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Fanfiction - The Story of Zeke
« on: November 12, 2013, 22:34 »
(Note: You may have seen something similar to this on the Pokemon Academy RP. That RP however doesn't seem to be getting any activity lately, and the plans I had were just too hard to keep bottled up until someone else posted, though some aspects will be different. This story is written in first person by the way. Anyways, enjoy.)

I hurry along the sand - covered desert ground as fast as I can, putting pressure on the wounded arm caused by that damn Bisharp. Gah, I can feel the blood pouring into the palm of my hand. Why does that trainer want to catch me? More importantly, why does he feel it's necessary to cut my arm in the process?

I'm a wild pokemon. Always have been, always will be. Some think being a wild Pokemon isn't that great, but it's a helluva lot better than being cooped up in a Pokeball all day, only coming out of it to get punched in the face.

I should probably explain who I am. My name is Zeke, a Scrafty living in the desert near Castelia city. I know wild Pokemon dont usually have nicknames, but Zeke sounded a lot better than anything else. I dont want my life in the wild to end now. The trainer is coming after me. I can hear there sounds of his trainers charging through the sand.

God dammit, this wound is slowing me down! That stupid Bisharp and his stupid spikes and his stupid Metal Claw and -

Suddenly I trip over a Joltik hiding in the sand and fall flat on my face. WHAT THE DISTORTION WORLD IS AN ELECTRIC TYPE DOING OUT HERE? I get back on my feet but the sound of a trainer's footsteps draw closer.

"Delia, go!" I hear from close behind me. I look over my shoulder to see a Leavanny pounce out of it's Pokeball. God damn, I hate those things! I just hope it doesn't -

A String Shot hits me in the leg, tripping me up. The pain in my arm becomes worse, hitting a fifty out of ten on the pain - o - meter. I feel like it got cut with a knife! Oh wait, IT FREAKING DID!

No time to think now, as I lie on the ground unable to get up. I look behind me to see the trainer rampaging towards me... Looks like this is the end.

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Re: Fanfiction - The Story of Zeke
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2013, 00:22 »
(Ah, don't worry about Pokemon Academy. You should've just waited a liiiiiiiiittle longer. I was busy, and SB was away, so I couldn't reply. I wanted to. :( )

Aw, how cute. This Scarf (Scrafty) of yours is more of bickering inside his head about what's going on than worrying about getting caught. :laugh:
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Re: Fanfiction - The Story of Zeke
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2013, 00:30 »
i kinda laughed out loud at the fact that theres a pain o meter lmao

Offline Meowstic Royalty

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Re: Fanfiction - The Story of Zeke
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2013, 04:53 »
Great, I can't move, this damn String Shot has got my leg caught on the ground! I try ripping it off with my bare hands. No luck. I try biting it off using Crunch. No luck. What the hell are these things MADE of?

I look up to see the trainer grabbing another Pokeball from his belt. Oh come on! If this is that Bisharp again I'm going to rip off his face and -

Oh wait. That doesnt contain a pokemon, that one 's for -

CRAP! The Pokeball hits me in the face, causing my molecular structure to turn into a red blob of whatever as I get sucked inside it, regaining my body shape two seconds later.

I can feel the Pokeball shaking around me, making it hard to stand up. I look around for an escape button or something that will get me out of here... Nothing. Damn, is someone really wasting their Master Ball on a freaking Scrafty?

Another shake from the Pokeball causes me to fall over inside it. "&%$#!!!" I yell. This FREAKING arm and that FREAKING Bisharp and this FREAKING WOUND!

The Pokeball shakes for the last time as I lie defeated inside of it. Click. All I can do now is hope he's shiny hunting and release me to free up box space. I'm only a normal one, not a shiny Scrafty. They look a bit stuck up to me.

Crud, I hope that trainer wasn't planning to use me in a battle anytime soon. I think that Bisharp got me with False Swipe, there's no way I could've survived one of those claws impaling me normally.

