Author Topic: lets count to 100,000,000  (Read 421676 times)

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Re: lets count to 100,000,000
« Reply #5775 on: August 27, 2013, 17:15 »
5787. Aww... Master, I think that is a very fitting name for you   ;)

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Re: lets count to 100,000,000
« Reply #5776 on: August 27, 2013, 17:44 »
5788. What did I miss?


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Re: lets count to 100,000,000
« Reply #5777 on: August 27, 2013, 17:45 »
5789. Not much. But anyway, Hi Nate!!!!!

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Re: lets count to 100,000,000
« Reply #5778 on: August 27, 2013, 17:46 »
5790. Has the punishment been carried out?


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Re: lets count to 100,000,000
« Reply #5779 on: August 27, 2013, 17:48 »
5791. Yeah, look at the recently finished caption contest.

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Re: lets count to 100,000,000
« Reply #5780 on: August 27, 2013, 17:49 »

70. "Everyone ready?" I shouted. I didn't need an answer. I was just confirming that the entry to the new world was about to begin. I bent my arms and layed my forearms out underhand, with my fingers bent inward slightly, evilly crooked, gripping the air. The ultimate power of the Creator's Will surfaced within me, lighting a surge of energy around. My chest began to crack. The crack rooted to my head, screaming the way any head chopped from its body would scream if it could, and rode down my back. The crack shuffled silently from side to side until its work was done. My body split in half as I was sawed from the inside. The halves slowly began to fall apart and a rope of dark, sticky blood showing in between them sank and pulled away into the left side. An air rush flew in with a whistle excessively loud, giving the area a feeling of loneliness. Draghost!

"Hmm... perhaps. I've never cared to try, but I will do so for you." I went into the night-vision realm of my Creator's Will sense. This time, I saw none of the Memberlanders' spiritual avatars. It was complete nothingness. There, in the dark depths of the different world that was my mind, beyond its 5 corners which were the basic senses, I began to walk, endlessly. I wish I had tried this sooner. I saw no light at the end of the dark tunnel. No, it was to dark to even be called a tunnel. The part of my mind belonging to the sixth sense was so vast yet so stagnant. But there was a mysterious power at its end, and I saw it now. A faint candlelight, which must have been the power I was trying to access, dotted the surrounding blackness. Coming closer to it, I knew what to do. I placed my palm onto the light, anticipating the accompanying magic flash which would irritate the sight and hearing senses. But when it came and parted, I found that it had taken me to a floorless white hallway, a collection of doors left as dominos, so close yet so distant. There was one flashing red door which shone brighter than the others, and I was suddenly familiar with what that signified. This was the prime memory that was on my mind at the moment. I pushed open the door, and it creaked, as if it were faking an injury, and activated a flash. I felt weak, for the power I had seeked now borrowed my body for its purpose. My eyes flashed open, projecting a beam of light, which my mouth also exhaled. Before my mouth, the ray materialized into a distant memory which shocked me then as it may shock my company now.

Code: [Select]

"You know everything about memberland, right? Who was it that night? Who killed them? I must know."

\\ He's probably going to feign ignorance, or maybe he doesn't know. But I have to try. Also, Chloe's history still remains a mystery... What was her life like before we met? She's never told me...\\

"And Chloe, I was wondering, you've never told me what your life was like before we met... So, before history is changed in the new world, what was it like?"

\\ I hope it's fairly happy, I don't think I can cope with anymore sad backgrounds...\\

"I...I can't be sure, really. But I can only guess. Your description sounds familiar. I'm not sure if who I have on my mind is who you're really looking for. But the one I remember may have crossed paths with you after he went his separate ways with me. I'm not really sure, but I remember a similar character. He was a magician, one of my loyal regents, who developed a morbid interest in the living. I trusted him, for his spells were magnificent. But I only knew his spells were growing darker when I found that another one of my regents was missing. Within that ominous moment, I sensed the most subtle hint of the arcane spiraled deep in the dungeon of the castle I had resided in then. I didn't expect much, but I looked anyway. I saw my trusted regent, the magician, holding his arms over my missing regent, with his fingers curved, directing a flowing wave of magic into him. The magic exhaust - it flowed out of his fingers like giant claw-marks. Can you picture it? How shocked I was... He was draining the life of an innocent regent... because he was so morbidly interested in the magic of life. I had the element of surprise as well as the ability to act fast. I flipped his arms behind his back and overpowered him. He was a powerful magician, and I could have had more difficulty, had I not acted sooner. My drained regent died the next day... And the magician had gained power, little I knew. I trusted him. Thinking about it now, I should've executed him. But no. I trusted him. I banished him from the old Memberland and I have not heard from him since. ...I'm sorry to trouble you with all this, Robin. This is a similar character I knew, to who might have scarred you. I'm sorry if this didn't help... otherwise this is all I really know about your incident."

