Author Topic: [P][Fu][Pw] Why Are WE The Heroes? [J]  (Read 5480 times)

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[P][Fu][Pw] Why Are WE The Heroes? [J]
« on: November 22, 2013, 23:43 »

That was the date the world of Pokemon changed.

From what I have been taught, things were much simpler back then.  Apparently, the only villains we had to worry about were organisations, each a union for their own goals.  They must not have been very intimidating; the records say each was defeated almost single-handedly by a different child every time.  I admit that, despite their corrupt natures, I admire their confidence in the face of humiliating defeat.

Now we must worry about much more dangerous villains, and it's all because of Obstructus Industries.  They wanted to find new ways to treat the various diseases and deformities of humans and Pokemon.  Several laboratories had already researched possible cures, but Obstructus went one step in an unexpected direction: they attempted to splice human and Pokemon DNA to see what would happen.  It did not end well.  However, laboratories of the future benefited from the knowledge that splicing Espurr DNA would result in a devastating explosion.

The survivors of the incident did not benefit so much.  The splicing, the labs filled with strange chemicals, the trauma cause by it all; everything lead to mutations that created the PokeMorphs.  At first, these hybrids were seen as an example of science gone too far, and they were seen as abominations.  Many of the PokeMorphs did not take kindly to this status and lashed out.  This resulted in the first wave of superpowered villains that, for once, could not be beaten simply by a ten-year-old with a balanced team.

With these individual villains popping up, non-mutated evil doers joined in with the chaos.  Every city would have been overrun by anarchy.  That was when the Elite Force, the combined power of the champions of the regions, suggested that the law fight fire with fire.

Arceus they were speaking metaphorically.

The year is X024, in a time of hovering cars and holograms for screens.  The world of Pokémon hasn't changed much, save for people with abnormal abilities wreaking havoc on the streets.  Law enforcement needs more than legendary trainers or secret agents to fight the crime and maintain the peace; that's where you come in.
          The incident at Obstructus was the trigger; you are either a survivor of this disastrous experiment, or an abnormal citizen waiting for their time to shine.  You have been recruited, along with several others, to be part of the law's new defence against this wave of villainy: Safeguard.  It doesn't matter if you like it or not; you're a super hero now, so get used to it.
          You are part of Celadon Safeguard, a team stationed at one of the brightest and busiest city in the modern world.  You have a base and a mission: keep the city safe from criminals.  And for Mew's sake, try not to cause more damage than you prevent.

  • Basic PUK rules apply to this RP.  Keep it friendly.
  • Role Play rules apply as always.  While I will allow elements of PG/PG13 in the RP, let's try to keep it suitable, m'kay? =3
  • God-modding is not allowed: You can not take control of another RPer's hero.  Unless consent from the fellow RPer is given in this topic, nothing goes.  How effective an attack is on another character or what they do is not decided by anyone but the RPer.
  • Power-playing is also not allowed.  While you can dodge an attack or not really be affected by it, for instance, you can't keep this up to make yourself unstoppable.  You have flaws and weaknesses, and no matter what some part of you is still human.  Try to make sure you make as many mistakes in situations as you get things right.
  • Romance is allowed, but the most it is restricted to is kissing.  We have a max rating of PG/PG13, after all.
  • Think of death like you would in a superhero cartoon; villains die, but they aren't killed.  Violence should be kept to a suitable standard, so no gore.  A little blood is allowed.
  • This RP is about having fun, so be sure to have some!  However, while it is intended to be action-y and comedic, don't let that stop you from some seriousness either. =) there're also plenty of ways to be dark and scary with these limitations I mean just look at fairytales yeesh.
  • The laws of physics may not always apply in this RP.  Feel free to be silly from time to time; a fashion similar to the Teen Titans cartoon is the main inspiration for this RP after all =).
  • Be sure to discuss plot arcs you wish to pursue with anyone who would be involved.  This way it'll be easier to make sure it's Ok with everyone. =)
  • If I do not accept you, I will provide a reason why.  If there's still room for improvement, I will let you know. =)  Do not continue to ask to join if your form is still unacceptable.  No means no.
  • With the exception of the rule right above this one, any time you break a rule will result in a strike.  If you break one rule three times, you're out.  If you break too many of the rules, you're out.  This will happen if you are persistent at rule-breaking.



          Former test subjects / staff at Obstructus Industries.  Several were already sick with near incurable diseases and terminal illnesses, so it was believed that the labs were providing a service to them.  Due to an explosion caused by a splice gone wrong, all survivors of the lab wreckage were mutated permanently.
          Many of the public view them as abominations and evidence that science has gone too far.  Discrimination and cruelty lead to several PokeMorphs striking back hard.  There are rumours of a team being formed by PokeMorphs to oppose mundane humans, but there has been no real evidence to prove such an organisation exists.

