Author Topic: Kanto has Fallen [P] [Ad] [C]  (Read 3406 times)

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Offline Y2Jt

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Kanto has Fallen [P] [Ad] [C]
« on: August 17, 2014, 22:48 »
Professor Oak swiftly finished the letter in front of him, glancing over his shoulder to check if the guard outside his front door was watching. Sighing to himself he looked at the pile of paper that lay in front of him. He turned to the monitor on his left. “I will leave theses in the usual place, make sure they are delivered, you know as well as I how much is at stake.” Text appeared in reply. ‘It will be done Professor. The packages are secure and all is in place.’ Oak lend back in his metal chair.
“I hope so Bill, I fear I may not evade discovery for long.” He looked out of his window, despite it being the middle of the night Pallet Town was illuminated by searchlights and torches, glinting of the metal fence that surrounded it. The computer beeped as a message flashed across the screen
‘Do not worry old friend, the rebellion begins today’

Throughout the history of the Pokémon world there has always been evil. Criminal Organisations who’s plans have ranged from pure financial gain to world domination luckily there have always been trainers ready to stop them, but what if there wasn’t. ‘Kanto has Fallen’ takes place after all of the Pokémon games. In which those who seek to destroy the world have been defeated and imprisoned. Cyrus, the former leader of team Galactic, however evaded capture and in the past year has been plotting, gather together not only former Team Galactic members, but those of Team Magma, Aqua, Plasma and Flare as well. After years of gaining power they did the unthinkable and managed to free Maxie, Archie, Ghetsis and Lysandre.

The group came into the public light by naming themselves ‘The Defenders of Freedom’ hiding the leader’s involvement with the group they rallied for better protection against  the very attacks they had once committed gaining numerous followers and supporters. Slowly twisting their minds and corrupting them, the ‘Council’ as they were now called began to make the general public believe that is was them, not the gym leaders that could keep people safe  Eventually they stuck, attacking the Pokémon league in Kanto en masse. Within a week the Champion and Elite 4 were in chains, the gym leaders faced with a choice, join the Defenders or be arrested with the Champion. In the years that followed, more and more rules were enforced to ‘protect people’. And so the dictatorship goes on.

7 Years on you are a teenage living in Kanto. In a world where only those who work for the Defenders are allowed Pokémon. You have received an anonymous letter asking you to meet at the entrance of the Rock Tunnel at midnight. Telling you to come if you want to see the Defender’s fall. Whatever you motive are you have decided to go…

1)   No G-modding or PP’ing
2)   Try and have readable spelling and grammar
3)   For convenience any Pokémon from any gen can be caught in Kanto. But be sensible ( No Wailords underground or Garchomps immediately
4)   If you managed to read the rules and slog through the backstory well done you. Put the word Rebellion in red in your post.
5)   Have fun!  ;D


Name: (Fairly obvious)
Gender: (Also obvious)
Age: (No older than 16, we are not old enough to have had Pokémon before the Defenders came into power)
Description: (About 3 lines of personal appearance)
Personality: (About 3 lines detailing what makes you character tick)
Pokémon: (This is the Pokémon that will be given to you at the start of your journey so something that has not yet evolved. Remember in your starter post you don’t have it yet)
Other: (Anything else about your character we need to know?)
Starter Post: (Don’t need an essay, just you arriving at the Rock Tunnel)

Name: Kaiden Cross 
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Description: Kaiden is about 5’10 a very slim and fairly tanned from constantly being out in the open. He usually wears a plain white t-shirt with a dark black jacket. He wears denim blue jeans and shoes that were once white but not are a scruffy gray. He has short black hair that is usally messed up and wears glassses. He has dark brown eyes and tends to have a scowl etched across his face.
Personality: Kaiden tends to be a very driven person, not letting go of his goals easily. He bears a deep hatred for the Defenders. His father was once the leader of a rebellion movement but was betrayed by his best friend and arrested. Due to this Kaiden finds it very hard to trust people prefer to be alone. Also with his father arrested Kaiden has been forced to grow up very fast. An outdoorsy type Kaiden also gets nervous around large cities.
Skiddo -  Hunter
Starter Post: Kaiden once again glanced over his shoulder and into the gloomy night. He couldn't quite shake the feeling something was wrong. This had to a trap, but why go this far just to get him. He sighed, there was no way a letter like that, one that mentioned the idea of rebellion  would have got past the Defenders notice. No way at all, muttering to himself he realised he had reached the entrance to the Rock Tunnel and nobody was here. He smirked well if its not a trap then it's an ill conceived wind up. But then ... he saw a figure with a large suitcase walking towards him out of the night...

