Author Topic: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]  (Read 23795 times)

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #75 on: November 24, 2014, 05:13 »
The small insect pokemon looked around, trying to figure out what was going on. Who was this large, winged pokemon? Was she friendly? Why the the nine-tailed pokemon run off? He eventually gave up, realizing he wasn't going to figure it out on his own. He also realized he was most likely useless here, so he thought maybe it'd be better if he went back to camp. When he got there, he noticed SCRAP by the fire, it looked like he was standing guard. The Anorith moved in by the fire and started to settle down.

"[Hey, SCRAP, any idea what's going on over there?]" he asked, pointing to where the others were with a claw, "[it seemed kind of strange for the...]" he paused for a moment, trying to think of what to call her, before giving up and simply referring to her by what he had been calling her in his head, "[the pokemon with nine tails to run off like that.]" The Anorith was getting annoyed with not knowing what to call anyone. Now seemed like a good time to ask. "[Umm, what should I call everyone? Do you know their names? I've never seen any pokemon like anyone here so I don't even know what their species are.]"
When it comes down to it, the difference between healing and necromancy is timing.

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #76 on: November 24, 2014, 17:13 »
SCRAP heard the Anorith's questions. There was a soft whirring noise ((like when your computer fan speeds up for a bit)) as he loaded up his translation software. These questions were all reasonable to ask given that the creature didn't understand what anyone was saying. Or of it did understand, it wasn't much.
Still scanning the area, the Porygon answered the ancient Pokémon's inquiries in the order they were asked.
"[Response] No." he started.
"[Response] Dark canine is Sixx. Species not seen. Rose one with cloth lengths is Patrick. Species not seen. Creature with nine tails is Ninetails." the Porgon continued. Under his breath (in a manner of speaking) he muttered "[Sarcasm] Truly a creative species name."
"[Statement] Other species not seen. Extra work needed for finding it."

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #77 on: November 24, 2014, 20:24 »
So now he knew two names and a species name. Well, it was a start. He committed those names to memory, then thanked SCRAP. He wanted to go to sleep, but he couldn't quite settle down until he was sure the newer pokemon was peaceful and wasn't going to try to eat him or something.

"[By the way, SCRAP, I don't think you ever told me what you were, I mean, what your species is called.]" the Anorith noted, hoping conversation would help keep him awake. Suddenly, in the edge of his field of vision, opposite to where the others were, he saw something move. "Huh?" he exclaimed. But when he turned to see what it was, he saw nothing. He chose to ignore it. It was probably nothing, he thought.

((Thought I'd bring in the possibility of a doomsday pokemon attack, to get things moving a bit more and give the rest of us something to do in the meantime. Is that okay? I left it vague enough that you can just ignore it if you want.))
When it comes down to it, the difference between healing and necromancy is timing.

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #78 on: December 01, 2014, 00:35 »
((As I told you before, i'm cool with that, anything to make sure everyone is active and enjoying it))

Fleur waits for a response from the strange charizard. A long, awkward silence floats over everyone in the clearing. The buizel sighs, "Perhaps I was all over the map, allow me to try again." she says, "I'll start simple, what is your name? Answering that one is optional, but this next one must be answered, are you infected? We need to know that. If you aren't, give us a sign." Fleur stops there and waits for some sort of answer from the charizard.
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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #79 on: December 01, 2014, 02:25 »
Before the Anorith could turn back around, he saw something move again. This time he saw it clearly, he knew something was there. "[Wait, I think something's out there,]" he told SCRAP before scurrying off toward it. But before he could get too close, it jumped out of the shadows and rushed toward the little bug at incredible speed. The Anorith let out a loud screech in surprise and used Protect just before the attacker brought a huge, scythe-like claw down on him. The attack bounced off the barrier, causing the pokemon to bounce back a bit. The barrier dissipated, but before the pokemon could attack again, the Anorith used Water Gun and sprayed water directly in its face. It didn't do much damage, but it did distract it long enough for him to retreat and recompose himself.

