Author Topic: Describe your social media presence  (Read 12949 times)

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Re: Describe your social media presence
« Reply #15 on: June 27, 2014, 21:31 »
Tumblr is where I spend pretty much all of my time. It's where I put up my art and have lots of friends and over the last few years I've really just gotten super absorbed in it 8U i also have a facebook that i really only use if i need to contact like. old high school friends. FB is kind of boring idk dfjhdfg

also on a few other sites like dragcave (man, remember dragcave), flight rising (i'm obsessed with coatls help me), deviantart and a couple rp sites
also here obviously
ayyy yeah Flight Rising fans! I'm also on there pretty frequently, rambling about my dumb dragons n makin them look pretty and stuff.

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Re: Describe your social media presence
« Reply #16 on: June 27, 2014, 22:03 »
im the eternal nightblogger

me furiously _ _ _ _posting (no swears allowed in the mickey mouse club!!!) all the live long day on tumblr and twitter while 3AM eternal plays in the background

i have to have a facebook cos family and irl friends and its the only way to find out when the next Night Outs/Craft Clubs are happening but otherwise describing my social media presence is something like this: //faaaaaaaaaaaart//

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Re: Describe your social media presence
« Reply #17 on: June 28, 2014, 20:11 »
I only do facebook for events when absolutely necessary but I haven't used it in over a year now. I use tumblr sparingly, it's a nice content delivery platform but I tend to unfollow people when they get all preachy or doing stupid signal boost armchair activism stuff. I might make an exception by filtering their text posts or certain tags if their blog is otherwise cool. I find a big problem with social media is that the people who you want to avoid most are the ones who insist on finding you, and because so many social media accounts are interlinked there's no escaping these people at all. I'm not pro-NSA spying by any means but christ, real people are more likely to drive me off the grid than those guys.

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Re: Describe your social media presence
« Reply #18 on: June 29, 2014, 20:11 »
ayyy yeah Flight Rising fans! I'm also on there pretty frequently, rambling about my dumb dragons n makin them look pretty and stuff.

I'm on Flight Rising too, I just started up again a few days ago. My account is Liz, any users on here feel free to shoot me a friend request.

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Re: Describe your social media presence
« Reply #19 on: June 30, 2014, 00:31 »
Faaaaaaacebook is pretty much a daily thing, if not only to stalk my father and to actually socialise with people who aren't work or the boyfriend. It's also pretty useful for organising things too, given that my life currently revolves around my dissertation and my job...

I may have to deactivate it for a month or so though, I have way too much work to do on this dissertation and it is not going well at best. tbf I lurk on it more than anything else, but I also like to use it to vent about how bitter I am about life, or to post about the mundane existence of my poor excuse for a life.

I don't really come here all that much these days for time reasons, but I keep in touch with a few people from here anyway. I also use snapchat, more for everyone else sending me stuff than any real reason. Other than that I pretty much just use the internet to research el diss and to constantly check my bank balance, because I am paranoid about not having money.
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Re: Describe your social media presence
« Reply #20 on: July 23, 2014, 03:43 »
Didn't know Flight Rising was a social media thing, but I'm on there as Fellykins if anyone wanted to add me. :3

I'm on Facebook fairly frequently. Usually just to scroll through. Nothing of great importance. I don't even really post anything there, but I do use it to talk to friends & the like. Don't really use social media much these days. I kinda grew out of it, I guess.

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Re: Describe your social media presence
« Reply #21 on: July 24, 2014, 18:00 »
Facebook to socialise with like minded musicians/football fans mainly. I occasionally use Twitter but only when replying to a hashtag started by a TV show. I use Instagram a lot and I use YouTube as well. I've got a couple of videos up and want to start getting into it more and doing my guitar blog.

I think I might be on Facebook a little too much though.
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