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I think the experience of this show is slightly enhanced when you watch it as if Hank Hill has Aspergers Syndrome and Peggy has Narcisstic Personality DisorderIn terms of plot at least. It makes it cringe worthy if you're looking for a laugh.
I mean Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory is more Aspie than Hank ever WILL be.
Hank can also recognize body language and facial expressions very well all the time WHICH no Aspie can do. That is why I KNOW Hank is NOT an Aspie and it is an insult to say that he is.
There's NO excuse for Cotton's actions. There is NEVER an excuse for abuse. Abuse is abuse no matter who the perpetrator is. That is the source of Hank's issue.
In the flashbacks on the show that show Hank younger, he clearly has social skills in that he is on a sports team which many Aspies don't like to do.