The intruding pokemon was insect-like, like the Anorith, and it had two arms that were pretty much just huge claws, also like the Anorith. But that's where the similarities ended. It was green, bi-petal, and had a pair of wings. The smaller insect prepared for the next attack, which didn't take long. He used Protect again, but to his surprise, no attack reflected off the barrier. The other pokemon was waiting for the barrier to lift before attacking. The Anorith realized this when the other attacked. He tried to get out of the way, but the scythe cut a slit halfway through  his left, back wing. Pain surged through his tiny body, but he ignored it in the heat of the moment. He jumped up and used his claws to latch onto the abdomen of the larger insect, then used Metal Claw and slashed into its exoskeleton as he let go and fell into the snow, leaving two large cuts and doing much more damage than he expected to do. Apparently this pokemon was a lot weaker than it looked, as this was enough to bring it down, or at least severely weaken it.

He began to relax, as a flood of questions began to run through his mind. But he didn't get to think about it for long, because he then noticed another figure lurking in the shadows beyond the camp. Actually, maybe a few more? It was hard to tell. He froze as a large, brown, three headed creature emerged from the darkness. Two of the heads stared him down, while the third looked elsewhere, like it was looking for other pokemon. He was terrified, especially since there may be more around. However many more were there, their was no way he was going to be able to fight them off too.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2014, 02:42 by dragoncat »
When it comes down to it, the difference between healing and necromancy is timing.

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #80 on: December 02, 2014, 18:29 »
Sixx fidgeted as he watched Keira arise and take off towards the intruder and Fleur. He fidgeted even more as his keen eyes watched the Ninetales make it to the fallen Pokemon, but then for some reason appear to panic and take off into the woods. his ears jerked up in surprise. "Oh no." he ran back  to the edge of the camp where the others were, licking his lips. He was happy to see the boxy Pokemon had taken to guarding the area in its own way, but his nerves were still heightened. Something was up.

Patrick kept an eye on the Anorith as the little bug tried to investigate the fallen Pokemon outside of camp. The Sylveon padded forward, swiveling his ears and watching carefully. Suddenly, he noted the little bug tear off into the night, seemingly enticed by something.

"Oh?" he trotted out a little more, concerned about the small Pokemon. Suddenly, his blue eyes widened as he saw something large and green tear out of the shadows and attack his new friend. Patrick gasped, ribbons curling wildly. "Sixx!!" he called at his brother, before shooting off into the dark. Thankfully a few moments later it appeared the Anorith managed to down whatever had attacked him, but Patrick hurried forward anyway. He came up behind his little friend, panting, "Oh my goodness, are you alright? Are you hur- oh. Oh my." He looked up, spying a large three-headed Pokemon that glowered down at the Anorith. It looked nasty, and probably seething with Doomsday virus. Patrick's ears flattened as he came up next to his small friend, trying to look intimidating.

Sixx heard his brother as soon as he sounded a cry. "Huh?" He looked up, just in time to see the Sylveon take off into the dark. He snorted. "What's going on..?" Suddenly, he saw a flash of movement in the direction his brother took off, and immediately he was filled with a flash of dread. He cut his eyes over to SCRAP. "I'm checking up on them. Keep watch," He said quickly, before getting down on all fours and tearing forward after Patrick.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2014, 02:46 by Danatales »

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #81 on: December 02, 2014, 19:05 »
"[Alert] Mayday mayday! Hostiles encountered." SCRAP buzzed when he saw the flash of green and the flurry of attacks. Subject 001 charged the attacker and, with a mix of defensive tactics and offensive power, took it down. The Porygon was intrigued by this small creature's ability being an outlier compared to the abilities of similarly small Pokémon. Before he could call off the alert, another Pokémon appeared. This one was brown with three heads. Its body was mostly spherical, though misshappen likely due to starvation or injury. At any rate, it presented an immediate threat.
A blur of pink and white as Patrick joined the battle against the intruder. It growled menacingly between pants.
"[Alert] Hostile identified. Doduo, flying type. Recommended attacks: Electric, Rock, Ice. Initiating Attack Mode!" ((I intentionally mis-identified the Pokémon. SCRAP doesn't have Pokédex software after all)).
Sixx came towards the Anorith and the Sylveon, calling out for the Porygon maintain watch.
"Understood. Maintaining alert." SCRAP buzzed.