I can feel my head lightening and my eyes becoming heavy. Ugh... Come on Zeke, you can still win this... You can't -

...fall unconscious... Ugh, more blood pours out of my arm... Dammit! It's going to haapppeeeen... I wake up. I'm not going to leeeettt iiiiiit... Again. I can feel myself passing out every two seco -


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

End of part 2.

Aw, how cute. This Scarf (Scrafty) of yours is more of bickering inside his head about what's going on than worrying about getting caught. :laugh:

Yep, Zeke is pretty similar to me. Screw anything important, just complain about whatever the hell I like xP

i kinda laughed out loud at the fact that theres a pain o meter lmao

« Last Edit: November 13, 2013, 05:26 by A Wild Scrafty »

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Re: Fanfiction - The Story of Zeke
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2013, 16:52 »
(Hoping, as this is new content for the story and it's been a good few hours since my last post and I actually want to write this (LAZINESS REMOVED. WHAT.) That this is a circumstance where I'm permitted to double post. If not please tell me.)

Part 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Wha.... Huh, where... Where am I?

My vision is blurred. I can't see anything properly, everything looks like... Just, colored blothces. Not much else to be honest. It's all covered by red. Please dont let that be...

I put my hand on my head and back in front of my eyes. Blood. Christ, what the hell happened? My vision starts coming back to me. Trees. Mud. Bushes. Wild Pokemon. Where the holy crap am I? Am I... Back in the wild?

Yes... I'm back in the wild! Thank ARCEUS! It was just a dream...

GAH! Stupid arm. What's wrong with it?

I look at my arm and almost rip it off in shock. Blood. Again. If this were a dream, why the hell would I be bleeding, still? All of that was only a dream, wasn't it?

A figure appears above me. Red cap. Blue and gray striped shirt. Black leather jacket. Dark blue jeans. I dont recognize that Pokemon. They dont wear clothes, do they? That isn't a Pokemon, it looks like...

The trainer from my dream.

Oh screw all, no more pretending. Now I freaking KNOW that wasn't a dream, why did I bother? The Pokemo - sorry, TRAINER, grabs my hand and helps me to my feet. As soon as he let's go I almost collapse. Stupid foot, it's worse than stubbing my toe and that is saying something.

"Scrafty? Are you alright?"

I shake off the pain. "Do you THINK I'm alright you piece of -"

A String Shot hits me in the face, tying my mouth shut. That ain't stopping me from shooting him with insults. "FRRRRGHGHJJFFFWWWHHHH!!"

Next to the trainer is the Leavanny who made me get caught. If it weren't for her I would be free and back in the desert. I would be back with my...


Ugh, me and those guys were the tough ones of the desert. Me, Spike the Krookodile and Zachary the -

"Come on out, Zachary!"

Wait, what?

A Pangoro launches himself out of an Ultra Ball. That can't be the same guy! He went missing two years ago when he -

WAIT... He went missing because THIS trainer caught him! That guy was my best friend, and THIS guy took him!

THAT IS IT!! I throw myself at my so - called trainer, preparing a Drain Punch. I'M NOT LETTING THIS POKEMON ROBBER CALL ME HIS OWN!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

End of part 3
« Last Edit: November 13, 2013, 19:32 by A Wild Scrafty »

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Re: Fanfiction - The Story of Zeke
« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2013, 21:41 »
This seems pretty good - hope it turns out well ^_^
...╚⊙ ⊙╝...

Offline Meowstic Royalty

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Re: Fanfiction - The Story of Zeke
« Reply #6 on: November 13, 2013, 22:00 »
WOOP, a reply. Time to write a new part :-P

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Part 4

The Pangoro from earlier jumps in front of his trainer to block my attack. What the hell? If that's Zachary, then why is he protecting that asswipe?

The Pangoro's deep voice sends a chill down my spine. "Sorry Zeke, I can't let you do that."