          For every crowded city in the Pokémon World, a handful differ from the mundane.  One could be chosen by a magic Munna to be a pretty protector of Pokémon.  One could stumble upon some strange device from space and use it to shapeshift into Pokémon.  Even then, there's always the espers and mediums that the world is already aware of, and then there's just abnormally mundane who create gadgets or have mad computer skills.
          While little is known about circumstances that create abnormal humans, their abilities are considered a blessing and a curse.  The public is wary, but so long as these special snowflakes don't do anything unbecoming of a hero they should be fine with publicity.

          While it seems that evil has given up on 'Team Something's for the time being, that hasn't lead to an era of total peace.  Truth be told, society brought it on themselves by 'kicking the Snubbull' so to speak.  The wave of PokeMorphs brought out the worst in other citizens, and now these troublemakers run amok.

Due to the word limit, I am afraid I will need to post forms in my next post.  Spot saving is open!

For now I'm going to have the member limit up to 10.  Spots go to accepted applicants.

Heroes: 9 Spots Left

- ShinyBlaziken2000
- Dark Lord
« Last Edit: November 23, 2013, 11:27 by MzLuluZombi »
RubyRobin: Would a morph with Grumpig be able to do his swag dancing?
RubyRobin: Yaaaaaay!!! I shall do Grumpigs swag dance aaaaaaaaaalll day xD
Quote from: The Entertainer
So uhmmmm, you quote yourself huh?
.......not weird at all kiddo :p

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Re: [P][Fu][Pw] Why Are WE The Heroes? [J]
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2013, 02:18 »
I, the very legendary and prestigious Master of 2010, shall save a spot. I shall continue from there as soon as I see the form.
I am your master.

Offline MzLuluZombi

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Re: [P][Fu][Pw] Why Are WE The Heroes? [J]
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2013, 09:56 »

PokeMorph Hero:

          You were a volunteer in the testing trials at Obstructus Industries.  You barely escaped with your life, only to find your body mutated from the various factors in the explosion.  You have been recruited by Safeguard to show that your kind is not all about chaos.

Code: [Select]
[b]Hero Name:[/b] (Who does the world see when you pop up on their TV holograms?)
[b]Alias(es):[/b] (e.g. Who were you before?)
[b]Age:[/b] (15 will be the minimum. 
Yes, Obstructus got away with splicing and using 10-year-olds for their experiments.)
[b]Gender:[/b] (Male or female. 
If you were spliced with a technically genderless Pokémon, you are classed as genderless,
though you can still identify yourself as male or female.)
[b]DNA Splice:[/b] (Which Pokémon DNA were you spliced with in the incident?  Legendaries are (obviously) not allowed. 
If you are unsure of the Pokémon you choose, just ask.)
[b]Appearance:[/b] (Pictures are allowed, but please use your own if you do so. 
Written descriptions are still required. 
You can be creative with your morphs or you can go for the good ol' ears 'n tail formula; it's your choice.)
[b]Pre-Obstructus History:[/b] (A brief summary of life before the experiments. 
You can opt to make this classified.)
[b]Powers:[/b] (Basically, you can have up to four powers based off of moves your Pokémon would have naturally learned. 
TM moves and breeding moves will not be available.)
[b]DNA Ability:[/b] (The ability that comes with your spliced DNA. 
If it is specific to a Pokémon Battle, you may tweak the ability to apply outside of the scenario,
e.g. Shadow Tag could be something you activate, yet you would be require to tag your target)
[b]Unique Attributes:[/b] (Optional. 
Your human DNA being spliced with a Pokémon's may have developed something unique;
for example, grass-type DNA could give control over certain plants linked to your Pokémon. 
I'd suggest looking up a wiki on the Pokémon and see if there's any inspiration you can gain from the info)
[b]Weaknesses:[/b] (Type weaknesses as per usual. 
Are there any drawbacks to your movement or fighting style? 
Is there something from pre-mutant life that still affects you?)
[b]Likes:[/b] (Easy, optional.)
[b]Dislikes:[/b] (Also easy, also optional.)
[b]Database Bio:[/b] (This is your 'starter post'. 
This is the information that Safeguard has on you and provides the reason why they decided to recruit you. 
It can be a summary of an event involving your character. 
Or, if you want a standard starter post, replace 'database bio' and continue as normal.)

Abnormal Hero:
          You were born with natural esper talents.  You happened upon something that gave you super intelligence.  You were chosen by a strange force to protect this world.  Whatever the case, you aren't a normal citizen and Safeguard believes your fortunes, good or bad, is what will make a difference.
          Do NOT make an abnormal that is already taken or similar to an abnormal that's been made.

