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Re: Create Imaginative Fake Cheats!
« Reply #135 on: July 25, 2006, 15:56 »
The longest post I ever wrote LOL
You can go to anywhere at the end and you are lvl infinite you can go to real life on your pokemon game

On Emerald The Ultimate Cheat:

Get Every Pokemon Shiny
Get The Berry Glitch Fix And Get The Max Play Time (65536) Be Playing On DS Lite Have 386 Pokemon and the ? mark glitches. You Must have never skipped the credits. Or Seen A Bad Egg........................................
Have Them All At Lvl 100 and shiny  And Finally Have All Gold Medals And Silver Emblems At The Battle Fronteir
Complete all nintendo events and have the tickets for them. make sure this is a japanese version
beat the pokemon league and all the story.
Do the lego torchic code. You must have never used a cheat other than to get the ? mark glitches or traded with a cheater.

May/Brendon Will Walk Up And Give You A Pokégear
Put the music onto Prof.Birch's pokemon music then ring him he will say "ooh you must have a pokégear they are sold out everywhere in hoenn I like that music"
Say yes and he will say "anyway after being the most strongest trainer and doing everything for everyone take this". He will give you a Kanto/Johto/Orre/Fiore/Shinou/Trozei/Orange Island ticket. so give it to  the SS.Anne Ticket he will take you to johto. you need to play in the ship for 2 days for it to arrive. when it arrives he will take you to an artificial island where the ss. aqua and ss. anne is. go to all gyms and beat them all there pokemon are lvl 200 you need some max revives............

I'm not reading all of that for anything!
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Re: Create Imaginative Fake Cheats!
« Reply #136 on: July 25, 2006, 16:23 »
On Emerald, if you try to catch any of Team Rocket's pokemon with a Master Ball, the tariner will god "Oh, this is soo gay, I'm outta here." and will leave behind a ball. Pick up the ball and you will be transported to the Little Britain region! Yay!

Offline Yoshi-Kun

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Re: Create Imaginative Fake Cheats!
« Reply #137 on: July 27, 2006, 02:55 »
                               Chicken Pot Pie!
On any pkmn game play for 100000000000000000000 Hours the talk to your mom she will say "i missed you baby" then youll say "OMFG IS THAT CHICKEN POT PIE!"
it will heal 1HP! LOL! (fake)

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Re: Create Imaginative Fake Cheats!
« Reply #138 on: July 31, 2006, 11:22 »
Emerald Adventure Safari

First, complete the Elite 4 seven times (one for each letter in the word "Pokemon"). Then go to the new area in the Safari Zone and catch one of all the newly capturable Johto Pokemon. Retire your Safari session. In the entrance building there will be a professor standing next to the computer. Talk to him and he'll say "Brilliant! You've won the Pokemon League for the 7th time running and now you've captured a lot of new partners! I know a great place for a trainer like you! Me and my co-workers have built a new Safari Zone off the coast of Lilycove, to house the rarer and more endangered species of Pokemon. We've already asked other people to come and look. What do you say [YES/NO]?" Pick YES and he will give you the Safari Boat Pass.
Go to Lilycove and enter the Harbour. Talk to the person in front of the boat. Flash your SS Ticket and she'll ask where you want to go. Pick Emerald Adventure Safari. She'll ask to see your pass. You flash your Safari Boat Pass and get on the ship.
When you get there you have to battle the professor you talked to earlier to prove your worth. His pokemon are Porygon, Porygon 2, Magneton, Electrode, Elekid and Pichu all Lv.50. Watch out, his Pichu knows Volt Tackle. After you've beat him you are allowed into the Adventure Safari!

The pokemon in the Adventure Safari are:

Strolling in grass

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Re: Create Imaginative Fake Cheats!
« Reply #139 on: August 03, 2006, 15:58 »
on pkmn fire red play up too your rival in the elite four and then press "start select a b" at the same time as the battle starts and it will say

??? SENT OUT (then a random pokemon)

defeat his 6 random pkmn and then it will say


he will lead you too a tyranitar lvl 87 ^-^

beat it if you catch it you (not your character) will

1. go bald*
2. explode in 7 days**
3.become obbsessed with jigglypuff***

*probebly not true
** not true
***true sadly

so kill it unless you want to become obbsessed with jigglys**t

then your game will explode*

* who cares
Mostly gone untill Black and White are out....I cant stand all the annoying rumors/speculation.