Quote from: ShinyBlaziken2000 on July 26, 2013, 13:22
Code: [Select]

"One last question, what was [b]Draghost's[/b] past like?



Ah, the sweet memories... :yeswink:
« Last Edit: August 27, 2013, 17:52 by SiteHaunter »
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Re: lets count to 100,000,000
« Reply #5781 on: August 27, 2013, 17:51 »
5793. Very sweet memories, my master.


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Re: lets count to 100,000,000
« Reply #5782 on: August 27, 2013, 17:56 »
5794. Can't wait to get back to the RP.

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Re: How far in before the admins show up?
« Reply #5783 on: August 27, 2013, 18:29 »

79. I've swung around the mountain path, which winds like a drill bit into a lonely pinnacle where the wind stalks the tumbleweed, pushing it away as if it were an intruder to the Modmin Castle. I approach the castle, which has had this evil desire for me to come closer. It reeks of modminions, but they are nowhere to be found. I charge up a hideous ball of dark energy in my mouth, and let it fly, letting it untie strands of dark energy from itself to develop the tail of a comet, sailing for the Modmin Castle with no letup. I'll only enter if I have to. I expect it should explode with the darkness of my attack. Where are the modminions? Awfully quiet, it seems. Had they been warned of my presence? Blast! Is it possible that the two Memberlanders exchanged a few words with the Modminions? Their castle will be destroyed, and I will move on from there. I expected the modminions to stay and fight. Perhaps they're planning an ambush, which, against me, is planning suicide. If I will have not found the modminions, I'll hunt down the two Memberlanders as my top priority.


The Modmin Castle explodes in a crackling swarm of darkness. As the evil begins to consume the structure from the base up, it wheezes darkness out of its two hornlike side-towers, the nostrils of the suffocating castle before its imminent death. The castle's stubby, blocky, crowned central pinnacle is blown off like a rocket bloated and fueled with darkness. I wonder where it'll land. Hopefully it'll crush the two standing Memberlanders I'd be after. If it doesn't, I hope they won't notice the surging top if it should reach a high point and become a makeshift smoke signal. That would be giving them a warning that I'm coming for them. I wouldn't want things to work that way. I have to move faster! I try to turn back and look at the castle now, but it has shrouded itself in the thick fog of darkness and death, digging its grave and retiring. What a waste of time.

I'll find them. They wouldn't have gone far, the Memberlanders. They've probably fled somewhere into-- Ach! I felt a stab from behind, not the least bit painful, but charged with the element of surprise. Swinging around without caring whom I'd hit and likely kill, the face of a Modminion comes into view, and is balled in with a severe dent. I expected the Modminion to retaliate, but the pain spread into the rest of him like an infectious disease, encasing all his nerves in an electric chamber and shocking the pain in. He succumbed. I would say "pathetic" but it just seems too grotesquely obvious now. I'm quickly aware this is an ambush, and I don't need a stance to prepare myself. What do I think of the Modminions about this attempt? Predictable.

Next, I'm not surprised at how viciously the Modminions begin. I see one everywhere: coming out from the subordinate mountain path, reeling around a dry, deformed tree, and one even emerging from the castle's smoking grave of rubble. Modminions were everywhere. But within this vast trap, I am the center. Like a spiked ball surrounded by a ring of worn paper, I will contract and expand my spikes, beating slowly as a heart, until the fateful moment when I choose to set the spikes sharply outward and tear through that ring to surprise even myself. It's my turn to surprise them. For I am more powerful. And I lack patience.
(There are no rules here in this RP project, but there are more like manners instead. If you're beaten down by godmodding, just get back up and strike back the same way. That way, godmodding will cancel itself out, as long as you recover and godmod in return to make it fair. If the godmodding is too ridiculous, like "I killed your character!" just ignore it. No one has to kill your character just because they said. Although the topic may cause bad habits in the actual Role Play area, again this is not a real role play. Also, Joeno stopped by. Guys, the only way to stay on topic is to include the number. It's really not that hard. RPing isn't the top priority. It's just the content of your post. You have to count, and that way we can all stay on topic)


( ^ The pillows I left outside got wet.)

