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Re: The Bastion [J][Pw]
« Reply #30 on: September 22, 2013, 04:22 »
You know what, I'm being forced to get a life. Sorry, I'm out.
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Re: The Bastion [J][Pw]
« Reply #31 on: September 22, 2013, 10:31 »
haha, i apologize!! but i dont see anything wrong with having so many ALs?? coincidence, yo. sorry for having you change your characters name, i feel kind of bad  :(

Haha, it's not your fault!  Her name was originally Penelope anyway.  I think I prefer it anyway; I was just trying to make a pointless Wonderland reference and I should really stop. XD
RubyRobin: Would a morph with Grumpig be able to do his swag dancing?
RubyRobin: Yaaaaaay!!! I shall do Grumpigs swag dance aaaaaaaaaalll day xD
Quote from: The Entertainer
So uhmmmm, you quote yourself huh?
.......not weird at all kiddo :p

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Re: The Bastion [J][Pw]
« Reply #32 on: September 23, 2013, 19:54 »
I was torn when deciding to join this RP or not. But it sounds like fun so here goes:

Name: Jason Guerra

Alias: Nacatl

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Species: Ura (hey, it fits the theme, right?)

Description: Jason stands a bit under 2 meters tall. His body is toned and muscular, a result of years of training and exercise. He also has several scars covering his arms and chest, many of them from minor wounds (lacerations, etc.) inflicted during training and combat. He wears pants with a camouflage pattern (dark green, gray, and grassy green colors) as well as a plain white t-shirt and a black denim vest. He has a necklace with a key on it, though there isn't much special about it (it's the key to a padlock he lost). His hair is gray and his face is smoothly shaven, with some shaving scars here and there. His eyes are a dark brown.

What really stands out on Jason is the machine-like device on his left wrist. It has some readings on it which don't make sense to someone who isn't specifically told what the significance is. It's purpose is an "aggression-inhibitor"; it shocks parts of Jason's brain to control anger.

Personality: Jason is the "lone wolf" type, though not out of a general distain for others. Rather, he has a terrible fear that he'll physically harm those he grows close to and sees living in solitude as the best way to not bring harm to friends. He's gruff and to the point, speaking in a gravelly deep voice. He grows angry quickly, though the Aggression-Inhibitor on his wrist keeps his rage in check. When he does get mad, he'll show the signs (furrowed brow, glaring, slight baring of teeth), but it quickly fades as the electric pulses calm him. He's not the brightest blub, but he knows enough not to be a complete moron; as hey says "I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, but I'm the deadliest." Jason also has a habit of speaking to himself, often muttering or hissing thoughts out loud, though none of that should be considered mental illness. He tries to keep himself in check when speaking to himself, often trying to point out when he is acting recklessly or being monstrous. He speaks to himself most often in combat, trying to calm himself to avoid losing control.

Which brings us to the next part of his personality. His "power" unleashes a new side of him. Amid bloodthirsty screams and yells, he berates himself a lot and will often shout how he is "a monster" among other things. When he uses his power, his personality dramatically shifts from the "quiet type" to a man desperately trying to control himself and screaming about what he has become.

Power(s)/Abilities: Aside from his skill in hand-to-hand combat and his skill with some single-handed weapons (spears, occasionally a sword or crossbow, a small axe), Jason has the power to enter a Berserk Rampage. As mentioned earlier, his wrist device controls his rage, but can only do so when he isn't full of adrenaline. In the heat of battle, if he takes enough damage his rage will overcome him.
He grows in size (both in height and in muscle), is voice deepens, his attacks become much more aggressive and have a lot more destructive power, and he becomes almost immune to pain. The rage will wear off after some time, but the more foes he fells the longer it lasts (naturally due to the increase in adrenaline with each takedown).

Power(s)/Abilities Source: Jason's power came from experiments performed on him back when he was with the Ura standing forces. The purpose of the experimentation was to heighten a soldier's senses while keeping stress levels low. Aggression-inhibiting chemicals were first used. He was one of the many who participated in the initial trials. Most others didn't have a reaction, and those that did had varying degrees of reaction to it. A past minor head injury, combined with the mood changers, changed Jason from a soldier with an anger problem to a "frenzied maniac" (as an observer put it). The device on his wrist was installed when medical staff realized they couldn't constantly be giving him chemical stimulants to suppress his rage. Similar results were achieved with electrical pulses.