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Re: Create Imaginative Fake Cheats!
« Reply #140 on: August 04, 2006, 15:34 »
Black Eyed Peas cheat on RSE

1. Go to the new Safari Zone area and catch a Snubbull.
2. Give it an Amulet Coin.
3. Go to Route 118 and catch a Linoone.
4. Teach the Linoone Surf, Cut, Rock Smash and Strength
5. Put the Linoone in the first slot in the party.
6. Have Linoone battle a wild Tropius and win without fainting.
7. After the battle, the Linoone, due to it's Pickup, will be holding an item called BEP Ticket.
8. Fly to Ever Grande City and the Pokemon League. The Elite 4 wil be replaced with the Black Eyed Peas!

Here are their Pokemon:


Foo Foo Grass

Mud Camel

Defense Deoxys


All Level 100.

9. Beat B.E.P's Manager and he'll give you the Black Abyss Egg.
10. Battle a Corsola in Ever Grande with the Linoone you caught and win using only Rock Smash. The Black Abyss Egg will hatch into a Shadow Lugia at Lv.87!
11. Breed the Shadow Lugia with the Snubbull you caught earlier and you'll get the Burning Hellfire Egg.
12. Walk one step and the Burning Hellfire Egg will hatch into a Shadow Ho-oh at Lv.87!
« Last Edit: August 04, 2006, 15:38 by Feebas Fanatic 002 »
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Re: Create Imaginative Fake Cheats!
« Reply #141 on: August 04, 2006, 15:42 »
Santa's Present

Go to Island 7 and catch all the unown. Then go to the port and then go to Island 4 and catch Delibird then buy any type of mail, then Save and Turn Off the Game. Turn it back on and go in the Union room with 5 unown in order which spell SANTA. Then Santa will be in the middle of the room. Go up to him and press start and use Hidden Power. Santa will then blow up and there will be one present. Press A at the Present and you will then be allowed to select any pokemon you want and keep it. If there is someone with you in the Union room they too will be able to get a present. You can do this any amount of times so complete your Pokedex!
Slowly an old member..

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Re: Create Imaginative Fake Cheats!
« Reply #142 on: August 04, 2006, 16:56 »
Pokemon Emerald Cheat: Get to the Mushroom Kingdom!

Play this on a Nintendo DS Lite. First of all, turn on the game. Select a new game and get a team of six legendaries, and beat the Elite Four. Once you do, go and watch the credits. Each time one of the Legendaries in your team pop up, press A. After the credits, your father will give you a ticket called the Mushroom Ticket.

This will take you to the Mushroom Kingdom! The gym leaders are:

Type: Grass
Pokemon: lv50 Bulbasaur, lv50 Ivysaur, lv50 Chikorita, lv50 Bayleef
Type: Psychic
Pokemon: Lv60 Meditite, Lv60 Metagross, Lv65 Alakazam
Type: Dragon
Pokemon: Lv70 Bagon, Lv70 Bagon, Lv70 Bagon, Lv70 Bagon, Lv70 Bagon
Princess Peach
Type: Normal
Pokemon: Lv90 Wigglytuff (If you take more than two turns beating this one, your game will be erased!)
Type: Ice
Pokemon: Lv88 Lapras, Lv82 Walrein, Lv60 Shellder
Type: Electric
Pokemon: Lv50 Magneton, Lv75 Ampharos, Lv85 Electabuzz
Type: Steel
Pokemon: Lv95 Skarmory, Lv80 Jirachi
Type: Fire
Pokemon: Lv.90 Magmar, Lv.95 Numel, Lv.100 Charizard, Lv.105 Torkoal

And... the final boss!
Type: Dark
Pokemon: Houndoom Lv.120, Graveraven (Murkrow Evo) lv.130, Cacturne lv.140, Sableye lv.150, Mightyena lv.160, and Tyranitar lv.180 (Snaggable)
if you're ever wondering if im some other guy, the answer is yes, im him, unless it's bad to be him, then im not him, im a different person.

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Re: Create Imaginative Fake Cheats!
« Reply #143 on: August 04, 2006, 17:13 »

Pokemon Emerald-

Step 1: Heal your Pokemon at the Mauville Pokemon Center. Do not heal them at all during Step 2/3/4

Step 2:
Enter the Cave in Battle Frontier with the following pokemon:

Space 1: Smeargle Lv50 (from COLLOSEUM)
Space 2: Sneasel Lv50
Space 3: Walimer Lv50
Space 4: Charmander Lv50
Space 5: Groudon Lv50

Step 3: Catch a Smeargle with a Ultra Ball.

Step 4: Black out. You should be in Mauville Pokemon Center.