I left the Modmin King's corpse in the center of the ring of dead Modminions. He had a unique position for a dead body: his leg slipped far out, and the rest of his body was hanging by the sword I left in his throat. The sword was lodged in the ground, and it almost dragged the Modmin King's body down with it, except his throat was placed near the hilt. The king's head was snapped up by the jutting cross of the hilt and he ended up staring at the sky with a dazzled expression, as if he had been cut down during the desperate exhale of finally releasing one's breath. I emerged from the battle with a seared arm and a cut across the face, whose dark blood flowed like swollen roots down to the mouth. I rode a solid, dark ball of energy down along the mountain path. It was a marble going around a slide. Now I had quickly reached the doorstep of the mountain, and I got off the magic sphere, sucking it back into my palm. And then I had a destructive thought. I took several steps back and began charging energy up to a planet-sized ball of darkness. As the mass grew bigger, I chortled evilly, feeling energized and drained at the same time. The sphere grew to an immense size, enough to span half of the mountain but swallow it whole. I took another step back.

With snapping force, I hurl the ball at the base of the mountain and witness my work. The ball digs into the landform, giving it a round, outward bulge, as if the ball of energy had become the stomach of the structure, inclined to swallow the mountain itself. As destruction occurs, part of the dark mass leaks out and shoots up along the mountain path, the twisted tongue of the landform. There was an explosion at the peak of the mountain, and as the dying pinnacle slid off, the Modmin King's corpse hurtled down. Suddenly, an enormous conical explosion consumed the rock structure, like a volcano of dark energy had erupted under it to take its place. The inferno raged until its work had been done, and then it shrunk itself into the wind and disappeared. There was a lonely whistle of air. The mountain had died.

Now, there was only one thing in the way. The Memberlanders. I, Draghost, would be coming for them now. And they would be down before their next breath. 

I believe the project is finished on my part, except for one message that I'll have to bring in separately due to the 10,000 character limit catching up to this post. If there's anything from the Role Play that any of you guys might want to keep and move onto here to preserve it, you can always do that, if something seems important to you. Maybe slip it into a small-talk post in quote or squeeze it into an RP post you might make. :)

Yes, we are continuing the RP. We're continuing from these two responding posts, as they are apparently the last official ones of the original Role Play:


I stand up and look at the portal. "Thank you, serpents of legend, for creating our world." I step into the portal....

\\Should I be going through the portal? I feel like I should wait for Draghost to enter before me, but maybe he's thinking the same... I suppose I should wait for his permission to step through... After all, he made the world. Blaze has stepped through, but, I think he was too excited to resist, probably didnt think Draghost will mind, which in all likeliness, he won't.\\

The entrance to the new world has been revealed to us by the solar serpents, the guardians of the cross-realm, the Spiritual Bridge, between the Memberland-Modominion and the new world. Nathan, you should post about you choosing a magic light from the large tree that holds power in the Spiritual Bridge. Chloe, you could always step back into the RP by preparing to enter the portal to the new world, but that's just a suggestion to get things going again. After you've chosen a power, Nathan, based on what kind you've decided to have while thinking about it outside of the RP, you could step in and perhaps do the same. The RP gets back up, now.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2013, 18:40 by SiteHaunter »
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Re: lets count to 100,000,000
« Reply #5784 on: August 27, 2013, 18:30 »

I thought about the message after it had been cut off.

Я согласен, но чтоб выиграть войну, вы должны использовать несколько различных тактик. Это также зависит от как ведёт свой противник. Вы используете хитрых тактических приемов, и за это я ценю вас. Я понимаю вы важную роль. В то время как они ждут меня, однако, они могут быть отвлечено в вашу ловушку. Так часто, более одного тактику полезно чтоб закрыть противников на внутрь.

I said to myself. So I would've said in response if he hadn't been preoccupied. I can wonder and fight simultaneously. I think I hit something hard as I've said these words. It cringed. It was most likely a Modminion head of all intentionally placed objects around me. RR had given me a thought, but with our two unlike approaches and methods, the Memberlanders will be sealed off with little to predict while pressed between two walls of different material. I now turned my full attention to the web of Modminion forces, where I was the spider. Rather than striking physically, which would take far too long, I decided to finish it in one fell swoop with my common style of magically charged attacks. I began to expand parallel beams from my eyes, laying them out across the air like heated train tracks. Then, suddenly, the laser beams were squared to the side, prepared to blast off with their own newborn energy, ring through the contracting circle of Modminions in a brisk sweep, hopefully to fell them before their next step. And so they did. What I had seen was quick, relieving, and slightly funny. Every other Modminion fell forward or backward in a pattern, placed differently like the petals of a flower each pulled back in its own way. I had torn through the ring.