« Last Edit: August 18, 2014, 17:42 by Y2Jt »

Offline Y2Jt

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Re: Kanto has Fallen [P] [Ad] [J]
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2014, 22:49 »

Kaiden Cross - Y2Jt

Zack Axford - ShinyBlaziken2000

Dulcie Kidiamene - Sebastian Moran

Ricky Lowe - еcho

Eiruki Stal - Shaymin

Miriam Samuels - Lalice of Shrubs

Ellie Barker - Inferna

Gina Merriweather - Bad Wolf

Eric Levin - E.K.A.N.S.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2014, 17:46 by Y2Jt »

Offline kindtocrows

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Re: Kanto has Fallen [P] [Ad] [J]
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2014, 00:27 »
This kinda reminds me of a fanfic I read not long ago...
I might join, but I'll have to submit my form later. It's nice to see the rp board not dead.
though I kinda wish we could continue other rp we had going as well... ;-;
When it comes down to it, the difference between healing and necromancy is timing.

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Re: Kanto has Fallen [P] [Ad] [J]
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2014, 01:04 »
Nice to see the place isn't dead.

Name: Zach Axford
Gender: Male
Age: 12
Appearance: Zach is unusually tall for his age a 5'9", average build and has a very light tan to him. His hair is medium length and brown with the tips bleached to look almost like a gold color ((my hair irl)). Zach wears a pair of cargo pants and a short sleeved gray shirt. His eyes are an emerald green. The shoes Zach wears are black with blue laces. Besides for his abnormal height, nothing about him is out of the ordinary, so he tends to blend in.
Personality: Axford is usually a boy of few words and is a bit more mature than the average person his age. When he does speak, he's usually quiet. In fact, Zach is usually so quiet, he's usually forgotten about in the background. He has a head for strategy and is quite smart, but hasn't gotten to try anything since he doesn't know anyone and is usually forgotten in the background. Besides that, Zach is outgoing and willing to help others if need be.
Pokemon: Electrike - Chase

Starter Post: Zach walks to an entryway to a rocky cave that seemed to be overpopulated with diglett. It was near Pewter City. Something was off. For instance, what if this whole rebellion thing was just a trap to catch those who didn't follow the Defenders. Someone was already in there, and the fight or flight instincts kicked in. However, this figure walked out with a briefcase didn't seem like a Defender. Still, Zach remained on guard. No one else came. Another teen was nearby, looking at this man as well. What could he be here for? Zach thought, waiting for someone to speak.
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Re: Kanto has Fallen [P] [Ad] [J]
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2014, 01:24 »
woaah i was just thinking "man i want to do a pokemon role play" so thank You for providing a plot that looks more Interesting than whatever i could think of.
and. yeah. 
look a form. 

Name: Dulcie Kidiamene
Gender: Female
Age: 15

Description: 5'5", in shape enough to run up stairs or (eventually) stumble up a mountainside, but she isn't going to be winning a marathon any time soon. Dulcie has dark eyes, skin and hair, the last of which is long and in clean but irregularly sized dreadlocks. She sometimes wraps up/ties them back with the red scarf she wears. No piercings, just freckles.
Clotheswise, she's wearing a short grey dress/tunic over a vaguely purple shirt, with a pair of jeans underneath and some oversized boots which make her a tiny bit taller than she'd be without them, which is always important.
And here's a bonus head-and-shoulders scribble of her.

Personality: For the most part, Dulcie is calmly optimistic. She firmly believes in being positive and patient with each other: her attitude towards making things better is to be good and expect the world to follow suit, however naive that may actually be. That said, she's not above snapping at somebody who she thinks is being unreasonable, if her patience has really been tried. Honestly though, she's worried it might lead to her being left out... which means she's less likely to snap at people who like her. Or over the actually important things, go figure.

