Author Topic: Your OCs  (Read 6870 times)

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Your OCs
« on: December 30, 2016, 18:39 »
Have you created your own character before? You can share it here. Make a profile for your character.
(Quote from your OC)
Name: (your character's name)
Age: (how old is your character? Doesn't have to be a specific age, can just say old or young. If your character doesn't age or have one just put N/A)
Gender: (Male, female, N/A, referred to as male/female)
Species: (Human, Pokemon, Robot, Alien or Other?)
Powers/Abilities: (What can your character do? Any weapons?)
Alignment: (Good, Evil ect)
Lives: (Where does your character live?)
Likes: (What does your character like?)
Dislikes: What does it dislike?)
Personality: (what is your character like? Happy, grumpy, violent ect)
Goal: (what does your character want?)
Additional info: (anything else you want to say about your character?)
« Last Edit: April 14, 2017, 09:56 by The name master »
Thanks to Inferna for one of the many reasons why I love Dragonite!

Offline sylar

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Re: Your OCs
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2016, 22:50 »
only one worth talking about rn

name: suda saberhagen nerdkilla campesinos!
age: around 23 years old
gender: he/him pronouns, but his species isnt particularly interested in gender and have no real way of telling who is what gender, he just uses he/him because its familiar to him
species: hircwn (literally long dog. hes a longdog.)
powers/abilities: he can use magic. hes a powerful as hell wizard dog.
alignment: his moral compass is a bit of a mess. probably chaotic neutral.
personality: rude, narcissistic, neurotic, and an extreme handful. suda loves himself and believes everyone else should love him, and automatically assumes they do until they prove otherwise. he is standoffish and cold and hard to get close to, but he is possessive of those who do push past his walls and get to know him, and extremely loving and protective of his close friends to the point where he will ward others off if he feels theyre getting too close to his friends. hes extremely rude and abrasive, and sometimes takes banter a bit too far. he demands constant attention and will often force the limelight off of others if he feels he deserves it more. he bases a lot of his self worth around sex and tends to go off people if theyre not sexual enough for him, though keeps them around if theyre interesting and fun to mess with aside from that.
goal: kill his dad and become emperor of his fathers land
additional info: he has a mouth on his neck under all the fur, two extra arms hidden in his torso that he can pull out and in at will, and he can extend his spine as much as he wants. pic of that here

the christians gave me
comic books as if i would
be scared of burning in hell
while i was already there


Offline kindtocrows

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Re: Your OCs
« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2016, 05:56 »
Aw man, a chance to talk about my OCs? Why would I pass that up? I have so many, I'd love to tell you all about them, but I'll start with one for now.
BTW,  Sylar, your oc looks really cool! I'd love to learn more about him!

I'll add a picture of my oc after but I'm on mobile atm. Plus the picture isn't done.

Name: No true name. Usually goes by Guardian, Forest, or combinations and variations of that. Sometimes goes by the name of the previous owner of her body
Age: Unknown, really old, she's immortal.
Gender: Female
Species: Spirit, a sort of forest guardian really.

Powers/Abilities: Able to shift between her true form (a small, white, deer like creature with a deer skull for a head and legs that end in a point rather then a hoof) and that of a body she stole from someone else, able to steal the body's of others, though can only keep one at a time, can use some form of magic. Some skill with swords.

Alignment: Neutral good. Would be lawful good, but, well, how lawful can stealing the bodies of other be.

Personality: Kind, protective, basically the biggest mom friend you could have. She protects not only the forest and those who live in and around it, but those traveling through as well. Her current body is that of a swordsman she had befriended while he was traveling through. He chose to settle there for a while, but nearly lost his life when the town near the forest was under attack. He was close to death when he begged the forest guardian to take his body for her own, as she did not have one because she didn't want to kill anyone for it, so she could help protect the people in the town. She reluctantly did so, and was barely able to protect the town. She still regrets taking her friends body, and his life, and thinks that he could have been saved, but she does like having a human body, as it makes humans easier to approach and help.

Goal: She wants to protect the forest and the people who live in and around it. She also wants to see the family of her friend, the one who's body she now occupies, and explain to them what happened, though this would require leaving her forest, which she is afraid to do.

Additional info: She is able to communicate with the spirit of her friend who's body she occupies.
She is a bit of a work in progress, so any of this information can change, but I like where she is now so I thought I'd share.
When it comes down to it, the difference between healing and necromancy is timing.

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Re: Your OCs
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2016, 09:27 »
Spoiler: show

^Worst edited image EVER!
Name: Metal Nidorina (Metal for short)
age: N/A
gender: N/A (referred to as female)
species: robot
powers/abilities: Water proof, artificial intelligence, laser fired from the mouth, ears can be detached from head and thrown as a weapon, hacking computers, flight, strength.
alignment: Evil
Lives: Kanto
Likes: Not much
Dislikes: Everyone
personality: Had no personality at first, but started to gain one. Metal is emotionless, evil and violent.

When Sandshrew and Nidorino are giving her instructions (through a computer, such as to turn herself off) she simply refuses by responding "MALFUNCTION. UNABLE. REFUSE." She then started saying things like "ARE YOU GOING TO MAKE ME?" and sarcastically says that she's scared of Nidorino's threat to disassemble her. She even makes fun of the size of Nidorino's ears.

goal: Roboticise every living thing, destroy all resistance
additional info: Metal was created by Nidorino with the purpose of destroying Mudkip. Metal was designed to be the "perfect robot" Metal became too smart and rebelled against Nidorino and start killing everything, including two of it's creators. When attacking or chasing a target, it will say the word "kill" multiple times. Metal can be temporarily deactivated with Hyper Beam or Thunderbolt. Metal adapted a porygoniser into a roboticiser, which turns pokemon into robots.

Allies: Porygons.
Enemies: Mudkip, Nidorina, Dragonite, Charizard, Nidorino, Sandshrew, Kanga (pretty much everyone!)