I expected to encounter a Modmin King at some point in the bout, but I had found none. Gradually, however, I was alarmed by a pungent Modmin odor. Completely gassing out the strong smell of smoke from the ruined castle, the scent trailed to a hideous, demonic creature standing over a dry, skeletal mountain shrub. This smell... it was... it was- atrocious! This scent... the most acrid coming from a Modmin. And then I knew. I had spoken too soon. Here stood and smelled the notorious Modmin King.

5796. You can double-post if you have had a message to continue, but was surely or nearly cut short by the 10,000 character limit. So, I will just continue mine with this post. Even though quotes are not part of the post itself, the text box recognizes quotes as characters, so I'm sure it still counts to double post in site terms.

I'm also aware this has Russian in it, but I'm sure it can stay since it's remained there for a while, giving notice to us before and after we learned our lesson to not post in foreign languages. I don't think it breaks a rule since it doesn't encourage anyone at this point. It's reasonable, no?
« Last Edit: August 27, 2013, 18:38 by SiteHaunter »
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Re: lets count to 100,000,000
« Reply #5785 on: August 27, 2013, 18:48 »
I'm just saving a few posts, mainly to remember ones that I need to remember details about my character. Not all of the are by me, just any that I find relevant to my character.

"I'll take the risk. I see you must know now, why I hate magic..."

" 7 Years ago, I was growing up in a small village, agriculture was a large part of the villages income. The harvest that year was terrible, we had only one option. My parents ran the greatest farm in the area, they called a magician. He worked on the soil, until it was fertile again. My parents offered him much money for his trouble. He declined, his price was to take me. My parents refused, he... He..."

*i see that He understands, as a single tear falls from my eye*

\\ He won't want me worrying about him but with all that blood it's hard not to. If something isn't done Dick might never be the same again... But he won't let me use magic,  it is his protection from magic that has harmed him, I can tell and he should have accepted by now that he cannot run from magic forever. There will be no convincing him, however. \\

"I...I...I've failed my parents... Despite every attempt to avoid magic... Their dying wish..."

*I collapse in a heap*

\\ Urgh... I can't tell her what happened... Maybe...\\

"Erm... There was a frog in my sleeping bag, it made me jump"

\\ Wow, my excuses are getting more and more desperate...\\



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Re: lets count to 100,000,000
« Reply #5786 on: August 27, 2013, 18:53 »
Chloe, you could always step back into the RP by preparing to enter the portal to the new world, but that's just a suggestion to get things going again. After you've chosen a power, based on what kind you've decided to have while thinking about it outside of the RP, you could step in and perhaps do the same. The RP gets back up, now.

This made me think that you're expecting me to restart the RP. If that's what you want, Brave Sir Knight, then I have the start up post ready. If you'd rather start it yourself (Which I can understand) Then it's no biggie.

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Re: lets count to 100,000,000
« Reply #5787 on: August 27, 2013, 19:23 »
This made me think that you're expecting me to restart the RP. If that's what you want, Brave Sir Knight, then I have the start up post ready. If you'd rather start it yourself (Which I can understand) Then it's no biggie.

No, not exactly restart the RP. No, just catch up to where the very last posters of the original RP left off. As in, bring only yourself into the RP. This post represents your re-entry and yours alone. It's just on your part. I will have my re-entry, and I'm really the only one who can allow you guys to go into the new world, but mostly because I know how to describe it and that I've created it. Nah, I'd just need you to be where almost everyone else is, other than Nathan, who could get his power sometime now. Nothing like a start up post, please, but more like you getting back into control of your character and describing things for yourself. All you can simply do is follow Blaze's post that I quoted and simply step into the portal to the new world, or at least describe yourself standing before it. That's pretty much what it is. Technically I'd have the start-up posts to tie the re-entry posts from each of you together. Thanks, though.

I'm not giving orders or anything. More like thorough suggestions.

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Re: lets count to 100,000,000
« Reply #5788 on: August 27, 2013, 19:28 »
5800. (( Right-o! - I hope this will do  ^.^))

“See you on the other side, boys!” I say, with a wink. I take a couple of steps towards the portal before pausing to breathe. The portal is huge and spews bright light so that I have to look at it through squinting eyes.

// Maybe this is why they call them the Solar Serpents //

I chuckle inwardly at my own joke.

I turn around and look from Dick, then to Draghost. I smile and say "Wish me luck."

As my foot glides into the portal a tickling sensation runs up my leg until it surges through my whole body, it pulls me further into the portal. I have to close my eyes as my face passes the portal and my last wisp of hair leaves the old world, forever.

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Re: lets count to 100,000,000
« Reply #5789 on: August 27, 2013, 19:29 »
5800! WE MADE IT TO 5800! YAY!

It happens.

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