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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #90 on: December 09, 2014, 02:05 »
The fox was obviously fatigued, but she didn't care, adrenaline was all that mattered. Pure adrenaline was what kept her moving. Keira was dangerous when she was like this, but not only to an opponent, but to herself. In this state, she doesn't realize her body's signs of wanting to give, so she over does it. The ninetales waited and fought off anything that tried to take her down, but Keira came out of it quite knicked up. Her blind side was gashed up, and that ice punch to the head still had her reeling, but she didn't care. The fox downed the surprisingly tough scyther, but her adrenaline high was starting to wear off, the infected pokemon just kept coming, however. Keira was growing tired quickly, then a crafty aipom used double hit and sent her sprawling into the snow. Come on, get up you useless lump of fur! You can't let that monkey make a monkey of you. Get up! Now! Despite her mind's best efforts to get the body moving again, the body refused to move. Must I do everything? Keira used extrasensory to keep the aipom at bay for the moment. She had no idea how much longer she had until he mind would quit as well. The fox knew that she's in trouble but didn't plan on going down before using up her will.

Fleur heard this and started to connect the dots between what Keira had said before and what this charizard was saying now. The buizel grimaced, then looked behind her again, to see Keira basically defying logic with how many hit she took and she stayed up. "Really, you've failed before?" she said, "Where's the rest of your group?" Fleur looked back behind her again as the aipom delivered its attack. She responded, "Forget that, if you can stand and fight, I believe that your first chance at redemption has come."
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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #91 on: December 10, 2014, 01:37 »
Patrick yelped and staggered back as his Moonblast struck the Dodrio. It appeared to knock the infected Pokemon back some, but it was still standing, probably readying an attack. Patrick swallowed and stepped back, ready to throw up a Protect shield around him and his small Anorith friend, who was busy trying (and succeeding, to a degree) to fend off a Doomsday Scyther.

Suddenly, though, there was a blast of light as what appeared to be a Pikachu rocketed through the air and crashed into the Dodrio, letting loose a massive Thunderbolt. "Oh-!" Patrick exclaimed, his ears folding back in surprise as he scurried back to avoid getting hit by any wayward shocks. Turning his head, he spied their new Porygon friend, SCRAP, announcing that the target had been neutralized, and was off to fend off more foes. He smiled, "Ah! We have such strong friend, don't we?" he smiled down at his Anorith buddy.

Patrick's ear then twitched up. He turned his head, spying a shape emerging from the darkness, from near the mobs of Doomsday Pokemon Keira was fending off. It moved fast, very fast, and flashes of light (no, lightning he realized) flickered off its body. The Doomsday  Manectric snarled, its paws throwing up dirt as it ran. Patrick gasped as he realized the beast was charging at right for them, and his feelers flickered, ready to throw up the defenses.

Sixx could see the flashes of light from afar as he ran closer to his brother and friends. I have to move! he thought anxiously, and quickly he leapt into the air, before slamming down at the ground and starting to dig rapidly.

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #92 on: December 10, 2014, 15:16 »
((Okay, with the exception of two more simple assignments, all of my coursework that I have to do is complete. Yay! I can have fun again!))

"Hey! Right here!" Nova yelled, surging claws first into the Doomsday Manectric. Bits of dancing flame escaped from her mouth as she flew towards the pokemon with great velocity. Not even seconds later, her sharp talons made contact with the shoulder and head of the electric dog. The unprepared Pokemon slammed to the ground before it had even had a chance to turn its head to realize exactly what had happened. The Manectric looked up at Nova with its savage, dead eyes, and tried fruitlessly to bit Nova's leg, which was being forced right on the side of its skull.

 Nova then used her flaming mouth to rip into the neck of the opposing pokemon. The heat of her fangs instantly cauterized the gaping hole that the Manectric had in the jugular. She looked around at all of the rest of the Doomsday that were coming out of the brush. "Patrick! You're a fairy! Can you heal Kiera?" she yelled, pointing her muzzle towards the greatly weakened Ninetails. She didn't even give him a moment to relax, before she spat out more words. "Just do what you can, I'm gonna keep fighting!"

