Author Topic: New Sun/Moon Trailer (2nd June)  (Read 4806 times)

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New Sun/Moon Trailer (2nd June)
« on: June 02, 2016, 14:10 »
A new trailer just went up, showing off the full region design, the new Pokédex, the professor and his assistant, what will probably be your rival, and the 2 box legendaries.

Games are looking pretty cool, I especially like the Pokédex design.
Spoiler: show
by which I mean I really like that there's a Rotom in your Pokédex.
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Re: New Sun/Moon Trailer (2nd June)
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2016, 14:22 »
Wait, so solgaleo is psychic/steel? I don't think anyone could have seen that coming. Lunala's typing is a lot more understandable, and it's pretty much confirmed that i'll be getting moon. Also that pokedex is amazing and i want one right now.

On the other hand, gah, too much water, 0/10.

Edit: i'm also slightly disappointed that they're continuing the trend of 'rival who's also your best friend and is actually a really nice guy'. I was kind of hoping they'd go back to the rival being a total jerk.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2016, 14:29 by The Hooded Trainer »

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Re: New Sun/Moon Trailer (2nd June)
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2016, 16:19 »
Ghost legendary! Ghost legendary! Ghost legendary!

I'm getting really excited for these new games!
Though, yeah, that's a lot of water... Oh well, ghost legendary!
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Re: New Sun/Moon Trailer (2nd June)
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2016, 22:51 »
I thought the first legendary was cool.... But then THE SECOND LEGENDARY! I'd love to have that!
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Re: New Sun/Moon Trailer (2nd June)
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2016, 23:02 »
I hate to rain on gen 7's parade, but I have some issues with the legends. Honestly there's a lot of things I really don't like about the legends. Lunala's typing is passable and I can easily see it, but I would've vastly preferred Dark/Fairy, but that's just me. We needed another ghost legend, I get it, it's cool. Here's what I really feel did it for me:

-Solgaleo's typing. This was the big thing for me. Psychic/Steel. I mean come on. I could see one of those typing, but this thing screamed fire type the same way regular charizard screams dragon. And you give it the two possible secondary typings but don't give it one it honestly should've gotten. Sure it's cool typing, but we already have good mons with that typing (hello metagross). Send hate my way for this, but I really disliked this.

-Their species names. The Moone and Sunne pokemon. Need I say more?

-The abilities. Lunala's ability is basically multiscale, which is great, but it gets hit by every entry hazard, meaning if hazards are up the ability is useless (plus bisharp beats its face in every chance it gets but that's another rant, don't worry Lunala, Hoopa knows your pain). Solgaleo gets an ability that sounds cool, but is basically clear body. Sure, Clear Body is a great ability, but if you're going to give it that, why try to fancy up the name, even if it is a version's legend.

-The move names. The moves themselves i'm perfectly fine with, but the names. Dear lord. Sunsteel Strike and Moongeist Beam. I burst out laughing every time I read them. The japanese names, however (meteor drive and shadow ray) sound a lot cooler, especially in Solgaleo's case.

So call it me nitpicking or whatever, but I was disappointed about a bunch of the things about the legends. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate them (designwise they're top notch), but on some of the things (like and especially the move names), they were really awful. Overall they're cool, but yeah, you get my point.

Oh, and rotom pokedex was the best thing I saw all day. If Game Freak makes the pokedex entries Rotom's snarky comments, that would make up for a lot of the things I hate about the legends and then some. Please make this happen.

Edit: Something i'd like to see in a later gen: Your best friend and rival also is the evil leader's son/daughter, betrays you but ends up foiling everything in the end. That would be pretty cool imo.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2016, 23:05 by SirBlaziken »
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Re: New Sun/Moon Trailer (2nd June)
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2016, 23:15 »
Edit: Something i'd like to see in a later gen: Your best friend and rival also is the evil leader's son/daughter, betrays you but ends up foiling everything in the end. That would be pretty cool imo.

I feel like better plotting would be a generally great thing for the series. I think a large part of the problem is that they like to play it safe too much. Then again, rotomdex kind of shows to me that they're actually trying to think of new things and turn some of the series' staples on their heads. Hopefully there's more of that in this gen. A few surprises would go a long way in bringing a breath of fresh air to the franchise.

