What's in the quote ain't in the post.
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I've fixed the issue with the results for a caption not showing up. In cases like these, you can also use the report errors link on a related page of the feature, as long as you clearly indicate where things are going wrong.
Misty: You perv! Brock: Togepi started it! Togepi: >.>
It wasn't showing up though o.o
Can I use a tinypic code to upload an image suggstion?
Yeah. That's a point. On the finished captions screens are the numbers by captions according to the score given (as i'd expect) or are they in the order that the captoins were submitted and the ones which were rated positively appear? -Just checking really...
Invalid host. Only images on PKMN.NET are accepted
Yes. What is your problem? That image isn't on our server. It's not on PKMN.NET.