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Messages - Buttons The Plural™

Pages: 1 [2] 3 ... 29
Random Randomness / Re: what's saddening you right now?
« on: March 06, 2012, 02:14 »
I don't have any friends that live near me, I don't have any online friends either... I just feel completely alone and I don't know what to do anymore...

Random Randomness / Re: What's making you happy right now?
« on: November 30, 2011, 14:57 »
Blank CDs arrive tomorrow so i can back up all my music, films and TV series onto disc and reinstall windows at last! This old lappy has been going a little slow lately because of all the rubbish on it.

I have been banned from the IRC chat for no reason! It says spambots not wanted... but i'm not a bot and i didn't even say anything! *cry*

Random Randomness / Re: What's making you happy right now?
« on: November 05, 2011, 20:19 »
Skyrim comes out soon! I have been waiting 5 years for this game!

Random Randomness / Re: what's saddening you right now?
« on: November 05, 2011, 20:17 »
I hate leaving the house. I don't know why, i just feel like there is nothing to do outside. I have very few friends that live near here, in fact i can only think of 1 and i live with him. I don;t like clubs, pubs, bars or places with loud music and there doesn't seem to be anywhere else to meet people... I just feel completely alone and wrapped up in my four walls of my room, replaying the same old games over and over and looking at pictures on the Internet that i have seen a thousand times before just because i have nothing better to do... I just keep expecting something to happen but nothing changes at all. I know that nothing will change unless i make it... but there just doesn't seem to be anything that i can do about it. I dunno, i guess it's silly but i just feel like I am stuck at the moment. The last time i went outside was sunday, my door keys are in the exact same place that i left them.

Random Randomness / Re: What's making you happy right now?
« on: October 30, 2011, 23:06 »
I found a frog in my garden! I caught him. I am going to draw him then put him back. Such a cute little thing. I hope he makes it to the lake to make lots of babies.

Random Randomness / Re: what's saddening you right now?
« on: October 26, 2011, 23:26 »
I am still single.
I feel lonely...

Debate / Re: Abortion
« on: October 16, 2011, 14:24 »
Personally I don't see much wrong with it. I often hear an argument that that so many brilliant, clever people could be born if there were no abortions, we could be killing a scientist or an actor. Mmm... but we could also be killing a murderer. Sex is a very natural thing that had a ton of benefits; Weight loss, easing stress and depression, pain relief and other things, so saying "Just don't have sex!" isn't exactly being helpful, it may be the most sure way of not getting pregnant but it's in peoples nature to do it. You can't stop people having sex.If a woman becomes pregnant then it should be her choice whether she wants to keep it or not, If she doesn't want a child there is a stronger possibility that it isn't going to be looked after right, it could be living and suffering with a horrible life of a crowded home, poverty and even abuse if born to someone who doesn't care about it.

People who try and stop women from getting abortions, who try and close down clinics, stand in the doors and berate the people getting them, will they try and support the baby they have saved? Would they be willing to take on this new baby that the mother clearly didn't want/isn't ready for? I bet most of them wouldn't. I don't blame anyone for getting an abortion, it's not an easy decision for anyone to make.

Random Randomness / Re: what's saddening you right now?
« on: October 12, 2011, 03:58 »
^ Sofa surfing? :(

I used to do that, but i managed to get myself onto benefits and find a little flat to myself, I have been looking for a job so i can get off crappy income support but the building i live in is changing is policy... so they will no longer accept people who are on income support. I have till December to find somewhere else or find a job, and neither are looking likely. Getting evicted is crap.

Random Randomness / Re: what's saddening you right now?
« on: October 03, 2011, 17:11 »
Will be homeless again in about 2 months. Yay.

Random Randomness / Re: what's saddening you right now?
« on: September 29, 2011, 22:21 »
I might never be able to get a drivers license or a learners permit.

Why not? D:

Random Randomness / Re: What's making you happy right now?
« on: September 29, 2011, 21:55 »
I haven't been on to this side in a very long time, not even looking at the forums or stalked anyone on here like a creepy pervert in a while, and i am surprised to see that a lot of peoples usernames havn't changed and i still know some people. It's quite nice to know that there are still people i like here!

Well... i am back now and i think i will hang around the RP section for a while and see if anything fun and new pops up. I am right in the mood for something fun!

Random Randomness / Re: Random Fact About Yourself
« on: September 01, 2011, 21:26 »
I like poking tooth picks into pieces of fruit then freezing them.

Random Randomness / Re: what's depressing you right now?
« on: April 24, 2011, 05:13 »
my world of warcraft account just got hacked... that's 3 months of work gone.

Gaming / Re: What Games are you playing right now?
« on: April 13, 2011, 04:59 »
world of warcraft,

trying to grind some rep with sporeragger so i can get my tiny sporebat pet but the servers are down so i will have to go to sleep instead xD

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