 The screeches of the doomsday pokemon and her allies filled the air. Nova looked about, taking in all of the glowing eyes, and all of the disgusting rotting scents that were surrounding them. There were too many Doomsday. They needed to move. The more noise they made, the more blood those savages could smell, the more that would appear. They were already hopelessly outnumbered, and only more would appear. Nova ran by the side of Kiera, ready to defend against the Aipom. "We need to move!" she exclaimed to her teammates. The flames that had been protruding from Nova's mouth were extinguished, and changed to dark clouds. She opened up her mouth, and fired a Dark Pulse at the already tired Aipom.

The Aipom fell to the ground, but it wasn't dead yet. Nova ran forward, and got its tiny head between her maw, quickly ending its life, as if she were just cracking a nut. She restored the flames back into her mouth, so the feeling of the heat would cover the repugnant taste. Nova stepped back to Keira, on the lookout for more to appear.

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #93 on: December 12, 2014, 02:28 »
Keira snapped out of the half-unconsciousness that she was in and looked around. Come on....think....there's got to be something.... A doomsday pidgey flew nearby, likely trying to get in another blow before fleeing. I hate to do this, I really do. Sadly, I don't have another option, I can't let anyone help me. A harsh purple light surrounded her and the pidgey, the bird squawked painfully and the fox gritted her teeth in an attempt to not scream. Keira was slowly starting to heal and the bird started slowing down in flight, eventually going down. She stood up, still pretty weak and injured, but enough to be able to function. Meanwhile, the d-day pidgey was trying to get away, and Keira decided to be merciful in this situation, since she had basically sapped its energy and injured it pretty badly. Then she did this again to a few other completely healthy, but still d-day pokemon, until most of her wounds were bearable for the time being. I really hate pain split, the only reason I still use it is for that. The ninetales shook her head. No time to rest on your laurels stupid, let's get going! Keira's violet eye glinted and she disappeared again, only to appear behind and bring her paw down on the head of another pidgey (faint attack), dispatching it by tossing it into a tree with extrasensory.

That's more like it. Keira saw an opening and charged something that looked violent and hot. Meanwhile, d-day pokemon started to go on the attack, trying to stop her. She was trying to charge overheat and needed a lot of energy to do this. Energy was also something she did not have. So, the fox tried to focus what she did have into one huge blast, while pokemon stared to pelt her with a lot of very weak projectiles. This would likely injure her again, but she didn't give a damn about that, all she wanted was some peace for one night, and that didn't happen. So she was going to make them pay, make them all flee or burn trying to kill her.
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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #94 on: December 12, 2014, 16:12 »
SCRAP looked toward Keira, the Ninetails that was fending off multiple attackers. She was able to drawn energy from some of the smaller Pokémon and even perform a Feint Attack on a Pidgey that was attacking her. SCRAP considered approaching her to provide medical aid while she fought, but the idea was quickly discarded when she began what looked like another attack.
"[Statement] Temperature rising in localized area." he buzzed. The "Doomsday" Pokémon were on the offensive again, peppering Keira with small attacks she seemed to endure, but only barely. If she could draw the attention of these Pokémon away from herself, perhaps her attack would hold more power?
"Preparing attack." As before, three white circles appeared in front of the Porygon, forming the points of a triangle. The circles changed color- red, blue, and yellow, and the triangle began spinning around the central axis perpendicular to its plane. A thin stream of fire shot out. SCRAP fired this one close to the Ninetails with the hopes it would add to her attack's power. Next came a thin blast of ice, hitting an Aipom that was lunging at her. Finally came the electric attack, hitting the Lombre that was causing her some issue earlier. Given that SCRAP was not built for combat (but still had some programming to handle situations), these attacks weren't powerful. But they did catch the attacked Pokémon by surprise. Maybe that would give Keira enough time for her attack.

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #95 on: December 13, 2014, 03:05 »
Fleur watched as Keira basically played vampire and shuddered a little bit looking at that. Then her foxy friend took out a pidgey, but suddenly started charging an attack. "Uh.... this can't be good." she said. "How injured she is, plus the fact that she's trying to burn energy she doesn't have and that this attack takes a lot..." mumbled the buizel under her breath. Fleur started thinking about it, then finally stated "At best, she'd be dead tired and unable to fight. At worst, she'd likely be unconscious and unmoving for a few hours. Well then, looks like we have a ticking time bomb on our hands." The buizel thought about intervening and attempting to stop it, but SCRAP gave her a little fire to work with, and she sighed in relief. "Well, looks like unconscious is out of the equation. Plus if someone wants to save her, it has to be you, Charizard."  said Fleur.

