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honest opinion: i dont think videogames are really enough of a developed/established medium of sorts to be called Art in a traditional sense yet. they're only 30-40something years old? like atm maybe in the postmodernist "look at this as an establishment of people" way or the "look at the relics of the time" way but when you ask what people mean about Art and how it compares to people like Mucha and Picasso it turns into a bit of a mess.
but gaming is still developing as a Thing, i mean its still a bit in the Dark Ages re: women (gamergate)
i just aint had a good experience with these people at all. anyone who knows anything about how awful the furry community can be once ur in it (the drama and the he-said she-said crap and the Actual Sociopaths) knows what im on about. hilariously i was never even a furry but this is a story for another day
long story short i am not good at expressing myself (plz stop worrying about insinuating i am crazy i have made quite successful peace with that concept during the last few months, its totes ok.)puk is kind of a Social Refuge from people who dont entirely get on well with Normals for one reason or another (its why i dont try to go TOO hard on ragging on people here anymore, some people here still have gross problems and the lgbt drama in the past was Really Disgusting in how it was handled, but as far as the userbase goes id caution some of you are on here cos they dont really get why society does a thing the way it does or dont quite "fit in", and this is a place where said nerds can congregate, if you get what i am delicately trying to allude to here.)
like idk if you asked me for an example i'd point to sonic music as an Art Of The Time but thats just such a stupid and dorky thing to admit, i cannot say "i think scrap brain zone is a timeless classic of the ages" without laughing at how ridic i sound, if you get me.
and i do tend to agree with Roger Ebert on the point that people try and attach the Art label onto videogames to somehow legitimise what is a hobby/pasttime in response to people going "lmao videogames are for children????"
its like calling hobbies like knitting or lego Art if you get what i mean exactly, in a loose way it can be, but if people drive the "yes! they are art" end of the argument too hard it just kind of smells ever so slightly of a sort of pretentiousness???? im communicating myself badly here but i hope you understand what im getting at.
would you consider Game Design a craft?
if i was asked at gunpoint i'd jabber something about "something which leaves a long lasting impression on you through a creative media that doesnt tend to degrade or become tacky with time" as some sort of non-committed answerbut then that opens up the stage to ideas such as "maybe people personally define Videogames As Art on their own platforms" like idk if you asked me for an example i'd point to sonic music as an Art Of The Time but thats just such a stupid and dorky thing to admit, i cannot say "i think scrap brain zone is a timeless classic of the ages" without laughing at how ridic i sound, if you get me.
so you do honestly believe its "about ethics in videogame journalism"?. and ur saying that the "other side" to gamergate is tumblr and Gawker which are horrendous and Wrong places as far as feminist discourse goes. i dont wanna sound snippy here but you maybe have to look at what proper feminists are doing (something tumblr and gawker do not do) cos gawker and tumblr are both garbage resorts and you've p much bought straight into the gamers narrative of ad homineming and cherrypicking the counterpoints to gamergate to make their point more "valid" somehow
im a bit disappointed that there's no mention here of how gamers were sending death threats to any female journalist who dared to point out that gamers are spoilt children at times, but when a male journalist does it - nothing happens.
you're putting words into my mouth here, this was me spinning off about why i dont like Nerds or Nerd Fandoms. admittedly ive gone a bit schizo in this topic but you've been reading my other posts, right? why do you still think that my sole point about "videogames? art" is "no, cos most nerds suck" ive developed past that a bitunless you're trying to trap me in some sort of Generalisations Logic trick im having trouble understand what you're doing here
stop being oblique, you know exactly what im getting at. well, im not sure if you do exactly cos the response to what i said probably shouldn't be "xhanatos! name and shame!" cos come on dude. thats rude. you know exactly what i mean when i say we all have pokemon as a bit of a Social Haven. i literally said im trying to be delicate with this concept.
this is an awkward topic to bring up cos puk is kind of a Social Refuge from people who dont entirely get on well with Normals for one reason or another
i like your gusto in the "dont feel stupid and self conscious doing anything!!!" but the Shame thing happens for a kind of Social Skills reason. like can you honestly say you would stand up in front of your class and say "i love pokemon!" and do a show and tell about ur EV trained pokemon? unironically?
ok how's this: im very proud/secure of the stuff i do in my own private time and at home (one thing im very adamant on) but there is some of it i wouldn't be caught dead doing in public/in front of others at uni/in my workplace. is this an acceptable way for you to view how i do these things? "me" at home with close friends who accept me for who i am, and the public "me", and how i kind of want a bit of a divide between the two.
in that strawmanny way that ends up happening in these arguments im going to play devils advocate a little here and ask why you Defended videogames as not for kids, instead of going "eh, so what if its a kids game." like you did later on in this paragraph. especially since you bring up pokemon later on which is literally a franchise for kids.
thats why i groan loudly when this argument pops up.
