How does it work? It's simple! The first person will post a typing and the BST of a pokemon and each person can tweak the pokemon, but only one thing at a time, and we keep going for about 15 posts to see what we get. Please bold what you change to make it easier to see.
-Only change one thing at a time
-Bold what you change
-If you change a type, you can add a type if it's pure, remove one if it's a dual, or you can change the typing in both cases
-If you change a stat, you can't raise or lower it by more than 15
-On one pokemon, if 15 or more edits have been made, you can choose to start over, but specify that in the post
For example:
P1: Fire/Rock BST: 40 HP 80 Atk 120 Def 30 SpA 70 SpD 60 Spe
P2: Fire/Rock BST: 50 HP 80 Atk 120 Def 30 SpA 70 SpD 60 Spe
P3: Fire/Water BST: 50 HP 80 Atk 120 Def 30 SpA 70 SpD 60 Spe
60 HP
100 Atk
50 Def
100 SpA
50 SpD
100 Spe