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Messages - winterbane

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Likewise, didn't realize this was here.

Username: Winterbane
Why did you pick your username?: Actually, it's kind of an amalgam. Way back when in Pokemon Gold, I had a Sneasel named Winter and then I named a sneasel in an RP I was in Winterbane because I thought it sounded cool and I was a lot younger. I still like the sound of it, and hence it's my username everywhere now. Before then I used to go by Moogle and in a couple of places Darth Moogle.
Location: Nova Scotia, Canada
Favourite Pokemon: It's a tough call between Sneasel and Empoleon, but I'll go with Sneasel.
Favourite Type: Water, though I do really like a lot of ice-types as well.
Odd and/or interesting fact about yourself: While I obviously play Pokemon, my real passion is tabletop roleplaying games like (but as of late not including) Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, World of Darkness, and the like. Behind that I have a lot of fun with elaborate board games/strategy games.

X and Y/OmegaRuby and AlphaSapphire / Re: Friend Codes
« on: December 22, 2014, 20:56 »
I have run out of room for friend codes now. Half of the people I added have not accepted my request.

I typically give it two weeks before I delete pending friend cards. Might be a good strategy for you - I figure if people aren't going to add me in that timeframe, they aren't going to at all.

Random Randomness / Re: Christmas Is Nearing
« on: December 22, 2014, 20:54 »
I know my brother is probably getting me some RPG related stuff, I kept showing him Paizo's magnetic initiative tracker for role-playing games and I suspect he ordered that for me. I assume he did most of his shopping through thinkgeek and Paizo, we both tend to treat each other that way at Christmas. This year we weren't really planning on celebrating since my dad passed away just over a month ago, but the amount of gifts my grandparents dropped off before going to Florida from the extended family on their side boggles the mind. We didn't even put up a tree this year, so apparently we're going to pack everything up and have Christmas with some very close friends of the family.

As far as my grandparents shopping? They usually do clothes but last year my grandfather got me some neat stuff for tech (Chromecast, which hadn't been released in Canada yet) among some other neat gadgets. So we'll see.

X and Y/OmegaRuby and AlphaSapphire / Re: Friend Codes
« on: December 22, 2014, 11:57 »

I'll watch this thread and add anyone who posts saying they've added me/PMs to tell me, too lazy to just scroll and add people.

Say Hello! / Re: Hello, gentleman :)
« on: December 22, 2014, 11:14 »
Nothing wrong with Metallica. Also, welcome to the site - I'm fairly new here as well, but people are quickly getting to recognize me. At least I think. =)

Random Randomness / Re: Best skill you've ever developed?
« on: December 22, 2014, 11:13 »
Effective time management, something a lot of people somehow fail to achieve...

Say Hello! / Re: hi
« on: December 20, 2014, 13:55 »
Hey, welcome and all that! I'm pretty new to the site but I've noticed the IRC picks up mid-afternoon and in the evening for my time zone (atlantic, GMT -4). Other than that it seems to be pretty quiet all the time.

Games General / Re: DW/HA Unova Starters event!
« on: December 20, 2014, 13:52 »
Is anyone else tired of these events slated for Japan being like, 30 to 1 for what NA gets?

Random Randomness / Re: What Realisations Have You Made Today?
« on: December 20, 2014, 13:50 »
I never completed a living pokedex for Kanto or for Unova. Well, time to start on that...

Debate / Re: Sony Pictures Pulls "The Interview"
« on: December 19, 2014, 22:04 »

I'm just gonna leave this here...

I'm pretty sure the whole world forgives Team America as it mocks the US more than any other country it involves.

I'd like to see the Gen IV starters get Megas, as well as some of the Pokemon that are useable but simply outclassed by others. I think Mega Eeveelutions would be too much - there's just too many of them, but a lot of two-stagers could really use a mega.

Debate / Re: Sony Pictures Pulls "The Interview"
« on: December 18, 2014, 00:38 »
I don't honestly believe North Korea has the resources to pull anything like this off - it is far more feasible that China is behind it, as a much larger country with a vested interest in the west not looking too closely at what happens in the east. Regardless, I have my doubts that this film will ever see a real release now, at least one intentionally done by Sony.

Debate / Re: Sony Pictures Pulls "The Interview"
« on: December 17, 2014, 23:26 »
The creation of the movie is pretty irresponsible to begin with - a comedy portraying the assassination of a current head of state is just not in good taste, even if it is North Korea. Also, as stated in the IRC - if a bootleg copy of this film makes it to North Korea somehow, and someone watches it and gets tortured and killed for it, that's something Sony Pictures has to live with.

Alternatively, who is to say it was a legitimate threat? For all we know it was freelance hackers, and in that case we might see some real terrorism generated as a result - as one news articles comments said "quick, someone pretend to be N. Korea and get the TMNT sequels scrapped!"

I don't know, I don't see a winning situation coming out of this. Creating the movie was just a bad move.

General Pokémon Discussion / Re: Mispronounced Pokémon
« on: December 17, 2014, 11:04 »
Ash pronounces it Skeptile, like with a k sound. It sucks.

Random Randomness / Re: The three line "How ya doin'" topic
« on: December 17, 2014, 03:38 »
Was supposed to play some Age of Rebellion tonight, but I had to get heavy duty pain killers and antibiotics three days ago for an infected root canal. Went out for dinner with the guys and crashed at my buddy's place and none of them had it in them to wake me up. A night off wasted instead.

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