Misty is jealous. O__o

Submitted by laironlover77
- There goes Ash, loving his balls more than his women. by Apprentice
- Ash's triumphant poses in catching pokemon were gettting stranger and more intimate, and Misty was strating to take notice... by Avian
- Misty: 270 odd episodes with THIS freak? by Angelic Lapras King
- Misty: This will be the FIFTH trip to the mental asylum!! by SkyForme
- Who needs girls when you can just caress your balls? by jagabor
- Pokeshippers won't approve of this pairing. 0_o by MzLuluZombi
- It was around this point that Misty was seriously regretting leaving the Gym... by laironlover77
- Misty: Ash...did you draw these weird lines and shapes on my face!? Ash: No...erm...I've been hugging this Pokeball! :D by SkyForme
- Ash: Will I find true love -shakes ball- Ball: Yes Ash: 8D Misty: >> by Shaymin
- At this point, Misty was happy to bail on Ash at the end of Johto. by laironlover77
- cue voltorb self destruct in 3... 2... by spider_princess
- Misty was glad when Ash told her he'd finally got a girlfriend. Of course, she hadn't been introduced to Ms. Pokeball yet. by laironlover77
- Ash: "My pokeball. My.... precious!" Misty: "That's it, I'm out of here." by RedFox
- Three episodes in, and Misty was already beginning to question Ash's mental state. by laironlover77
- The real reason Ash only competed once at the Indigo Plateau was that Kanto's PokeMarts had banned him for life... by Umby2000
- Ash: DO I HEAR BACON IN HERE? :D :D Misty: That's a voltorb by Ferox
- Love at first catch. by Avian
- Misty: Is he going to do this every time he catches a Pokemon? by Umby2000
- This is why Brock did the shopping. by Umby2000
- Misty: On second thoughts... you keep it. by Umby2000