or any of these pokemon, please let me knwo if any relevant IVs and EVs and whatever else might be handy
shiny electrike
shiny shinx
shiny espurr (female)
shiny furfrou
shiny houndoom
shiny litleo
shiny lapras (normal lapras ok if all IVs 31 & ideal nature)
shiny noibat (stats need to be perf tho sorry)
shiny poochyena (Needs one of the elemental fangs as egg move, preferably ice and thunder.
probably more, too. i'll likely have two hoopas to offer, but one per person unless you'll be trading two of the wishlist. they're to appear in an upcoming poke 'fic and I need to get them to train ingame for writing inspiration. the trainer likes canine pokemon the best, tho.