Author Topic: [J][Pa][Pw] Unequal Treatment - Registration Act  (Read 6369 times)

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[J][Pa][Pw] Unequal Treatment - Registration Act
« on: February 16, 2014, 20:33 »
"Good evening again. The breaking news at this hour: The National Office of Metahuman Control would like to remind everyone to not give shelter to any stray metahuman within the next few weeks as they are moved into their new homes. They are highly dangerous to you and your family's safety, and if encountered must be reported to-"


"-percentage of metahuman incidents has drastically risen since the Metahuman Registration Act was introduced. Is it only now that we're becoming more observant to what those monsters really do, or-"


"The weather conditions are once again worsening up and down the country. Metahuman activity is suspected due to the sudden hailstorms beginning from-"



The year is 1998. After Daniel Friedman, 17, and his gang of misfits caused a crisis in 1995 that revealed the existence of
superpowered beings to the general public, laws started coming into effect to 'protect the general public' by forcing registration of superpowered individuals for the government. The government started to persecute the Metahuman community, starting a metaphorical hailstorm of anti-Metahuman laws and decrees, designed to isolate the superpowered, humiliate them and make it almost impossible for them to earn a proper living outside of minimum wage laws. They started to be treated as second class citizens, having to wear shock collars in order to 'control' them.

After a few months the registered Metahumans started to be moved into Districts in order to further control the 'dangerous' individuals, further isolating them from the world. The world's nations argued over what to do with them - were they too dangerous to live? Could they be put to use in armies? Regardless of what the world thought, the patience over the metahuman situation has started to wear thin. Control over the aliens has been contracted out to private companies uninterested in the metahumans' welfare - they will receive compensation for their efforts as long as they keep the population in line. Massacres are discouraged simply because of the public outcry that might arise, not because of any rights the community may have.

Detroit's Metahuman District is one of the worst out there... for the Metahumans, that is. The control over them is highly strict and the company in charge of taking 'care' of them - Wahl Securities Ltd - is certainly not afraid of using drastic measures to keep the Metahumans within the walls. Once somebody activates their powers, that's it - their family is moved into the slum.

It's up to those stuck in there to either live their lives in oppression or escape and start life elsewhere, but will the humans let that happen? In a world where you're discriminated against for what you can't control, do you really want to leave the walls keeping the humans out?

About the RP:
Okay, before I begin with anything else I'd like to state that this isn't really a conventional RP. You'll probably notice this as we go on. There isn't a specific 'antagonist' or anything yet - how people (re)act to events shapes how the RP goes. Basically, you're in charge of the plot because there is no predestined direction set - you take it into your own hands. You all might remember the poll I had up a while ago. The superpowered RPs got the most votes, and while starting a Teen Titans RP would have actually been ideal to make (and I would have loved that just as much, believe me) I think this forum would actually benefit from an all-original RP. And instead of the typical school based powers RP, I've made it a 'walled city' RP. Why? So you're not restricted to one band of age. You could be a parent. You could be a normal, elderly person, stuck in the slum because one of your close family members started exhibiting powers. You could be a teen, or a child (though the latter really isn't recommended), and it'd be in your hands about how you'd proceed.

In a nutshell, This is one of my 'inventions' I like to call a 'kickstarter' RP. What do I mean by this? I mean that it's one of those RPs that I'm going to refuse to let stagnate. It's a free-world RP. There will be events. I have a list of prompts that every now and then I will randomize and assign a prompt to someone so they're not left out. I'm going to have a mandatory 'summary of events' every 10-15 pages so people joining (or returning) will know what's actually happening. Sign ups will likely remain open for the entire topic, provided we're not swamped by members.

As a note before you see any links being put up by me on this post - all links lead to either other locations on (such as the rules) or to sites that offer features relevant to the RP that is not offered by PKMN.NET. I'll tag them accordingly.

You are allowed to role-play as a regular human or as a metahuman. Members of the Metahuman Control team are encouraged to join in order to get a more diverse cast, but bear in mind you need to be age 21 at minimum to join it. More information below.

