wears. Her eyes are colored dark brown, and often seem uninterested, or even blank. She looks like someone who spends time in the sun, but just as much indoors.
 Aside from the above-mentioned hooded jumper, she often wears a white pseudo-school uniform shirt, over dark gray pants. Like everything else about her, her shoes are the kind that one wouldn't look twice at. They are simply plain black shoes, designed for walking.
 Her stance is usually hunched over, with her hands in her pockets, and eyes cast to the ground. And yet, in the same stance, if one knows what to look for, they'll see that Amelia moves like someone who is on edge, and prepared to run at a second's notice.

Personality: The first thing anyone who saw Amelia would assume is that she's the quiet type, who doesn't like to be noticed. And, this assumption would be true. Amelia doesn't like, let alone want to be noticed. She constantly seems like she's on the run from someone, or something. She likes large crowds, because of how easy it is to disappear.
 Usually however, despite her preference for crowds, she won't talk to anyone, unless they actively get her to respond. However, this path of action will make her feel cornered, and make her lash out instinctively. When she does this, she'll often dash off without a word, leaving one's choices being to chase her, or to forget her.
 She has a paralysing fear of blood, and if she sees even the smallest amount of it, she can't make herself move, and has to be forcibly moved along.
 She doesn't seem to want to get close to anyone, but then, if someone manages to earn her respect (and probably gratitude), she will be courteous, but still remain distant. This is due to the fact that she doesn't want people to be put in danger because of her actions...
 The only real times she shows any true passion is when Gabriel is intentionally provoking her, by running away/attacking the pokemon of other trainers randomly.

History: Amelia never really knew about what happened to her parents. All she knows is that one day, at five years old; she came home from a friend's house, and found that her parents had both been killed. They had been killed violently, leaving blood splattered all around the living room. The worst part? After they'd died, they had been moved into a position that looked as if they were watching TV together.
 Then, after a few days of staying with the same friend, she received a note, saying something along the lines of 'You're next'. Despite burning the note, she couldn't get its message out of her head. She ran from the house she'd been staying at, leaving a note, which her friend didn't get to read. The reason for this was that almost as soon as she'd left the house, a set of planted Electrode blew up, obliterating the house.
 From there Ami (actually known as Stephanie at the time. She began calling herself Amelia Silver when she reached Hoenn) fled to Hoenn, taking a new name, and being taken in by a family from Littleroot Town.
 Then, when she turned thirteen, Professor Birch gave her a Torchic, who acted as mostly a companion. However, after a while, both began to yearn for travelling. And so, without really thinking about it, the secluded trainer and her Torchic began to journey. Then, soon after Tori evolved into a Combusken, the two decided to journey to Johto, wanting a change. And so, they did, and soon after, they were in Goldenrod, when a Houndour rushed past, being chased by an enraged young man. Tori chased after, and they found out that the Houndour had stolen the young man's Poke Ball. In a rare moment of drawing attention to herself, Amelia told the trainer that if he hurt the houndour, she'd hurt him, and told him that it probably just wanted attention.
 After the young man left, in a huff (with his pokemon) the Houndour attacked Tori, and Amelia threw a Poke ball at it to stop the fight. Thus, Gabriel became part of the team.
 Although she hasn't encountered the person who was after her since she changed her name, Amelia is still wary, and doesn't want to get close to others, in case the one who's after her finds her, and attacks the person she's become close to.

Friends and enemies:
Friends: none

 Whoever it was that killed her family.


Nickname: Tori
Gender: Female.
Ability: Blaze
Holding: nothing.
Level  26.
Her move set is Fire Punch, Shadow Claw, Reversal, and Thunder Punch.
Tori is very physical based. She's fast and strong, however doesn't like to fight. However, when Amelia is in danger, she will fight as hard as possible. She doesn't like Gabriel much, but if it comes down to it, she'll tag-team with him willingly.

Nickname: Gabriel
Gender: Male.
Ability: Early Bird
Holding: no item.
Level 19
His move set is Flamethrower, Shadow Ball, Dark Pulse, and Thunder Fang.
Gabriel is named after the supposed leader of the Wild Hunt. He is the sort who doesn't like to obey orders, but likes to fight. Often, he will run off when Amelia has sent him out, and he will either make her chase him, or make her use him in a battle he's started.

Nickname: Ceana
Gender: Female
Hold Item: None
Level 5
Moveset of Camouflage, Tackle and Growl
Ceana was caught in Goldenrod City, on New Year's Eve. She'd been given to Professor Elm, to be given to a promising trainer, but she broke out of the PokeBall she'd been in, and ran. This happened in Goldenrod, so the deer didn't run long, before the tantalizing smell of food reached her nose. And this was how she met Ami, who caught her so she'd be safe.
Key Items:

x 5
x 3

« Last Edit: February 08, 2011, 00:42 by Erza Scarlett »


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Re: Natsume Lei (1st char)
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2009, 23:37 »
Detail needed for Pokemon - levels, attacks, hold items, maybe genders, that sort of thing.

Also please be careful with grammar - to be picky, a few full stops are missing.

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Re: [1st char (redo. New character.)] Amelia (Ami) Silver
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2010, 04:16 »
Okay.. reusing this topic for the character that I'm using in place of natsume (lost inspiration for her, and couldn't remember what i  wanted to do with her)

I'll finish this once my writer's block fades.

EDIT: finished for now. if you want me to add anything, just let me know.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2010, 05:42 by OpalRhea|Stargazer »

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Re: [1st char (redo. New character.)] Amelia (Ami) Silver
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2010, 15:32 »
It's a bit dark and bloody, but interesting nonetheless. There are only a few problems with this.

1)You have a few minor grammatical mistakes mostly with punctuation

2)Your Pokemon's information is a little scrunched up and needs to be spread out a little more.
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Re: [1st char (redo. New character.)] Amelia (Ami) Silver
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2010, 15:40 »
Alright. I'll fix up the punctuation later (when I've got access to Microsoft Word), but I've spread out the information on the Pokemon some more.

Actually.. Can i get you to quote the bits that are grammatically incorrect, just so that I know where to focus?
« Last Edit: September 07, 2010, 16:39 by OpalRhea|Stargazer »

Offline PTX Redux

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Re: [1st char (redo. New character.)] Amelia (Ami) Silver
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2010, 22:20 »
Just read over it again. It's not many, but you'll see them.
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Re: [1st char (redo. New character.)] Amelia (Ami) Silver
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2010, 02:07 »
Finished to the best of my knowledge. Sorry for the overuse of commas

Offline PTX Redux

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Re: [1st char (redo. New character.)] Amelia (Ami) Silver
« Reply #7 on: September 09, 2010, 15:02 »
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Re: [1st char (redo. New character.)] Amelia (Ami) Silver
« Reply #8 on: February 08, 2011, 00:10 »
Amelia caught a Deerling that had gotten away from Professor Elm. The capture occured in Goldenrod City