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #82 on: December 03, 2014, 23:37 »
((Time to join the fray))

Keira had since calmed herself down and decided that all this blubbering was worthless. Plus, if she showed this, they might see her as the weak child she is and then what little authority she has goes down a whirlpool. The ninetales started to hear some attacks and yelling from nearby. The clearing. Wait.... The clearing?! She shook the thin blanket on snow that had accumulated on her back and ran into the trees toward the camp. On the edge, a scyther started to walk by and she considered her options. Overheat. Wait.... not a good idea. The trees in the area would burn. Maybe a controlled burn.... Yeah, that'll work. Keira powered a small flame and walked out into the clearing and shot it off. The flame split into two, taking out two scyther at once. The ninetales heard SCRAP starting to call them doduo and then said, "No.... those are scy-" Then she looked over, 3 heads, not two. "That's a dodrio, I think. Same weaknesses." she says, then a scyther blindsided her with night slash and the ninetales went down.
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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #83 on: December 04, 2014, 00:52 »
The Anorith was relieved to see Patrick. Hopefully he was good at fighting, because the little bug didn't stand much of a chance against the three-headed bird. The Anorith prepared to defend himself, but wasn't sure what to do after Protect, the trick with Water Gun he used on the last one, which he was still surprised he managed to defeat, wouldn't work on something with three heads.

Meanwhile, the Scyther he thought was defeated, slowly started to get up. It stayed low and prepared to attack after the Dodrio, while its targets were distracted. The injuries it had received from the Anorith's Metal Claw were not actually that bad, they barely restricted its movement. It knew the other doomsday pokemon were there, so it faked defeat to get in a good position to attack once the targeted pokemon were distracted. The Dodrio began to dash toward the two pokemon.
When it comes down to it, the difference between healing and necromancy is timing.

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #84 on: December 04, 2014, 04:43 »
Sixx sprinted towards Patrick and Anorith. As he got closer he could see a multi-headed Pokemon charging his friends, and he snarled. A glowing reddish aura suddenly coated his claws as he tore forward, his Hone Claws sharpening the nails and preparing him for the attack he knew he'd soon be unleashing. Hang on, hang on, hang onnnn, he thought furiously, praying Patrick would be able to hold of the enemy until he got there.

Patrick yelped as the Dodrio ran forward. he needed to move quickly, otherwise hi mand his small friend would be toast for sure! He swallowed, wishing Sixx would get here. He worked best in tandem with his brother, but for now it seemed he'd have to manage by himself. Quickly he leapt in front of the Anorith, determined to keep him safe at the very least. "Don't you dare!" he growled, his feelers wiggling and spreading out wide as he tapped into his Fairy energy. Feeling the moonlight above him glistening on his fur, Patrick opened his mouth, forming a large orb of pink energy. Suddenly his feelers flicked forward, and with a snarl the Sylveon fired his Moonblast directly at the Dodrio's middle head, hoping to throw it off balance.

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #85 on: December 05, 2014, 00:03 »
As the others attacked the Dodrio, SCRAP stood by on alert. It would be detrimental if another Pokémon appeared to at–
Something landed on the Porygon's back. The computer Pokémon turned to see a large yellow Pokémon; its eyes were murky and its mouth in a snarl.
"Attacker identified: Pikachu. Initiating Attack Mo–" SCRAP began, only for the Pikachu to cut him off with a Bite attack. The wound wasn't deep, considering SCRAP's body wasn't made of flesh, but it caused damage. SCRAP tried to shake the Pokémon off, but it had other plans. It called its name, releasing a Thundershock attack while on SCRAP.
"Heavy damage sustained." SCRAP buzzed. His voice was crackling after the attack. Were he able to, he would express fear. He thought for a moment and developed a plan.
"Thrusters engaged." he beeped, lifting himself a bit higher and tilting downward a bit. He turned to face the Dodrio and, with a gush of air, blasted towards the bird Pokémon.
The Pikachu on his back prepared another attack.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2014, 21:04 by The Macintosh Ninja: SOH CAH TOA »

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #86 on: December 07, 2014, 01:03 »
Keira was slowly starting to get up from the attack, her side slightly bleeding. Damn, i'll have to fix that later. Then she saw SCRAP struggling with a pikachu, she was about to help out but decided that it had a better idea than she had. The ninetales seemed to disappear completely, then reappear behind another scyther, sweeping it off its feet with her tails (faint attack), finally dispatching it with a small flame. After repeating this a few more times, she was getting into a rhythm of these d-day pokemon.