Spoiler: show

"Priority 1!"
Name: Porygon
age: N/A
gender: N/A
species: robot
powers/abilities: In built laser in nose, flight.
alignment: Evil
Lives: Kanto
Likes: Considers like and dislike to be unimportant
Dislikes: (See likes)
personality: Porygons have no personality at all. Nidorino installed a code called "priority 1" where if they see anyone under this code (Mudkip and Dragonite) they will stop whatever they are doing and try to capture or kill them.
goal: To achieve anything Nidorino orders them to do (usually to capture or kill Mudkip and Dragonite)

additional info: Porygons are robots created by Nidorino and were used during his take over of Kanto. Porygons are extremely ineffient, being weak to water (and milk) laser fire and a lot of pokemon attacks. There also have an easily accessed control panel in their backs that can turn them off. Poygons act as both military and police forces. Their wweakest points are it's "neck" and it's eyes. Porygons have a retractable claw at the end of it's nose which have two fingers for grabbing things or used as a weapon to strangle enemies.
Allies: Nidorino, Sandshrew, Kanga and other Porygons
Enemies: Mudkip, Nidorina, Dragonite and Charizard.

Spoiler: show

"You are under arrest!"
Name: (The) Porygonator
age: N/A
gender: N/A
species: robot
powers/abilities: Minigun in nose, flight.
alignment: Evil
Lives: Kanto
Likes: (See Porygon)
Dislikes: (See Porygon)
personality: Porygonators have no personality at all. Nidorino installed a code called "priority 1" where if they see anyone under this code (Mudkip and Dragonite) they will stop whatever they are doing and try to capture or kill them.
goal: To achieve anything Nidorino orders them to do (usually to capture or kill Mudkip and Dragonite)

additional info: Porygonators are a more heavily armored version of Porygon. Due to this, they cannot be destroyed as easily as regular Porygons. One once got directly hit by a Blastoise's cannons and only caused it to stagger backwards. Porygonators are also highly ranked (a commander) other than this, they are no different from regular Porygons. Porygonators are armed with Miniguns rather than the usual laser. Despite the word "the" in it's name there are more than one. They are generally portrayed as strong and particularly dangerous soldiers. Though they can resist some attack, they are completely weak to their own gunfire. Electric type attacking moves can temporally deactivate them. They are most vulnerable while reloading (though it doesn't take long) They also have the same weak points as regular Porygons ("neck" and eyes) They're also affected by the Pi virus.
Allies: Nidorino, Sandshrew, Kanga and other Porygons
Enemies: Mudkip, Nidorina, Dragonite and Charizard.

Spoiler: show

Name: The Predator
age: N/A
gender: N/A
species: Robot
powers/abilities: Various weapons
alignment: Evil
Lives: Kanto
Likes: Nothing
Dislikes: Mudkip
personality: None.
goal: Capture all Pokemon

additional info: The Predator is a robot in the shape of a Sandshrew built by Sandshrew. It was built to capture Pokemon using Pokeballs (which Sandshrew also invented) When trying to blend in, The Predator wears a mask that looks like a shiny Sandshrew. It also wear a black robe with a hood, covering it's entire body and the back of it's head. The Predator is unable to speak.
Allies: Sandshrew, Kanga (orginally) Porygons
Enemies: Everyone

Spoiler: show

Name: Bandit
age: Adult
gender: Male
species: Zigzagoon
powers/abilities: Pin Missile, Ice Beam, Rock Smash, Iron Tail
alignment: Good
Lives: Yoshi's Island
Likes: Diary Milk
Dislikes: Bowser
personality: Friendly. Loves Dairy Milk.
goal: Eat loads of Dairy Milk

additional info: Bandit is a Zigzagoon, who the pet of Koopa Troopa, Chargin' Chuck and Mechakoopa. He, like everyone else, orginally feared Mechakoopa, hoping he would not prank him. Once Mechakoopa changed his ways, theynow get along.
Allies: Koopa Troopa, Chargin' Chuck and Mechakoopa
Enemies: None known (Yet!)

Spoiler: show

"I have only one thing to say to you! Nidorino, you ****!"
Name: Dragonite
age: Adult
gender: Female
species: Dragonite
powers/abilities: Flight, Hyper Beam, Thunderbolt (learnt through TM originally Water Pulse) Dragon Pulse, Steel Wing
alignment: Good
Lives: Kanto (originally) in the sky
Likes: Mudkip, Charizard, destroying Porygons
Dislikes: Nidorino, Sandshrew, Kanga, Porygons, porygonisers, insects, being called fat, being overweight, thunder/lightening
personality: Friendly. Enraged when she sees Nidorino.
goal: Destroy Nidorino.

additional info: Dragonite is a very rare species because Nidorino killed most off her species because they were so powerful. She lived in Kanto, until Nidorino took over and she fled, where she arrived in the sky and became friends with Mudkip and Nidorina. Her mother was captured by Nidorino. While travelling to Kanto with Mudkip to save Nidorina from Nidorino, they met Charizard, who both fall in love with each other. Though she'll help Mudkip in anyway, she won't put herself at risk unnecessarily, so she won't fly over Kanto because of fear of being captured by Nidorino. She hates insects. She believes that her species is superior (and she's superior to Nidorino) Dragonite also has Astraphobia (a fear of thunder)
Allies: Mudkip, Nidorina, Charizard.
Enemies: Nidorino, Sandshrew, Kanga, Porygons.

Spoiler: show

"She's pretty!"
Name: Kanga
age: Physically young, mentally an adult
gender: Male
species: Kangaskhan
powers/abilities: Strength, Hyper Beam
alignment: Neutral (Later good)
Lives: Kanto (originally) in the sky
Likes: Dragonite
Dislikes: Nidorino, Sandshrew, Jelly Babies
personality: Kanga is stupid. He has a crush on Dragonite, who has no interest in him.
Goal: Be with Dragonite (maybe even to kiss her)
additional info: Kanga is a baby Kangaskhan, who's mother was killed by Porygons and found by Sandshrew. To avoid Kanga becoming a mindless slave, Sandshrew tried to age him, because Nidorino hated children, however it went wrong and Kanga ended up by mentally aged and left physically unchanged. Despite this, Kanga is considerably strong, rivalling Mudkip's strength. He has a dislike for Jelly Babies after choking on one, but Nidorina forcefully shoves them in his mouth unaware of his dislike.
Allies: Nidorino, Sandshrew and Porygons
Enemies: Mudkip, Nidorina, Dragonite and Charizard (Though he fails to, especially with Dragonite, remember this)

Well, here's my OCs! BRING ON THE CRITISM!!!
« Last Edit: June 08, 2017, 11:33 by The name master »
Thanks to Inferna for one of the many reasons why I love Dragonite!

