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Topics - Sappy
« on: December 03, 2014, 12:00 »
I don't know if you guys have tried this thing. I ran it on the stream last night and it's insane how powerful and easy it is to use. Get it on in a free switch then set up an Amnesia. It can't be critted so the only thing that can really be done is status (only reliable one really being Toxic).
Slowbro @ Slowbronite Ability: Regenerator EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA Bold Nature - Amnesia - Slack Off - Scald - Psyshock
That's the set I was running. Seriously, it's insane. Not even Talonflame can handle this bro.
« on: November 21, 2014, 04:49 »
Obviously ORAS is beautifully amazing.
But I was thinking about what game I wanted to do next for my channel.
Turns out I crossed everything off apart from Johto and Kanto
I didn't really want to play Johto (soulsilver) just yet since I'll be doing a 4th gen game in Diamond. Then I was left with Kanto and that was in Gen 3.
Gen 3 the one that's currently being remade.
Now people are quietly talking about D/P remake, but will Fire Red/Leaf Green be remade... AGAIN. They are the classics and market's there. Probably more than D/P if I'm honest.
In gen 7/8 what's the move? Diamond/Pearl? or Kanto.
« on: November 02, 2014, 22:11 »
Me and Dick are making a game then recording it. We'll also let you play it. BASICALLY WE NEED LOADS OF STUFF. Including a few new mon. We already have all 649, we just want new mon and everything! The game is made with RPG Maker XP and Pokemon Essentials! (No illegal ROM stuff) Obviously with Sappy charm;  Meet May, a girl with a dream of becoming a Pokémon Master with her Cleffa. Meet Lewis, no-one really knows why he's here.  And Aora the region  Meet new mon like Pebeerie!  And Clouder  Editie City;  Train your Pokémon so they evolve!  And there seems to be some sort of crisis going on at Ailo City!  Basically we want more new Pokemon. Feel free to give us your fakemon and we'll insert them in the game. We need you to fill out information for them as well as the front sprite, back sprite and party sprite.  We'll do the information if you don't feel like it, we just struggle with the spriting. Bold means completely done!Italic means, done apart from Menu SpritePokedex; 650 - Kango - Grass 651 - Manglu - Grass 652 - Manguin - Grass/Psychic653 - Salapyre - Fire - New Backsprite please. 654 - Volcraptor - Fire 655 - Volcrex - Fire/Dragon 656 - Coilble - Water657 - Cascither - Water 658 - Cyapent - Water/Poison 659 - Clouder - Flying 660 - Clouthun - Flying/Electric 661 - Pebeerie - Ghost/Rock662 - Horshaunt - Ghost/Rock 663 - Chilloo - Ice 664 - Charill - Ice/Fire 665 - Meltzero - Ice/Fire666 - Bullder - Normal/Rock 667 - Guisacrag - Normal/Rock 668 - Swuck - Water/Dark 669 - Autleaf - Grass/Bug 670 - Krawlumn - Grass/Bug 671 - Srann - Bug 672 - Dealrann - Bug/Electric 673 - Podea - Bug 674 - Pandang - Grass/Fighting 675 - Lasair - Fire/Ground 676 - Firon - Fire/Fighting 677 - Solaseed - Grass 678 - Solabloom - Grass/Psychic 679 - Solaflow - Grass/Psychic 680 - Drapunch - Dragon/Fighting 681 - Dracombat - Dragon/Fighting 682 - Impurile - Ghost/Normal 683 - Voodigan - Ghost/Normal 684 - Adollt - Ghost/Normal 685 - Canclear - Steel/Poison TBC - Zhaviate - Fire/Ghost TBC - Lepideon - Bug TBC - Dreckleon - Normal/Dragon TBC - ??? - Ground/Psychic TBC - ??? - Dark HOW TO FILL OUT INFORMATION [1] Name=Bulbasaur InternalName=BULBASAUR Type1=GRASS Type2=POISON BaseStats=45,49,49,45,65,65 GenderRate=FemaleOneEighth GrowthRate=Parabolic BaseEXP=64 EffortPoints=0,0,0,0,1,0 Rareness=45 Happiness=70 Abilities=OVERGROW HiddenAbility=CHLOROPHYLL Moves=1,TACKLE,3,GROWL,7,LEECHSEED,9,VINEWHIP,13,POISONPOWDER,13,SLEEPPOWDER,15,TAKEDOWN,19,RAZORLEAF,21,SWEETSCENT,25,GROWTH,27,DOUBLEEDGE,31,WORRYSEED,33,SYNTHESIS,37,SEEDBOMB EggMoves=AMNESIA,CHARM,CURSE,ENDURE,GIGADRAIN,GRASSWHISTLE,INGRAIN,LEAFSTORM,MAGICALLEAF,NATUREPOWER,PETALDANCE,POWERWHIP,SKULLBASH,SLUDGE Compatibility=1,7 StepsToHatch=5355 Height=0.7 Weight=6.9 Color=Green Habitat=Grassland RegionalNumbers=1,231 Kind=Seed Pokedex=Bulbasaur can be seen napping in bright sunlight. There is a seed on its back. By soaking up the sun's rays, the seed grows progressively larger. BattlerPlayerY=0 BattlerEnemyY=25 BattlerAltitude=0 Evolutions=IVYSAUR,Level,16 Some fields in the information are related to the coding. Leave them blank and we'll sort them out  Awesome. We're hoping to release a demo fairly soon as a good chunk of the maps are done. Anyone who contributes can get a Trainer ingame. This can be done by any means, making any spriting contribution and/or move or whatever.