However, that rhythm was soon to be disrupted, as another few pokemon made their way onto the battlefield, two dustox and a lombre. Great..... water types. Keira's thoughts were answered by a hydro pump, right over her head. "Any chance you'll back off and leave peacefully?" she asks. A dustox uses gust on the ninetales, blowing her off her paws. She stands back up, "Guess not. Oh well, talk is cheap anyways." Keira gears up for an extrasensory but is then tackled by another scyther on her blind side. "4 on 1 eh? You lack a sense of honor." Keira says. She had been charging extrasensory this whole time and unleashed it, sending the scyther flying and then taking out the two dustox. The ninetales smirks, "Then again, when it comes to d-day pokemon, so do I." Suddenly, her head felt a huge pain and sudden cold feeling in her head. The lombre had used ice punch, to the head. Keira recoils, and the lombre charges at the fox, obviously getting ready to bite her and go for the kill. Keira falls, and then rolls out of the way not even a second before impact. WOAH, too close. Now it would be the first to stand would likely be able to win out, and it looked like the d-day pokemon would make it, but then it collapses, not planning on getting up anytime soon.

Keira stands, still feeling the aftermath of the ice punch. Luckily, no pokemon seemed to be throwing themselves at her, so she could clear her head, or at least attempt to.

Meanwhile, Fleur was still waiting for a response from the Charizard, she, well, both shes, were starting to freeze in this weather, and it sounded like a fight was occurring behind her. However, she was still tending to more important matters, plus, it sounded like whatever it was starting to settle down.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2014, 21:15 by ShinyBlaziken2000 »
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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #87 on: December 07, 2014, 01:43 »
The Anorith was examining the scene. The Dodrio had stumbled back from Patrick's attack, and now it seemed like the Ninetails was dispatching several more attackers. He also saw the Scyther behind him, about to attack. He screeched in surprise and let out a Water Gun, which caused the Scyther to fall back.

((sorry it's so short. That's all I can manage right now, I've been feeling dizzy all night ))
When it comes down to it, the difference between healing and necromancy is timing.

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #88 on: December 07, 2014, 04:38 »
((Sorry this has taken so long. Inspiration's been lacking.))

There was someone talking to her. It wasn't a voice she was familiar with, so she could be pretty sure it wasn't a figment. She decided to respond out loud, hoping that whoever was talking to her did actually exist. "My name is Reiru. I'm not infected, but I've come close before. I... Failed Keira the first time. I owe her better. I want to make it right."

Something slipped into Mikhial's 'bubble', a jangled, snarling mass of thoughts, that the Alakazam identified instantly as a Doomsday Pokemon's thoughts. He yanked himself to the side, just as a blade came whistling at him. It sliced through his mustache, but didn't manage to draw any blood. Mikhial opened his eyes, and pushed his bubble out to expand how he could help. There were newcomers, but they seemed to be fighting the Doomsday Pokemon as well, so they weren't worth focusing on. The Scyther on the other hand, was an immediate threat. Mikhial started levitating the white sword, even as it steamed in the chilly air. The Scyther took this as a challenge, and lunged at the Alakazam with a screech of rage.

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #89 on: December 07, 2014, 21:19 »
"Piiiikaaa-!!" the yellow mouse started. It stood up and raised its arms into the air, filled the area around them with static. This next one would "pack a punch", as the saying goes.
SCRAP suddenly came to a stop, something the Doomsday Pokémon didn't expect. The change in momentum, and the fact that it was no longer holding on to him, caused the creature to fly forward towards the Dodrio. The Pikachu slammed into the bird Pokémon just as it let loose it's attack; a Thunderbolt.
A strike of lightning came down, hitting the bird Pokémon at full power. The electrically charged air, combined with the moisture of the ground, caused the now reeling Scyther to be hit with some of the Electric attack given that it was soaked by Subject 001's Water Gun. The Dodrio took the brunt of the attack, draining its energy completely. The Pikachu, having exhausted some energy in its two electric attacks and having just flown head first into another Pokémon, fell to the floor panting. The Dodrio collapsed on top of it, out cold.

"Hostile neutralized. Engaging next target." the Porygon clicked, turning to face Keira, who was battling a Lombre and two moth-like Pokémon.