Pokémon:      Whismur

Other: rebellion, as "rebel rebel" starts playing in background

Starter Post: The piece of paper fluttered dangerously in the girl's hands for a moment as the wind tugged at it, making an alarming rattling noise. She resisted the urge to shush it, instead just looking around to see if anybody might have heard, and screwing it up safely in her fist.
The plan (or idea, it wasn't really thought-out enough to be called a plan) Dulcie had decided on was to sneak around a bit, hopefully arriving close to the location at the right time, close enough to keep an eye on things to find out whether it was safe to be there. The whole thing was kind of like a spy novel, but with far less glamour: her teeth were threatening to chatter, and the mountainous ground was strewn with small rocks and clumps of misplaced soil, easy to trip on in the dim moonlight. She'd made the decision to climb up a little higher for a better view, which had left her clothes speckled with dirt and grass stains.
Was there somebody there already? Dulcie squinted, and chewed on her lip as she moved closer, probably herself now visible as she tried to get a better look. Overall, her feelings were more from curiosity than justice. Whatever was going on, she didn't want to be left out of it. And, well, somebody had picked her out, for whatever their reasons turned out to be.

be humble,
for you are
made of earth.

be noble,
for you are
made of stars.

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Re: Kanto has Fallen [P] [Ad] [J]
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2014, 01:51 »
hoho save me a spot for when im not braindead

and uh, rebellion.  pretend thats red, id rather not dive into bbcode on mobile

Offline Kpyna

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Re: Kanto has Fallen [P] [Ad] [J]
« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2014, 08:16 »
Name: Ricky Lowe
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Description: Ricky is just about five feet and six inches tall, and maintains an average build. His skin is rather pale, and is only made to look more ghostly by his untamed, thick black hair. The hair looks like perhaps he had a style going for it at one point, but he just wasn't disciplined enough to keep it in good shape. The frizz that finds itself into his hair is typically only tames when his hair is wet, in which case, it reveals itself as being slightly too long, and requires care to keep it out of his eyes. He wears a black shirt and dark jeans, further making himself seem spectral. His eyes are a light variety of hazel.
Personality: Ricky is sloppy, and doesn't ever seem to keep one project down. His focus quickly shifts, and he makes both a bad leader, as well as a bad follower. It might be fair to say that he marches to the beat of his own incredibly irregular drummer, where the drummer also has no idea what he's doing. When he does commit to something, however, he's not too copasetic about it. He will get very stressed out if things go wrong, and is even liable to cry when under such stress. He's probably more of a coward than he is brave, and is the least likely guy to want to venture into the dark cave, or walk across a narrow chasm bridge.

Female Noibat -- Currently Unnamed
Other: Will update with Noibat's info when he meets him / her. Also, rebellion in red, etc., I wrote this form at 3 am so I just forgot that bit :p
Starter Post:

Ricky fumbled the piece of paper in his hand, trying to see if he could read any of the text at all. He was confused as to why he got the letter, and even more confused as to why he decided it would be a great idea to leave his house, and go where this letter said. He just hoped that if something went wrong, he could use his legs to dart away at the first sign of danger. Ricky shivered -- he wasn't sure if it was from the chill of the tunnel, or the creepiness of the tunnel. Regardless, he couldn't help but feel extreme discomfort, and some desire to have a jacket.

However, he had been very bored at home recently, while his parents yelled and panicked. His parents, ever since the situation got so critical, didn't like him leaving town. In a way, Ricky was excited to have this chance to have an adventure. What could he have done wrong, anyways? Ricky tried to gulp down his own nerves, as he began to walk very slowly towards the two others that he could see. Hopefully, if danger stalked these caves, those two kids would almost be his own sacrificial lambs, so he could escape scot-free.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2014, 14:54 by еcho »

Offline Y2Jt

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Re: Kanto has Fallen [P] [Ad] [J]
« Reply #7 on: August 18, 2014, 12:20 »
All three forms accepted :D and spots saved for Dragoncat and bread dead redemption