« on: October 14, 2014, 16:53 »
Just released to the world in the demo.
I'm streaming the demo tomorrow around 10am.
I'll post the video up here too!!
« on: September 04, 2014, 18:01 »
Hi guys, we wanna see your fakemon. Me and Dick will be judge. There will be an epic prize. Please Note: - We can use your sprite however we like, we will use credit
- Each fakemon must have a back and a front
- Yeah, you must name it and give it a typing
- Provide the FULL evolution line
- Icon sprite would be great, but not neccessary
- Each fakemon sprite must be in the size of 64*64
- Don't make a shiny sprite
- Sappy is awesome
- Dick is awesome, just not as much
So yeah, we'll start taking entries until we feel we've had enough. First type: Dragon. Don't be afraid to make it dual typing! GOGOGOGO
« on: August 21, 2014, 19:27 »
This used to be separated into different threads so if the first few pages seem a bit random and sporadic that's the reason, but yeah... without further ado;
lewlewliveYoutube linkTwitch linkFor the anyone who doesn't know lewlewlive is a Youtube channel ran by me. We also stream weekly on twitch! It's a blast and a bunch of fun. Let me explain what's going on! Underneath each title will be a link to the playlist and/or the stream link too! Pokemon Black Nuzlocke Stream Link to twitchPrevious streams linkProbably the most entertaining thing to watch on a Sunday. Every Sunday at 8pm we spend around an hour and a half playing Pokemon together. Make sure to register/log in to twitch to take part in the awesome chat that occurs. Missed a stream? You can catch up on the Youtube channel. The stream itself is always three weeks ahead to allow time for me to render and upload it onto Youtube, but you can still rewatch every moment! Pokemon Emerald Nuzlocke (with RubyRobin) Youtube playlistExcited for ORAS as much as us? I hope so! Me and PKMN.NET member RubyRobin (a.k.a Dick) explore Hoenn together just in time for the new games! We're rushing our butts off to finish this in time before the new games! Check it out! Pokemon Alpha Sapphire Streams Link to twitchYoutube playlistThe brand new games of the 3rd generation remakes are coming! At the time of the release I will be streaming my whole first gameplay. I also streamed the demo which you can catch up on. More news on Alpha Sapphire Stream to come! Pokemon X & Y Battles Youtube playlistFan of Competitive Battling? THIS IS FOR YOU! With new Battle Spot episodes every Sunday, Tuesday and Friday you should be buzzing! We also have longer live 6v6 battles every so often against PKMN.NET members, friends and even other Youtubers. And don't worry it's not all OU Hamtaro Ham Hams Unite (with Brandon) Youtube playlistPokemon's great, but every so often we need a break. So me and my best friend Brandon tackle Hamtaro Ham Hams Unite! An old gameboy colour game based on an old TV show. It doesn't matter if you've never heard of it this is one of the funniest let's plays you'll watch! Check it out!
