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Characters: Characters Overview


Gary Oak

Gary Oak is the grandson of Prof. Oak and was Ash's rival from the trainers' first day. He first met Ash in {pkmn|episode|1}, when Ash bumped into him as he ran to Oak's lab to get a starter Pokemon. From that moment it was a mystery as to which starter Gary had recieved. All he said was he got the 'best Pokemon.' He was always one step ahead of Ash, too, no wonder - he had a trendy sports car filled with adoring female cheerleaders to ferry him around.

He appeared several times as Ash journied through the Kanto League. In {pkmn|episode|12} Gary appeared briefly. As Ash went to enter the shop Gary walked out first and unintentionally knocked him out cold with door! Next he appeared in {pkmn|episode|30} as one of the trainers attempting to rid a building site plagued by {pkmn|episode|50}. We also saw him attempting to battle gym leader, Giovanni, which revealed a couple more of his Pokemon.

Gary was always reluctant to battle Ash, and didn't get a chance to at the Indigo League Tournament - he was knocked out in the fourth round. After this Gary disappeared for a while. All we know is he had gone on 'another Pokemon journey' while Ash was competing in the Orange Islands League.

He returned for the Johto League, stronger and wiser. He was a lot quieter and ditched the sports car in favour of a dark cloak to make him look mysterious. He won the battle against Ash when challenged at Oak's lab, in {pkmn|episode|113}. He next appeared when Ash was travelling through a forest filled with illusions ({pkmn|episode|118}) and advised them about renting a {pkmn|pokemon|163} as a guide. They encountered him in {pkmn|episode|165} where he helped Ash and co. to solve a problem at a power plant.

In the episodes {pkmn|episode|271} he appears ready to battle Ash in the Johto Silver Tournament. The match carries over to the next episode {pkmn|episode|272}. It ends with a spectacular battle between Ash's {pkmn|pokemon|6} verus Gary's {pkmn|pokemon|9}! Anyhow...Ash wins! Near the end Ash and Gary shake hands and end their long feud. Gary says he knows it feels normal to lose now.

Character categories

Spotlight: Cilan
Main Characters
These are the people that drive the show along, and appear in nearly every episode!

Spotlight: Professor Juniper
Supporting Characters
These are people who appear fairly often, but not all the time.

Spotlight: Caroline
Significant Others
The gang have made tonnes of friends on their lengthly journey, here are some of the more important ones.

Spotlight: Quincy T. Quackenpoker
Miscellaneous Characters
Only appeared once and didn't anything exciting? They'll be here, then!

Spotlight: Blaine
Gym Leaders

Spotlight: Jessie
Team Rocket

Spotlight: Ash's Pikachu
Longterm Pokemon
The Pokemon that stuck around for ages