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Re: Your OCs
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2017, 14:08 »
Went past the max word limit!

Spoiler: show

"Give up, Dragonite! I can't believe I got you this time!"
Name: Sandshrew
age: Adult
gender: Male
species: Sandshrew
powers/abilities: Digging. Has a good knowledge of robotics. Sand Attack, Dig
alignment: Evil
Lives: Kanto
Likes: Deserts (the areas he is suited for living in) peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (cut into triangles without crusts)
Dislikes: Nidorino, Kanga, Mudkip, Dragonite, Charizard
personality: Cruel, selfish, short tempered

additional info: Sandshrew works for Nidorino. He secretly has a hatred of Nidorino. He works with Kanga who he hates for his stupidity. He wishes to take control of Nidorino's empire.
Allies: Nidorino, Kanga and  Porygons
Enemies: Mudkip, Nidorina, Dragonite and Charizard (He secretly hates Nidorino)

Spoiler: show

"in every game, there are winners and there are losers! And as you know, in this game, losers... Get.... Porygonised!"
Name: Nidorino
age: Adult
gender: Male
species: Nidorino
powers/abilities: Various robots and machines. Thunderbolt, Horn Attack, Horn Drill, Poison Sting
alignment: Evil
Lives: Kanto
Likes: Technology, Porygons, porygonsers, porygonising pokemon, Star, Nidorina, Kanto
Dislikes: Nature, Music, Mudkip, Dragonite (as a species) Charizard, Charizard's tribe, his machines being destroyed, bad language
personality: Aggressive, violent
goal: Rule Kanto, Kill all Dragonites, Kill Mudkip, Marry Nidorina.

additional info: Nidorino took over Kanto using his technology. He originally built Porygons as guards and police, however, he rewrote their programming, so their only obey him. He also built the porygoniser (with good intentions) but pokmon that went through porygonisation lost their free will. Nidorino used this on many people during his take over and continued using it after. He also killed every Dragonite he could get his hands on, as the were so powerful and could stop him ruling Kanto. Years later, Nidorino met Nidorina, but unfortunatly, she already had Mudkip, beginning his hatred of him. He likes Kanto, as he claims to "miss it when he's out" He sees Dragonites as inferior and believes that they are superior in only one way: "they are better at dying" He doesn't like bad language, as he says that it was "unnesacary" that Dragonite called him a **** and told her to mind her language several times.
Allies: Sandshrew, Kanga, Porygons
Enemies: Mudkip, Dragonite and Charizard.

Spoiler: show

"Would you like a Jelly Baby?"
Name: Nidorina
age: Adult
gender: Female
species: Nidorina
powers/abilities: Armed with knife for protection. Poison Sting, Double Kick, Bite, Attract (learnt through TM)
alignment: Good
Lives: Johto (originally) in the sky
Likes: Jelly Babies, Mudkip
Dislikes: Nidorino, Sandshrew Porygons, sexism directed at her
personality: Friendly, slightly flirtatious
goal: Eat loads of Jelly Babies, be with Mudkip

additional info: Nidorina works in  cafe. As a child, her parents went missing and was soon found and raised by Kangaskhan. Kangaskhan had started Nidorina's love for Jelly Babies by giving her a bag of them every birthday (there wasn't much money)she also taught her how to fight. This also caused Nidorina to be able to stand up for herself if needed (Nidorino once asked Mudkip if she was actually a Nidorina after she shouted at an threatened him) She loves Jelly Babies and is always offering people one. She immediately fell in love with Mudkip (because of his "cuteness") Nidorina has a robotic version of herself called Metal Nidorina, who was built with the purpose of destroying Mudkip.
Allies: Mudkip, Dragonite, Charizard
Enemies: Rayquaza, Nidorino, Sandshrew, Kanga, Porygons, Metal Nidorina.

Spoiler: show

Going back to the good old days when I was a Mario fan!
Name: Bowser
age: Adult
gender: Male
species: Bowser
powers/abilities: Pokemon Trainer
alignment: Neutral/Bad
personality: Cruel, aggressive, a somewhat naive villian
goal: Get revenge on Mechakoopa

additional info: Bowser is a Pokemon trainer who doesn't treat his Pokemon with much love and care. After an accident, he wants revenge on Mechkoopa and his family.
Allies: Aggron, Absol (originally, untrustworthy) Knigler, Scyther Primape, Golbat
Enemies: Mechakoopa, Koopa Troopa, Chargin' Chuck, Bandit

Spoiler: show

"Fortunately for you, I don't like Porygons! I don't usually care about others! I am Zangoose!"
Name: Zangoose
age: Adult
gender: Male
species: Zangoose
powers/abilities: Sharp claws. Crush Claw, Slash, Rock Smash, Signal Beam
alignment: Neutral
Lives: Unknown
Likes: Money, making money
Dislikes: Geing no money
personality: Greedy, only cares about himself
goal: Get lots of money

additional info: Zangoose sells TMs for high prices. He sold Nidorina a TM containing Attract. He saves Mudkip and Dragonite from a Porygon ambush (because he doesn't like Porygons) and leads them to Charizard's tribe. He refuses to help save Nidorina, but is persuaded by Dragonite to help, so he gives Dragonite a TM containing Thunderbolt. He then told Sandshrew and Kanga information about their location as revenge for their treatment towards him and hoping to get at least £1000. However, Sandshrew tells him that he "should've been asked to been payed before he told im where Mudkip was" and has him porygonised. Mudkip, Dragonite and Charizard manageto temporalorily restore Zangoose's free will and he helps them get into Nidorino's place.
Allies: Depends on what is more beneficial for him.
Enemies: Again, depends.

Spoiler: show

Name: Skarias
age: Young
gender: Female
species: Skarmory/Latias hybrid
powers/abilities: Telepathy, Levitation, Teleportation, other psychic powers. Hidden Power, Psychic, Mist Ball, Dragonbreath.
alignment: Good
Lives: In the sky
Likes: Kanga
Dislikes: Nasty people, attacking
personality: Shy, speaks to very few people other than her parents.
goal: Be with Kanga.

additional info: Skarias is the child of Skarmory and Latias. She has many psychic powers. She cannot speak, but can communicate through telepathy. She has a crush on Kanga, who doesn't feel the same way.
Allies: Mudkip, Dragonite, Charizard, Kanga, Latias, Skarmory.
Enemies: Sandshrew, Porygons.