So even if you're bored for a while check out all the videos. It's fun recording them and I'd love for you to watch, subscribe, like, share + comment! This is lewlewlive and this is not a se- 
« on: August 15, 2014, 01:14 »
Guys we're gonna run an award ceremony. Cos we're cool. Basically reply with your votes for each option. The winner by the 1st September wins for each category. You cannot vote for yourself. If you want to change your vote, please post your change otherwise your change will not be counted. INPUT FORM: best newcomer: most underrated: funniest member: coolest member: most alpha member: best shipping: most girly member: best thread: best competitive battler: most helpful: chicken or egg, which came first: most influential: nicest member: most abrasive
THE AWARDS ARE: best newcomer:votes: Delicous_Scout: 7Joeno: 2 dragoncat: 3 bread: 2 most underrated member:votes: Lalice of shrubs: 4Joeno: 2 Del: 2 monstermon64: 2 RubyRobin: 1 dragoncat: 1 xyerohour: 1 GL: 1 dragoncat: 1 funniest member:votes: samir: 4Lallice_Of_Shrubs: 2 Sappy: 1 Rubyrobin: 2 Joeno: 1 Bread: 1 pokemonreuben10: 1 Scout: 2 Inferna: 1 Del: 1 coolest member:votes: Del: 3RubyRobin: 1 Sappy: 2 Lalice of Shrubs: 1 Chloe: 1 bread: 2 Joeno: 1 GL: 2 xyerohour: 1 Raven: 2 sylar: 1 look around yog: 1 most alpha member:votes: GL : 4Blaze: 2 Sappy: 2 Del: 2 Muhed: 2 Joeno: 1 Zubatman: 1 Richard and Blaziken: 1 best shipping:votes: del x sappy: 4delxGL: 2 blazexcoolboy: 3 joenoxjoeno: 1 cooldudexsappy: 2 blazexchloe: 1 most girly member:votes: chloe: 5inferna: 1 ten silver spoons : 3 lalice of shrubs: 1 dragoncat: 1 RubyRobin: 2 samir: 1 best thread:votes: 6th gen potw: 4how swaggie are you: 1 music swaps: 1 showdown replays: 2 nergal jr/ appreciaiton: 2 whats making you happy: 1 the puk awards: 1 anything by MangaDragon: 1 best competitive battler:votes: Richard_and_Blaziken: 11JSM: 1 RubyRobin: 1 most helpfulvotes: richard and blaziken: 7del: 1 blaze: 2 GL: 5 raven: 1 which came first, chicken or the egg?:votes: egg: 8chicken: 3 Joeno: 1 Dong: 1 lalice's rant - see bottom of page: 1 dinosaurs: 1 arceus: 1
added awards Most influentialjoeno: 7raven: 3 Del: 1 GL: 1 Richard and blaziken: 1 nicest memberkay: 6chloe: 1 dragoncat: 3 richard and blaziken: 1 qc: 1 inferna: 1 gl: 1 RubyRobin: 1 alice: 1 GO ON IRC.
« on: December 31, 2013, 17:16 »
Shiny Pokemon are incredibly rare (becoming less and less each generation), but still a novelty people appreciate. However, the usage of them is something that I've noticed.
I only really use 2 of the Shinies. And I have quite a few.
I only use my competitive Haxorus, from BW2 and my Camperupt which was my breeding machine. However, now Talonflame exists I imagine Talonflame's going to be taking over its spot.
« on: October 15, 2013, 11:59 »
Erm... possible spoiler here if you haven't completed the league yet.
Okay so the guy reveals himself to be the king and Floette falls down from the sky. Very sad and special shivers etc.
However, has anyone noticed it's been 3000 years are people immortal in this game? Like what... I can see Pokemon lasting 3000 years possible, but people?
« on: September 11, 2013, 16:01 »
Hi, I was just wondering if we could stop filtering that green website with Pokemon 251 on.
I can understand the advertising rule, but having to blank out the name. To be honest, it is most people's source of Pokemon information these days and is a staple in the Pokemon Community.
I understand the two sites might have had an argument ages back, but do we have to be as petty as to block the actual name. As some users on multiple times want to say the name, especially with the X and Y release.
I mean, it's been a few years and we've all grown up since 2004/2005.
« on: August 19, 2013, 21:29 »
Is anyone else getting slightly weary of the fact Nintendo hasn't mentioned that there's a way to connect from Gen 5 to Gen 6 yet?
Or have I just completely missed the news?
« on: May 20, 2013, 15:42 »
Yeah, you've heard it. The new episode titles announce the return of Butterfree!
All those childhood feels come rushing back when this little bug returns <3
Episode 791: Ash and Butterfree! Until the Day We Meet Again!! Episode 792: Ash and Iris Break It Off!? Path to Separation!!
« on: May 20, 2013, 14:20 »
It's been much rumoured and even more so with the PokeBeach rumour that there will be a fairy type. I think it needs to be changed to "Magic", but Fairy will do.
Do you even think we need a Fairy/Magic type?
« on: May 14, 2013, 13:43 »
The region looks great and I can't wait personally. However, I'm not quite sure that's it. If you look North-west of Lumiose City there's a Lighthouse beyond the windfarm place (FLOOOON). Could this be a dock and North-west of France happens to be where I live  Could the UK be used as a post-game place? I mean the UK itself is possibly too small for a whole region so maybe GF thought it could be used-posted game. Compared to the size of France and that region it could easily fit like 5 post-game citys (Birmingham, London, Newcastle, Manchester, Bristol) in like a star shape format of the UK. There might even be an option to surf to Dublin, travel a bridge (GOD THEY LOVE BRIDGES) to Cardiff and a snowy Scotland. So could the UK be a post-game place? That lighthouse looks suspicious.