Offline Shaymin

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Re: Kanto has Fallen [P] [Ad] [J]
« Reply #8 on: August 18, 2014, 12:49 »
hm am i really gonna join an rp on the rp board yeah

but i shall post a form after i eat breakfast cause my brain is p much dead rn

EDIT: bio yo

Name: Eiruki Stal
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Description: First things first, Eiruki is short. Barely pushing past four foot five, she looks entirely innocent and young (of which, she is neither). She's slim, built like an endurance runner all smushed in to one tiny kid. Her hair is short and brown, kind of choppy and sloppy as she tends to cut it herself. Her eyes are big and brown and are made bigger by her glasses. She dresses modestly; tees and jeans, and because she's a fan of cloaks, she also has a cloak because they're cool.
Personality: Eiruki tries to give off an air of cool and calm and most of the time she succeeds, but in reality she tends to be quite nervous and is full of self-doubt. She worries an awful lot and though she'll try and keep a straight face, when she freaks out she can get to the point of breaking down and ceasing to do any and everything. When she knows she has to take a stand, she'll try her damnedest to keep her head and get the job done.
Pokémon: Trapinch - Male - Brave - "Jaws"
Other: scrambled eggs and rebellion
Starter Post:

Hood up, phone clutched in hand. Her parents told her to be safe, be careful, trust no one. Why did she have to get involved in all this? Her parents were just Pokémon doctors, not rebels, for Arceus's sake! Why not the gutsy kid down the road? Or the smart kid from her class in school? Of course not. Eiruki just had the worst luck in the world.

Rock Tunnel was up ahead and Eiruki felt sick. She stopped in her tracks, wind whipping around her, making her thankful for her warm cloak. She could do this, she told herself, swallowing hard. She had to be ready for this. The letter had to be real. Her gut twisted and told her to turn back and go home, and for a moment, she was tempted to, but her feet pressed forward and she forced herself to move. She could do this.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2014, 15:50 by Shaymin »

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Re: Kanto has Fallen [P] [Ad] [J]
« Reply #9 on: August 18, 2014, 13:02 »
Name: Miriam Samuels
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Description: Miriam is about 5'1, and is slightly overweight, by her own admission.  She has dark brown hair kept in a thick fishtail braid down to the top of her shoulder blades which she keeps tied with a bright red hair elastic.  She has large chocolate coloured eyes accentuated by meticulously plucked eyebrows.  She might have obviously high cheekbones, if they weren't covered by a layer of puppy fat. She wears a light violet blouse with a stretchy white skirt which has - in the past - been labelled as slightly frumpy.  Her shoes are most often flats, as she finds high heels a godsend for her height but a terror for when she actually tries to walk.
Personality: Miriam is gentle, vain, and talkative.  She is not above being selfish, and is aware of and self-conscious the fact that she is so.  If her selfishness - among other qualities she does not value - is pointed out, she becomes defensive and she will retreat into a stroppy, sullen silence for a little while.  In spite of this, it does not take her long to be the first to apologise after an argument, as she prefers getting along with people to holding a vendetta against them for a single comment.  When stressed, she becomes high strung and twitchy, and it is considered by most a good thing that it takes a lot of pressure for her to succumb to stress.

Pokémon: Ralts,  Female;  Desdemona

Other: Rebellion

Starter Post:
A vague, tense anxiety plugged at Miriam’s stomach as she trooped up to Rock Tunnel.The letter – screwed in her hand now and nigh unreadable – had caught her most deeply off guard, and had upset her and excited her. It was something she had kept a secret from her Parents, Nana, and Brother. Telling them had felt wrong, somehow, and so she was travelling to Rock Tunnel alone. She felt, now, that not telling them had been a reckless, foolish idea, and she stopped and turned back a couple of steps before an insistent curiosity pulled her back towards the tunnel.  She choked slightly on her own nervousness as the top of the tunnel came into clear view.
She trudged the last few steps, resigned to the fact that she could not now turn back with a good conscience. For a moment, nausea took over and she stopped still to press the back of her hand to her mouth.  A few deep breaths and the nausea quelled. She turned to the outer tunnel walls and fixed a weak smile to her face, then took the last few steps to where she could see a small gathering of people standing near the entrance.