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Re: New Sun/Moon Trailer (2nd June)
« Reply #6 on: June 03, 2016, 02:28 »
Edit: Something i'd like to see in a later gen: Your best friend and rival also is the evil leader's son/daughter, betrays you but ends up foiling everything in the end. That would be pretty cool imo.

This slightly reminded me of Silver. Except he was never your friend and in the grand scheme of GSCHGSS, he didn't contribute very much to the defeat of team rocket.

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Re: New Sun/Moon Trailer (2nd June)
« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2016, 05:58 »
did someone just rant about the competitive viability of these pokemon and stating that as a problem cause like

i don't think gamefreak cares that much about competitive balance...  since I know a pair former smogon admins that thinks the metagame these days is borderline impossible to regulate as it currently is and I agree with their arguments

what's wrong with sunsteel/moongeist?

-Their species names. The Moone and Sunne pokemon. Need I say more?
yes, because those are old school spellings of Moon and Sun
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Re: New Sun/Moon Trailer (2nd June)
« Reply #8 on: June 03, 2016, 10:11 »
Solgaleo, the cover legendary of Pokemon Sun, is weak to fire.

Lunala, the cover legendary of Pokemon Moon, is weak to dark.

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Re: New Sun/Moon Trailer (2nd June)
« Reply #9 on: June 04, 2016, 09:49 »
I really like Lunala right now. Moongeist Beam is the lunar Solar Beam I've been wanting since Gen 1. Moon Blast was close but Moongeist Beam is how I always imagined the attack. I also love Dex Rotom. I like how it looks so cool yet cute at the same time and this is probably the most clever new feature in the games so far. I'm wondering if the Rotom will be automatically entered in the Dex as being caught and is usable in battle. I also have a theory that the Sun and Moon Legendaries are the two patterns that people think are Pyroar and the unknown one in the castle garden. It may have been another hint to the existence of the Alola region.
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Re: New Sun/Moon Trailer (2nd June)
« Reply #10 on: June 04, 2016, 15:08 »
did someone just rant about the competitive viability of these pokemon and stating that as a problem cause like

Looking back, I kinda did, but if they were going to make abilities, why just give solgaleo clear body and give it a snazzy name? Why not just say clear body? Also i'm just saying that giving multiscale to something that basically gets hurt by everything under the sun (not to mention the dark) is flat out hilarious. Plus like I said, i'm just not as big of a fan of solgaleo's typing as the next guy, it just doesn't seem to fit the design as well as something else. Lunala's typing fits, while I would prefer something else for it, psychic/ghost makes sense.

what's wrong with sunsteel/moongeist?
yes, because those are old school spellings of Moon and Sun

-Sunsteel/moongeist just sound really stupid in my opinion, but that seems to just be me. Everyone else likes it, but I really prefer the Japanese names. Once again, that's just me.

-While those may be the old school spellings, it feels as if they could've tried a little harder with the species names, but once again, this is just opinion.
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Re: New Sun/Moon Trailer (2nd June)
« Reply #11 on: June 04, 2016, 15:37 »
solgaleo/lunala are literally latin names, astrology is a hella ancient concept, but adding e/ne to the end of their types is where you draw the line... right

i agree psychic/steel is... odd though. but no offence... who actually uses the box legendaries? competitively especially. and im sure people will find a way to incorporate them into teams. kinda counting the chickens before they hatch here lads.

besides solgaleo is
Spoiler: show
so who cares about its typing really

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Re: New Sun/Moon Trailer (2nd June)
« Reply #12 on: June 04, 2016, 15:59 »
I don't mean the actual pokemon names (Lunala and Solgaleo sound cool tbh), I mean the species names, which are Sunne and Moone. And usually, the box legends in competitive are banned to ubers (save suicune and kyurem-black), so yeah.

but I do agree with you on solgaleo
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Re: New Sun/Moon Trailer (2nd June)
« Reply #13 on: June 22, 2016, 02:46 »
I like to have hope for gen 7, but then news like this just sorta ruins that hope for me.

The species names and the new moves are the only things I really like about the new legends. Everything else about them, besides their designs, are disappointing.

Rotom Pokedex is pretty cool. Looking forward to seeing where they go with that.

Interested in learning about the professor's assistant though. She seems like an interesting character.