Author Topic: Create Imaginative Fake Cheats!  (Read 136381 times)

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Offline Sappy

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Re: Create Imaginative Fake Cheats!
« Reply #195 on: December 16, 2006, 21:26 »
For Fr/Lg

Go to Prof Oak and use Sweet Scent. Then you will battle Prof Oak with...

Charizard Lv 90
Blastoise Lv90
Venasaur Lv90
Pikachu Lv 100

Then he will give you an item called 'Noodle'

Give the noodle to any pokemon and it will evolve into a Mew. But Press B and it will evolve to a noodle instead!
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Re: Create Imaginative Fake Cheats!
« Reply #196 on: December 16, 2006, 21:29 »
In Red or Blue:
Clear everything, buy everything, talk to everyone and walk on every tile, there will be a new section in the pause menu. It is called Cool Stuff. The options are: Battle Music: Chacha On/off, Forever Nude on/off, Everyone Else is Forever Nude, Pokemon are Ben 10 Aliens on/off and Demolition Ball Count: 0 Change?
(Throwing a Demolition Ball is possibe outside a battle. It will destroy completely the nearest building/tree/trainer to you.)

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Re: Create Imaginative Fake Cheats!
« Reply #197 on: December 16, 2006, 21:33 »
Ooh, the "find pokeballs in shops cheat!"

Take one step. There, you have unlocked pokeballs being able to be bought in shops!

Wii code: 6330-4653-2253-2594.

Offline Sappy

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Re: Create Imaginative Fake Cheats!
« Reply #198 on: December 16, 2006, 21:36 »
Aedan thats genius!


The Time Freeze cheat for Emerald

Go to the Battle fronteir and talk to scott. Then use Rock Smash then during the pokemon picture thingy press start! Then save your game!. Then you have frozen time until you save again.
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Re: Create Imaginative Fake Cheats!
« Reply #199 on: December 16, 2006, 21:45 »
If you give Lv. 100 Deoxys to the Daycare and never pick it up, talk to Daycare Man. He will battle you with YOUR Deoxys. If you beat him, he gives you a Noodle. Trade with the Gym leaders like this:
Noodle to Roxanne: Got Manekin Pis
Manekin Pis to Brawly: Got Porno Mag
Porno Mag to Wattson: Got Thunder Soul
Thunder Soul to Flannery: Got Flannery's Wig
Flannery's Wig to Dad: Got Howl's Guitar
Howl's Guitar to Steven: Got Blood Fountain
Blood Fountain to Winona: Got Smack Round Head Mech
Mech to Prof. Oak: Got Shades
Use the Shades to find a cave in your home town; Magnemiteslairking is inside. He will say: "The world's end is nigh. Do you know about your family's secretest secret heirloom that will save the world?" Turns into a Magnemite wearing a crown and dissapears. You character looks scared and scary music plays. A timer will count down until the universe is destroyed. Use the Shades to find a secret basement in your house. In the chest is the HOOEN HELMET. It controls the moon. Smash the moon into the comet and you will be teleported into the moon. From there on it is Zelda: Majora's Mask as your character.


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Re: Create Imaginative Fake Cheats!
« Reply #200 on: December 16, 2006, 21:55 »
Play the game and do my nudie cheat except on top of the Pokemon Tower and surf by Seafoam Islands. You will fall underwater, in an inescapable nightmare. If you have a Pikachu as a starter, the water becomes sperm, and your character swallows mouthfuls. If you hada Squirtle, the water will drain, and the newspaper thing happens. Charmander: Newspaper and sperm. Bulbasaur: You wake up as Number 1203000000.56000, 500000000000000000000 billion years AAD (After Ano Domini) And the game new and all in the future. If you hurl your GBA or DS out of the window, it causes a rift in existance and you carry on as normal only in the future. Good night, Number 1203000000.56000.

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Re: Create Imaginative Fake Cheats!
« Reply #201 on: December 17, 2006, 02:56 »

VWS cheat: [Pearl only >__>]

Name your character Kendall at the start of the game. Select female first, duh.

Pick Naetle as your starter and name it 'Matt-kame'. It HAS to be male. Catch a Korinku and name it 'Haden'. [MALE ONLY] Catch a Nyaruma and name it 'Gurintii'. It has to be female. Catch a Remoraid and name it 'Sharpie'. Male. Catch a Fukamaru and name it 'Corey'. Male. Catch a Fuwante and name it 'Sakura'. Female only >P

K. Now, your team should be this, after you've evolved your pokemon and did all the stupid plot thingies:

Beat the league and junk, and catch a Meowth. Name it Pinkie, fools. Catch a Growlithe and name it Crackhead. [Seriously.] Raise them to level 100. Go to whatever town has that big mall. An old man will be in some random house.

Find the old dude and he will ask you to show him your Persian and Arcanine. Show him, and he will give you a coin with a cat face on it and a 24 pack of Lipton Citrus Green Tea. He also gives you every color of Sharpie in existance. [The permanent marker. Not a knife.]

So go back to your room in your house or whatever. Your mom will stop you and ask where you got all that stuff.

Suddenly, you hear an explosion and you and your mom run outside. The land around you looks different...!

You are in AYORAN!

A cute purple kitten with fairy wings flutters by and disappears, leaving you dumbfounded...