thanks gl <3

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Re: Kanto has Fallen [P] [Ad] [J]
« Reply #10 on: August 18, 2014, 13:17 »
Name: Ellie Barker
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Description: Ellie is very small for her age, standing at just shy of 5'3. She is very petite looking, almost like a doll but despite that she is very resilient. Her complexion alternates between 'ill looking' or just 'pale'. She has thin golden hair, it reaches her shoulders. Ellie usually has a spare bobble to tie it up when the wind starts blustering. Her eyes are hazel, almost golden in colour at times. Ellie dresses very casually, favouring practical clothing over something fashionable. She wears some dark blue jeans, a fluffy grey and pink jumper and some well worn black doc marten style boots.
Personality: Ellie is quiet at times. Until she is 100% sure of everyone and has analysed them thoroughly in her head, she will remain quiet, occasionally coming out with sarcasm or witty one liners. Then she almost becomes a new person once she is comfortable around you, laughing and joking. Despite this Ellie will make it known if she doesn't like you, becoming very aloof and almost cold. Ellie is very compassionate and kind, willing to put herself on the line or do small favours. She can get very defensive sometimes, this goes hand in hand with her stubborn nature. She tends to over analyse everything, one thing you couldn't say is that Ellie is rash.
Sweetie - Togepi (f)
Starter Post: Ellie grinned quietly. "Could I really go on an adventure like this?" her mind whirred with thoughts of her usual worrying nature. Shaking her head and reading the scrap of paper once more she decided. She was going to go.
She packed and then left a little note to her parents. They'd understand. Re-assuring herself once more mentally she snuck off from her home in Vermillion City. She was unsure what side of the Rock Tunnel so she re-read the letter once again.
After a long cold walk, she made it at 11.55pm. Ellie was early for once. She slipped by some trees and bushes, sat on a large boulder and waited. She was finally going to join the rebellion.

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Re: Kanto has Fallen [P] [Ad] [J]
« Reply #11 on: August 18, 2014, 17:41 »
All accepted, we'll wait for the other two and then we'll start


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Re: Kanto has Fallen [P] [Ad] [C]
« Reply #12 on: August 18, 2014, 20:28 »
Name: Gina Merriweather
Gender: Female
Age: 13
Description: Gina has a broad (broad ≠ fat - broad = wide at the shoulders & kinda bulky) but streamlined figure. Her hair is red and hangs neatly just above her shoulders. Her eyes are green and her skin is the colour of apple flesh. Most notably of her attire, Gina is known to wear dresses, skirts or shorts but never trousers. She carries a medium sized, navy, leather satchel bag of essentials.
Personality: Gina is overflowing with common sense but with common sense comes a limited capacity to deal with fools. Gina from first judgement many would say Gina was intelligent however on a closer look she lacks specialist knowledge. She is, at least, clever enough to know when to be silent. Offhand she is often loud, chatty and overbearing often in a hypocritical way.
Aron - Male - 'Logan'
Other: That gif was too big - might start a rebellion.
Starter Post: Gina had always been fond of going places that maybe she didn't ought to go. The Defenders obstructed her nightly freedom but tonight it was vital that she get away.
Before she climbed out of the back window she scribbled a little note for her parents - she doubted she would return soon enough to stop them worrying. The window was the safest exit - there could be people watching anywhere around the front. It was best to stick to shadow. Gina then climbed over the fence and left town.
When Gina arrived at her closest entrance to Rock Tunnel, there was shadow here because the moon was out and she stuck closely to it. Even if the people gathered there had been called by the same message, she could not be sure and it was best to remain unseen to ensure that all intentions were known no matter how much she wanted to introduce herself and chat.


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Re: Kanto has Fallen [P] [Ad] [C]
« Reply #13 on: August 19, 2014, 09:07 »
Is joining really closed, or can I still save a spot while you're waiting for someone?

Offline Y2Jt

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Re: Kanto has Fallen [P] [Ad] [C]
« Reply #14 on: August 19, 2014, 11:30 »
You can still join if you want, I was closing because we have quite a lot of people already and I didn't want to get to full. I will message the two we are waiting for and if they are not interested we can start after I get back from work