Meanwhile, Keira was starting to exhaust what little reserved energy she had left in her. A half colored fire stone fell out of her bag of supplies and became more gray as the ninetales stored more energy. Then a small flame hit her sphere of concentration and became a part of it. Woah.... too much....too much....I can't....hold on. She gritted her teeth, focusing the blast into this small area around her and quickly yowled, "Get back, now!" As the words came out, she lost her grip and the spherical overheat shot up into the air right above her and straight down with a lot of force, causing a shockwave to those near enough to her. The fox was swept off her feet be the force of her own attack, and fire burned all around her as the sphere made its impact.....

((The shockwave could be felt by most everyone besides for Fleur and Reiru, as they were not in the clearing. Plus, Keira rarely even does this, as it is a last resort, which is why it's so powerful and exhausting for her. Expect her to not be of much help for at least the rest of the night. Sorry if this seems g-moddy, but I didn't want her to just go around, slinging powerful fire attacks whenever she pleased and not feel something. So I decided to amp it up, make her charge, and then make her pay for it later.))
« Last Edit: December 13, 2014, 03:10 by ShinyBlaziken2000 »
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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #96 on: December 15, 2014, 08:04 »
Patrick stumbled back as Nova tore onto the scene, dispatching the aggressive Doomsday Manectric with ease. She was then speaking to him, asking if he was able to heal Keira. he glanced over at the Ninetales, and could see how battered she truly was. "I-I don't know any healing moves!" he stammered after a moment. His ears and feelers quivered, "I mean, mmm-maybe I have some berries, though.." He looked at his knapsack and poked his nose in, smelling the faint hint of the few berries he still had in there. Surely one of them had to be a healing berry. He glanced at his Anorith friend, "Stay here." he said quickly ,even though he was fairly certain his statement would be impossible for the little bug to understand. The Sylveon swallowed, before moving quickly to try and reach Keria.

His journey was short lived, though. Before he could even get a few feet out something shot out in front of him, buzzing wildly. Patrick screamed, instinctively throwing up a Protect shield around him as a Doomsday Beedrill threw itself a him, its spear-stingers crashing and bashing against the barrier. The Sylveon trembled, knowing his protect wouldn't help him for long. If that Beedrill decided to launch a Poison Jab or something, he was toast....

Suddenly, dirt was flying, and a ferocious snarl cried out as the Beedrill was lifted away from Patrick's crumbling shield and into the air, blood red claws slashing into its thorax. Sixx growled and snapped at the struggling bee. "Patrick, get back!" he called as he twisted in mid-air, slamming his foe back down into the ground. Patrick gulped and obliged, scrambling back, wondering if he could still get to Keira in time to give any help. He then heard a sickening crunch as his brother crushed the Beedrill's exoskeleton, ending the threat before it could do any harm. He looked over, panting. "You alright?"

However, before Patrick could reply, both Sylveon and Zoroark heard a loud yowl from Keira's direction, a single command to get back. Then there was a massive wave of heat, a shockwave strong enough to rock the two to their core. Moving quickly Sixx tumbled forward, tackling Patrick and shoving him into his back fur. He then dug beneath the surface again, as fast as he could to avoid the writhing fires from Keira's Overheat.

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #97 on: December 18, 2014, 22:13 »
 Nova watched Keira loose a gigantic overheat, a scale of which Nova hadn't seen yet from her. When Kiera yelled her warning to be careful of the flames, Nova braced herself but hunkering down a bit. She had seen an overheat before-- but this one seemed especially powerful. The ground tremored as the flames hit the ground with immense power, causing Nova to shake, and almost lose her footing. Nova properly braced herself however, and merely stumbled forward to absorb the impact.

 The flames were pouring in from all directions, and there was no way that Nova could absorb it all. Nova braced herself for the massive amount of flame power she was going to take in. She took a deep breath, and her crimson eyes glowed a brighter red as her Flash Fire ability activated. A heavy wind whipped the flames into Nova's direction, as her blue fur began to turn orange and red while the fire swarmed around her. The dancing flames thickly surrounded her as her body tried to absorb it all, to prevent burning the entire forest to the ground.

Nova tried to look through the thick shield of flames, and could see that the Doomsday pokemon were either knocked on the ground, dead, or fleeing. Wait, are some running away? Nova squinted through the flames, watching as they took back off into the forest. She had never seen Doomsday run away before. So then it was true -- slowly, they were becoming more intelligent. They were unwilling to fight to the death anymore. The inferno continued to swirl around her, as Nova prepared to take all of the fire. Her fur glowed even brighter, and the flames were immediately sucked into her body.

