Misc > Role Play
[J]They All Fall Down...again[Re/F][R]
It was the end of the school day, and all the kids were headed home, walking through the busy city streets. To most of them, today would be no different. But to some this would be a day they would never forget. One such student was a girl, one of the older students of the local school. Her world was about to be turned upside down, and the reason was walking just metres behind her.
This wasn't the first time he'd had to get involved in this girl's life. It certainly wasn't going to be his last either. The young man, looking no older than his late teens, walked behind the girl who looked to be about his age, maybe a little younger. The reason was soon exposed, as the girl stepped out into the busy road before her, not realising that a car was hurtling towards her. The young man sighed and stepped forward, pushing the girl clear of the vehicle.
He made one fatal mistake...Guardian Angels aren't supposed to give their own lives to save a human.
As the young man came to, he found himself surrounded by people for the first time in his life, one of which was the girl he'd just saved. As he began to lose conciousness again, the questions ran through his head; how could they see him? How did he end up in such a mess, when he was supposedly immortal? All these questions were met by one answer;
"I gave my immortality for her...and became human..."
It's the end of the day, and people are finally able to return home from work/school. On the way home however, a select few end up in what SHOULD have been a fatal accident. Instead, they find themselves saved by a mysterious stranger who witnesses claim quite literally 'came from nowhere'.
While recovering, they reveal their identity; your saviour is your own guardian angel who, whether accidently or not, gave their immortality and angel status to save your life. Being indebted, you humans must now find somewhere for the former angels to live, and protect them from the threats of both your world and the possibility of a threat from beyond.
Note: Human Characters may know one another from around the city (school, work place etc.)
Having saved the human you were tasked with for their entire life, you find yourself injured beyond anything you've ever felt before (simply because you've never been hurt before). Realising you've lost your immortality, and that humans are now capable of seeing you, you must adapt to the lifestyle of the people you were charged with taking care of. And with the threat of your disposal lingering above your head, it appears the tables have completely turned.
Note: Ex-Angels will recognise one another as an Ex-Angel, since all Guardian Angels in the city know one another in some way.
- No Limelighting except in your starter post.
- No God-Modding* as it is unfair on the original user of the character you're controlling.
- Romance is obviously allowed (hence the [R] tag) but try to be reasonable on those reading this topic. Nothing overly graphic (hugging and kissing are more than fine). If you want your romance to go further (with permission from the other roleplayer) do a mini-timeskip for your characters only, ensuring minimal details (preferably no details) are given as to what happened during the timeskip.
- Violence is allowed to a certain degree, since there is likely to be fighting involved due to the Ex-Angels trying to survive. But like the above rule, don't be too graphic. Leave gore out of the posts, adding only the essential details.
- Maximum of two characters are allowed per person; One human, one Ex-Angel.
- After your starter post, all characters must be at the hospital with their guardian angel.
*God-Modding is controlling another person's character for your own personal gain. The only time this is allowed is if the other roleplayer posts ON THIS TOPIC saying that they allow you to control their character.
Spots Taken:
Angels -------------------Humans
Kylar 'Kai' Lawton - Bliss Carter
Elizabeth 'Lizzy' Kane - Carter Price
Skylar 'Sky' Michaels - Nancy Lane
--- Code: ---[u][b]FORM[/u]
[b]Personality:[/b] (3 Lines Min.)
[b]Description:[/b] (3 Lines Min.)
[b]Picture:[/b] (Optional)
[b]Starter Post:[/b] (Quality is better than Quantity here)
--- End code ---
Trekkie WhoLocked Fangirl!:
((Save me a spot please Sir, you know about my headache xD form will be up soon, can I use of my angels?(It'd be Lizzy probably))
You can use anyone you wish to use =] I'll be using the character from the previous RP, since he's just so clueless and adorable XD
You don't get how happy I am that I can have Kai and Bliss back! Copy and paste is good for me too as I have so little time on my hands!
Name: Bliss Carter.
Age: Sixteen.
Gender: Female.
Personality: Bliss is the girl in the background when it comes to school, as well as busy public places. She is quiet and doesn’t have the guts to go up to people to make new friends or even chat to then, in her mind it is a curse. Bliss is only loud and her fun random self when she is with her best friend who she met when she was only four. Brandon is the only person who knows about this girl’s fun side, and he tries his best to show others. He is the opposite of Bliss in public places and school. He is the one that everyone gets on with, so that’s most likely the only reason Bliss doesn’t get bullied. Even though she barely talks to people she can stand up for herself, and is very stubborn when she wants to be. Other than that she is a big fan of music and most of the time is listening to it. Just to keep her entertained seeing as it takes her mind of everything around her, making her feel at peace.
Description: Bliss stands at the small height of Five foot four, which is perfect when she doesn’t want to be seen, she also is very slim which people who notice her normally comment about. Her hair falls past her shoulders for about three inches and is ebony black which she dyes every four weeks. Her shiny black hair makes her pale white skin stand out more than it already did- but it also makes it look clear of any spots or marks. Which of course Bliss is thankful for. Her eyes are outstandingly blue, well they have three different shades of blue all mixed together, which make them easy to love in love with. Even though she likes to stay in the shadows, her clothes are always random, and even colourful. Bliss likes fashion, but she likes her own style. To be her own person in a way. Bliss’ style changes all the time- that means her music taste, food taste and hair styles as well.
Picture: Nope (:
Interests: Animals, music, fashion, books, how people act around each other, messing about and shopping.
Hates: Bugs, except spiders and dragonflies. Stuck up people, girls/boys who think they are better than everyone else and of course school.