Spoiler: show

Name: SWATgons
age: N/A
gender: N/A
species: robot
powers/abilities: Rocket launcher in nose, flight.
alignment: Evil
Lives: Kanto
Likes: (See Porygon)
Dislikes: (See Porygon)
personality: SWATgons have no personality at all. Nidorino installed a code called "priority 1" where if they see anyone under this code (Mudkip and Dragonite) they will stop whatever they are doing and try to capture or kill them.
goal: To achieve anything Nidorino orders them to do (usually to capture or kill Mudkip and Dragonite)

additional info: SWATgons are a special type of Porygon who are aimed with rocket launcers. They are not as common as regular Porygons. They are usually are used for blowing up strong, armoured enemies (they can take out a tank) Though they have the most dangerous weapon, they are as weak as regular Porygons. Their name originates from the abbrieviation SWAT (Special Weapons And Tactics) SWATgons don't walk like other types of Porygons, instead, their legs act as wheels (similar to caterpillar tracks on a tank) Their one problem is that, if damaged enough, they will lose control and spin all over the place and fire wildly before exploding, which may cause it to destroy it's own allies. They can be destroyed by the Pi virus.
Allies: Nidorino, Sandshrew, Kanga and other Porygons
Enemies: Mudkip, Nidorina, Dragonite and Charizard.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2017, 10:14 by The name master »
Thanks to Inferna for one of the many reasons why I love Dragonite!

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Re: Your OCs
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2017, 01:11 »

this is pahraan i love him he's grey

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Re: Your OCs
« Reply #6 on: March 19, 2017, 08:34 »
Yay. I can make a new post instead of editing the last one!

Spoiler: show

Name: Kangaskhan
age: Adult
gender: Female
species: Kangaskhan
powers/abilities: Strength
alignment: Good
Lives: Johto (originally) in the sky
Likes: Her children
Dislikes: Her children in danger
personality: Friendly, caring, can be tricked easily into thinking her children are in danger when they're not.
goal: Raise children without parents.

additional info: Kangaskhan lives in Johto and was unsuccessful in finding a mate, so when she found Nidorina as a baby, alone, she raised her as her own. Though there wasn't a lot of money, Kangaskhan always tried to give the best she possibly could to Nidorina. She taught Nidorina how to fight and gave her a knife for protection. Nidorina left Kangaskhan to go work. Years later, Sandshrew found Kangaskhan and tricked her into thinking Mudkip was harming Nidorina (this was a lie, though!) and she went to Hoenn to destroy him. After she realised Mudkip was no harm to Nidorina, she joined him to defeat Sandshrew. They started off with not liking each other very much, but got used to each other eventually. After Sandshrew's defeat, Kangaskhan then cared for Kanga.
Allies: Mudkip, Nidorina, Dragonite, Kanga and Charizard.
Enemies: Sandshrew and Porygons

Spoiler: show

"We don't get rats! We don't get insects! Not even Nidorina! The only pests we get in here..... are costumers!"
Name: Latias
age: Adult
gender: Female
species: Latias
powers/abilities: Flight, Invisibility, able to change her appearance, Mist Ball, Scary Face, Bragon Pulse, Psychic
alignment: Good
Lives: In the sky
Likes: Not much
Dislikes: Flirting, Skarmory (originally)
personality: Strict, moody, aggressive
goal: Keep annoying customers out

additional info: Latias owns a cafe. No-one has ever seen her smile. Nidorina once said that "Anyone who dares stand within 10 feet away from her is considered brave" Skarmory has a huge crushon her, but she is uninterested. She is the only one who is able to understand Miltank.
Allies: Mudkip, Nidorina, Skarmory, Miltank
Enemies: Rayquaza

Spoiler: show

"How you doin'?"
Name: Skarmory
age: Adult
gender: Male
species: Skarmory
powers/abilities: Flight, Swift, Peck, Aerial Ace, Sand Attack
alignment: Good
Lives: Hoenn (originally) in the sky
Likes: Females (particularly Latias) Coffee
Dislikes: Cherries
personality: Flirtatious
goal: Impress Latias

additional info: Skarmory lives in Hoenn with Mudkip as his friend. They later get sucked into the sky to free a trapped being. Skarmory is extremely flirtatious and will flirt with anyone, regardless of species or gender. He has a hue crush on Latis and hopes to impress her somehow and be with her. He has a habit of saying To anyone he likes.
Allies: Mudkip
Enemies: Rayquaza

Spoiler: show

"I'm Goodra! I've come from the Kalos region!"
Name: Goodra
age: Adult
gender: Female
species: Goodra
powers/abilities: Shape shifting, strength, Sludge Bomb, Dragon Breath, Dragon Tail
alignment: Good
Lives: Kalos, In the sky (in one of these)

Likes: Strawberries, Kanga
Dislikes: Being discriminated for being covered in slime, Dragonite being mean, fighting, embarrassing herself
personality: Friendly, slightly independent
goal: Live outside of Kalos, join Team Mudkip

additional info: Goodra lived in the Kalos region (confused for the Kanto region by everyone except Goodra) until she moved out, wanting live somewhere she could call her own. She first met Sandslash (she stepped on him and scraped him across the floor thinking she'd stepped in something) Sandslash offered her to help him destroy Mudkip (making her believe he is evil) Goodra initially refuses to fight, but is convinced after Sandslash promises to do the fighting while she separates the team. She then met Kanga, who thought she was a poison type, because she of her slime. Goodra found his stupidity cute and befriended him. She separated the team and Sandslash captured them. Goodra later frees them (almost being killed by Porygons in the process) Sandslash creates a clone of Goodra using her slime. It temporarily took control of Porygons and tried to create a army of Goodra clones, but was killed by Porygons. Goodra lives inside a large bin.
Allies: Mudkip, Nidorina, Kanga, Charizard, Dragonite
Enemies: Sandslash, Porygons

