Please respect new people - everyone's new at one point!
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How about sending it on over to an admin?
A bit more on this - it's probably good to get it proofread by an admin (and a few others), and do that for a first few - I know Peter's quite responsive. Beyond that, I can set you up with access to the relevant features and talk you through how to use them. Catch me on IRC or MSN for that, or I can reserve some time if you want to arrange that beforehand.In general it'd be nice if people get some more experience before we set that up, but I think this is one page where we can speed ahead with that, and if that goes well it'll be easier to set you up with access to other areas, assuming you want to help out in getting more pages uploaded.
I've sent it along to Peter to have it checked out. :>
Reading through this thread makes me feel so sad and nostalgic at the same time.