Author Topic: what's saddening you right now?  (Read 347371 times)

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Re: what's depressing you right now?
« Reply #2745 on: May 17, 2011, 09:42 »
Should really be doing my essay but heck I've needed to get this off my chest.

Kind of liked a guy for a little while now though I won't ever admit it to anyone (this is the internet its different I SWEAR). He's always really flirty but I have no idea if thats just to me or all girls because I'm the only single girl that speaks to him on a regular basis that I can see. Well speak as in Skype, we have big group conversations its like a gaming circle and I'm the only girl. But he sometimes chats to me in private whilst the big conversations are going on and...flirting shiz happens there. And we have some private jokes but he makes fun of me a lot and in a joky way but I don't know if I would be able to handle it all the time.

Because he knows one of the guys on Skype which is at my uni through living in the same town as him, last week he came down to visit us for like four days. Needless to say I basically spent the entire time round their house, leaving at like 6 in the morning which is only a little different from the normal. But day he'd like give me his jacket when I was cold and when we were watching a film I was leaning back on him and he gave he a head massage and would alwas hug me. But then the next day he was poking me in the sides because he was bored and slapping me round the head just randomly because he was bored. He also bit me a lot on my arms, which was kind of weird but kind of nice. And like...he said goodbye normally which made me upset because I was expecting maybe a little bit more but then at like 9:30am the next day when he was on the train back to his town, he texted me saying what a good time he had. And all the suggestive language in the texts and conversations its so mixed signally.

Why is this such a big deal? 2 years ago was my last relationship, which didn't end well and sort of resulted in my ex emailing me, facebooking me, sending me pms on deviantart, here, basically everywhere he could find that I hadn't blocked. Not too nice emails about how he feels and what I've done to his life and how he is all into drugs and stuff now. So I'm currently sort of...afraid of boys and don't really like the whole relationship pending thing and so I thought I might have been just about almost getting over it when this unsurity pops up.

So I'm bruised and confused at the moment. But seriously, I am very bruised, bite marks on my arms X_X. I guess thats made me feel a bit better XD

Matty Cahill

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Re: what's depressing you right now?
« Reply #2746 on: May 17, 2011, 11:13 »
I work hard. I revise to the best of my ability. My grades are decent. So why can't someone just give me a pat on the back and say "well done" so I don't feel like all my efforts to gain other people's approval are becoming less and less fruitful by the day?

As you get older the more you'll realise that you won't get as congratulated because whilst being praised is a good motivational factor it just doesn't occur as much as it's not as necessary compared with being younger. You shouldn't have to gain other people's approval; you seem like a good kid to me but you don't need to be so focused on what others think, just do everything the way you want to and that will be good. =]

Oh, and if you want congratulations, don't make things complicated for yourself otherwise it'll be very difficult for you to be congratulated =P

There are times for me where I'm just wanting to be positive because life is pretty crap for me right now but it's really difficult for me; exam stress and especially general negativity is really being a pain in the arse right now. I don't know really, it does feel like I'm becoming something different... a worse version of me. I'm losing sight of what made me happy and I just feel so alone right now.

It's easy to say hell to it all but I just can't do that anymore. I'm not as strong as I used to be. I can't bounce back easily, once something hits me it'll keep me knocked down for a while. Yesterday was good until the end of the day where something just hit me and it's carried through the night and into this morning... urgh. I just get so easily pissed off with stuff too, I swear so much more than I ever used to (this past month I've swore more than I have in my whole life time) and I just struggle to keep myself composed with most things.

I really don't feel comfortable posting any more of this so I'll leave it at that. Venting never did make me feel good ^^;

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Re: what's depressing you right now?
« Reply #2747 on: May 17, 2011, 17:02 »
Just heard that Edward Hardwicke died today 
someone posted "say hello to jeremy" and fdhagfr yeah 
sounds ridiculous but i feel bad for thinking that it was such a great day earlier 
can wonderful people just stop dying please 
why am i so sad i shouldn't be this sad 

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be noble,
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Re: what's depressing you right now?
« Reply #2748 on: May 17, 2011, 17:43 »
I was going to make a post in the "what's annoying you" topic and it has been soured by a depressing thought. I don't know why I do this to myself, I know that what I just thought isn't true, but I've thought it and it's already hit my mood. Annnnd other thoughts are following. Yayyy. I think I shall enlist the help of Eddie Izzard and a hot chocolate after raiding my cupboards for something edible before going to bed early. Not like I have anything to stay up for anymore. ^-^   

OH YAY the original point of the annoyed post has been proven to be wrong. So. Yeah. Depressing myself over NOTHING. As per usual. :\   I think I need someone to hit me over the head right about now. Might knock some common sense/confidence into me

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Re: what's depressing you right now?
« Reply #2749 on: May 17, 2011, 17:49 »
Let me please.


