Your Sprite Art / Re: The Metagame Spriters v4! [Gen 5 and 6!]
« on: October 19, 2014, 12:32 »
I did the Rotom-M. I have uploaded them straight to the photobucket account.
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Your Sprite Art / Re: The Metagame Spriters v4! [Gen 5 and 6!]« on: October 19, 2014, 12:32 »
I did the Rotom-M. I have uploaded them straight to the photobucket account.
Random Randomness / Re: PKMN.net Height Thread 2« on: September 06, 2013, 13:02 »
I'm 6'2". My whole family are fairly tall though. My Dad is 6'0", Mum is 5'11"...and my brother is 6'7"!
Music / Re: The longest song« on: August 28, 2013, 22:19 »
Green Day's 'Jesus Of Suburbia / City Of The Damned / I Don't Care / Dearly Beloved / Tales Of Another Broken Home'. A brilliant 9 minutes 8 seconds of music. Dearly Beloved is my favourite bit...
Also, 'Behind the Rain' by Edguy. 8:05... Most of their music is 5-6 minutes + 4
Random Randomness / Re: PKMN.net Photo Topic 1.3« on: August 12, 2013, 18:47 »
By some coincidence we all happened to be in Hyde Park on Saturday... Meeeeet!
Music / Re: Which songs are you currently obsessed with?« on: August 08, 2013, 19:03 »
Can't stop listening to P.Y.T by Michael Jackson right now.
X and Y/OmegaRuby and AlphaSapphire / Re: New Mega Evolutions« on: August 08, 2013, 19:00 »
It feels like these mega evolutions would be something the enemy team would do, changing their DNA as a way of making them super-charged to make them stronger. Though it seems is this is something you can actively do in the game, so who knows...
They certainly look more badass. I do like the MegaBlaziken, I must say. 7
Music / Re: Is justin bieber any good?« on: August 02, 2013, 22:56 »
I think the media put him in a bad light because he's young and an easy target. I reckon he's actually a pretty sound guy. From what I understand, the whole story about him spitting on his fans is a lie. He was spitting off a building...and later tweeted a picture of his fans. The media just put the two together to come up with a story. :p
I think his music isn't bad. There's a lot better around, but he's only 19 so he's still pretty young. 8
Random Randomness / Re: Nostalgia Thread« on: July 30, 2013, 00:05 »
Yeah, see I first found out about the site in Pokemon World Magazine around 03/04 when RS was first out, but only visited the main site for the help guide. Didn't register and go on the forums till a year or so later, after wanting to know how to make Trainer Cards.
Random Randomness / Re: Nostalgia Thread« on: July 29, 2013, 22:17 »
T'was a warm afternoon in the mid-summer of 2005, when a wee lad of 13 fell upon the land of PKMN.net, while looking for a Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire walkthrough. :3
Updates / Re: PKMN.NET Official Meet 2013« on: July 29, 2013, 21:47 »
Scratch my previous post! I am not needed after all that weekend, so I can now come! And that weekend collides with a friend from Uni coming down to London as well, so it works well for me.
Random Randomness / Re: PKMN.net Photo Topic 1.3« on: July 29, 2013, 20:34 »Quite possibly the best photo ever... 12
Updates / Re: PKMN.NET Official Meet 2013« on: July 05, 2013, 22:31 »
I'm gonna be a No again this year. Can't get the time off work, as everyone else has decided to take leave at exactly the same time... D:
Debate / Re: What is Art?« on: March 18, 2013, 00:49 »
Art is something that that is seen as a form of conventional or unconventional beauty, as perceived by an individual person. There are no laws as to what is and isn't art.
Random Randomness / Re: Nostalgia Thread« on: March 17, 2013, 02:34 »
I joined back in 2005 when Trainer Cards where massively popular. Pretty much the day I joined, I made a topic in the 'Say Hello' board, titled 'How do I make a trainer card?' LOL. The topic was moved to Sprite Fan Art, I learnt how to make trainer cards...and got into spriting. And I pretty much haven't stopped spriting since. :p
I remember first joining, and there being the likes of Egg Knight, Venuasuar Tamer, Lickitung... PsyKoViggy, 16bit, Veyka, Chani, Aeden/SCM... Then there were forum and site fads...William's question monkey, y r girls so hot?, Laguna vs Cloud, oh u have 2 bidoofs, SMGvsPBR, AS|username, puk in MD, Pokemon Cards, Interviews, Milestone Topics, Karma, November Awards, PokeApprentice... -major nostalgia slap- I'm sure more will come to me. (Also, I think people should give Webbz a break. At the end of the day, what's happened has happened. Everybody's not going to get on with everyone. This thread is meant to be about positive memories! ) 15
Music / Re: Guilty Music Pleasures« on: February 03, 2013, 23:15 »
Mine would have to be Justin Bieber. Really impressed by some of his recent music. And especially watching some of his live acoustic performances...the guy has actually got a cracking voice.