  • The site rules are here. You have no excuse to break any.
  • You're free to start events off yourself... but only if they don't directly interfere with another member's event. As in, yes - Character A may accidentally teleport everyone into a video game (provided they have such a power, of course) that requires them having to win the game to escape - but Character B is not allowed to do the exact same thing while this is happening. Or directly afterwards. This isn't original, and frankly, it's stealing the spotlight of the original player. It's frowned upon. If I see this happen you will be asked to either drop it, change it, or leave the role-play. (Depending on severity and intent.)
  • No godmodding. Godmodding is basically when someone's character has the ability to do practically anything without limits or boundaries. This is basically the reason why I have a banned power list. I shudder thinking about the amount of reality manipulating gods that could have came here, otherwise.
  • No controlling someone else's character without their permission. So, don't suddenly have Character B punch Character C in the face. The only characters you should be controlling are the ones you create yourself - or characters that you've been given permission to control. If Player B lets you use Character B, that's fine - just make sure you keep their character 'in character' and don't do anything they wouldn't. It'd be ideal if the player could let you know in advance, but if they don't just use your common sense.
  • Be realistic. If you get shot point blank in the head, chances are you're going to probably die. Then again, that was a pretty bad example as guns are banned within the setting, too. Your character (likely) doesn't have infinite stamina. They will tire out. If you get captured/punished, you wouldn't suddenly kick your captors in the knees and somehow manage to escape. Sure, it might work on a drunk in an alley, but it wouldn't realistically work on trained professionals that have been trained to make sure to not drop their prey- I mean targets. Woops.
  • When in doubt, eat some trout ask someone. Me, preferably, though I'm sure other members would be up for answering if they know.
  • There is a word limit. But it's pretty short! You just need to hit a paragraph or two each time (around 4-5 lines) per post. Quality over quantity. Useful posts that move on the plot and are about 6 lines long are better than useless posts that hit over 10 lines. Dialogue doesn't count towards the limit. This also goes the other way - don't post like 10x what everyone else is posting because it's just going to hurt you in the end. I mean if you can and you're able to keep up, kudos to you! But this is a pretty relaxed RP and we have no elitists here.
  • All Skill Levels accepted! As long as you can follow the rules, hit the word limits as much as you can and use a spellchecker then you're welcome here.
  • Be original. You're encouraged to experiment - maybe try out a personality you've never managed to experiment before, or a power you've found interesting but never got around to RPing with. Basically don't use characters you use in other RPs if you can help it - you're encouraged to be different here. Sharing powers with other players is frowned upon, but depending on the power may not be banned. Having a variant of a power (such as having a variant of telepathy such as animal telepathy) does not claim the entire power, though people may end up developing into similar branches if they have the same power tree.
  • DO NOT CHANGE YOUR PROFILE WITHOUT MY PERMISSION. Because this could end badly. I've seen too many RPs where someone's been accepted with one set of powers, and they suddenly have all of the powers that they shouldn't. If you really want to change it and I'm not online - before and after versions must be PM'd to me, as well as a 'changelog' (what you changed). This doesn't apply to the personality, gender, or other sections, but it does for everything else.
  • PM me what you leave out on the profile. Applies to the history section. If you'd rather RP out the history, but have a general summary of what they did, just PM me the summary. This is just for general purposes and will help when it comes to generating prompts or events. This also applies to any undeveloped/locked powers you wish to bring up to me or character secrets. I promise not to meta.

« Last Edit: February 18, 2014, 13:46 by Poison2007 »

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Re: [J][Pa][Pw] Unequal Treatment - Registration Act
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2014, 20:46 »

Copy what's in the code box. There are limits in the below preview form. that you need to follow.

Name: (Be sensible. "Enoby Tara Kawaii Sparkle Fire Cute Awesome McGonagall" won't get accepted. "Megan Jane Andrews" probably will.)
Age: (Over ten. Be realistic - if your character's got more than two digits in their age, you better have a valid reason for it.)
Gender: (Pretty straightforward. Biological gender followed by identified gender, if it's different from the biological one. For the sake of convenience, of course. If you're not okay with sharing this on the form, just remove this section.)
Powers: (Within reason. You will be allowed to develop them later on and potentially gain new powers based on RP performance. The more powers you have, the less likely you'll get to develop any. Same goes for power levels. You may find that the more powerful you are, the easier everyone else will catch up - or get stronger - to you. This is for fair play.)
Personality: (Please don't just write a list of words. We want to know how the character ticks to some degree. It's okay if it's pretty basic, just do your best. If you really can't think of anything, I'd be happy to write one up for you... but please don't abuse me for it.)
Appearance: (General description. Pictures are optional, and could be used as aides, but we definitely need something written here. It's okay if your character looks a bit odd - visual mutations are quite common in metahumans. Being born with pink hair is OK, but it tends to mark you as a metahuman from birth. Not a good thing.)
History: (Optional to some degree. If you'd rather RP this out, again, you need to PM me a general summary.)
Other: (Other stuff goes here. General trivia is encouraged for later RP, I find it helps a tad in that regard. This section is entirely optional though, so do what you like here. You can also ask questions here when you sign up if you're stuck on something.)