Step 5: Surf to the Power Plant. The first pokemon you see will be Bonsly. Beat it, DO NOT CATCH IT. Black out.

Step 6: From Mauville Pokemon Center, Run all the way to Slateport. Go to the Pokemon Center and heal your pokemon.

Step 7: Deposit the two Smeargle's and withdraw one Tentacool, Lv50.

Step 8: Surf on the Water's below Slateport. Catch a tentacool, and black out.

Step 9: Deposit Tentacool, Withdraw Lv100 Raquaza. Fly to the Home Town and go into your house. Watch TV.

News Reporter: A recent outbreak of Pokemon on a runaway Shinou Spaceship has landed where we are standing, in the Elite Four........ (Connection Breaks)

Step 10: Talk to Prof. Birch. He will give you a Shinou Pokeball. Fly to Elite Four, and find a various collection of pokemon in Victory Road.

Victory Road:
Golbat (3%)
Zubat (1%)
Makuhita (2%)
Hariyama (4%)
Bonsly (15%)
Rukario (1%)
Weaville (10%)
Sneasel (5%)
Buoysel (Name??) (10%)
Tamanta (15%)
Tentacool (4%)
Tentacruel (10%)
Elekid (1%)
Electabuzz (5%)
Electabuzz Evo: (25%)

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Re: Create Imaginative Fake Cheats!
« Reply #144 on: August 07, 2006, 16:47 »
Tomto Region

Beat the Elite Four. Then go to Mauville. Go down Cycle Road on a Mach Bike. You must have no collisions whatsoever. Go and beat the Trick House. Go through Slateport to the Shore house. Buy 15 bottles of Soda Pop from there. Go out and there will be a boat with a man in a green suit standing infront of it. Talk to him. He'll say "Olleh! Heehee, sorry I like speaking backwards. I said hello! My name is Tom-Tom, but everyone calls me The Riddler. So you want to come to Riddler Region? You'll have to battle my Pikachu first!". Beat Riddler Tom-Tom. His Pikachu is Level 40 and knows Thunder, Tailwhip, Volt Tackle and Wish (egg move). After you beat him he'll say "Hmm. You're good, but there's still one thing I need you to do. Elddir siht rewsna! Heehee I said answer this riddle!" He'll ask you this riddle: "Brothers and sisters, he has none, but this boys father is my fathers son" You will get a multiple choice of answers: "He is my father", "He is my son" or "OMFG wot r j00 talkin about u daffy goofball?!?!" The answer is, of course, the second one. DO NOT pick the third one or the game will freeze you into a block of ice. He'll take you to a giant island with 8 gyms, a pokemon center and a pokemart!
« Last Edit: May 06, 2007, 13:59 by ultrasonicdalekemperor »
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Re: Create Imaginative Fake Cheats!
« Reply #145 on: August 14, 2006, 09:36 »
[defanaitlyfake]Go to the restraunt in Celadon city with a Snorlax in your party (has to be in first slot). Then talk to someone at the counter. They will be cross that you have a Snorlax with you because they think he'll eat all the food. Everyone then goes crazy! The say things like:
My precios food!
Go away you big fat blob!
Then your Snorlax coms out of it's Pokeball and destroys Celadon city![/defanaitlyfake]
Thanks SpriteMaster for my jewely egg!

Thanks to Mightyenapup for this mix!

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Re: Create Imaginative Fake Cheats!
« Reply #146 on: August 14, 2006, 10:10 »
Your Gameboy never turns off- Cheat

First, put pokemon emerald into your gameboy. Walk/surf around the whole map twice. Next, go to the pokemon centre and do the same as the duplicate glitch. Save at PC, depost a noctowl. save and withdraw then go to your mom. She will talk to you in glitch talk, loads of question marks will appear and the screen will go white. You'll never be able to turn your gameboy off again! Even pressing the off button will not turn it off, because your gameboy will be jammed and cannot turn itself off. If you press the off button it will say- "ha ha ha ha ha! Stupid human. You cannot do a thing to stop me!!!!!!!!" I think obviously, nintendo have put a brain in the GBAs. They're alive!!!!!

By the way, this will NEVER happen. its fake.

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Re: Create Imaginative Fake Cheats!
« Reply #147 on: August 20, 2006, 11:43 »
In Emerald, when you fight Rayquaza, send out a Lvl. 84768548694867594768 Ditto (Snagged from googelymoogelyfessedaya in Colloseum) a holding metal coat, and it will know cheeseh attack. Use it on rayquaza, and he will turn into SILVAA! Silvaa says to you, "STFU n00b!"  and Typhlosion comes and says, " READ THE RULES!!!!11111shiftoneoneeleventhefirstnumberintheenglishn umbersystem"

And... YOU CATCH SILVAA! His only attack is growl and when you use it he says, "UPAA? UPAA? ARE YOU THERE? I NEED THE ONION! I NEED THE CHEESE!"