"Zeke?" The trainer says. I guess since almost no wild pokemon have names it's no surprise he doesn't call me by my real name. But that Pangoro, if he knows my name then it has to be him! But how?

I can feel my hand shaking uncontrollably. From fear? It can't be. Then again Zachary is about a foot taller than I am, and his Power - Up Punches HURT.

"Look Zeke" the trainer says to me, bending down to my eye level. "I'll release you if you want to go back to your friends in the wild. It's your decision.

As if I'm going to stay with this stupid asshole! He stole my best friend and has now stolen my freedom in the wild! I'm not going to let him think he owns me!

Zachary walks up to me, chewing on a bamboo shoot. "Zeke, this may be hard to accept but having a trainer isn't as bad as people say. You get food, a home and someone who cares for you."

"But then they do nothing but use you to kill animals!"

Zachary puts his hand on his forehead. "Wrong. Battling is a lot better than you think. The adrenaline that rushes through you is undescribable. You've had a few battles back in the desert anyway, haven't you?"

...Ugh, he's right. Anyway, I lost my best friend for two years straight, I dont want to leave him behind again. "Alright... I'll join."

The trainer seems satisfied with my answer. "Good to hear Zeke. My name is Marcus. Welcome to the team." He puts his hand out to shake mine. We shake hands, and he takes four more Pokeballs out from his bag and throws them into the air.

The remaining four team members are revealed. An Emboar, Staraptor, Gengar and that god damn Bisharp.

Me and the Bisharp lock on to each other with fire in our eyes. I can feel myself gritting my teeth as my face slowly turns red with anger. I can feel revenge building up inside me.

I belch. Sorry, that isn't revenge. I just drank a soda too fast.

Anyway, I refuse to do anything else until I take this Bisharp down for good!

End of part 4

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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Re: Fanfiction - The Story of Zeke
« Reply #7 on: November 14, 2013, 21:16 »
Oh hell yeah! Now you've got it right on the mark. The hostility between Zeke and Bisharp? Am I sensing a foil character? This is where it gets interesting.
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Re: Fanfiction - The Story of Zeke
« Reply #8 on: November 14, 2013, 22:02 »
Part 5

The Bisharp steps towards me. "The name's Barry." he says. Acting tough won't get you far around here pal, so you may as well give up.

"Zeke." I reply, tempted to punch him in the face. He has a 4X weakness to me, he can't seriously be trying to act strong?

"So it's a battle you want, is it?" He says. His voice is deep enough to blow a hole in a damn battleship. Seems as though the guy can read my mind. Or it could be the fact that I can feel heat being emitted from my own eyes. It's kind of easy to tell that I feel like kicking his ass.

"If it is a battle you want..." He says, sharpening one of his blades. "Then a battle we shall have!"

The Staraptor looks at Marcus, who is doing nothing to stop this feud. "Uh, Marcus? Aren't you going to put a stop to this? One of 'em could get hurt." She muttered. Marcus flips his cap backwards. "Of course not. It's been proven that the best way for Pokemon to solve a rivalry is with a battle. It's clear they both want to fight, so why stop them?"

For once the guy is right. I DO want to fight this guy. I DO want to kick his ass. I DO want to prove that no one on this team is to mess with me. I have a 4X advantage on him anyway, what could go wrong?

Barry launches himself at me and one of his blades glistens in the sunlight. That blade could cut through metal, it looks pretty deadly. I duck out of the way and prepare a Drain Punch, but Barry uses Metal Claw on my own face.

I put pressure on my eye in pain and see blood pouring from it. How sharp are those damn blades?

Right, I need to beat this guy fast, or this wound will make me faint any second!

I begin a Dragon Dance. He can't hit me if he can't catch me, so what better thing to do than increase my speed?

I feel the adrenaline flow through me. NOW I'm pumped, and I refuse to stop until I defeat this guy!

I use the increased speed to hit Barry in the stomach with a Drain Punch before he can move and the health restores, making the blood disappear from my head but the scar still remains on my right eye.