Spoiler: show

Name: Goopy
age: Adult
gender: Male
species: Goodra (clone)
powers/abilities: Same as Goodra
alignment: Evil
Lives: In the sky
Likes: Goodra
Dislikes: Mudkip
personality: Evil
goal: Take over the world using Goodra clones

additional info: Goopy is a clone of Goodra created by Sandslash using Goodra's slime. He started disobeying Sandslash and taking control of his Porygons and using the cloning machine he was created from to create more clones, which he would use to take over the world. He decides to make Goodra his queen when he takes over, but she refuses (she even hits him) Sandslash regained control of his Porygons. They stopped the cloning machine. Goopy demanded that they obeyed him, but no longer see him as a higher authority and kills all the clones and Goopy, despite his plead for pity.
Allies: Sandslash (originally) Porygons
Enemies: Mudkip, Nidorina, Dragonite, Kanga, Goodra
« Last Edit: June 15, 2017, 17:22 by The name master »
Thanks to Inferna for one of the many reasons why I love Dragonite!

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Re: Your OCs
« Reply #7 on: March 21, 2017, 22:48 »
i have a ton but here's some art of my most active OC r/n, her name is revenant

she's from teen titans... or, well, thats her source :L

(with her waifu for laifu)

third one's my art, but ehhh. gonna get her 'fic written up more soon. ive got 10 chapters but they're not all ~finished~

ive created a monster
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Re: Your OCs
« Reply #8 on: March 22, 2017, 07:18 »
Spoiler: show

Name: Rattata
age: Adult
gender: Female
species: Rattata
powers/abilities: Teeth for biting and chewing
alignment: Good
personality: Friendly
goal: Get away from Sandshrew (initially)
additional info: Rattata meets Sandshrew how is travelling to a pyramid, so he can get his wish granted (to be deporygonised) and reluctantly joins him. Rattata is often annoyed by Sandshrew, because of his selfishness. Lol, I can see the fanfics and ships already!
Allies: Sandshrew
Enemies: Regirock, Registeel, Regice, Regiggas, Jirachi

Spoiler: show

Name: Vulpix
age: Adult
gender: Female
species: Vulpix
powers/abilities: Fire breathing
alignment: Good
Lives: In the desert
Likes: Charizard
Dislikes: Nidorino, Sandshrew, Kanga, Porygons
personality: Friendly
goal: Destroy Nidorino
additional info: Vulpix is an elite member of Charizard's tribe. Charizard may have had interest in her before he met Dragonite. She survived the attack on the tribe shortly after Mudkip and Dragonite arrived (even after a Porygonator attacked) she was left in charge while Charizard went to help Mudkip. She evolved at some point and helped everyone try and defeat Metal Nidorina.
Allies: Charizard, Mudkip, Dragonite, other tribe members
Enemies: Nidorino, Sandshrew, Kanga, Porygons

Spoiler: show

Name: Kum
age: Adult
gender: Male
species: Muk
powers/abilities: Nasty smell
alignment: Good
Lives: In the desert
Likes: Charizard
Dislikes: Nidorino, Sandshrew, Kanga, Porygons
personality: Friendly
goal: Destroy Nidorino, hang out with other tribe members
additional info: Kum is a Muk who is part of Charizard's tribe, but is disliked by everyone because of his smell. Everyone calls him Kum because it's "Muk spelt backwards" He mainly annoys Charizard by hanging around.
Allies: Charizard, Mudkip, Dragonite, other tribe members (though disliked)
Enemies: Nidorino, Sandshrew, Kanga, Porygons

Spoiler: show

Name: Victreebel
age: Adult
gender: Male
species: Victreebel
powers/abilities: Various vines for grabbing and attacking
alignment: Neutral
Lives: In the desert
Likes: Food
Dislikes: Being hungry
personality: Mindless, hungry
goal: Eat anything it can
additional info: To enter Charizard's tribe as a member, one must defeat Victreebel. Mudkip fought Victreebel and won by tying it's vines together. It later tried to eat Dragonite (it first ate two Porygons attacking her) but was saved by Charizard. Victreebel was eventually killed by Metal Nidorina, who he tried to eat, but she burst out through his stomach.
Allies: None
Enemies: None (though it will eat anything it can)

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"A snake, am I? Maybe you'd like to see how snake-like I am!"
Name: Rayquaza
age: Adult
gender: Male
species: Rayquaza
powers/abilities: Flight, more than four moves, able to devolve pokemon, mega evolution
alignment: Evil
Lives: In the sky
Likes: Ruling the word, Latias
Dislikes: Pople refusing to do what he says, Mudkip
personality: Evil
goal: To rule the world, kill Mudkip, marry Latias
additional info: Rayquaza tried to take over the sky world, but had his power sealed in a box and imprisoned in the sky pillar. He was eventually freed by Mudkip and Skarmory, unaware of who he is. He devolved Mightyena and Nidorina, sent Mukip and Skarmory away and put Latias in chains. He offered her to become his queen, but she refused. She pretended to fall in love to distract him while Mudkip gets the box, even to the point of kissing him. He tried to kill Mudkip, who taunted him about how he hasn't been able to kill him. Rayquaza tries to kill Mudkip, but is revealed to be Latias. He was destroyed when the box was destroyed.
Allies: None
Enemies: Mudkip, Skarmory, Kecleon, Mightyena, Nidorina, Miltank, Latias

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"Don't worry! I have a great voice! I can talk my way out of this!"
Name: Mightyena
age: Adult
gender: Male
species: Mightyena
powers/abilities: Sharp teeth and claws
alignment: Neutral, later good
Lives: In the sky
Likes: Treats (doughnuts etc)
Dislikes: Having his voice made fun of
personality: Mightyena has several traits similar to real life dogs. He doesn't like be made fun of for his voice.

goal: Keep intruders out.
additional info: Mightyena works at Kecleon's Museum as a guard. He is easily distracted by things like sweets and other things real dogs get distracted by. He has a very unsuiting voice, whch he doesn't like to be made fun of for.
Allies: Mudkip, Skarmory, Nidorina,
Enemies: Rayquaza

