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Topics - Golden Shroomish

Pages: [1]
Say Hello! / Many years have passed...
« on: December 20, 2013, 03:22 »
Many years have passed since I last set eyes upon the messageboards. Back then, I was young, foolish, idealistic and spry. I built my way up, slowly, a young lad desperate to revamp anything that came his way, mix and splice and perform wanton requests to mix a Gengar with a Gloom.

The days of sprites are long gone now, and all I have is my Macintosh laptop, unsuited to the editing of images, pixel by pixel. I am here, clasping my 3DS in hand, wondering whether a man of 19 years old really has a place in this world. I am here for Friend Safari, and other such enforced social elements that Nintendo feel Pokémon is suited for. I will pander for now Nintendo, for I know that the good people at will help me to get that Moxie Heracross, and that Charmeleon that the GTS people want my Xerneas for.

I humbly offer myself to you, a man who was once pushing 1000 posts, but has been reduced to nothing more than a Golden Shroomish, alone in the depths of the forests of the Internet.

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