Author Topic: (3) Rondo Evans  (Read 1096 times)

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Offline Sebastian Moran

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(3) Rondo Evans
« on: August 27, 2007, 18:49 »
Location: Verdanturf
Story Topic: A New Challenge
Group: None.
Items: None.
Pokémon team: Nidorino [Horrorshow], Venonat

-Background information-
  Name: Rondo
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Description: Rather tall at 6'2", though neither under- nor overweight, with dark blond hair [he cuts this himself when he remembers, and it shows], and similarly quite dark blue eyes. Rondo wears the same jacket, jeans, and shirt until he buys another, none of which are very exciting. On his feet, he usually wears cheap green flip-flops, which probably look odd but work well enough as shoes. In the winter he's more likely to buy a pair of trainers, which somehow look even stranger on him. He does not have any piercings, make-up, tattoos, hair dye, jewellery or the like. He does not have good teeth, but he does not often show them when he talks or if he smiles. His eyes are usually not fully open, which gives him the appearance of being half-asleep.
His right hand has an interesting jagged scar on the left side of the palm, and is missing the little finger and its knuckle, as well as half of his ring finger. However, this isn't as troublesome as it might look, and he is still right-handed.
Another related injury is a quite long scar on the right side of his head, but this is hidden under his hair and cannot be seen. Far more interestingly, he is able to bend his right arm backwards at the elbow when it suits him, which is usually at inappropriate times.

Personality: Rondo is not very clever or talented, but this does not bother him: in fact, nothing bothers him. He is constantly calm and level-headed, and this can make people irritated. He does not particularly like arguing, and will say that he agrees with someone's point of view if it looks like it will turn into an argument. He prefers to get along with people, although, like everything else, it does not bother him if he does not. Rondo does not have any friends outside of his pokémon [he travels around too much for that], but equally he does not have many people who hate or dislike him, and would probably not notice if someone did.
He is quite slow at answering, usually, and will often stop to think about questions he's been asked which don't seem particularly important. He will also often ignore people if he thinks of something to say. If he doesn't interrupt with his own comments, he's likely to forget what he was thinking by the time a pause appears in a conversation, his mind having moved on. If he sees this quality in other people, he may well find them rude, although if he notices this, he will think of- or voice-- it as an interesting observation rather than an accusation, insult or complaint.

Skills: As though to make up for his lack of intelligence, he has a photographic and audio-perfect memory, and can recall things like a conversation or the face of someone who bumped into him on the street months later if it was needed, which it never is. This, coupled with his constantly vague expressions, makes him exceptionally good at lying, though he does not often have a need for it. He would prefer it if he could forget things sometimes, though, as it seems to take much of the 'excitement' out of life: not much is new. This could be part of why he wants to travel the world, the other reason being that he has nothing better to do.
He has excellent hearing, and combined with his memory means that he can usually tell where someone is from by listening to their accent. He is a little short-sighted. He has never bothered to have his eyes tested, though, so does not own glasses and is probably not aware that his eyesight is below par.

Habits: Despite his excellent memory, he is constantly losing and misplacing things, due to not paying attention when he puts something down, or forgets what he was about to say. Rondo doesn't own anything of personal or actual value, so if something is permanently lost, he just will buy another. He also sometimes forgets to eat or go to sleep.
He doesn't have a fixed job, and so does not have too much money. As such, he used to steal things, although he is not fond of it, or even very good at it. This has become less frequent as he got older, and also when he learnt that simply winning pokémon battles can earn a monetary prize.
He does not mind bad weather or rain, although his feet can get cold, and in the sun he burns instead of tanning at all.
He smokes, but does not appreciate or care for alcohol. He also dislikes riding in cars or buses, although he can't explain why, and as such has never learnt to drive. He also doesn't think that he can swim, as he never got round to learning.
He loves spicy food and drinking tea [milk, no sugar, ta].

History: He apparently grew up in Fuchsia City with his family, near to the safari zone. However, when he was sixteen, he and his father were involved in a car collision. His father died in hospital soon after. Rondo, who was sitting in the back and reaching under the seat in front, had his right arm caught under the seat when the car turned over and his hand became partially destroyed. He also suffered a head injury as well as numerous minor injuries.
This is all what he had been told: he remembers nothing of his life before the point where he woke up again after the incident. It also appears to be how he gained his ability to remember things so well from that point onwards.
He did not like the woman who kept showing up at his bedside claiming to be his mother, because he knew nothing about her. When he eventually was allowed to go home with this woman, he became fed up with her quickly. Once when she left the house, he stole some money and items [including a pokémon] from the house and left the city without leaving any note of his absence. He was told that his last name was "Evans", although he does not agree with this-- surely it was that strange woman's name, not his-- and so does not use it if he can help it.
For some reason, his first name has not bothered him. His first name has puzzled him, though, since he found out what it meant, as he is not at all musical. Perhaps it had something to do with that woman, or the man who died.
He hasn't been back to Fushia since then, and does not mourn or miss his family or home, because he never knew them. He is content with life as it is.

Friends: None
Enemies: None

Rondo has never actually caught a pokémon through a battle, but has never needed to. He doesn't have any real interest in pokémon sports but he doesn't hate them, and will engage in them occasionally: if challenged for a battle, for example, or if he needs money. He is not exactly talented, although he is good at remembering strategies and techniques used against him and can try to put them to use.
His pokémon don't usually stay in their pokéballs, and certainly not Horrorshow, although none of them have decided on this arrangement out loud.



Ability: Poison Point
Moves: Leer, Tackle, Double Kick, Poison Sting, Fury Attack, Horn Attack, Focus Energy
About: A rather aggressive pokémon with little trust. At first he was annoyed by his trainer's uncaring personality, but eventually has taken it upon himself to protect him, and occasionally give him a push in the right direction. He is not too fond of people or pokémon who he doesn't know, and is liable to growl constantly if somebody new appears. However, it's notable that he will only growl at strangers while hiding behind his trainer's legs, and is more likely to cause Rondo injury by being tripped over.
History: The pokémon who Rondo stole from the house as a nidoran♂. Rondo did not know who he belonged to before or what he was doing in the house. Still, he had been told that pokémon were needed for protection.


Ability: Tinted Lens
Moves: Tackle, Disable, Foresight, Supersonic, Confusion, Poisonpowder, Leech Life
About: Her trainer's personality appears to have rubbed off on her. She is quiet, and does not seem to have much of an opinion of her own about anything. If Rondo orders her to do something, then she will do so. She is smaller than average, and Rondo usually carries her around instead of her having to run to catch up with him. Because of this, she is quite lazy and will often sleep.
History: She followed Rondo all the way to Vermilion City when he left home, after he absently let her share some of the food he had. Eventually he bought a pokéball at the port and caught her.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2009, 20:42 by Halfwit »

be humble,
for you are
made of earth.

be noble,
for you are
made of stars.

Offline Sebastian Moran

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Re: [3] Rondo Evans
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2008, 10:18 »
UPDATE: Gordon's alive!? He lives! Location, topic & group updated accordingly. Now in Cherrygrove. 

be humble,
for you are
made of earth.

be noble,
for you are
made of stars.