Spoiler: show

Name: Mudkip
age: Adult
gender: Male
species: Mudkip
powers/abilities: Strengh, Water Gun, Mud Slap, Bubblebeam,
alignment: Good
Lives: Hoenn (originally) in the sky
Likes: Nidorina
Dislikes: Nidorino
personality: Friendly
goal: Destroy Nidorino
additional info: Mudkip comes from Hoenn. He had to save a trapped being in the sky that turned out to be the evil Rayquaza. After his defeat, Mudkip and Skarmory decided to stay. Mudkip lives with Nidorina in her burrow (they met Dragonite the first time they went in together) Mudkip didn't have the same feeling for Nidorina at first. 2 years later, Nidorino kidnapped Nidorina with intent of marrying her and killing Mudkip, so he could rule Kanto, with Nidorina as his queen. He travels all the way to Kanto to save her.
Allies: Skarmory, Nidorina, Dragonite, Charizard
Enemies: Rayquaza, Nidorino, Sandshrew, Kanga (orginally) Porygons, Metal Nidorina

Spoiler: show

Name: Marina
age: Adult
gender: Female
species: Dragonite (porygonised)
powers/abilities: Flight
alignment: Good
personality: Friendly.
Lives: Kanto
Likes: Dragonite
Dislikes: Nidorino, Sandshrew, Porygons
goal: Destroy Nidorino.

additional info: Marina is Dragonite's mother, who was captured and porygonised by Nidorino. She was given the name "Marina" to avoid confusion with Dragonite. This name was chosen because "Dragonite is a marine pokemon and it's a girl's name" Mudkip managed to restore her free will temporarily, and then permanently,though her body remained unchanged. When Mudkip and Dragonite traveled back in time to try and prevent Nidorino taking over Kanto, they saved her from Porygons. She then helped to stop Nidorino taking over other regions. Dragonite made Marina promise she would leave Kanto immediately and never return. She did, and so when they went back to their own time, Marina was still alive and not porygonised.
Allies: Mudkip, Nidorina, Charizard Dragonite, Kanga.
Enemies: Nidorino, Sandshrew, Porygons

Spoiler: show

Name: Star
age: Adult
gender: Male
species: Starly (porygonised)
powers/abilities: Flight, biting with electricity
alignment: Evil
Lives: Kanto
Likes: Not much
Dislikes: Sandshrew, Mudkip
personality: None. Star has no personality or free will due to being porygonised
goal: Serve Nidorino

additional info: Star is a Starly who is Nidorino's pet. He is one of the few things Nidorino cares about. When Mudkip and Dragonite went back in time to try and prevent Nidorino taking over Kanto, Mudkip pushed Nidorino, who staggered back into Star and he fell into the porygoniser and became porygonised. Star is extremely loyal to Nidorino and usually is seen sitting on his shoulder. He cannot speak and can only hiss and growl. He mostly makes sounds like a chicken.
Allies: Nidorino, Sandshrew, Kanga, Porygons
Enemies: Mudkip, Nidorina, Charizard Dragonite
« Last Edit: April 25, 2017, 18:26 by The name master »
Thanks to Inferna for one of the many reasons why I love Dragonite!

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Re: Your OCs
« Reply #9 on: April 08, 2017, 15:28 »
Damn this word limit!

Spoiler: show

"Did you say something about mummy?"
Name: Salamence
age: Adult
gender: Male
species: Salamence
powers/abilities: Flight, fire breathing
alignment: Neutral
Lives: outside of Kanto
Likes: Dragonite
Dislikes: Having his "mummy" insulted
personality: Territorial
goal: Destroy Mudkip

additional info: Salamence is an extremely territorial pokemon, who lives in a cave outside of Kanto. He seems to show interest in Dragonite. He doesn't like having his mother insulted (who he refers to as "mummy") He briefly tried to mate with Dragonite, but Mudkip insulted his mother to get his attention, enraging him and causing him to attack them. He was porygonised by Porygon2 and briefly attacked them, but they escaped.
Allies: None known
Enemies: Mudkip, Charizard

If you have an object you'd like to share, here's a profile for it.

Name: (Object name)
Purpose: (What was it made for/do?)
user(s): (Who uses it?)
Type: (What kind of object is it? A machine/weapon etc)
Created by: (Who made it?)
Final fate: (What happened to it? Did it stop being used/all destroyed/continued use etc)
additional info: (more detailed explanation)

Spoiler: show
Name: Porygoniser
Purpose: Causing Porygonisation
user(s): Nidorino, Sandshrew (Kanga wants to at least pull the lever to turn it on)
Type: Machine
Created by: Nidorino
Final fate: Stopped being used after Nidorino's death and Sandshrew's defeat
additional info: Nidorino had designed the porygoniser with good intentions, allowing people to live longer, but it made pokemon lose their free will. He mainly used it to take over Kanto, who he porygonised a majority of Kanto. Every Dragonite Nidorino captured went through this as they were so powerful. Porygons cannot be Porygonised as it would overload the machine and cause it to explode. The opposite of this process is simply called deporygonisation. Methods of desporygonisation have not been discovered (it's unlikely even Nidorino could do it as he would likely deporygonise Star if he could)

Spoiler: show
Name: Roboticiser
Purpose: Causing Roboticisation
user(s): Metal Nidorina
Type: Machine
Created by: Metal Nidorina (she got captured enemies to build it)
Final fate: Stopped being used after Metal Nidorina's defeat
additional info: Metal Nidorina adapted Nidorino's Porygoniser into this machine. It turns pokemon into robots and has very similar effects to a porygoniser. Porygons cannot be roboticised for the same reasons as a porygoniser. No way of deroboticisation is known

Spoiler: show

Name: Miltank
age: Adult
gender: Female
species: Miltank
powers/abilities: (not really an ability, but) unable to speak english
alignment: Good
Lives: In the sky
Likes: Milk
Dislikes: Being called unhygienic
personality: Assertive, Kind of a mix beteewn Nidorina and Latias's personalities.
goal: No real goal

additional info: Miltank works for Latias. She is the cafe's constant supply of milk. She is unable to speak and only Latias is able to understand her. Latias is also the only one who can make Miltank give milk (though she will give it if she wants to)
Allies: Mudkip, Skarmory, Latias, Nidorina
Enemies: Rayquaza

Spoiler: show

Name: Kecleon
age: Adult
gender: Male
species: Kecleon
powers/abilities: Invisibility
alignment: Good
Lives: In he sky
Likes: His museum
Dislikes: Thieves, Mightyena
personality: Doesn't like thieves
goal: Keep out thieves

additional info: Kecleon is the owner of a museum. Mudkip and Skarmory try to steal the box containing Rayquaza's powers from the muesum.He buys some Porygons (presumably from Niddorino) to try and keep them out.
Allies: Mudkip, Skarmory, Latias, Nidorina Mightyena, Porygons (briefly)
Enemies: Rayquaza
« Last Edit: April 14, 2017, 10:33 by The name master »
Thanks to Inferna for one of the many reasons why I love Dragonite!