Code: [Select]


Name: (Same limits as metahuman.)
Age: (Same limits as metahuman. 21+ for those in the Metahuman Control.)
Gender: (Same limits as metahuman. Though biological gender probably won't be 'squid' unless you're actually a metahuman.)
Equipment: (Depends on your job. Maybe you carry around handcuffs because you're a police officer, or you have a shock collar control and stuff such as sleeping darts/stun guns/etc if you're part of the control team. Like powers, don't go over the top.)
Personality: (Bearing in mind that you wouldn't have gotten discriminated against like metahumans... unless you're in the slums due to a metahuman sibling/parent/child. You tend to have more freedom than metahumans though - you can come and go as you please and you don't have a collar on. It's when you start exhibiting powers that you lose your freedom.)
Appearance: (Humans don't tend to get born with pink hair. Be sensible. If your parents are both metas with mutations that effect their hair color, and your character's a human and won't inherit the gene, you won't inherit the funky hair color, either. Grandparents become a factor as parent meta genes are read as blank values to children who won't receive the meta genes.)
History: (Humans without a latent meta gene are likelier to be removed from the metahuman families. If a kid doesn't inherit metahuman parent genes they're taken into care instead, and thus won't end up in the slums. Parents without a metahuman gene are rarer if the kid is a metahuman, but it's possible.)
Other: (See the metahuman section.)

Code: [Select]

Relevant Links:
  • PowerListing Wikia - Ideas for powers and mutations here. There's an extremely diverse range here.
  • (NO LINK YET) - This is a forum that will store the summaries for the topic after a while, especially once we near the creation of the second topic. If we get there, obviously.

Accepted profiles: (Sorted in order of sign up sheet.)
Russell Thorton (Shapeshifter) - Played by echo.
Viola Briar Harrelson (Telekinesis Variant - Rotation) - Played by Queeny|NM.
Coleen Wilson (Electrokinesis) - Played by Queeny|NM.
Quinn Felix Smythe (Custom (clarification needed?) Power variant - Pixelization) - Played by RubyRobin.
James Wilson Smith (Pyrokinesis) - Played by Cody999.
Penny "Blue" Collingwood (Destruction Manipulation (Telekinesis Variant)) - Played by Poison2007.
Verity Maude Samuels (Atmokinesis) - Played by Lalice of Shrubs.

Chloe_ (Possibly. Recieved PM of interest.)
The Macintosh Ninja: SOH CAH TOA

(This list is more of a 'just in case' measure. Don't fret.)

(Other content. Reserved the rest of this post. Will most likely be any 'current events' and general statistics, once I've put together the list.)
« Last Edit: February 19, 2014, 15:32 by Poison2007 »

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Re: [J][Pa][Pw] Unequal Treatment - Registration Act
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2014, 20:49 »


Sorry for the triple post! It's just extremely likely that I'll hit the maximum character limit again, and this is just so I can edit stuff in for organization. The above post is actually quite near and the first has hit the limit. I'm not putting my profile in here purely because I don't want to waste space, and I don't want to leak over into quadruple posting. As in, I'll post after others have posted. I've risked enough and I don't want to annoy the mods/admins. Thank you for reading.

CHARACTER REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN. Go nuts! Just follow the rules and stuff. Yeah.

I'm happy to elaborate on anything that may be unclear, as well as change things if there's something wrong.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2014, 21:02 by Poison2007 »

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Re: [J][Pa][Pw] Unequal Treatment - Registration Act
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2014, 21:16 »
Gonna jump on this right away so shapeshifter doesn't get nabbed.

Name:Russell (Russ) Thorton
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Russ can transform into anything so long as he understand the makeup and structure of the object. For example, he can transform into a lion, despite having never actually seen one, if he has an understanding how their inner structure and how to transform into them. First time transformations usually cause him to be in a lot of pain, so he avoids creatures that he's never done before.
He has a preference for changing into animals, but can do humans.
His favorite creature to morph into is his childhood cat. The cat is a red-orange tabby, with darker colored stripes. It has long fur, a fluffy tail, and emerald green eyes. The cat is huge in size, but not too physically fit, as it was an indoor house cat. Since he knows the cat so well, his transformation into this form is nearly flawless, and he can manipulate all of its muscles extremely well.
Personality: More serious characters may say that Russell is a little bit... wacky. Well, if he were a human, he wouldn't be too weird. He's just a little bit perky and optimistic for a spat on underclass citizen. He has never fit well into groups, not that he minded too much. He marches quite a bit to the beat of his own drummer, and doesn't care to lead, nor follow. He's not exceptionally disciplined: When he was a child, he was the type of kid who opened up an instruction book on how to build something out of legos, and either gave up or started making his own more simple concept about half way through. Russ is extremely good at adapting to new situations, and would probably be voted "Most Likely to Not Have a Mental Breakdown". When he becomes focused on something, it's difficult to break him from his "zone".
Appearance: Russ has skin the color of darkened bronze, and his hair is a darker shade of brown. It is quite thick, but is fairly straight, the only exception being some wave on the top of his head, where it grows the longest. His eyebrows are thick, and cover up his blue-gray eyes. His nose is the perfect size for the scale of his ovular face, and his lips are full, complete with a dull pink color. He has a fairly muscular build, but nothing too crazy. He's about six feet, give or take an inch: It's been a while since he's bothered to go out and measure. His hands and feet are huge, even for his size.

