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Messages - Yaoi Fanboy NK

Pages: [1]
Other Animé Things / Re:The Big Ol' List O' Shipping
« on: January 06, 2003, 00:24 »
How about Harumist shipping? Sidegirlshipping belittles them a bit, doesn't it? Misty's a wonderfully deep and emotional character, and Haruka is going to be completely different, isn't she? If she's clumsy like the rumours say, she might well need comforting from someone. It would also raise the tone of the show somewhat if she had self esteem problems from comparing herself to experienced trainers like Ash and Brock. But that's just me lifting a plot line from Neon Genesis Evangeleon. I actually cried when I watched the last episode of that.

Other Animé Things / Re:The Big Ol' List O' Shipping
« on: January 06, 2003, 00:04 »
I'm a Palletshipper... O.o;;

I support Palletshipping aswell. Gary's a bit attention seeking, he needs someone's love to calm him down, and he has so much in common with Ash. I think they have a lot of chemistry between them.

BTW, what would it be called if Haruka and Misty got together, out of interest? It's sort of an off shot of Palletshipping, since they'll have to do something if/when Ash gets it together with Gary.

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