And again, not to be a dick and I don't know if I was just being super subtle or not, but your writing style is just very hard to follow. I'm not sure of the exact circumstances, because I can also be incoherent at times even when I triple or quadruple check a post, but you need to be able to word things in a way in which people can follow.
i just admitted i was Actually Crazy a bit and im just sorry it makes my typing and prose incomprehensible and an Effort to read at the moment while they take 4 billion years to Assess me and get me recovering
im a bit Mental rn and totally aware of it but in that 'i dunno what to do about it other than wait for treatment' way
unfortunetly for me that means makin terrible disjointed schizo posts on the internet when i can only sleep for a handful of hours at a time
i apologise for Last Night Me's raucous and loquacious opinions
can i ask whether this is a "talk about and discuss Issues and have a nice chat" debate forum or one of those weird "Debate Class" type of debate forums where we all do it literally and by the book. you know, with all the Rules and Opening Statements and Contrapositive of the Implicit Notion stuff and No Derails Allowed.
sorry but you are actually being a bit of dick here. i'll lay it out for you because you're not getting the Delicate Hints but on top of being a literal spacko/dyslexic (i have posted about this before) like im gonna quote choice bits of myself here and hope you Get It
t doesn't have to be a formal debate to point out logical fallacies, because I'm really not seeing much of an explanation behind why you don't think it's art. You keep saying it's laughable how it can be considered art, you keep saying things like "do you honestly think this" or "do you honestly think that" and trying to word it in a way that makes the notion sound stupid, or just complaining about how poisonous some gaming communities are. These really aren't anything to do with the subject at hand; you're entitled to the idea that it's not a form of art, but if you're going to get into some sort of discourse about it, you better be ready to use some facts to back than up rather than some wishy-washy "I don't really think the idea works."
my b, I understand the dyslexia but I didn't know it affected your posts that much. I just know that sylar and some others I've seen on the internet had a similar way of writing and it made me wonder if it had something to do just style or what. They're not incomprehensible, it just requires some digging sometimes.
its a long boring story which i dont want to go into here but its been a bit of a weird few months and i dont wax lyrical about all this cos it doesn't make for funny posting on puk dot net. i was hinting around it cos everyone got their own ideas about ~##~#~#~crazy people~#~#~##~, hence my ramblings about "dont you keep certain things sequestered away from the public eye tho?" cos i kind of have to.
It's fine, I was just trying to get a feel for what you were thinking, because debates have this awful tendency to just completely diverge into a bunch of unrelated tangents when we're really ultimately trying to argue one general sentiment.It sounds like the indie games that you don't like, from your perspective, are just not good art. There are a bunch of AAA games that fall flat too. The same thing with all other forms of art, you'll like a few things out of the myriad of things available. I can't stand like 90% of all music but it's still art, I just don't see it as good art whereas someone else might. something something eye of the beholder. I wonder if your arguments with them were about specific games and, in particular, attacking indies (because many people out there - especially the "pretentious nerd" types - out there are heavily in favor of anything indie and don't like mainstream AAA titles).
Not the thread for it, but this reminds me of the story of the NFL player Brandon Marshall, who was considered a cancer to any team he joined until some point not long before he was traded to the Chicago Bears. He "came out" as having borderline personality disorder, and it's pretty crazy to see fans take a dump on him for using that to "justify" his actions or whatnot without realizing that he isn't "justifying" his actions so much as explaining them (because there's no way you can justify them - you can only understand why they happened). It's crazy how much people actually trivialize things.I thought your typing was a quirk for a while but now I have a much better understanding. I won't bother you about this again and I hope everything turns out well.
It doesn't have to be a formal debate to point out logical fallacies, because I'm really not seeing much of an explanation behind why you don't think it's art. You keep saying it's laughable how it can be considered art, you keep saying things like "do you honestly think this" or "do you honestly think that" and trying to word it in a way that makes the notion sound stupid, or just complaining about how poisonous some gaming communities are. These really aren't anything to do with the subject at hand; you're entitled to the idea that it's not a form of art, but if you're going to get into some sort of discourse about it, you better be ready to use some facts to back than up rather than some wishy-washy "I don't really think the idea works."
if you want to know my honest and slightly less manic Opinion then i think we have to concretely nail down an agreed objective standard of Art before we can go "are videogames art", which is the fundamental problem. there is no centrally agreed idea of Art we can even base this on, imo.
weird nerd grudges for people who are militant about videogames aside i honestly think the question is fundamentally flawed from the get-go. no-one can agree on what art is, so asking "are videogames art" is a shaky premise before its even started
i think its why i try to backseat Tough Love bully people on here cos i see them doing things that got me laughed at by people and made fun of and dragged thru the mud and im like "NOOOOOOOOOOO save urself! u still have a chance!" but i keep forgetting that a pokemon forum probably aint the place for unasked Xhanatos Life Guidance, and also some people just gotta learn the Nerd Lessons for themselves???