The houndoom howled loudly, unable to control herself due to the sheer amount of power bursting into her body. Flames began to leak out of her mouth, as her body was just too filled with flame for her to take it all. Nova lost control of the fire, and a few rogue bursts of flame flew towards the trees, lighting them aflame. Nova inhaled sharply, trying to contain all of the fire that was within her. Every part of her body just wanted to release the fire within, but the forest was already beginning to burn. The flames weren't raging like they would have if they had been touched by the full force of the overheat, but, regardless, the forest was now on fire.

"We need to get out of here! Now!" Nova barked to the group, locating a patch of trees that hadn't yet been touched by flames. "Let's go!"

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #98 on: December 18, 2014, 23:38 »
The Anorith stayed where he was after Patrick left, simply because he had no idea what to do now. It looked like there were still some pokemon attacking, but it was already an exhausting day before the attack, he just didn't have the energy to fight. He then noticed something light up the night sky. He also heard a yell, he wasn't sure from who, but he decided this and the ominous fireball, which was beginning to fall, were reason enough to go hide behind something. Luckily, there was a rock close by. He didn't quite make it there before the shockwave hit, but he was mostly behind the rock by the time the flames reached him, but a couple of his wings were left exposed to the flames for long enough to badly burn them.

The flames soon passed, most of them seemed to have been diverted elsewhere, and he heard a howl soon after. However, the area around him was on fire. He managed to put out the fire in a small area using Water Gun, but it wouldn't take long for the water to evaporate and the trees to catch fire again. He ran out, though his three injured wings slowed him down, and tried to find anyone else. He saw the remaining attackers fleeing, so that was good news at least.

He ran over to where the others were, which was also where the fire burned the hardest. Was it even worth trying to control the fire? He wasn't sure, but he tried anyway. He tamed the flames nearby, but he knew he wouldn't be able to use Water Gun much longer. Unless someone else with water type moves was able to extinguish the flames, they would have to run. Hopefully this would at least give everyone a chance to get out of here.
When it comes down to it, the difference between healing and necromancy is timing.

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #99 on: December 20, 2014, 18:29 »
SCRAP was close enough to the attack that the shockwave blew him away like a box in strong wind and the flames struck him, though the attack wasn't directed at him. He landed near where Patrick and the Anorith were fighting off some Pokémon. The Porygon had already taken a good amount of damage during the battle, and running his Combat routine and being close to the source of a very powerful attack didn't bode well for him. He was "tired", if a nonorganic being could be called such.  His health was low. SCRAP's thrusters fired, reorienting himself to an upright position. His limbs were trembling chaotically, but he was still able to move with little struggle.

"We need to get out of here! Now! Let's go!" barked the dog-like Pokémon with a stone embedded in her body. SCRAP turned to look at Keira, who was laying on the ground having exhausted her energy. If mobilization was a priority, and this Pokémon was unable to move herself, then she would require assistance.
"Combat r-r-r-routine end. Diverting auxiliary pow-pow-power to thrusters." SCRAP crackled. His voice was fuzzy, staticy. He looked to where Keira lay: her vital signs looked low. She was dead weight, so she would need to be carried. Clocking in at an estimated 19 kg, she would be heavy in the arms of an organic lifeform that was already tired from battle. The Porygon floated quickly towards her and, with some maneuvering and effort, managed to lift her onto his back.
"Evacu-cu-cu-tion". He moved towards Nova, lurching left and right as he attempted to balance the new weight on his body.

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #100 on: December 20, 2014, 20:49 »
Fleur, no matter how far away she was, was still knocked a bit off balance from the shockwave. Then the forest caught on fire. "Well this is just swell. Charizard, we need to get out of here, and I am not leaving you behind. " The buizel attempted to help it up into a standing position, which was near impossible. Somehow, she succeeded, but it sapped a lot of what energy she had left. "Come on, we need to get moving." Fleur said at last.