Offline Petzbreeder

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Re: Your OCs
« Reply #10 on: April 10, 2017, 00:02 »
This is often what I imagine Brally to look like.

I made the image with this website which I thought was cool.

I created two different images. I used to combine the images together. I then used Sony Vegas to add the background.

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Re: Your OCs
« Reply #11 on: April 10, 2017, 09:57 »
OK. So I'mthinking of doing a story with pokemon and minecraft (mostly pokemon)

Spoiler: show

Name: Enderman
age: Unknown
gender: Male or Female
species: Enderman
powers/abilities: Same abilities as an Enderman in Minecraft, can only be harmed with water
alignment: Evil (Neutral until provoked)
personality: Mysterious
goal: Escape from The End

additional info: Endermen are an entire species rather than an individual character. They are able to teleport. Most attacks pass harmlesslythrough it's body. Endermen do not and cannot attack unless they get their target to look at them or attack them. After Rayquaza was defeated, he was sent to The End, where he (or any Enderman) could get out from the inside. Instead, he had to get someone to build a portal from the outside. Rayquaza took advantage of Kanga's stupidity to build a portal where they could get out.
Allies: Rayquaza
Enemies: Mudkip and everyone associated with him

Spoiler: show

"I am Porygon2! You are next!"
Name: Porygon2
age: N/A
gender: N/A (refered to as male)
species: Robot
powers/abilities: Artifical intelligence, lasers, machine guns, learning, attaching metal to itself
alignment: Evil
Lives: Kanto
Likes: Not much
Dislikes: Mudkip
personality: Not much of any personality
goal: Destroy Mudkip

additional info: Porygon2 is the result of a Porygon being porygonised (though it will overload the machine and destroy it) he has artifical intellegence. Unlike Porygons, Porygon2 is capable of thinking and learning. If attacking in a new way, it will learn how to avoid the attack in future. Porygon2 is capable of attaching metal to itself, which can be used to repair damaged of destroyed body parts. After being serevly damaged, it repowered itself and attached metal to itself to become a Porygon Z.
Allies: Nidorino, Sandshrew, Kanga other Porygons
Enemies: Mudkip, Charizard, Nidorina, Dragonite

Spoiler: show

Name: Totodile
age: Young
gender: Male
species: Totodile
powers/abilities: Biting
alignment: Good
Lives: Kanto
Likes: Eevee
Dislikes: Vegetables
personality: Friendly
goal: Finish building his computer

additional info: Totodile is Eevee's friend. They both put a computer together. Totodile's dad, who works for Nidorino, promises to one day finish it, but has never done it. Totodile and Eevee find some stuff in boxes that Totodile's dad had brought home for repairs, such as a dissasembled Porygon and Porygoniser, but had never got round to it. They decide to put the Porygon back together, and it repairs itself and tries to porygonise them (and their parents if they come looking for them) and has Eevee put a porygoniser together (Totodile doesn't have a great understanding of electronics) they destroyed the Porygon by pushing it into the porygoniser's exposed wires. Totodile makes a brief appearance as Mudkip enters Nidorino's fortress to save Nidorina, who is being carried away by Porygons for an unknown reason. He tries to claim his innocence, but the Porygon replies "innocence is against the law!" but is saved by Mudkip.
Allies: His parents, Eevee
Enemies: Porygon

Spoiler: show

Name: Wingull
age: Varies
gender: Male and female (indistinguishable)
species: Wingull
powers/abilities: Flight
alignment: Neutral
Lives: Everywhere
Likes: Food
Dislikes: Not much
personality: Mindless, Hungry, annoying
goal: Catch food

additional info: Wingulls are a species of pokemon that are considered pests. They inhabit every land Mudkip has been to and only say one word: "MINE!" (damn Finding Nemo reference!)
Allies: None
Enemies: None

Spoiler: show

Name: Charizard
age: Adult
gender: Male
species: Charizard
powers/abilities: Flight, Flamethrower, Smokesreen, Ember, Fire Blast, Mega evolution
alignment: Good
Lives: In the desert
Likes: Dragonite
Dislikes: Nidorino, Sandshrew, Kanga, Porygons
personality: Charizard cares about the people in his tribe.

goal: Destroy Nidorino
additional info: Charizard is the leader of a tribe of pokemon the hate Nidorino and hopes to eventually destroy him. His tribe is located in the middle of a desert. He falls in love with Dragonite. He has a Charizardite X which allows him to mega evolve into Mega Charizard X. Charizard has had some jealousy received from Kanga, because Dragonite has much more interest in Charizard rather than him (to the point of fighting him) At first, his tribe had basic weapons, ranging from blades to machine guns, which we're ineffective against Porygonators (they were unprepared for them as Nidorino had never sent them prior to Mudkip's arrival) until they had developed more advanced weapons, such as laser guns and explosives, designed to take out Porygonators. Charizard had devolved these weapons, such as explosive sticks, which are an explosive device used for taking out machines.

Allies: Mudkip, Dragonite, Nidorina, other tribe members (especially Vulpix and Growlthe)
Enemies: Nidorino, Sandshrew, Kanga (originally) Porygons

Spoiler: show

Name: Star
Purpose: Granting users temporary invinciblity
user(s): Mudkip, Dragonite, Kanga
Type: Power up
Created by: No one
Final fate: Stored in ? blocks to be used
additional info: Stars are power ups held inside some ? blocks. They are mainly used by Mudkip. They make anyone who uses them temporarily invincible and gives them super strength. The first time Mudkip used one, he wasted it by taunting about how powerful he was. He used one again against his first fight with Nidorino. Dragonite later used one against a Porygonator, sending it into orbit. Kanga also  used one once during his fight against Charizard (though he was still unsuccessful)

Spoiler: show

Name: Mushroom
Purpose: Making things big
user(s): Nidorino
Type: Power up
Created by: No one
Final fate: Stored in ? blocks to be used
additional info: Mushrooms are a power up that makes users grow in size. In a final attempt to destroy Mudkip, Nidorino used many mushrooms to grow to gigantic size, but was still defeated. Nidorino is the only one to use mushrooms so far.

