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Random Randomness / Re: Nostalgia Thread
« Last post by nalty. on March 29, 2022, 21:49 »
I logged back in out of curiosity for how this site was going. I spent my early teen years glued to this website, now I'm turning 30. I know it's dead, and I don't really care about Pokemon anymore, but I had a lot of great times here, making inside jokes in our little corner of the internet, debating over nonsense with our half-baked adolescent brains, quoting each other in our signatures. I hope everyone here is doing well, and I hope you have as good of memories of me as I have of you. If anyone remembers me, hey, it's Dracon. I didn't forget you either. I hope you're killing it.

glad to see you are out of prison
Random Randomness / Re: Nostalgia Thread
« Last post by Dracon on March 22, 2022, 04:06 »
I logged back in out of curiosity for how this site was going. I spent my early teen years glued to this website, now I'm turning 30. I know it's dead, and I don't really care about Pokemon anymore, but I had a lot of great times here, making inside jokes in our little corner of the internet, debating over nonsense with our half-baked adolescent brains, quoting each other in our signatures. I hope everyone here is doing well, and I hope you have as good of memories of me as I have of you. If anyone remembers me, hey, it's Dracon. I didn't forget you either. I hope you're killing it.
General Pokémon Discussion / Re: Where is everyone?
« Last post by Dracon on March 22, 2022, 03:56 »
Forums for small websites were bludgeoned to death by large social media platforms. I'm just here to see if the name rater finally got around to rating my Pokemon nicknames from 2006.
General Pokémon Discussion / Re: Where is everyone?
« Last post by Del on March 20, 2022, 20:06 »
I still come on this site to find nicknames for my pokemon, but I've found that not only is the Name Rater seemingly disappeared, but activity at a whole seems to be at a standstill. I hope one day we can get something like him back, since it was always a neat idea to critique others nicknames. But with 401 pending nicks and seemingly no ratings in sight its safe to say that we won't be rated anytime soon. But hey ya never know maybe things'll pick up...

CL4P-TP (spaz)

forums just kinda old and slow paced, no one really uses them anymore, especially on sites with as small an active userbase as here.

you've already stumbled into the Discord though, which is where most of us are!
General Pokémon Discussion / Where is everyone?
« Last post by CL4P-TP on March 19, 2022, 17:19 »
I still come on this site to find nicknames for my pokemon, but I've found that not only is the Name Rater seemingly disappeared, but activity at a whole seems to be at a standstill. I hope one day we can get something like him back, since it was always a neat idea to critique others nicknames. But with 401 pending nicks and seemingly no ratings in sight its safe to say that we won't be rated anytime soon. But hey ya never know maybe things'll pick up...

CL4P-TP (spaz)
The boss is Articuno:
I am a level 20 Marowak, while my Totodile partner is 21. Powder Snow consistently does 90+ damage while I only have 70hp. Ask any questions and I will answer them as best I can, any strategies would be greatly appreciated :D

What I have already tried:

Blast Seeds do pretty much nothing, found that out the hard way

My only 2 sleep seeds do nothing except use my turn, as Articuno immediately woke up and attacked all 4 times (2 attempts with sleep seeds, 2 sleep seeds per attempt) (maybe because its a boss, maybe because I have absolutely terrible luck in video games, maybe both) I have 2 reviver seeds that I haven’t brought to the boss yet. I am saved at the Kangaskhan statue outside the Frosty Grotto and can reset to that point any time I die. Is there a plausible way for me to beat this boss (that isn't just praying she doesn't use Powder Snow more than twice) that wouldn't take lots of grinding to be able to tank 20+ more damage? Also Gust is also a big issue as it two-shots both Totodile and me. I have plenty of apples on me for a slow stall game or bad dungeon rng, and 6 or 7 oran berries, but they don't do a whole lot to help during the actual boss fight. I wholeheartedly thank anyone for even reading this far, and any advice at all means the world to me, as I love the game but might turn away from it for a bit because of how frustrating this is. I apologize for not having a tl;dr, I am very bad at shortening text (as seen above)
Random Randomness / Re: Nostalgia Thread
« Last post by sylar on January 04, 2022, 22:11 »
*rises from the grave*

Don't ask me how I got back on here or why. Just saying hi. I used to be extremely active on this site eons ago before adult life jaded me and ruined everything. I started using this website when I was like 11 or 12, deleted my account, and made another one around the time I was 16.

I turn 30 next month... goodness gracious.

Also I'm shocked my old sig is still here.

if you ever see this give me your social medias or something i miss being tumglr mutuals 😭

By "mixed field team", I mean a party with mixed types (as opposed to a monotype team a gym leader might use) where your battle Pokémon make use of field moves (Hidden Machines).

Dear Petzbreeder,

When I play a Pokémon game I take it easy and focus on story. I still like to catch every new Pokémon as it comes, but I won't go out of my way fishing for Feebas, if you catch my drift.

The best way to play is to keep pace with a friend who has the companion version, if that is an option. The in-game rival battles are a good checkpoint to link up with your friend for a battle or trade. This is even easier on the newer versions which will communicate over the internet.

If you're playing both versions solo AND you are going for the living Pokédex, I recommend running a mixed field team and focusing on one version. You will want to have one main team shared between both game versions, just to minimize the monotony.

So the basic strategy is this:

1. Play both games independently until you are able to catch Pokémon and trade. Trade so that you have both starters on the main game.

2. On your "main" game, focus mainly on the story, and don't grind unless you need it to advance. Keep one to three Pokémon from your other game on your main team. Make out your boxes and catch/sort any Pokémon you come across; however, unless you want them on your team, don't evolve them for the dex yet.

3. Rival battles are checkpoints. After defeating your rival, trade Pokémon back to the secondary game and catch up in the story, especially the gyms. Just be careful not to trade any Pokémon that need friendship to level up since I think that gets reset upon trading.

4. Once you've cought up to the checkpoint, trade your main team back to the main game and repeat from #2.

Once you are in the endgame, around a third of your living Pokédex should be filled out just from things you catch and sort along the way. It's just a matter of filling in the blanks.

Random Randomness / Re: Nostalgia Thread
« Last post by sans the skeleton on January 02, 2022, 02:25 »
Reading this in 2021 has really brought me back. I joined back in 2005/2006 and used to post under the name Tim|Legendary Beast. I was about 12 so was in full on cringe mode. If anyone remembers me, I frequented the Role play board among a few others and talked a lot to people like Akari. One of those people who was very into using "teh" instead of "the" for some reason. I also started the "Laguna pwns Cloud" war. That is a surreal thing to type.

I remember having a dramatic moment of deleting my account. And then briefly came back? It seems like a different lifetime. A couple of other memories come to mind:
-"Y r girls so hot???"
-Sappy and the comic he made. I think I was a Cyndaquil in it haha.
-The live pokemon role playing board, where you had a team and llinked in with other people's adventures. I remember writing a whole load of stuff for that. Was it called pokemon live... something? Pokemon live connection?
-Wasn't there also a card game at one point?
-I remember there was an april fools where if you typed "pokemon" it changed it to "digimon". Still makes me laugh.
-Also the girl someone else mentioned a few pages back who was really into Drake and Josh and Paramore and used to angrily shout a lot for some reason.

Anyway, was nice to see some familiar names and hope everyone is doing well. :)

EDIT: Just found the live connection board and the thread about the card game. Can't believe that's all still there.

i remember you!!! been a while.
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