Weakness(es): Jason has above normal human endurance, though he isn't Superman. His true weakness lies in his power: when he is rampaging, he has difficulty differentiating between friend and foe and may strike one or the other without remorse. Hese, he has a great "fear of harming someone he's close to" as mentioned earlier. The device on his wrist has its limits; if Jason has enough adrenaline in him the stimulation will be of no use and Jason's "power" is revealed. Other methods of calming can be used, though the wrist-mounted device seems most effective. Knocking him out, or hitting him with a strong enough attack, will end the rampage.

Weapon(s): He uses a steel monkey-wrench when normal, along with some hand-to-hand combat to facilitate attacks. When enraged, he prefers using his fists.

Other: He was off-planet during the Calamity. (Magic, or something like it, exists in that universe, so let's hand-wave that fact as something to do with magic and...assignment from higher ups. Then he got to Earth by some other means).

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Re: The Bastion [J][Pw]
« Reply #33 on: September 23, 2013, 21:09 »

Though I would like it if you imposed a power cap. By all means, be a destructive mass of muscle and fury, but save some for us.

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Re: The Bastion [J][Pw]
« Reply #34 on: September 30, 2013, 18:46 »
Decided to make a whole new character using springhole generators as an experiment. Er, which means this'll be an entirely new character.

I'd like to reserve a spot if possible too so I can keep at this, thank you.

Name: Mariana Paulina Santos

Alias: Santos

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Species: Human? (Unclear heritage on her father's side. Explained in history.)

Description: ((Concept image due to lack of pictures: here hngh ))
Mariana stands at five foot and eight inches – or sixty eight inches in total – in her height. She has a narrow, oval-shaped face with angular cheekbones, and distinctly Spanish features. Alas her face is one of many angles, for even her nose is straight. Her hair is naturally blonde, although she dyes it a dark brown to play further on her Spanish descent. The Spaniard's hair just passes chin length, and is naturally wavy. The edges are slightly ragged – and something about it definitely seems as if she’s cut it herself. Stubbornness to a T.

Speaking of 'T's, Mariana's clothes contain quite an average amount of t-shirts. Most have witty saying or pictures on them. The ones that don't tend to be worn with overalls - a rather uncommon item in Mariana's wardrobe, as she wears rather 'girlish' clothing on a regular basis. And under the clothes lays a body few see if ever – athletic from her training for so many years, although carrying feminine curves which make public life slightly more pleasing, so to speak. Enough so she's not confused for a boy, at least.

She currently does not have a full costume or even a proper secret identity. She settles with a motorcycle helmet (which while she can still get knocked out, at least her head doesn't splatter all over the pavement!) and knee/elbowpads as her only 'permanent' parts of her 'outfit'. The clothes she changes into otherwise tend to be 'isolated' pieces of her wardrobe, so as to not draw attention. Clothes she wouldn't wear otherwise - and since she's often wearing girly clothes outside of missions wearing tracker bottoms and a hoodie during a mission doesn't seem that recognizable, does it?

Personality: If there's one word to describe her right off the bat, Santos would definitely be described as loyal. She can be trusted with secrets, and would literally take a bullet for a friend if it saved their life. Not just a proverbial bullet, but a literal one - it's sort of her job, after all, considering her powers give her an increased rate of survival whilst dealing with the wounds. Another facet of being loyal is that if anyone she knows is in trouble... she's there. Flash stepping, running, whatever. Santos will stick up for those she considers friends, especially if they don't seem to be able to do so themselves, and the grudges gained against those who aggrieve her friends are very rarely forgotten.

A sense of duty to use her abilities to the fullest drives her to perform her best, which puts a strain on both her body and mind, although she claims she's not affected by this. That's also a rather troubling side to her personality - she's very much independant, so reporting injuries and the like? Right at the back of her mind. She wouldn't even think of doing such, which is a pretty bad flaw when it's an important and possibly deadly wound.

Then there's her trust issues. She doesn't offer up information unless it is unessential - she does not reveal her weaknesses to anyone if she can help it, as she does not wish for anyone to exploit them. She has a hard time with trusting others with valuable information, in either case. Prying tends to make it even more unlikely that she'll ever reveal anything willingly.