This really, really works! Honest!

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Re: Create Imaginative Fake Cheats!
« Reply #148 on: August 21, 2006, 00:26 »
   I heard that when you recieve the Magma Emblem fly to Oldale, run around the Pokemon center 1000 times go in and you will see Nurse Joy riding an Umbreon with a funky hairdo from the Underground passage in Goldenrod, while eating corn on the cob. Turn left once, right twice, up 30 times and press select. Napoleon Dynamite will turn up at the desk where you are standing, and he tells Nurse Joy to go get Optimus Prime for a Party at Azelea. Suddenly you will be nuked up into the air by the evolved form of Groudon and you crash through the roof. You then retart into pixel universe where you are carried by celebi by the balls while passing over the moon where you see Jirachi being raped (literally) by Deoxys, in a crater. When you reach mars a comet mushes you into mars, which infuses you through a vortex of flying hippos until you end up at that forgotton little corner of Dragon's Den and are left to die. When at the point of starvation an Inexplicably cracked Melon black-holes you inside out. You appear in Azelea town except the well has turned into an statue of a camel toe est. 900 BC, and all the Slowbros have turned into Bullimic Rukarios on crack. Observe that in your party is six lvl %£$%2921083 Mew Fours which have 10 Glitch attacks which are all like psychic with a power of 10000 each, except the last move is a total recover as fast as quick attack and gives all statuses to the opponent. It is holding an apricorn of multicolours which causes any Pokemon you face to die and turn the trainer into a squashed Bullfrog with canary yellow blood.


*OMEGA NUDGE lil' wink*

    (From that Cool Emerald Glitch topic that was locked. Sending my regards  to Dan Dan).
« Last Edit: August 21, 2006, 00:29 by TotalEclipse »
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Re: Create Imaginative Fake Cheats!
« Reply #149 on: August 21, 2006, 09:31 »
Alpha Blast and Deoxys and Rayquaza Fusion Egg, Sinball, Horball and Final Secret Pokemon and ?

To do this, you must have Rayquaza and Deoxys, teach Rayquaza to learn Thunder, have Deoxys to put in a Pokemon Day Care, walk around in 10,000,000 walk, than come back in the Pokemon Day care, the old man is already moved to one walk, he say, "Hello, [name] your pokemon play each other much, by the way, your egg has the "Mail" it in, I wonder what inside in there?" than he give you a egg go get your pokemon and walk around in 10,000,000 again, the egg hatch of Pokemon Name is Nanmy, the king of Legendary, and have a move Alpha Blast, this Power= Event ACC= Event get the weird Mail, it say, you go to "?". Go talk to Pro. Birch, He Freak out bad! he tell you the Story about Event years ago about this Pokemon, name is Senflack, the evil king of Hell and Donflack, the Good King of Heaven, both is the 2 Final King Both of them Created Give life of Pokemon to live in world, both of the weight Event Pound of tons that can push the Earth, or another, their feet tall is 9999, Go to a Ship ask the lady, and she freak out bad! than she tell you the Ancient Dinosaur where it kill and the Dark where the Angel fall into a Devil of Dinosaur of Final Legendary Pokemon that Blast all. After the Story, She Ask, "are you sure you want to go to "?", say Yes, and she give you a item, "The Event" this item is useful, you can make your pokemon level 999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 now you can go to hell, just kidding, ok now you in "?" all place that people is being killed, Here the King! Senflack, which is the Lv. Event, (event mean Infintiy, the final number of FULL) Senflack is a Type Dragon/?, catch it with Sinball, than you not done, ask the man he said, "Wooo Hoo! you caught, kid!! now, you... go to the final place" now say yes, than you go to the Final Place call, "?" No people, but here come the King! Donflack! the level is Lv. Event, Type Dragon/? catch it with Horball, now go back to man again, he say, "YYYEEESSS!!!!" now go to Pro. Birch, he give you a ??? which mean, you go to Pokemon D/P!!! Tell me the Truth, do you want them both?

now Please read my post! ^^
« Last Edit: August 21, 2006, 09:43 by Hyper Shadow »
  If anyone stand in my way, I will destroy it!!!!I believe is the heart... I'm not weak to my heart... The Lord of Joeno is Watching you... I love pokemon! *Meow*