Author Topic: Can virtual consoles trade?  (Read 5743 times)

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Can virtual consoles trade?
« on: September 30, 2017, 20:09 »
I want to try getting my hands on a shiny Rhyhorn by breeding. I know a way to do it, but I need either a Charmander, which I'll have to get from R/B/Y, or another Pokemon in an egg group that can bridge the gap between Gyarados and Rhyhorn.

There is a 1 in 64 chance of getting a shiny by breeding if one of the Pokemon you are breeding with is shiny itself.
I'm hoping I can trade between virtual consoles, because it would be good if I can breed for shiny Pokemon from both Kanto and Johto.

Offline Captain Jigglypuff

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Re: Can virtual consoles trade?
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2017, 00:14 »
I want to try getting my hands on a shiny Rhyhorn by breeding. I know a way to do it, but I need either a Charmander, which I'll have to get from R/B/Y, or another Pokemon in an egg group that can bridge the gap between Gyarados and Rhyhorn.

There is a 1 in 64 chance of getting a shiny by breeding if one of the Pokemon you are breeding with is shiny itself.
I'm hoping I can trade between virtual consoles, because it would be good if I can breed for shiny Pokemon from both Kanto and Johto.

Yes you can trade between the games via local wireless
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Offline Legadawa

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Re: Can virtual consoles trade?
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2019, 05:29 »
I just knew it was this. If anyone has a question I can answer it. Maybe I will know some things.