As far as material goes, Russ is pretty apathetic to what he wears. Pretty much anything that isn't pastel, pink, or anything else that he would consider girly. He usually chooses to wear loose and long cargo shorts, very rarely opting for other clothing options, like jeans.
History: Russell wasn't originally thought to be a superhuman. He went to school with the rest of the kids, and even fit in. He did well in school, participated in sports, and was shaping up to become a very normal human. It wasn't until he was around ten years old that he had awoken in his bed, and found his cat staring at him. After wondering what it would be like to become a cat, he briefly became one. After a moment of panic from suddenly and painfully transforming into a house cat, he made all sorts of yowling and hissing noises, causing his mother to come in, and find two copies of the cat Hercules on the bed. She certainly knew something was wrong when Russell transformed back into his human form.

She kept the secret up for a few years, but when he was sixteen years old, he was discovered by his teachers to be superhuman after a practice transformation into the class pet when he thought he was alone. He was torn from his parents, and has been living in the slums ever since.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2014, 19:17 by еcho »

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Re: [J][Pa][Pw] Unequal Treatment - Registration Act
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2014, 21:24 »
Looking good! One thing (pretty small and more of a nitpick, really, and doesn't affect your acceptance) is that you should move the below sentence(s) into the powers section for reference.

Quote from: FIXED
He has a preference for changing into animals, but can do humans.
His favorite creature to morph into is his childhood cat. The cat is a red-orange tabby, with darker colored stripes. It has long fur, a fluffy tail, and emerald green eyes. The cat is huge in size, but not too physically fit, as it was an indoor house cat. Since he knows the cat so well, his transformation into this form is nearly flawless, and he can manipulate all of its muscles extremely well.
Fixed! You're ready!

But yeah! Accepted. I'll put you on the list now.

EDIT: Also I just remembered, as I don't think I've put this anywhere - age of developing powers varies, and metahumans existed before 1995. You've kept this in mind and it's come out well. Just referring to anyone else who may be confused.

EDIT2: Fixed. Welcome :). Multiple characters are also welcomed if anyone wishes to pick up a second, though only pick up what you can manage.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2014, 21:31 by Poison2007 »

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Re: [J][Pa][Pw] Unequal Treatment - Registration Act
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2014, 21:46 »
Got a two'fer here! Both Metahumans, but I'm not committing to only two characters.
ALSO an important point I would like to make, is that I don't consider these two characters 'safe'. It's highly likely that depending on the course this roleplay takes, at least one of them will end up deceased, if that's permitted.
Take from that what you will.

Metahuman 1

Name: Viola Briar Harrelson. Briar is her original family name, which she uses now as a middle name.
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Powers: Viola has a rather odd derivative of Telekinesis, specifically moving objects with her mind. While being in this category of powers may make her seem very gifted, in actuality her specific power is rather weak.
Viola's ability allows her to twist objects around, usually at a 90 degree angle at a time and little more. The objects she is able to subject her 'unique' power to have steadily been growing larger, though she still cannot turn more than a bowl shaped object around using only her mind.
Personality: Rather weak-willed and stunted in terms of any form of self confidence, Viola would likely have long fallen into despair had she not had people looking over her. Her powers being rather weak, she has found herself in the past the victim of both the more cruel members of Metahuman Control and a bit of a release for crueler Metahumans frustrated with their life in the slums. Viola takes things rather personally and see's herself as having nearly no self worth; she is incredibly weak and at most people's mercy and she knows it. As strange as it is, she finds more comfort in simply complying with any poor treatment given onto her than trying to muster up the willpower to do anything about it.
Appearance: A short and scrawny girl, with latent child-like proportions clashing oddly with lanky teenager limbs. Her arms are rather long, as are her legs, though she doesn't stand very tall at all. Every part of her body is skinny, though not severely underweight as she manages to eat her fill though rarely eats anything else, not even snacks for pleasure. Her hair is cropped pale blonde, which covers just over the nape of her neck at the back and sprawls awkwardly over the front of her face where it is overgrown, covering her chestnut brown eyes.
Viola is pale and considered very much an awkward looking girl. Near constantly covered in some form of bruises either from her clumsiness or just not sticking up for herself or running away from a bad situation.
History: Viola lived a relatively happy, if somewhat lonely life, before her powers emerged. Left at an orphanage at the age of six months with little more than her birth records, the tiny girl spent her years as a quietly gentle child, when she began to be fostered by the Harrelson's at the age of four. Gaining two elder brothers from the event, Viola lived incredibly happily with her new family and was treated as the 'baby' of the family for many years.
At the age of ten however, strange things began to happen around her. Pictures would tilt randomly on the walls. Furniture would be slightly moved with no-one else in the room to speak of, cutlery at the dinner table would warp and twist in front of the families eyes..
Because of the nature of her 'unique' powers, she wasn't outed as a Metahuman until relatively late into the registration act. Terrified, she took solstice in the fact that at least her family would be with her; until she was removed from being fostered, being officially 'returned' and no longer a legal part of the family.
Shipped off to the slums alone, Viola's heart shattered and she withdrew into her misery and loneliness. Even to this day, when she has a protector looking out for her, the girl is a shadow of her former self and is unlikely to ever truly recover from her mental trauma.
Other: A total pushover. Has been practically brainwashed due to believing in her own 'weakness' into simply taking every beating and hardship presented against her without a fight. She has no willpower of her own.

