Pokémon Games > Trades

39 unwanted Eevee eggs on trade.


Wow, this is kinda a lot of Eevees.

So I have 39 Eevees because I wanted to hunt for a shiny Sylveon, but I like it the way it is, and luckily I didn"t go father than 39 Eevee eggs before I realized that I disliked shiny Sylveon. I actually had around 42 but I gave one to my friend and the 2 others to random people, I believe.

These Eevee eggs are all mostly free.

To get these Eevee's, I think you need to friend me on the Nintendo.

Friend Code: 4184-7502-7781
Friend name: Sofia
Pokemon Oras name: Sofia
(Wowww how creativeeeee)

sans the skeleton:
gender ratio will be the same as it is usually, its not dictated by the choice of parents, haha.


--- Quote from: Poison2007 on April 11, 2019, 01:32 ---gender ratio will be the same as it is usually, its not dictated by the choice of parents, haha.

--- End quote ---

Oh. But i guess half may be males anyways since Eevees gender ratio is 87.5% ♂ / 12.5% ♀


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