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Have you ever asked Alexa to tell you a Star Wars joke?


My mum bought me an Amazon Echo Dot for Christmas. I looked up various things I can say to it, and it said I could ask it to tell me Star Wars jokes.

How many Sith lords does it take to change a light bulb?
Spoiler: showNone. They prefer the dark side.

Why is Yoda bad at rugby league?
Spoiler: showBecause there is no try.

How is duct tape like the force?
Spoiler: showIt has a dark side, a light side, and it binds the galaxy together.

Why can't you email a photo to a jedi?
Spoiler: showBecause for a jedi, attachments are forbidden.

Why is Grand Moff Tarkin single?
Spoiler: showHe's looking for love in Alderaan places.

What is Han Solo's least favourite coffee shop?
Spoiler: showJava the hut

What is Yoda's favourite dinosaur?
Spoiler: showDoceratops. There is no tri.

Why shouldn't you ask Yoda for money?
Spoiler: showBecause he's always a little short.

Why can't you eat a wookiee?
Spoiler: showThey're too "Chewie".

What's the internal temperature of a tauntaun?
Spoiler: showLuke warm.

What degrees do wookiees get?
Spoiler: showTheir Chewbacca-laureates.

When is the staring contest over?
Spoiler: showWhen Jar Jar blinks.

Once You've heard one Star Wars joke...
Spoiler: show...You've heard them Maul.

I think that's all of them.


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