Author Topic: Jump Festa Lati@s Double team  (Read 2496 times)

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Offline Xagor

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Jump Festa Lati@s Double team
« on: December 12, 2014, 13:40 »
Hey everyone, looking for a bit of advice here. Need to try and get a team together for a special event next weekend. Jump Festa has a special Pokemon event, with the chance to maybe play against some voice actors / actresses, so I've been tasked with getting a team ready.

Win 3 in a row and you get a raffle ticket for a chance to play against one of them, win the most on that day and you're guaranteed to.

Rules are:

Double Battle
Mon 1-719 okay, excluding a bunch of Legends / promos.
4 Pokemon.
No dupes.
Must contain a Lati@s
Must be from XY or ORAS.
No Soul Dew.
No dupe items.

I've got a Timid 30-31/17-19/30-31/30-31/0-3/30-31 Latios that I got on my first try, so will probably be using this over Latias. What good on a Latios in doubles?

Next, what are some good counters to Lati@s, because I know I'll always have to face them. Or should I concentrate more on supporting Latios, and making sure I can beat other counters?

Any ideas?
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Offline Richard and Blaziken

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Re: Jump Festa Lati@s Double team
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2014, 14:12 »
I'd say Weavile is a really good choice. It naturally outspeeds Lati@s and has two great STAB options to threaten with, in addition to Fake Out support.

Weavile@ Life Orb
Jolly nature (+Speed, -Sp. Attack)
EVs: 252 Attack / 252 Speed / 4 Sp. Defense
Icicle Crash
Knock Off / Night Slash
Fake Out
Ice Shard / Low Kick / Protect

Weavile's naturally high Speed and access to STAB Icicle Crash will put immediate pressure on opposing Lati@s. Knock Off outputs higher damage, except on Pokemon whose items cannot be knocked off, such as Mega Pokemon, so Night Slash is a fine option there. Fake Out allows Weavile to function as a great lead as well, and with some good prediction, can give you time to work around threats. The last slot is just down to preference. Ice Shard is nice for a priority attack, dealing with Scarfers and such. Low Kick does good damage to Steels, and Protect is just commonplace in doubles. Life Orb is necessary to ensure a OHKO on Mega Latios and scores a OHKO on 4 HP Mega Latias 81% of the time at full health.

Is holding Lati@site mandatory? If not, you may want to try Scarf and using another Mega. I'd bet Mega Gardevoir would be really good in this format, immune to Dragon and resistant to Psychic, with STAB Hyper Voice to blast through, damaging both opponents.
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Offline Xagor

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Re: Jump Festa Lati@s Double team
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2014, 14:48 »
Thanks for the help Richard. You thankfully don't have to hold a Latiosite, but I suspect I'll see a fair few number of people with it. I expect it to be divided between kids, general Pokemon fans and crazy dedicated people trying to play against the voice actors / actresses. I don't expect too many super competitive players, but it being Japan I could be really underestimating this.

Both Knock Off and Mega Gardevoir have been suggested before, so that's certainly going to be something to look into. Need to hope all the random stuff I was breeding in XY falls into the right egg groups to be useful here. Need to actually finish ORAS and get access to easy breeding...

Will come back with update on my progress for the team hopefully.
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Offline Richard and Blaziken

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Re: Jump Festa Lati@s Double team
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2014, 22:34 »
In that case, I suggest Mega Gardevoir very highly:

Gardevoir@ Gardevoirite
{Telepathy} [Pixilate}
Timid nature
EVs: 252 Sp. Attack / 252 Speed / 4 Defense
Hyper Voice
Imprison / Focus Blast / Shadow Ball / Hypnosis

Hyper Voice is your strongest STAB and damages both Pokemon, Psyshock is your alternate STAB. Protect is standard for Doubles. Imprison can stop opponents from Protecting, Focus Blast for Steels, Shadow Ball is somewhat useful for Aegislash, though you'll probably want to team up on it to remove it, and Hypnosis is a somewhat reliable Sleep move to shut something down.
Discord - richardblaziken

Offline Xagor

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Re: Jump Festa Lati@s Double team
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2014, 13:37 »
Gardevoir is pretty much ready now, barring some levels. Sneasel is bred, so needs levelling up etc. Latios I just need to sort out a moveset on.