Code: [Select]
[b]Hero Name:[/b] (Who does the world see when you pop up on their TV holograms?)
[b]Alias(es):[/b] (Who were you known as before?  Do you maintain a secret identity?)
[b]Age:[/b] (13 is the minimum.)
[b]Gender:[/b] (Male or female.)
[b]Unique Status:[/b] (What makes you special? 
Are you an esper? 
Are you a magical girl? 
Some unlucky kid? 
Make sure to link this with the Pokémon World in some way,
e.g. espers and spirit mediums have already been established in the world in some way)
[b]Appearance:[/b] (Pictures are allowed, but some form of written description is required.)
[b]Pre-Safeguard History:[/b] (A brief summary of what your life was like before being recruited.)
[b]Abilities / Powers:[/b] (Optional. 
What can you do? 
Do not overpower your character: provide a limit of some kind that you feel appropriate)
[b]Skills:[/b] (Non-power based skills,
e.g. were you the rascal who picked locks or hacked computer systems?
Are you athletic or knowledgeable?  Skills can range from the fantastic to the ordinary.)
[b]Origin:[/b] (How did you get your unique status? 
Were you born with it or did you just not think things through what you walked up to that meteorite?)
[b]Weaknesses:[/b] (Any flaws or weaknesses go here. 
Are there any drawbacks to your abilities or an area you would not be good in?)
[b]Likes:[/b] (Easy, optional.)
[b]Dislikes:[/b] (Easy, also optional.)
[b]Database Bio:[/b] (This is your 'starter post'. 
This is the information that Safeguard has on you and provides the reason why they decided to recruit you. 
It can be a summary of an event involving your character. 
Or, if you want a standard starter post, replace 'database bio' and continue as normal.)

Villains & How They Will Work

Each participant, once accepted, will be able to fill out a villain form and send it to me via PM.  Villains can be rivals of heroes - yours or someone else's, with permission - or a villain of the day.
          PokeMorph villains can be independent or part of a rumoured organisation of Obstructus survivors.  All that's known about the villainous team so far is that they're recruiting PokeMorphs and oppose 'mundane' people.
          Accepted villains will be kept all hush-hush until they are picked randomly to be the next opponent.  How they're introduced can be discussed. =)

          Didn't take too kindly to growing a tail?  Sick of being pushed around and now you want payback?  Do you think good deeds aren't worth anything when they're not for self-gain?  You reject society to enjoy what you think is the fun side of life; go and wreak some havoc, friends!

With forms, you may use one of the Hero Types from above and replace 'Hero' with 'Villain'.

Are there any suggestions for a way to chat with one another outside of PMs and posts?  Is the PKMN Chat or Skype any good?  I think it would be great for us to have easy discussions about what to do so that no-one feels out of the loop.

Please tell me if the forms look too complicated.  I will be posting my own form once I decide which character to go with. =)
« Last Edit: November 23, 2013, 11:28 by MzLuluZombi »
RubyRobin: Would a morph with Grumpig be able to do his swag dancing?
RubyRobin: Yaaaaaay!!! I shall do Grumpigs swag dance aaaaaaaaaalll day xD
Quote from: The Entertainer
So uhmmmm, you quote yourself huh?
.......not weird at all kiddo :p

Offline OpalRhea

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Re: [P][Fu][Pw] Why Are WE The Heroes? [J]
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2013, 10:44 »
by member limit, does that mean number of members you'll accept, or total number of heroes there can be?

Offline MzLuluZombi

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Re: [P][Fu][Pw] Why Are WE The Heroes? [J]
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2013, 10:47 »
Members.  If you feel you can handle two characters at once, go ahead. =) I'd rather not have too many members at once because it gets harder to keep up / keep in contact.

Just a note I won't hunt you down if you stopped posting for a while nonono XD
RubyRobin: Would a morph with Grumpig be able to do his swag dancing?
RubyRobin: Yaaaaaay!!! I shall do Grumpigs swag dance aaaaaaaaaalll day xD
Quote from: The Entertainer
So uhmmmm, you quote yourself huh?
.......not weird at all kiddo :p

Offline OpalRhea

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Re: [P][Fu][Pw] Why Are WE The Heroes? [J]
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2013, 10:53 » willing to let me get away with three? i have a trio (Houndoom, Zebstrika and Froslass... who've been a *little* bit inspired by ffx) who i've wanted a chance to use for a while.
And i won't be able to stay in contact except by pm usually, since i'm usually on a phone, but I'll try


Forms (what i have on them)

Hero Name: Ifrit
Alias(es): Gabriel Ratchet  ((Points to anyone who gets the reference in the last name. not Ratchet and Clank btw))
Age: 18
Gender: Male
DNA Splice: Houndoom
Appearance: Gabriel is a tall and lanky young man. Always has been, probably always will be. He has bright orange eyes, and thick dark hair that has two (hollow) bone horns protruding out from the top of his skull. Unlike most Houndoom's, the points of his horns point forward, allowing him to use them as a weapon.
At the base of Gabriel's neck, is a choker of bone, pointed like the one on a Houndoom, but missing the small skull ornament.
Around each wrist there are another two rings of bone, both of which are seamless, and seemed to have grown straight out of his skin. His fingernails are small white claws.
The only other attribute from the Houndoom is a whip like tail, with a wickedly sharp arrowhead shaped barb on the tip.