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Re: what's depressing you right now?
« Reply #2750 on: May 17, 2011, 18:37 »
I got some marks back for a 6 question maths assessment on straight line graphs. Y intercepts, gradients and whatnot. I got 3 right, and the only reason I got one of them wrong was because I forgot to put the the - sign in front of the X. And I have a history project on the Holocaust. It's bad enough that so many innocent people died then, but for something similar to carry on in this day and age is just flat out wrong.


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Re: what's depressing you right now?
« Reply #2751 on: May 17, 2011, 19:30 »
I'm stressing about higher admin exam on thursday :| i'm pretty confident with all the practical stuff as i got 45+/60 on past papers i did at school, which is an a roughly.
I'm horrible at theory though. 8 mark discuss questions about stuff like: 'compare in house and external training' are horrible ): and i'm doing buisness managment next year too :v

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Re: what's depressing you right now?
« Reply #2752 on: May 18, 2011, 13:54 »
tmi bluh bluh
neighbour comes into house, talks to mum, looks at me holding my stomach waiting for the cramps to be killed off by the painkillers
'aw, hen, i understand'
you don't. you don't, you really, really don't.
maybe the cramps, but the psychological pain outweighs the pain you know.
every month i take a step forward and then all it takes is a few days of blood and i'm running back to the pit i am in now.

it's like a game of british bulldog here and i've been playing it too long to find it enjoyable any more.

the christians gave me
comic books as if i would
be scared of burning in hell
while i was already there


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Re: what's depressing you right now?
« Reply #2753 on: May 18, 2011, 22:14 »
so while downloading exam archives and lecture notes from the uni site
i found out that looking to see what was in store for us next chemistry year was not a good idea
i thought this year was bad

suppose theres still time to develop a piracetam habit i suppose

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Re: what's depressing you right now?
« Reply #2754 on: May 19, 2011, 06:08 »
I have a physics gcse exam tomorrow and I am probably goin to fail
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Re: what's depressing you right now?
« Reply #2755 on: May 19, 2011, 15:09 »
Dad's gone off his whack...=/

All complicated stuff but long story short, he's resorted to turning the internet off at designated times and locking the door of the room that the router is in so nobody can switch it back on.

My sister resorted to stealing the key to unlock it while he was asleep, she got into deeeep crap...and for some reason, I'm gonna be getting into crap too...and I've done nothing! I'm hardly ever online for god's sake! So now I'm just thinking of stupid scenarios as to why I might actually be in trouble and just worrying myself silly over them ><

...Yeah. I don't like being told off.

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Re: what's depressing you right now?
« Reply #2756 on: May 19, 2011, 23:24 »
New revelations about old issues are making friendships seem difficult to me... I feel a little betrayed right now, and I feel like I've been a disgusting person and a terrible friend for letting her take the blame for something that wasn't her decision. She had been put in a horrible position because "she knows me". At least she had the decency to apologise for it at the time, despite how upset she was about it, and offer to help me while 3 of the other people involved didn't even turn a blind eye. Oh, and you can sideline me all you like, but to suggest that one of the others has to go if the number has to be downsized is something worth shouting about? I just don't know how to feel. I've never felt close to you but this... is a pretty big blow to me. You're the reason I felt like crying that day, not her.

tl;dr/for the people who obviously don't care: I'm a disgusting person surrounded by other disgusting people with a wonderful friend I don't deserve and it really hurts knowing how badly she's been treated because of their decision.

Oh, and if I'm not having my own issues with regards to relationships, I'm having issues with those of my friends. I went through problems with one person because we got off on the wrong foot [his fault entirely though], I don't want to do it again. I don't want to constantly defect to other friends everytime my closest friends who I am supposed to trust get into a relationship that makes it difficult for us to be friends.

tl;dr/for the people who obviously don't care: I'm a disgusting person who needs to be more understanding of the relationships of others.

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Re: what's depressing you right now?
« Reply #2757 on: May 20, 2011, 18:22 »
Dad's gone off his whack...=/

All complicated stuff but long story short, he's resorted to turning the internet off at designated times and locking the door of the room that the router is in so nobody can switch it back on.

My sister resorted to stealing the key to unlock it while he was asleep, she got into deeeep crap...and for some reason, I'm gonna be getting into crap too...and I've done nothing! I'm hardly ever online for god's sake! So now I'm just thinking of stupid scenarios as to why I might actually be in trouble and just worrying myself silly over them ><

...Yeah. I don't like being told off.

Least we kinda got it sorted eh? =/ xxx

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Re: what's depressing you right now?
« Reply #2758 on: May 20, 2011, 18:27 »
I had my Maths C2 exam today, with exam board MEI. It was a fairly difficult paper, and I know I've messed up on some questions and it's bothering me.. =/
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Re: what's depressing you right now?
« Reply #2759 on: May 20, 2011, 18:28 »
I had my Maths C2 exam today, with exam board MEI. It was a fairly difficult paper, and I know I've messed up on some questions and it's bothering me.. =/
Be glad you're not doing AQA, that C2 one was so insanely hard I genuinely had to double check it wasn't an A2 paper.