Obviously an inside joke.
you're never gonna love me, so what's the use


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Re: Create Imaginative Fake Cheats!
« Reply #202 on: December 17, 2006, 11:41 »
Get all pokemon in pokedex and train them to Lv.100. If you have a Swampert/Blaziken/Grouvyle, train them to Lv.1000. Then use Future Sight outside the Lab in Littleroot. It will say "(POKEMON) saw something hilarious inside the lab! But the door is locked!" Go to your Mother's to get the Lab Key. See May/Brandon's Mother for ??? Key of Hilarity. Go into the lab, and use the Hilarity Key on a hidden door. Behind it is Oak on the loo. If you tell someone about this (ingame) Oak will come running after you. Use Alakazam or Kadabra and all his clothes will disappear, just like in the opening to the movie and mini movie Pikachu's Vacation and First Movie. A screen will come up saying Well Done as a newspaper plastered with butt-naked shots of Oak all over it. This is an alternative to it being you.


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Re: Create Imaginative Fake Cheats!
« Reply #203 on: December 17, 2006, 17:48 »
Paint a rock and jam it into your Gameboy (Advance) or DS (Lite). The colour affects what happens.
Your game will continue, except everyone is a cannibal. Do NOT give your pokemon to a Pokemon Center, or they will eat your pokemon. If you lose a battle, they will eat your pokemon AND you!
The game is played as cavepeople.
You play as a futuristic person
Play as an alien.
Play as a tribesperson on an island.
You will play 'Pokemon Retreat: The Vacation'. This is set in Hawaii!
Any other colour will not do anything except damage your console.
Bye, now!


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Re: Create Imaginative Fake Cheats!
« Reply #204 on: December 18, 2006, 16:26 »
R/S/E's Da Purple Cheat
Talk to the Space centre guy 650 times. He will put you in the middle of the fuel tank of the rocket and fire it, saying "Bye bye, bstrd!" You will go into different rooms and have to beat puzzles to open doors, but you only have 8:00 mins to make it to the top. If don't you make it, you'll be lost in deep space...however, if you do, you will battle
Team Rocket's Disguise Peon Irwinn
Charmeleon Lv.50
Ivysareon Lv.100 (Ivysaur+Flareon)
Squirtdude Lv.200 (Squirlte+Geodude)
Persinite Lv.400 (Persian+Dragonite)
Cuckoo Clock Lv.800
Irwinn Lv.1600
If you win, he raises his arms and pops into pink smoke. The rocket then crashes into Mars, you die and the game ends. Then a comet smashes into the screen of your console from R/S/E. Fart on it, fling it out the bathroom window into an ocean and poo yourself( :-[ :laugh:). Keep the poo there until you're ninety. The look for the game. Now your console will be purple, and after turning it on, the (zombie) character will have a go at you, come out of the console, wee on you (which kills you) and will destroy the world.
Bye, now, hope you like purple!

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Re: Create Imaginative Fake Cheats!
« Reply #205 on: December 20, 2006, 12:27 »
If you write "$ MUNNY $" on a piece of green paper and jam it into your Emerald game cartridge, you will get infinite money!

If you write "(name of character) is definitely 18" on a piece of blue paper and jam it into your Sapphire game cartridge, you will be able to buy alcohol and cigarettes in the Lilycove department store!

If you write "I am aloud too kill peepol and stooff" on a piece of red paper and jam it into your Ruby game cartridge, you will get a license to kill which allows you to brutally massacre any trainer you defeat!
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Is glowing like the New Born

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Re: Create Imaginative Fake Cheats!
« Reply #206 on: December 22, 2006, 19:08 »
As soon as you first appear in your room, don't move for 10 years (Not game time). Then, a talking afro wig will challenge you to a battle. Put him on your head and your gameboy will grow a mouth and say 'You are the leader of the pies!!!!' when you walk out your house, all the Mcdonalds buildings in the world will go liek KAbb0om!!!!1111oneone And your charachter will get killed in a drive by accident. Repeat this cheat again and your hometown will be called pie land! Then you will liek get a wii for christmas!
|B&F|Breeninater: you have the mental age of a 25 year old...
|B&F|Breeninater: o.o
TheSmartAss: DONT
TheSmartAss tantrums
|B&F|Breeninater: see!
|B&F|Breeninater: 25 year old.
TheSmartAss soils his diaper and demands more apple juice from his mother
|B&F|Breeninater: hmm
|B&F|Breeninater: ok 24 year old..
TheSmartAss watches a youtube poop

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Re: Create Imaginative Fake Cheats!
« Reply #207 on: December 24, 2006, 19:36 »
If you call your character KINDABOOM!, you will be attacked by rabid chameleons whenever youtake a step!
The bitterness inside
Is glowing like the New Born


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Re: Create Imaginative Fake Cheats!
« Reply #208 on: December 27, 2006, 09:35 »
Ok, first you need to send £30 pounds to me. You will then be sent a screwdriver. This is vital in this cheat. Next you get your pokemon Yellow catridge, and useing the screwdriver, break of the plastic around the metal inside. Get some acid, (lemon juice will do), and leave it in it for a week. Then put an advert for this on ebay. Congratulations. You have unlocked the anger emotion for yourself. If you already have this emotion, you get the rage emotion. Congratulations.

Offline RRR

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Re: Create Imaginative Fake Cheats!
« Reply #209 on: December 27, 2006, 22:00 »
For Yellow.

First you snap the screen off your Gameboy.
Then you throw your gameboy out a window (break the window.)
Then take the game cartridge out, and TADA! You have 99,999,999 dollars and 10 Level100 Mews!