- First edition Caterpie and Metapod, among others have the HP of the card stated as HP00 rather than 00HP (where 00 is the respective HP).
- On first edition Kakuna and Bulbasaur, he stat bar (underneath the picture) says "length, length" rather than "length, weight".
- Vulpix's HP is stated as "HP50" rather than "50HP".
- On "non shadow" Voltorb, the Pokédex entry calls Pokéballs by the Japanese name of Monster Balls.
- On almost every "non shadow" card, the energy symbols are misplaced and not aligned correctly.
- First edition Pokédex trainer cards have a smaller picture of the Pokédex! The unlimited edition ones have zoomed in a bit.
- Some Ninetales were printed without attack damage!
- A number of Diglett's had the fighting energy symbol printed sideways.
- A few Electrodes had a jungle symbol printed on them!
- Some non-shadow Pikachus featured a Pikachu with red cheeks. This is also true to the E3 Pikachu's.
- First edition Butterfree's first edition symbol looks like it has a "D" on it because of an ink bubble.
- On the top of Rapidash it says "Put Rapidash on stage 1 Pokémon" instead of the correct "Put Rapidash on basic Pokémon".
- On Seaking, there is the same mistake as on Rapidash.
- Some Jungle cards were printed without Jungle symbols.
- On first edition holo Zapdos, there is a non-holo cut into the corner of the picture- this is where the evolution emblem would go.
- Dark Arbok holo and non-holo have incorrect copyright smallprint. They both say that it is copyright 1999-23000 Wizards, rather than 2000. Its a back to the future Arbok!
- Dark Rapidash has the word "length" missing from its stats bar.
- Grimer's attack is called "Poison Gas" yet the attack puts the defending Pokémon to sleep.
- The non-holo Dark Vileplume is weak to fighting, not fire like it should be.
- On the infamous Dark Raichu, it states "Put Raichu on the basic Pokémon". It should call itself by the correct name of Dark Raichu. To add to the humiliation of Wizards of the Coast, the box with Pikachu in it should have dark background- instead it is the colour of a normal Pokémon.
- Some non-holo Dark Dragonite's were printed with the holo versions number. Then again, it could be said that some holo Dark Dragonite's were printed with no holo!
- Some Dark Persian's do not have their HP printed.
Gym Heroes
- The water energy on Energy flow is purple!
- When Rocket's Scyther was made, Scyther didn't have an evolution. Yet, the card says, "This attack lasts until Rocket's Scyther takes damage (or is benched or evolved). Saying this, to Psythor's recollection, there is no Rocket's Scizor card yet.
Gym Challenge
- On the Master Ball trainer card, there is a mistake in the grammar- Suicine Girl hasn't spotted it- and Iceduck hasn't seen it yet!
- Blaine's Charizard- the card that the Pojo called broken, does not make the "E" in "Energy" a capital on the attack that says "discard all fighting energy cards attached to Charizard". Its a good job knife throwers don't make as many mistakes as this- the fighting and first fire symbols are to low- and not aligned to the bottom of the text.
Neo Genesis
- Typhlosion (#18) and Slowking both have a misaligned damage- they are both too high up on the card.
- The second energy cost symbol is distorted on Horsea.
- Snubbull's Roar does no damage yet the attack states "do damage before switching".
Neo Discovery
- On non-holo Umbreon, the Psychic symbol on the retreat cost is too large!
- On Unown O, the text says "once during you turn" instead of "once during your turn". Tsk.
- On Hitmontop's stats bar, it is classed as a "Handstand Pokémon"- it should be "Headstand Pokémon".
- On Scizor, the attack states 20 damage for every heads, yet the damage states 20+. An automatic heads? You decide.
- Pineco tells you to flip the coin twice!
Neo Revelation
- On Suicine the power prevents all other effects that arn't damage don't effect Suicine- but it can't be used if Suicine is asleep, confused or paralysed! There is trainers that combat this.
Neo Destiny
- There is one on Dark Haunter but we don't know what it is!
Promo Cards
- Eevee's Pokémon power doesn't put the line above the "é" in Pokémon!
- Very few Promo Pikachu #1 were insterted into boosters as first editions. These cards are apparently worth �100, so if you own one, Ebay, Ebay, Ebay!
- Apparently, there is only one in existence, but there is a first movie Mewtwo promo that has the Gold logo printed upside down!
Page written by Psythor.
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you forgot the Neo Discovery Kabuto thats says 'Place Kabuto on the basic pokemon' instead of 'Put Kabuto on the basic pokemon'.
I discovered that with Wynaut in Ex Power keepers version, it says it is physic type and then it has weakness 2 physic!!! This might not be an error, but all the same…
sorry, i accidentally clicked submit comment 3 times in a row.
OMG i didnt realise that
Huh. Didn't know there was only one of those funky upside-down logo Mewtwos. Wonder where I put that...
Is my misprinted Electrode that rare? All these misprint card lists, and I've seen it mentioned once. >.< Some first-edition Jungle-version Electrodes were printed with all of their information correct (and pertaining to Jungle cards), but with the card image from the Basic set. Of course, this might be what's really meant by some Base set Electrodes having the Jungle symbol on them.
Unless Electrodes are just universally screwed up. Possibility.
ive got a screwed up Electrode lol
so many cool erorr's!
good old suicune, always tries to be different!
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