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Messages - The biscquiat dragon

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Debate / Re: Horse meat in burgers - yay or neigh?
« on: February 05, 2013, 15:45 »
I thought the objection to eating horse was simply because it didn't taste very good, but according to some of our members this isn't the case.
Hush, pigs are so totally cute!

Your Art / Re: Distorted Pokemon... MS Paint... things!
« on: August 24, 2012, 08:05 »

Am I doing this right?

Random Randomness / Re: what's saddening you right now?
« on: August 24, 2012, 05:01 »
S*** just took a turn for the worse.
Mom's been stealing pain pills from her work, she's being pressed for 5 years jail time, my 5 year old brother is going to be taken away if a blood relative doesn't claim him, I might have to seek refuge with my dad in his 1 bedroom.
My older sister might have to work at my mom's old office, meaning she won't be able to stay home with her new born. Her boss might cover mom's expenses for the house so that we can stay here IF she complies
We've only been moved in for 2 months and wow...

A lot of people are extremely reliant on my mom. My sister and her husband moved in while she was going through pregnancy, and me, all under one roof.

I'm not quite sure where I'll end up but I don't care because it isn't even about me.

Now as it turns out, mom checked into 30 day inpatient rehabilitation earlier this morning. Her boss has given her a sizable leave and our bills are paid, and the house is secure, including me, for at least the next 6 months.
Her court date is on Sep 12 and the charge could range from a fine to up to 5 year jail time.
I don't even know where she's going to go from here, she's lost her job and no one understands what will happen.

My older sister is working at the office after all, to pay for food. Maybe she'll be able to work from home.

My grandfather will be staying in the case of mom's absence to keep my brother.

My grandmother is helping me with resources for my own mental illnesses so I can get my life on track, and also help.

I think I'm going to be okay. I have some opportunities ahead of me, even if I have to chase them. I just want to talk it out...

Random Randomness / Re: Photo Topic 1.3
« on: August 22, 2012, 10:16 »

Also swam here today

Random Randomness / Re: What's making you happy right now?
« on: August 18, 2012, 06:02 »
It's almost my birthday :x
EDIT: and I have a little cake on my profile.

Random Randomness / Re: Photo Topic 1.3
« on: August 15, 2012, 22:38 »
Hi there Mike
Your kitty is showing

Swam Abiqua creek

Forum Games / Re: Make a Wish. Have it horribly corrupted.
« on: August 14, 2012, 06:35 »
Granted, but you need a converter box in order to play your amazing games.

I wish to be a Sailor Soldier.

Random Randomness / Re: What's making you happy right now?
« on: August 13, 2012, 09:25 »
of course, welcome to new england, so we all decide rain won't melt us and we stay in the park.
Aw echo, that sounds like a day well spent!

Well, my gifts are coming in early. c:

Forum Games / Re: How far in before the admins show up?
« on: August 13, 2012, 09:14 »
Because the staff love and treasure us enough to grace us with their presence.
... 2?

Random Randomness / Re: What's making you happy right now?
« on: August 08, 2012, 15:31 »
I started my period, and this is great because it won't be on the 18th.
It'll certainly make my birthday that much better.

Forum Games / Re: How far in before the admins show up?
« on: August 08, 2012, 02:40 »
So what's the record

Forum Games / Re: Whaddya Listening To Version 1.3
« on: August 08, 2012, 01:02 »
Passenger - Deftones
Good Maynards

Random Randomness / Re: What Realisations Have You Made Today?
« on: August 07, 2012, 22:02 »
That my nephew is 7 pounds 8 ounces, and that I'm once again an Auntie Kris.

Welcome to this world, Thor.

Watching the episode, there seem to be no ulterior motives with the Rockets, they all seem unsuspicious even counting the scene of Jesse and James in that following episode. If he defects to the Rockets they could simply make up.

I'm hoping they don't because if this is a joke it isn't a funny one etc., but that's for another topic.

Random Randomness / Re: What's making you happy right now?
« on: March 06, 2011, 08:00 »

I got these Friday due to a deal with a store employee *americaland*
and that I have 2 extra Celebi and Wifi until Wednesday

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