Squirtle Fun!

Submitted by Sappy
- BREAKING NEWS: Game Freak have teamed up with Rockstar to produce Grand Theft Squirtle. by TvS|Tyranitar vs Something
- The hunt for Willy Wonka's golden ticket continues. by
- Squirtles get their 5 a day BY ANY MEANS NESSERSARY. by Angelic Lapras King
- Abusive Teenage Not-so-ninja Turtles. by Liam
- Squirtle: He just sold the last copy of Brawl! Let's get him! by laironlover77
- After being flooded with retarded nicknames, the Name Rater decided to fight back with a Squirtle Army. by
- Squirtle: You there! Is this a carrot or a parsnip? Man: Uh, a carrot? Squirtle: WRONG! Now we have to kill you! by laironlover77
- Merchant: Gimme back my feather! Squirtle: It's a fish! Merchant: Feather! Squirtle: Fish! Merchant: Feather! Squirtle: Fish! Merchant: Feather! Squirtle: Fish! Lady: For the love of Kanto, it's a radish! by sunshine188
- The squirtles go out to solve world hunger. by President Hawkeye
- Squirtle: Ahh! It's the Magikarp guy! Let's get him before he appears in another season! by Katkafka
- The hippy Squirtles gathered to protest against the sale of turtle soup. by
- If you've ever been to Ash's house during a family reunion, this seems normal. by sunshine188
- POkeDex: Squirtle: the overly excited shopper pokemon. Caution: may refuse to pay and threaten you with a turnip. by aer_dingus
- Squirtle(in front): tomato, fruit or vegetable, fruit or vegetable?!?!?! by sunshine188
- A reminder for everyone: Pay all the taxes or the Squirtle Squad will come round and ruin your business. by TvS|Tyranitar vs Something
- "The shopkeep! He's seen too much... TAKE HIM!" by President Hawkeye
- Squirtle: Gimme the fruit! I have a carrot, and I'm not afraid to use it! by sunshine188
- Squirtle Squad Leader: Do the Hamster Dance! by Radioactive Rainbow
- Squirtles: Tell us where the fridge is or we'll throw this fruit at you! Guy with white shirt and black hair: Next door to the right! Take all you want, JUST DON'T HURT MEEE! by the mudkip tamer
- the squirtle speed delivery service was questionable in reliability. by aer_dingus