Author Topic: Jeremy Corbyn  (Read 5437 times)

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Jeremy Corbyn
« on: August 04, 2015, 22:41 »
If you're in the UK you probably can't escape the name. What are your opinions on him? Is he the right man to lead Labour? Is he the right man to be PM? How else can we get rid of the horrible Tories?

Discuss, argue, whatever.

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Re: Jeremy Corbyn
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2015, 01:51 »
I'm not really following it all that much because I could give two less tosses about Labour any day, but like... do we really need another middling to old white guy leading another major party?

I'd never heard of Corbyn til the race for Labour's leadership - whereas I had heard of Yvette Cooper and Andy Burnham (I hadn't heard of Liz Kendall either tbh but idc)

idk. The strongest candidate in my opinion is Cooper. heck if she becomes leader I might consider voting Labour next time around.

also do not like the fact Corbyn wants to abolish tuition fees in only England - meaning what the heck happens to us Welsh students??? smh

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Re: Jeremy Corbyn
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2015, 09:24 »
i'm probably being naive but i want corbyn to get in cos he's the only candidate who aint a shameful red tory

the other three candidates are annoying right-of-centre talking faces that will just continue the "lets do what the tories are doing" narrative that has been losing labour its core working class vote and any relevance at all over the last decade. miliband lost cos he sat on his balls and did nothing to counteract the tory narrative. the reason labour lost the last election is cos they lost left-wingers to the green party, working class right-wingers to UKIP and everyone else to the tories.

what labour has been trying to do lately is to claw back the tory vote from middle-class britain and old people, and as the recent election showed that aint really worked cos its like expecting the most conservative people of the bible belt to vote democrat for no good reason. 

i want corbyn to get in cos he actually seems Old Labour and not Lets Just Do More Blairite Labour like the other three.

unless they present any sort of counter-narrative to the tory "well we got money but we dont want you lot to have money. austerity for all while we charge several thousands of pounds for Dinner With The PM" thing we'll have the tories in till 2020-2025 and more at this rate

for those who aren't keeping up, jeremy corbyn is like the uk version of bernie sanders with the right-leaning press attempting to label him a socialist commie for daring to address the left wing

disclaimer: im not a labour supporter and wont be. i regularly throw my vote away by voting green, they came second in our district for votes so it weren't too bad
« Last Edit: August 05, 2015, 09:28 by LOOK AROUND YOG. »

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Re: Jeremy Corbyn
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2015, 12:25 »
It'll be between Burnham and Corbyn for leadership. Corbyn might win it but I won't be annoyed if Burnham got in.

I've voted Labour in both general elections I've been elegible for and will continue to do so.
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Re: Jeremy Corbyn
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2015, 18:23 »
I had a look into this guy today, I definitely want him in. I think at this stage he seems even more left-wing than the Lib Dems did. I support most of the stuff he's backed so far and think he would be brilliant in charge of the UK, probably one of the first politicians I actively support as oppose to just prefer.

I also like the way that Blair's spin doctor was bricking it trying to put people off voting for him, claiming he's a looney that will drive Labour over the edge. I wonder how many people will sit there and go "Hm, let's listen to what this spin doctor has to say, he might have an interesting, balanced perspective." 

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Re: Jeremy Corbyn
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2015, 10:48 »
Alistair Campbell? After sexing up that Iraq dossier I doubt anyone will listen to him again.
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Re: Jeremy Corbyn
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2015, 10:10 »
tbh there are a lot of things wrong w/ Corbyn

1) Pulling out of NATO/getting rid of the armed forces. Not only is it putting a lot of people out of work, what on Earth does he think it'll do? Make countries respect us more? Hell no! He invited people from Hezbollah into government as well - what the hell does that say when he invites terrorists to speak?! 2% of our GDP isn't that much when you compare it to the USA.

2) Alright so he wants to make universities free for England. Where does that leave Welsh and NI students? Picking up the bill?

Currently as I've just woken up I can't remember anything else but I'll come back to you when I've read up some more

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Re: Jeremy Corbyn
« Reply #7 on: September 13, 2015, 14:11 »
hahahaha corbyn actually got in

im too politically apathetic/skeptical to be excited cos this is politics we're talking about but it'll be real interesting to see whats gonna happen? cameron already panicking if u look on twitter so thats a sign of something at least

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Re: Jeremy Corbyn
« Reply #8 on: September 14, 2015, 02:46 »
I feel the same, the election is too far away for me to feel strongly so right now I'm just enjoying fresh, salty Conservative tears right from the PM himself.

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Re: Jeremy Corbyn
« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2015, 23:54 »
isn't corbyn a bit... yknow old to hold on to the next GE? he'll be 71. he shuld be retired

and don't get me started on the fact he called terrorist groups his friends and invited ira members into parliament lol

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Re: Jeremy Corbyn
« Reply #10 on: September 15, 2015, 18:57 »
I think a lot of people misunderstand Jeremy Corbyn when it comes to terrorism. People seem to go "What? He called them friends? He must be a terrorist!". It's so obvious that people don't want to think beyond that because they're biased. There's nothing to 'get started on' because it's meaningless, unless you're actually suggesting that Corbyn is part of an islamic conspiracy to take over the UK and have carbombs going off on every corner.

He's obviously not a terrorist, he's just trying a different approach. Since 9/11 and before, all we've done is bomb the middle east and supply arms but really has it got us anywhere? 7/7 bombings, Lee Rigby murdered in the street, things with ISIS worse now than they've ever been. I would never call those people my friends, but I get that he is trying to reach out in a different way because really what choice do we have left? If we involve ourselves too much we become targets of terrorism, if we keep our noses out we end up with a humanitarian crisis on our hands.  Is there really a better solution?

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Re: Jeremy Corbyn
« Reply #11 on: September 21, 2015, 10:36 »
Nice to know the media's running the same smear campaign with Corbyn that they did with Miliband.
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