Any thoughts on what to try covering with the last slot? Not sure I'll have too much time left to do much more breeding, so might need to pull out one of my 5V mon from XY that never got raised up, like Aegislash.
3DS Friend Code:1676 3937 3524
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Offline Richard and Blaziken

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Re: Jump Festa Lati@s Double team
« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2014, 15:03 »
Last slot for Gardevoir, or...?

If you're not on a mobile device, take a look here for something I can lend you. Not all are KB, but I have a handy table which tells you what is and isn't. I'll lend out pretty much anything you want 'cause you're a cool dude and such.
Discord - richardblaziken

Offline Xagor

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Re: Jump Festa Lati@s Double team
« Reply #6 on: December 18, 2014, 15:34 »
Last slot for the team, since I'm only opting to use one of the Lati@s pair. Sorry if the original rule list wasn't clear and made it sound like I needed to use both.

Didn't realise I needed to make my Latios happy to get Draco Meteor. I put it in my box...

Thinking for Latios, Draco Meteor, Psyshock, then not sure? Should I just try and cover as much types as possible with thunderbolt and ice beam?

Thanks for the offer on something to lend out. I'll try and see if I can scrounge up something of my own first, and try to get back to you tomorrow night if not.

3DS Friend Code:1676 3937 3524
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Offline Richard and Blaziken

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Re: Jump Festa Lati@s Double team
« Reply #7 on: December 18, 2014, 15:49 »
Ah, I see! Aegislash actually sounds really good, and I suspect it'll be extremely common as well, handling Lati@s well, as well as M-Kang. Considering this, your team is actually very susceptible to opposing Aegislash. I'd say maybe drop Weavile if you're going to take Aegislash, since it can effectively beat Lati@s, and make the last slot Rotom-W for aiding Fire and Ground attacks.

Thunderbolt could be decent for the third slot, but I'd probably go for Dragon Pulse in the last slot. It's not super powerful, but I'm sure there'd be times where it's more useful than Draco Meteor, for obvious reasons. Protect is an option too, don't forget about the usefulness of Protect!

Truth be told, Doubles really isn't my forte', you'd be better off asking someone like Kay, Ben, or Tim (if he still plays?), but consulting Smogon and using their VGC Doubles sets may help quite a bit. Sorry for the sort of half-baked advice here, I'm just pretty terrible at Doubles!
Discord - richardblaziken

Offline Xagor

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Re: Jump Festa Lati@s Double team
« Reply #8 on: December 18, 2014, 16:10 »
I'll have to see if I can drop Kay a quick message. I'm sure she has some mon lying around too.

As I said, I'm not sure how super serious everyone will be, given the type of event it is. If I could use old things I'd probably just trot out my Trick Room or Sandstorm teams, but those are from BW.

Normally would use Protect for doubles, but not a good idea on a scarfed Latios. Dragon Pulse makes sense to me.

Lacking in a Rotom W, but I do have a 4V Timid Rotom sitting on X/Y.

Given the time I've put in, I think I'll stick to the Weavile for now, so any thoughts on last slot? Something to stop Aegislash would probably be a good idea given the rest of the team, or can I try and hope Weavile will get a hit in?

Edit: Also, needs to be a relatively simple team that someone with practically zero competitive experience can use when I likely lend it to me fiancee for the Sunday. That said, she could quite handily beat people up with the old Trick Room team.


Weavile done. Went with Knock Off and Protect in the end.
Gardevoir done. Decided to go with Focus Blast so I could have a way to try and deal with Steels.
Latios done, barring the final move slot. Psyshock, D Meteor, D Pulse, X. Had sort of been tempted by Shadowball just to smack Aegislash.

Looking at my boxes on XY, my choices for the last slot are:

Tyranitar, Garchomp, Aegislash, Klefki, Talonflame, Malamar, Gengar, Scizor, Azumarill, Houndoom, Hydreigon, Amoongus, Gourgeist, Trevenant, Dragonite to name a few.

My initial thoughts are Talonflame, and just throw a choice band set at people? Might as well just build for smacking people in the face hard and fast.

Speed will also likely work to my advantage, since it will let me have more games.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2014, 17:26 by Xagor »
3DS Friend Code:1676 3937 3524
Give a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day, set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.