Barry stands on the ground, putting weight on one of his legs as if the other is injured. It's clear that Drain Punch dealt insane damage, but if he can still stand then that is very impressive.

I strike his weak leg with an Ice Punch. I know it isn't very effective, but the freezing temperatures form an ice cap around him, turning him into a living ice cube. Now's my chance.

I launch another Drain Punch at Barry, who can't seem to move. Half a foot away from landing the attack, he suddenly shatters the ice and breaks free, hitting me with his blade in the process.

Damn, I have to stay away from that thing! It's like being stabbed with a razor blade!

Suddenly the pain from the earlier wound returns, forming a damn migraine. Ugh, if this battle drags on too long I'll be dead before I know it!

It's clear the both of us are the worse for wear.

But who will go down first?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

End of part 5
« Last Edit: November 14, 2013, 22:06 by A Wild Scrafty »

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Re: Fanfiction - The Story of Zeke
« Reply #9 on: November 19, 2013, 22:42 »
This looks interesting. Keep it up.
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Offline Meowstic Royalty

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Re: Fanfiction - The Story of Zeke
« Reply #10 on: November 19, 2013, 23:00 »
%$#@! I almost forgot about this! Time for a new part!

Part 6

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

We both give each other an ice cold stare as fire builds up inside, waiting for revenge to be released. Barry's blade shines in the sunlight, as he suddenly leaps at me preparing a Metal Claw. I retaliate by throwing a Drain Punch.

The attacks collide, creating a wave of energy that rips up parts of the ground. A tree become uprooted, nearly falling on the Staraptor.

The collision causes an explosion to form a smokescreen, obscuring our vision. While I have the chance, I leap backwards to avoid further damage. Suddenly I see the blood red eyes open and see Barry standing there as the smoke clears. He is still standing, unbelievably.

But so am I.

Each covered in scratches and blood, we stare into each other's eyes.

A few seconds later, Barry loses all energy and collapses to the ground.


I raise my arm up in celebration. I actually did it, despite the gaping wound I now have in my left leg. Marcus stares in disbelief and disdainfully returns Barry to his Pokeball. I dont think he can believe I won either. I know I can't.

Marcus returns the other four to their plastic hellholes. He then takes out my Pokeball, but I punch it out of his hands before he can put be inside it. Being in there is like being trapped in a vice.

"No chance." I grunt. Marcus sighs and replies "Right, you can stay outside of the Pokeball if you wish. Just dont get into too much trouble."

"I won't" I say. I'm sure we all know that is a fat lie. I still dont fully trust this guy, but it looks like I'm stuck with him for the time being. "Anyway, where are we going first? I'm hoping a restaurant, I'm starving."

"I'm on a journey to beat Champion Alder, but before that I need to get all eight gym badges." Marcus replies, taking out a closed badge case.

"Sweet. How many badges have you got so far?"

Marcus shrugs and opens the badge case, revealing eight empty slots. "...You dont have a SINGLE badge yet?"

"Heh, nope... Guess I still have a long way to go."

"Dann right. How many years have you even been a Pokemon trainer for?"

"4 days."

I facepalm and collapse into the ground. I am the Pokemon of an idiot...

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Re: Fanfiction - The Story of Zeke
« Reply #11 on: November 19, 2013, 23:02 »
You know, you were caught by that idiot, right? :laugh: :yeswink:
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Re: Fanfiction - The Story of Zeke
« Reply #12 on: November 20, 2013, 00:21 »
How does that idiot have a Bisharp, Staraptor, and Zachary when he's only been on his journey for 4 days?
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Re: Fanfiction - The Story of Zeke
« Reply #13 on: November 20, 2013, 00:59 »
^i thought the same thing! im lucky to have an evolved starter before getting a badge. he must be doing some /serious/ grinding

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Re: Fanfiction - The Story of Zeke
« Reply #14 on: November 20, 2013, 04:59 »
Trading or full on idiocy? I mean, I had a team like that within two days but that was using video game logic.

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