Metahuman 2

Name: Coleen Wilson
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Powers: Electrokinesis. Her powers began with her unable to do more than the equivalent of a static shock from her finger-tips at will, but with time the range and intensity of her shocks has grown somewhat. She can shoot sparks from her finger-tips, but they are still relatively weak in terms of an actual voltage.
Personality: Brash and outspoken, Coleen makes it no secret how unhappy she is with the way things current are for 'her people'. Years of being in the slums haven't dulled her spirits and instead she remains fiery and as defiant as possible while still managing to get by relatively out of trouble. Her personality has always been big, though it often used to lean more towards the open and friendly side of the spectrum rather than bold and somewhat reckless. Coleen is very tired of the way things are in her life right now, a fact she makes no secret of. If she were stupid, she would have long acted on this unsettled impulse, but for now, simply bides her time all the while gritting her teeth in frustration.
An abrasive woman, when you have proven yourself an ally, she will open up and treat you as one of her own. Has a particular soft spot for children and anyone younger than herself in general and tries to look out for them.
Appearance: A woman of color, Coleen has dark skin, thick dark hair that she wears loose and long from refusing to have it cut off and honey brown eyes. She's built rather large for a woman, but isn't exactly overweight and more considers herself a happy medium, god forbid anyone dare call her fat. Relatively tall, she towers over most women her age and size, standing at about five feet eight. She tends to wear whatever clothes she can get her hands on that don't have holes in them. Always seems to have some kind of smirk on her face or in her eyes.
History: A tenacious woman, Coleen would have likely avoided detection as a Meta for some time had she not been so out-spoken about her abilities. Never one to hide away, she saw no reason why she should be forced to hide, in her own words, 'who and what' she is. She has a history of being a bit of a trouble-maker, though her exact ties and events in her past are hazy at best, even to the legal systems records. All that's really known is she stirred up unwanted attention, did a few things that weren't favored upon and has been in the Slum's ever since.
Other: Has a soft spot for children and youngsters. Can get very maternal and protective of them, to the point harming children is a huge no-no in her books. Has helped Viola survive somewhat and tries to look out for the girl, but it's a big place and she's got a lot of places to be other than with a struggling thirteen year old.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2014, 22:41 by Queeny|NM »

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Re: [J][Pa][Pw] Unequal Treatment - Registration Act
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2014, 03:28 »
I've been trying to decide if I can manage this on Vita, but I figure if I can manage an acceptable form I can manage the RP xD Going for a meta-human because 'tis more interesting. I'll finish this form tomorrow, most likely, as I'm fairly tired.

Name: Quinn Felix Smythe
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Powers: Quinn is able to transform his surroundings into pixels, much like old arcade games. This seems like a really minor power, but as Quinn has discovered, much of the world falls apart when curves are no more. When in the bit-world, Quinn becomes much more powerful than usual too, being roughly as strong as a proffessional boxer.
Personality: How you feel about Quinn's personality much depends on how high of a class you are. If he views you as an equal, he is kind-hearted, friendly and generally a nice person to be around, but should you be a 'common person' he is snobby, sarcastic, rude and pretty much just vile. He has massive control issues, being horribly uncomfortable if he's not in leadership.
Appearance: Quinn is pretty tall, standing at around 6'3", and has a fairly thin build weighing in at 60kg. His eyes are beautiful, kind of a hazel colour, but they also give a very sinister glare when Quinn wants them to. As can be expected by someone who spends almost an hour a day sorting their hair, Quinn's hair is silky and smooth being dark-brown to black in colour and in a similar style to Cedric from Harry Potter. He usually wears white chinos and a brightly coloured (Ralph Lauren) polo, along with Ray-Ban wayfarers in a matching colour and High-top converses in the same colour.
History: Quinn grew up in a large city, his father being a millionaire amd his mother being the most influential figure in the cities politics. He went to a private school and had many friends, and lead almost every arts team the school had (e.g. Choir, Dance etc.).
Around age 14, he started suffering from chronic headaches and his pupils would go square momentarily. He ignored this for months until he transformed his entire choir group into pixels at age 16, and was immediately taken away by the Metahuman Control team. Living in the awful conditions, Quinn feels his life has turned into a living hell and isn't quiet about his views on the place....
Other: Probably never going to be used, but Quinn is gay because RPing as a staight guy is awkward xD
« Last Edit: February 17, 2014, 23:41 by RubyRobin »
...╚⊙ ⊙╝...