She is definitely... confident in herself, as per se. She simply has no reason to be afraid in a social situation. Whether that is actually arrogance, though, is unclear. Sometimes she will dive headfirst into a fight without realizing it. She has a pretty bad temper when it's set off, although she usually will only snap when people keep annoying her. Thus, if she believes she's justified, she will not budge on her stance.

Mariana has a high love of irony and sarcasm, although they're technically the same thing to some. However becuse of this some of her choices of things are rather... bizarre, perhaps.

This will be developed.


Flash Step - The power to use very fast bursts of speed allowing the user to move faster than the eye can track, making it appear as if they have teleported. Mariana can often use this to great effect, especially so in combat, which makes her especially evasive. Overuse of this power can result in power as she's using the same amount of physical exertion as she would have otherwise.

Enhanced Regeneration - This requires training to fully control, as this is quite a painful power to have. It's even worse without it, though. Mariana is able to heal at an incredibly faster rate than the average human, which comes in very handy when fighting. With enough concentration she is also able to heal bones, although this takes a lot of concentration and energy it would take a matter of days to fully heal, however, and is easy to rebreak again during the healing process. This also tends to be agonizingly painful, even moreso than the original break, as it requires her body to reset the bone manually and then begin to grow and fuse bone across the break. Whilst the power is mostly automatic for the majority of her minor wounds, she does need to concentrate for anything serious enough to be fatal if left untreated, which includes internal injuries and broken bones, surely! Her powers do have a limit however, and greatly tire her if repeatedly injured.

Healing Blood - As a side effect of her enhanced regeneration, her blood also contains apparently properties that can heal many wounds. Whether placed directly into the wound or transfused, her powers of regeneration can temporarily activate in the target as the blood confuses the target's blood for her own - however it only works for current wounds before the regeneraion process becomes inactive again. As she is a O- blood type, this is also decidedly helpful overall, although does make her a prime target at times.

Power(s)/Abilities Source: Santos has had her powers ever since she could remember - she never really 'scraped' her knee for long in school, occasionally it felt like time would be freezing around her - like bad lag on a computer game whereas she was the only one at normal speed - and a lot else. She has suspected of powers for a long time but never could really 'control' any of her powers (alas the regeneration tends to be out of grasp, in either case) to much degree. As she lives in a single parent family (technically - her father later remarried) it wasn't until Mariana sat her father down that she got a straight answer.

She wasn't a human at all. Her mother had been casting a ritual of sorts whilst pregnant with Mariana and the residue magics had pooled into Mariana through her mother. This explained her mother's rather strange death after she was born - apparently she'd been fine during the process but straight after her organs had started to shut down from the sudden stress of losing the excess contained magic and expelling it through her own body.

Mariana doesn't know what she exactly is - her mother was very secretive about the origins of the rituals and her father had been unable to make out the words. However, he still owns the books - he just won't let Mariana access them.

(Note: Even though Mariana has no clue, I was wondering if this could have been like a satanic level sort of thing and a minor demon managed to exploit the situation to his advantage - this could add an extra weakness later on, but there's no use including that specific weakness if it's not acceptable. Otherwise, a alien ritual could just as well work.)

« Last Edit: October 16, 2013, 13:08 by Poison2007 »

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Re: The Bastion [J][Pw]
« Reply #35 on: October 01, 2013, 23:45 »
I'll allow it. I normally don't allow regenerative or healing powers, but if it comes at such a heavy cost, I'll trust in you to use it wisely.
I'll start this thing up once Poison's done. Any objections?

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Re: The Bastion [J][Pw]
« Reply #36 on: October 02, 2013, 01:29 »
none here. besides, if others become interested, there is a formal way to introduce them gradually even after starting.

if i could fall into the sky, do you think time would pass me by?

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Re: The Bastion [J][Pw]
« Reply #37 on: October 03, 2013, 03:21 »
I'm fine with starting. I might not post regularly since I have classes when most UK students are home, but I'll try.

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Re: The Bastion [J][Pw]
« Reply #38 on: October 03, 2013, 11:15 »
Thank you. I've done a bit more on the profile so I should probably be done within the next day or two.