Spoiler: show

Name: Poly
age: N/A
gender: N/A (referred to as female)
species: Robot
powers/abilities: Flight, personality, self destruct (used when told to "play dead")
alignment: Evil, later good
Lives: Kanto (originally) In the sky
Likes: Nothing (originally) Dragonite
Dislikes: Mudkip, Dragonite, Charizard and Nidorina (originally)
personality: None at first. Wags it's tail when "happy"
goal: achieve any objective set, protect Dragonite
additional info: Poly is a Porygonator who is found by Dragonite, severely damaged and repaired by Charizard, who also installs a personality program in her. Dragonite calls it Poly (a pun on Polly and Polygon/Porygon) and keeps "her" as a pet. She has to be charged regularly (Dragonite does this by plugging her into a wall) Sandshrew (now a Sandslash) overrides her programming and uses her as an advantage, as Dragonite does not want to risk hurting her (she looks the same as all other Porygons) Dragonite manages find Poly, but is destroyed, enraging Dragonite. She repaired again and painted with Dragonite's colour scheme.
Allies: Nidorino, Sandshrew (originally) Kanga, Mudkip, Dragonite, Charizard, Nidorina
Enemies: Sandslash
« Last Edit: June 08, 2017, 11:25 by The name master »
Thanks to Inferna for one of the many reasons why I love Dragonite!

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Re: Your OCs
« Reply #12 on: April 13, 2017, 10:26 »
Here's mine! ^_^

"​We are both anonymous, and a bond of trust is required for such jobs to be successful."

Valentin (or Val for short)
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Powers/Abilities: He doesn't have any powers, but being a trained assassin since birth, he is skilled in both ranged and close combat.
Alignment: It depends on who gives him the most money. But that in itself is not good, so I guess he leans more towards evil.
Personality: Val is a great actor as he was trained to adapt to the different personalities from the people he would usually encounter. He can dangerously be whoever you want him to be: If you need an affectionate lover, he will adore you. If you need a joker, he will make you laugh. If you need a big brother, he will be your supporter. It all depends on how he needs to pretend, but take all of that, and he is by default cold, stoic, emotionless, and uncaring for others.
Goal: He just wishes to finish each and every mission assigned to him.
Additional info: An ordinary pen was used to draw this guy, plus colored pencils for the coloring EXCEPT for the black background where a permanent marker was used. I created him for this RP I'm currently in, where the plot involved an unlikely romance between the assassin and the target :)
« Last Edit: April 13, 2017, 10:30 by zukate08 »

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Re: Your OCs
« Reply #13 on: June 03, 2024, 15:00 »
I've got five here, so let me condense it a bit...

If you have a five-man team and you don't draw them in the Ginyu Pose at least once, you're doing it wrong.

Oh, and as for "quotes":

Only Green Leader's stupid catch phrase has appeared in-comic so far. The others are pretty much "sample quotes". I'm a bit indecisive regarding Yellow Jammer's potential voice actress, for whatever reason.

Anyway, these are the Anti-Turmoil Negotiators of Assault (A.N.A. for short), or what's left of them:

Names: Green Leader, Black Muscle, Red Gunner, Yellow Jammer, Blue Ninja
Ages: Mid-30s or early 40s (GL), 30-ish (BM and RG), 11 (YJ), and 20s-ish (Blue Ninja)
Gender: All male except Yellow Jammer who's female
Species: Humans
*Green Leader has basic CQC and probably tossed a grenade once, but other than that, he's horribly unremarkable (unless you count his superhuman cigarette addiction and penchant for being REALLY ANGRY)
*Black Muscle has enough strength to toss chunks of the earth at tanks (or vice-versa), made possible by intense training under a strict master
*Red Gunner is a master gunman. He's especially fond of his custom-painted, custom-built rocket launcher.
*Yellow Jammer is one of those child geniuses, capable of hacking almost any machine through the use of the hologram laptop (or "holotop" ) stored in her visor.
*Blue Ninja's cyber-suit allows him to move super fast and cut nearly anything with his laser blade.
Alignment: Collectively and ultimately Good, though Green Leader himself has shades of Neutral (and I don't mean his sunglasses)
They don't really live anywhere, since their one home base was compromised, and now they wander space in an ancient UFO. It's a long story.
*Green Leader is hot-headed and foul-mouthed
*Black Muscle is reserved and intelligent
*Red Gunner takes the least kindly to betrayal out of all of them
*Yellow Jammer is chipper and optimistic
*Blue Ninja is quick to making witty retorts and is strangely obsessed with the 1980s/90s despite the story taking place in 22XX A.D. (though I guess that last part doesn't come up in the story itself that often)
Goal(s): To liberate Earth from alien rule

That's to keep things "short". I'd put additional info here, but at that point I might as well figure out how to upload the actual comics I've made (which I'm not comfortable doing at this time)

EDIT: Do you like chibis? I hope you like chibis:

I'd post more to-scale drawings, but I forget what the width limit on forums is in general. The site I used seems to have shrunk it, anyway... I haven't forum-posted in years, and it shows.

EDIT2: Hey, remember that one funny anime from 2007?!

Yeah, I miss Gurren Lagann, too.

...Okay, but seriously, though:

And here's an out-of-context panel from one of the newer comic pages:

(was gonna put this in my sig, but I like the current one with the cows too much)

Finally, here's an "album cover" for some fictional J-Pop single:

It's the closest thing to retro video game box art I've ever drawn! I'm not STRONG enough to draw the AMERICAN version... Yet.

Speaking of box art:

Boy, do my logos need work, too...

Also, guess what?

It's summer.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2024, 13:38 by DrampardonMe »
Not really worth a thread, so I'll say it here: Joining the Discord isn't an option for me. It's a long story.

Art Block Status: Currently working on a story about pirates. Kind of.