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Re: [J][Pa][Pw] Unequal Treatment - Registration Act
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2014, 17:42 »
I hope you don't mind that my online times will be erratic at best.

Name: James Wilson Smith
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Powers: Pyrokinesis. James can conjure fire onto his hands up to his elbow and has limited control over these fires, as in he can shut them off at will or send a little bit of fire elsewhere. However, when fire spreads from his body or if the fire starts from another source he is as vulnerable to it as any other person. Also, in moments of heightened emotion random parts of his body may just burst into uncontrolled flame.   
Personality: Alone or in a small group James can be a smart and responsible leader with confidence and the will to protect his friends. However, this all changes when he is with a large group where he just goes along with the will of the group to try and avoid pressure which might make him burst into flame. For reasons James does not explain, Women also make him nervous and make him burst into flames so he tries to avoid them as well as large groups.

Preferring to stay alone apart from the occasional times he walks around the slums and helps younger metahumans survive. He spends a lot of the time being along trying to not succumb to his addictive personality as before he came to the slums he didn't say no to a drink or a smoke. In the slums he mainly just tries to live free of distractions and without bursting into flames and burning anything down.
Appearance: James is a man with short black hair streaked with gray and a neatly trimmed beard. His dark brown eyes match with his well tanned skin. James always tries to wear reasonably smart clothes which in his mind means he always wears a collared shirt and never wears shorts. James could be mistaken for a man who works out. However, it is just a harsh life which has led him to his well muscled body and strength. 
History: James had known about his powers since he was fourteen years old. However, he kept them hidden from most until his nineteenth birthday when getting nervous around a girl he liked his hands burst into flames and almost burnt down the house he was staying in. After this James moved from place to place, living on the street trying to avoid detection until he found out about the metahuman slums. He turned himself over to a control team thinking he could have a calmer life. Since then he hasn't opened up to anyone about his decisions or if he thinks his life had calmed down.     
Other: Needs reading glasses, but doesn't wear his glass because he was ridiculed as a student for wearing them.

Anything I need to change?
Sup ~ I RP and stuff.
Also called Cody on err... pretty much everything.
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Re: [J][Pa][Pw] Unequal Treatment - Registration Act
« Reply #8 on: February 17, 2014, 22:41 »
Working on a form. Will have it up.

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Re: [J][Pa][Pw] Unequal Treatment - Registration Act
« Reply #9 on: February 17, 2014, 23:28 »
Everyone who has finished their forms is accepted. The list will be updated shortly. Profiles are coming out good and it's looking pretty diverse so far; there's not the usual female domination we see in some RPs, on and off site.

Dick/The Macintosh Ninja: I've put you two on the reserve list for now until you finish. Don't feel pressured, there's no specific deadline though within the next few days would be ideal. :)

Cody999: I don't mind at all! If you can handle your character(s) then you should be fine. (Which applies to everyone).

I'll put up my profile tomorrow (and I'll edit it into this post - or a future one, if anyone else has posted) which'll be around the time I'll put up the starter post as well. This is the best time to ask any questions relating to the RP (including stuff like starter locations/living conditions, etc). Otherwise I'll post what information I can within the starting post.

Joining will remain completely open until then. I hope you're all as excited as I am. :B

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Re: [J][Pa][Pw] Unequal Treatment - Registration Act
« Reply #10 on: February 17, 2014, 23:42 »
I think I've finished my form, although I suppose you're the best judge of that xD
...╚⊙ ⊙╝...

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Re: [J][Pa][Pw] Unequal Treatment - Registration Act
« Reply #11 on: February 17, 2014, 23:48 »
i'm a gigantic idiot i'm sorry
Yeah you're accepted as well, I'll fix that right up. :)

Name: Penelope "Blue" Collingwood.
Age: 22.
Gender: Female.
Powers: Destruction Manipulation - Or as Blue calls it, the power to 'break stuff'. It has the potential to be pretty strong, though Blue is by no means an expert nor does she have much control over it. She is limited to channelling it through her hands at the moment, and she can destroy a variety of different things - televisions, electronics, glass figures... pretty basic stuff. The bigger and sturdier it is, however, the harder and longer it would take to destroy it... as well as it would take a lot more energy. She limits herself to breaking smaller and more manageable things, such as locks and... the occasional bone. In the case of humans, however, she needs physical contact to actually break anything at the moment. Her anger can make it go out of control to the point where even items outside of her usual range start breaking, though it becomes uncontrollable and completely drains her energy.
Personality: Before she was marked out as a Metahuman, Blue had been a rather carefree, happy, and sweet child. She was very compassionate and tried to help anyone she could. However, that all changed after her powers started to emerge. She started to develop trust issues - because who could you trust with such a secret in a world like this? -  but it had been a gradual change; some had said she used to trust so easily before then. After moving into the slums and losing her mother, though, she changed much more drastically. She became a cold-hearted and somewhat selfish person, caring only for her own wants and needs, especially as she no longer got on with her father. As his Metahuman gene was still dormant, they got on even less, which gave Blue less reason to check in on him. She doesn't tend to care for others, either, as she doesn't really have anyone to 'care' for her, though this is mostly due to the fact that she's had no real allies.