Or tonight. I can't tell precisely, haha.

EDIT EDIT EDIT EDIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Weakness(es): Human-level durability. Even though she's pretty quick at recovering, she can only take so many hits before she just can't get back up. Her stamina is average for someone of her age and fitness. And while she's fit, she can tire - and this reflects onto her powers.

She is particularly vulnerable to magic attacks that effect the mind, due to her origin, such as hypnosis and mind control.

Being frozen. Even though she could theoretically flash-step out of said situation with enough energy, it would take a LOT of energy to do so and would slow her down. Even if she manages to escape she wouldn't be too useful for the rest of the fight.

Insomnia is also a weakness - it's not too common, usually she gets pretty good sleep, though stress and worry can keep her up the entire night. Or two. Or four. In either case, after a day or two her powers just stop functioning as they should from the lack of fuel and recharge.

Stubbornness - it can often be a strength, but when she's stubborn to the point of not getting along with others too well or not accepting medical aid, it's a weakness. The same stubbornness is what managed to make her learn about her origins and what makes her such a person, however, so this would be more of a neutral trait. This could be exploited, easily.

Flash- wall! OUCH! - If someone were to place a wall in Mariana's path at a high speed as she was in mid flash-step, high chance is that she's going to run into it face first and probably knock herself out for good measure.

Unlucky - Mariana is - or rather, has been - rather unlucky in simple RNG. She somehow manages to break everything at some point - not even her own katanas have escaped her wrath and she's been through about six by this point, and considering she wields one on its own that's a LOT of impromptu fist fighting. Good thing her family's pretty well off.
Weapon(s): Santos, despite being Spanish, has deliberately trained to wield a Katana. As she puts it, this is 'a highly ironic choice' - and seems to have picked it up just to be 'deliberately ironic'.

However, the weapon is highly useless against some of her foes. Instead she's also picked up hand to hand fighting skills to get her through, alongside flash grenades (another ironic choice - due to her 'Flash step' - that was an attempt to be 'punny' and 'satirical'). Due to her horrendous luck, she ends up hitting herself with the flash grenades more than she actually hits her opponents.

Other: Anything I miss?
« Last Edit: October 15, 2013, 21:51 by Poison2007 »

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Re: The Bastion [J][Pw]
« Reply #39 on: October 05, 2013, 13:19 »
No objections here.  I can't wait until this starts.  =3
RubyRobin: Would a morph with Grumpig be able to do his swag dancing?
RubyRobin: Yaaaaaay!!! I shall do Grumpigs swag dance aaaaaaaaaalll day xD
Quote from: The Entertainer
So uhmmmm, you quote yourself huh?
.......not weird at all kiddo :p

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Re: The Bastion [J][Pw]
« Reply #40 on: October 14, 2013, 16:57 »
Poison, are you done yet? It's cool if not, but I'd really appreciate it if you told me what's holding you up.

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Re: The Bastion [C][Pw]
« Reply #41 on: October 15, 2013, 20:59 »
Poison, are you done yet? It's cool if not, but I'd really appreciate it if you told me what's holding you up.

i have a ton of essays and only have time to do like one or two posts and then work on it as well as a project but don't worry should b done soon sorry for the holdup

edit: i think i am done but i had to split into two messages because 10000 character limit
is that bad
« Last Edit: October 15, 2013, 21:52 by Poison2007 »

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Re: The Bastion [C][Pw]
« Reply #42 on: October 15, 2013, 21:52 »
Is fine, is fine. Take as long as you need. I just like to know that people haven't just ditched me.

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Re: The Bastion [C][Pw]
« Reply #43 on: October 15, 2013, 21:54 »
hehe i made it up by using more than 10000 characters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
is this okay i didn't think i wrote enough (this is serious)

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Re: The Bastion [C][Pw]
« Reply #44 on: October 15, 2013, 22:10 »
Jesus Christ calm down Shakespeare
We're writing an RP not a bumper book of plays

But seriously, it's enough. As long as you're not just going "HUR HUR HUR I CAN TYPING" and then mashing your face on the keyboard like an ape with a club stapled to its forehead, then you're good to go.
Anyway, now that you're done, I'm just about ready to start. Just going to check everyone's present and ready, otherwise it's more disappointing than the Dark Knight Rises.