Other: They all fall down…
Starter Post:
“Oi! Special case!” A boy’s voice called through the cowed halls. The bell had already gone and Bliss was making a quick exit for the front doors. Finally she could escape the horror of school, something she could wait to leave for good. With a sigh the girl came to a stop, before dodging a passing boy who seemed to be staring at his feet. Urgh, look where you’re going idiot. She thought to herself before she realised a familiar face was grinning down at her. “So you are meeting me at mine at six?” Brandon asked whilst linking his arm through Bliss’s.
“Yes, like every day Brandon.” Bliss laughed lightly and returned Brandon’s grin which soon faded when a girl started approaching them. The girls’ name is Kate. Also known as the most popular girl at school and Brandon’s girlfriend. Like usual she was glaring at Bliss. “I guess I will see you later.” Bliss muttered as the tall blonde was nearly with them, but as Bliss tried to unlink her arm Brandon tightened his like he wasn’t going to let her go.
“Give her a try Bliss. You are fun, so show it.” He muttered quietly but Bliss just shook her head and pulled her arm free.
Bliss was about to reply but a whiny voice had beaten her to it. “Brandon… What are you doing with little Miss Freak again? I thought we were going to hang out at the park.” Kate moaned and took Bliss’s place next to the guy.
Bliss knowing Brandon too well smiled at Kate and replied for her friend. “Don’t worry, I am just leaving. See yah Brandon.” But before the boy could reply she was hidden in the cowed of people and out of the front doors of the school.
“I still can’t believe they are together… She is thick as a brick.” Bliss muttered to herself whilst shoving her hand into her pockets as she looked around her. The girl started to repair herself for the walk home- the same routine she did every school day. Bliss tugged on the zip of her hoodie until it was all the way up, flipped the hood over her head and then put her ear phones in. She turned the song to ‘Without You by David Guetta featuring Usher.’ For that day it was Bliss’s favourite song and it always made her peaceful. Zoning out, Bliss took off for home. It normally took her ten minutes if nothing new happened to her. She couldn’t help but hum along to the some of the songs and that’s what made her forget to check her surroundings. Just as she was about to look to her right, she’s felt herself be pushed forward causing her ear phones to fall out. That’s when she heard the squealing of the car’s tires on the road and a thump as it finally hit an unwanted target.
She heard a few screams of shock, as well as some gasps. But Bliss was already at the boys’ side. Oh god. Oh god. That should have been me. Her mind was screaming as the guilt and shock hit her as she knelt next to the boy who was lying on the ground. Bliss already had tears in her eyes as she took the boy in. He looked a few years older than her, with cute shoulder length hair that was in his eyes. She didn’t know what she was doing until she realised her hand had brushed the hair out of his eyes gently. Quickly she pulled her hand back and thought in shock that someone had noticed her. She’d been close to being hit by a car before, seeing as the driver or people around her never seemed to see her. But this boy did…
“Move please.” Bliss finally said to the people who were gathering around the boy. They were shocked at first that she asked in a calm voice but did as she said. “Thank you.” She muttered wishing that this was a dream.
“He appeared out of nowhere… Honestly. I am not lying! Somehow the girl just tumbled out of the way before the car hit her. Then poof! A boy was in her place.” An older lady was saying to the few people who had come to see what had happened. Bliss bit her lip as she said the car was going to hit her but tried to cover her frown as she heard about the boy coming out of nowhere. That doesn’t matter! It looks like he was the one to save you! Somehow… Her mind went off as she looked down at the boy who had been hit. Only this time, his eyes where open.
Accepted of course =] And in response, one Kylar.
Name: Kylar ‘Kai’ Lawton
Age: (48) 19
Gender: Male
Personality: Kylar is a quiet young man, who prefers to keep himself to himself. He is incredibly protective of anyone he considers worthy of protection, including those he was told to protect as a Guardian Angel. Being young compared to most Guardian Angels, Kylar is considered a child by many, and sometimes they aren't far wrong. His first human ended their own life, scarring him mentally, and causing him to remain partially childlike.
He becomes attached to humans very quickly, although whether he can handle being around many humans and having to interact remains to be seen.
Description: Kylar is rather average of build, if slightly on the skinny side. His skin is quite pale, contrasting his dark brown hair and eyes, although his eyes are usually hidden just behind his fringe. His hair reaches just below his shoulders, and is usually left loose unless the weather is hot, in which case he puts it up. Kylar also occasionally wears glasses, due to his vision not being exactly perfect. They aren't a necessity, but he likes to have them there anyway.
His clothing varies a lot of the time, but his personal preference is a pair of dark jeans and Converses on his bottom half. His top half is covered by either a white or black buttoned shirt with the sleeves rolled up, and 2 black wristbands on either wrist.
Picture: N/A
Interests: Music, sports. He's always been interested in how music is played, and how people can play sports for hours on end.
Hates: Spiders, wasps/bees, and an buzzing/flying insect in general.
Other: N/A
Starter Post: It was the end of the school day, and all the kids were headed home, walking through the busy city streets. To most of them, today would be no different. But to some this would be a day they would never forget. One such student was a girl, one of the older students of the local school. Her world was about to be turned upside down, and the reason was walking just metres behind her.
This wasn't the first time Kylar had had to get involved in this girl's life. It certainly wasn't going to be his last either. Kylar walked calmly behind the girl who looked to be about his age, maybe a little younger. The reason was soon exposed, as the girl stepped out into the busy road before her, not realising that a car was hurtling towards her. Kylar sighed and stepped forward, pushing the girl clear of the vehicle.
He made one fatal mistake...Guardian Angels aren't supposed to give their own lives to save a human.
As the Kylar came to, he found himself surrounded by people for the first time in his life, one of which was the girl he'd just saved. As he began to lose conciousness again, the questions ran through his head; how could they see him? How did he end up in such a mess, when he was supposedly immortal? All these questions were met by one answer;
I gave my immortality for her...and became human...
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