She's somewhat standoffish, though not particularly impulsive, as she does seem to have some kind of head on her shoulders, or else she'd likely not have survived as long as she has. She's a fairly good liar and can be manipulative if given the chance, though her prefers the language of fist fighting.

She doesn't worry about much, as she's already lost everything (in her eyes), so her main goal is trying to survive and perhaps break a few human skulls while she does.

Appearance: Blue is unmistakingly female, despite the fact that her dyed dark blue hair is cut into a pixie cut. This is reflective in her facial features - a cheeky looking smile with narrowed lips, rounded nose, and a slightly pointed chin - which point towards her femininity. Judging from her eyebrows, her natural hair color may have been dark brown. She has peach colored skin that contrasts with her dark brown eyes. Her form is relatively slender, allowing quick movement, and she stands at 5'8". She has a tattoo on the back of her right shoulder blade of a hummingbird made out of musical notes. It was done in the slums by a woman with tattoo creation and manipulation a few months

In terms of clothing she doesn't have a whole lot of choice; her income is astronomically low at times, which means she has to resort to stealing clothes to fill her wardrobe. The clothes she does have tend to be a bit threadbare around the knees and elbows, and reflect her street-dwelling habits.
Make-up was more common for Blue before the Slums, though now it's so rare that it doesn't really matter anymore. She stays away from the stuff, regardless. Hurts her image.

History: Blue was one of the first Metahumans moved into the Slums when they opened, partly because her powers were so hard to control. This was in late 1995, as the Detroit slums had been converted from existing areas in Detroit almost immediately after the Friedman case. Blue and her parents had been moved into a shop on top of a chemist, mostly because her mother had refused to 'disown' their metahuman child - whereas the father hadn't really cared. Rather unfortunately, on the way into being moved into the slums one of the cockier humans started shooting at the family, mocking them about their misfortune, though one of his bullets had went off course and hit Blue's mother in the skull. She would not survive the night, and this changed Blue for the worse. Blue and her father's relationship, already strained, soon broke apart, leaving Blue alone. She turned to thievery and being a con-woman to feed and clothe herself, being too stubborn to return to her new 'home' for the most part, and thus got to know the homeless metahumans in the slums enough to use them as a branch of contacts.

Nothing is known about her before she became part of the slums - her complete identity shift to 'Blue' from Penny means it's difficult to trace her, too.

Other: Blue's nicknamed 'Blue' for a very obvious reason; her hair. She dyed her hair prior to discovering her powers, but once they kicked in her hair hasn't seemed to grow out of the colour. It wouldn't be surprising if it was a physical mutation, but considering how much she steals it wouldn't be surprising if it was just hair dye stolen from the chemists or even from outside of the wall. Regardless, the nickname only came about once she entered the Slums.

Blue's found herself hating regular humans for what's happened to her, and can't get on with them at all. Blue gets into trouble with the humans a lot because of this, so seeing her fighting with them isn't uncommon. This is the main reason why she never gets outside of the walls.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2014, 15:24 by Poison2007 »

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Re: [J][Pa][Pw] Unequal Treatment - Registration Act
« Reply #12 on: February 18, 2014, 18:24 »
Metahuman Form below.  A fair warning to you that I'm not always particularly active and - if you feel it necessary - I would be happy to PM you my email so that you can send me angry messages.  Let me know if you want me to touch anything up!

Name: Verity Maude Samuels
Age: 14
Gender: Female, both assigned and identified
Powers: Verity possesses the power of atmokinesis, or the power to control the weather.  She is unable to control these powers particularly well, and they are particularly restricted to air manipulation, though thermal manipulation has shown up once or twice.  Most of the time, her powers only show through when she is particularly scared or cross as gentle storms concentrated within a three or four yard radius.
Personality: Verity is a very strong-willed young girl, for want of a polite term.  Whilst a quiet, shrewd person, she happens to be particularly stubborn.  This has resulted in her coming off as bratty, or else spoilt.  In spite of this, she's surprisingly cheerful - even chipper - when in small groups of people she's comfortable with, though this doesn't stop her from acting aloof towards others who try and make conversation.

It should be duly noted that strong-willed does not amount to Verity being hugely hotheaded, especially given the arguments that the stubbornness has lead to in the past.  In fact, she feels that she should receive more 'props' than she does over not losing her cool and unleashing weather: the extreme edition onto everyone, though she can be disappointingly snippy with people.
Appearance: Verity is considered very small, standing at 4'9, but she is plump and homely.  Lashes of red hair blend into a slightly more muted ginger until they are invisible at the tips, which fold off in soft curls at various lengths.  She has wide set watery grey-green eyes poised above a long Greek nose.  Her cheekbones are undefined and low, and her mouth is set into a thin, angry line by default.