Keira opened her eyes and felt as if a palkia stepped on her over and over again. Plus the adrenaline had faded, leaving only pain coursing through her body like a poison. Speaking of poison, this is what it may have felt like to be poisoned, but she wouldn't know. The beedrill was the only poison type there and it didn't even go near the fox. Keira didn't care anymore, she figured the flower that was on the middle tail was nearly black (another reference to the former rp) like when she was first found by Innis. He had saved her, but she didn't return the favor. That's why she ran from Reiru, because she had failed the ones who saved her. Come on, you have to have something left. Something. No? Nothing? No energy? No fire? Nothing? Come on! You're weak! Know what, forget it. Just don't die. Keira shut that voice out of her mind, that voice that pretty much abused her, it was good motivation to listen so it shuts up. I really hate my mind sometimes. I really do. It's like someone else is in my head. I know when i'm licked. She felt as if she was floating and all she could see is pure light. No....I can't be dying. Pain came again, she lightly sighed in relief. Good, now, I need rest. The ninetales closed her eyes as she slipped back into unconsciousness.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2014, 00:05 by ShinyBlaziken2000 »
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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #101 on: December 21, 2014, 02:32 »
"Scrap, if you can't carry her, I have a lot of energy after her overheat. I can take her from you until you... fix yourself," Nova said to the Porygon. She spoke with haste, still worried about the woods that were crumbling around her. The way Nova saw it, Kiera was relatively light, and wouldn't feel like that much if she was slouched over her back. A branch fell in the distance with a loud crack, and Nova pointed her head towards the noise. She then noticed the small Anorith crawling about on the ground.

"You can put... that one on your back," Nova said, pointing her muzzle towards the Anorith, which seemed to be badly hurt from the fire. "I can handle Kiera. No problem."

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #102 on: December 21, 2014, 03:40 »
Reiru struggled to her feet. Her side was numb wherr the Buizel had hit her with the Ice Punch. But she wasn't going to fail Keira again. "She may not forgive me. I failed her badly. She might not even accept my help." Reiru said, and was airborne before Fleur would be able to reply.  From an aerial perspective, it looked bad. She saw several different fights going on, including a clearly Psychic type fighting a Scyther with two weapons that looked familiar.  She also saw the burst of heat that had come from Keira.  She just hoped that there weren't any friendlies near the hit zone that didn't like fire. A lot of small fires started around Keira, and the small fox collapsed.  Reiru had a thought, and hoped that these d-day Pokèmon were smart enough to have a self preservation instinct that drove them. She remembered, back in Hoenn... The group had been about to be overwhelmed by a swarm of d-day Pokèmon when, out of nowhere,  a rampaging D-Day Salamence had come. It's roar alone had been enough to scare off the swarm.
And now Reiru was going to try and replicate that. She took a deep breath,  and bellowed a roar, a deep, booming dragon's challenge, that the Charizard hadn't known she could perform. If she hadn't known that she'd created it, her instinct would have been to run.
You aren't even a real Dragon. You can't even fool yourself,  let alone a horde. You'll fail again,  and Keira will die,  and it will be all your fault for posturing, rather than getting in there and helping her. Useless idiot.

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #103 on: December 22, 2014, 00:42 »
Fleur saw the dragon take off and then bellow a huge roar. Even the charizard seemed to be a bit afraid of herself after the roar, and the buizel fell over and recoiled. She yelled up "Glad you aren't d-day! We'd be toast!" The doomsday pokemon started to flee quickly and the group started to move from the forest fire. However, a couple group members seemed to turn around and be ready to face this new "threat". Here we go....
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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #104 on: December 22, 2014, 01:15 »
 Almost immediately after Nova had asked Scrap for Keira, a loud roar blasted through the air. Nova's head snapped to attention in the direction of the sound. It was nearly deafening, and it brought a chill to Nova's heart. Something big was nearby. Definitely some kind of dragon... a charizard, maybe, Nova thought, starting to walk towards it. She didn't want to leave them, but something about the charizard drew her close. She came to a slow stop, and turned her head to face SCRAP. "Scrap, watch over them for me, there's something big nearby. See if you can find anyone else,"

 Nova then dashed towards the sound, running through the flaming brush towards the sound. Not long after running through the clearing, she found the source of the noise: A charizard, just like she had guessed. Nova took a quick scan of it, trying to figure out if it was doomsday or not. It had some accessories, but they were tattered or destroyed, and a ring with a gem on one of its fingers. That's a mega gem like mine... Nova noted. Whether this charizard was a doomsday pokemon or not, it was incredibly dangerous. When Nova raised her vision to stare into its eyes as a challenge, it looked almost dead on the inside. She bared her teeth in a growl, slowing from her run into a slow pacing motion. She stopped about eight feet from the flame beast, her blue fur standing on end.