Her clothing preferences are pale blues and grays on cheap - but soft - cotton.
History: Verity started exhibiting her powers when she was eight or nine, though her mother had predicted that she was a mutation long before that and would attempt to dye her hair a more neutral ginger during baths until she was seven.  Her father and sister began homeschooling her when she was ten in a desperate attempt to keep things hidden, but when she was 12 she got into an argument with one of the local children and said child's mother spotted the rather conspicuous wind focused around Verity on an otherwise calm July afternoon.  Verity was reported to the Registration Act, and the fuss she kicked up only helped to convince them that she had powers, as the room became suspiciously cold - not to mention the mess.

Verity is irritated by the loss of a comfortable life, but is focused on getting that life back rather than pitying herself.
Other: She likes mice.  A lot.

« Last Edit: February 23, 2014, 18:47 by Lalice of Shrubs »

thanks gl <3

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Re: [J][Pa][Pw] Unequal Treatment - Registration Act
« Reply #13 on: February 19, 2014, 17:04 »
@Lalice of Shrubs: Accepted. Welcome to the RP! Looks like most of us have pretty sporadic activity, which is why I'm going to enforce the summary thing every 5-10 pages for people to call on.

@The Macintosh Ninja: Even though I'm putting up the first post now (Officially opening the RP, woop.) You've got loads of time yet.

@Everyone: Female:Male Ratio is fairly even and the males are nearly tipping the scale in their favor, that's a first! (Three males out of seven characters, thus four females.) I mean not like the genders are pitted against each other but it's nice to see so much diversity.

So with all of this out of the way.. let us begin. World is up to us to build.

Date: Thursday, November 19th, 1998.
Time: Evening. Around five minutes past seven.
Weather Conditions: Clear. For now. However, it's getting darker outside as the nights shorten.
Human Activity: Unusually quiet.
Other Notes: The Scrapyard - Blue's current location - is open to metahumans.
Purely because it's been abandoned by human control for now.

Blue pulled herself into the back seat of her rusted hulk of a car, cursing her luck. Or rather, the lack thereof. The window next to head started to crack from her irritation, and she grimaced. No luck at all today, no - she'd done more running from angry clients than she'd been able to do any actual pilfering of food. Not that she usually ran, but today was different. Some human repairmen had been around to fix the shock collars merely a day after she'd broke them for them, something that she couldn't help when they had no real schedule, and of course they weren't too happy about that.

Plus, the shock collars were getting harder and harder to break. She'd have to lay off for a while or raise the price - she hadn't broken her own in weeks, if the purple ring around her neck proved anything - and see where it'd go from there. She settled down on the back seat of the unmoving car, which had been without an engine for years by this point, and peered out of the cracked window.

"Wonder if this is how nerds see the world when their glasses get broken for the first time," She mused to herself.

She shrugged and sat back, placing her backpack in the footwell. She was just getting settled when, out of the corner of her eye, she suddenly saw what appeared to be the beam of a flashlight. That couldn't be good - the homeless people around these parts knew their way around blindfolded by this point. It left one other option.. assuming it was a human.

"Oh, sweet," Blue murmured sarcastically. Here she was, holed up in some car and unable to escape without attracting attention, with a bloody human of all things probably turning the corner right now.

Not that she could see who it was, but it couldn't have been a regular if they had a flashlight of all things. She ducked down in the seat so that she couldn't be seen out of the windows, gripping a stanley knife out of her pocket. Her day wasn't done yet. She'd wait... see who it was before she did anything. The cover wouldn't hurt.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2014, 20:05 by Poison2007 »

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Re: [J][Pa][Pw] Unequal Treatment - Registration Act
« Reply #14 on: February 20, 2014, 02:43 »
 Russ had already been walking around in his cat form, as he found it helped him escape a lot of danger. The strong legs and powerful body had allowed him to reach great heights, and his night vision was superb. His nose however -- his nose sensed another metahuman in the scrapyard. Russ jumped up on top of a trash can, and tried to find the source of the scent with his eyes.

His eyes caught it. A fairly pretty girl, but just because Russ wasn't quite positive about how he liked her hair. Looks familiar, Russ thought, trying to pin her identity. However, his cat eyes just weren't up to the same level of quality that human eyes were. He searched the ground, and found a flashlight lying on the ground. Russell then began to change back. His form slowly began to get bigger, right until it looked like the red fur was about to rip from growing such a size. His fur sunk back into his skin, and he was back on two legs again. He grabbed the flashlight, and turned it on, and began to walk towards the girl. Russ was totally fearless as he walked forward, knowing that at any moment he could shift into a rat, or even back into Hercules, and make a safe getaway before the other metahuman even could process the abomination that happened before her eyes.

"Hello?" he said, hoping to take the other meta out of hiding.