When he has a choice in what he wears, it usually takes the form of a umber sleeveless shirt, under a black vest, and a pair of dark denim jeans. Sneakers are his preferred footwear. On his left shoulder is a tattoo of a patch of flames, done in dark red ink.
Pre-Obstructus History: Error. CLASSIFIED Information. Please seek permissions above SECURITY Level 2
Powers: Fire Breathe- ...literally just Flamethrower. He can blow a stream of fire from his mouth. Temperatures of this can be extreme, and without medical treatment, burns can leave moderate to severe scarring
Cheap Toss- Also known as Foul Play. If an opponent comes at him head on, Gabriel can flip them over his hip, and make them hit the ground hard. Momentum and the opponents force are big factors.
Thunder Fang- ((Stuff coming up with 'spiffy' names)) Gabriel can coat his teeth in electricity, and bite down with surprising force. This can leave an opponent temporarily stunned from shock. When he and Mr Jin are fighting together, he'll often use this on Mr Jin to boost the Zebstrika pokemorph's speed.
Inferno- An enhanced version of Flame Breathe. Gabriel meets his hands, and blows a fireball through the gap in between them. Unfortunately, it can be a bit of a mass destruction attack, and it's draining, so Gabriel doesn't use it often. However, it always will burn opponents who aren't fire resistant.
DNA Ability: Flash Fire. Often used in conjunction with Mr Jin's Flame Charge, it boosts his fire type attacks just after being hit with a fire move.
Unique Attributes: Gabriel can withstand higher than normal temperatures, and, when at rest, will often curl up in a fire. He can ingest flammable fluids and some toxins, and temporarily make his flames toxic as a result. It is possible that smoke does not affect Mr Ratchet the way it affects others. This is possibly a direct result of his typing.
Weaknesses: If fully submerged in water, or if he swallows water in it's liquid form, Mr Ratchet can not use his fire for an unknown length of time. However, ingesting steam doesn't seem to affect him.  It is also believed that Mr Ratchet can not swim, even though he was able to before the incident at Obstructus Labs. Mr Ratchet is also claustrophobic, although not to the extent that Mr Jin appears to be. It appears as if temperatures that are too low cause Mr Ratchet's speed and reflexes to be dulled, just as too much heat causes the same for Miss Onna.
Because his horns are hollow, they are fragile. If broken, it is believed that they can not ever grow back.
Mr Ratchet's temper is also a concern, leading him to act rashly and without through. Perhaps with conditioning, he will be able to manage his temper.
Likes: Spicy food- The spicier the better. Also, the more heated it is, the better.
Fire- Perhaps a pyromaniac before the incident, Mr Ratchet's passion for fire has only grown.
Sunlight- Mr Ratchet has been known to find a sunny spot, and lay in it for hours.
Canines- Our records indicate that Mr Ratchet has always had a soft spot for canines. this has only been enhanced by the pokemon he is morphed with.
Competing with Miss Onna- Although Miss Onna admits nothing, it seems that she and Mr Ratchet often compete, even over the little things. Mr Ratchet seems to get legitimate joy out of this competition. Miss Onna's reactions are as yet unknown
Dislikes: Rainy weather- Mr Ratchet does not enjoy the rain. It makes him grumpy and irritable.
Felines- Since his childhood, Mr Ratchet has had problems with felines. It is unknown if this affects his performance
Small spaces- Mr Ratchet doesn't like small spaces. The more confined they are, the worse his reaction. This is possibly to do with his somewhat destructive force, and his typing.
Having to take orders from Miss Onna- Of the trio, Mr Jin, although the youngest, is apparently the leader. When he is unable to lead, Miss Onna takes over. This seems to anger Mr Ratchet quite often, and he won't obey her easily, unless Mr Jin steps in
Database Bio: ERROR. Refer to Miss Onna's file

Hero Name: Ixion
Alias (es): Rai Jin
Age: 15
Gender: Male
DNA Splice: Zebstrika
Appearance: Rai is a dark skinned youth, with white hair that is mostly shoulder length, except for the spikey mane that follows the line of his spine. His skin, unsurprisingly, is patterned in a way reminiscent of a Zebstrika’s pelt.
Mr Jin has bright blue eyes, both with yellow sclera. Often, his eyes are described as ‘angry’ although it is believed that they appear that way throughout most of Mr Jin’s emotional range.
Usually, Mr Jin is seen wearing dark shirts and jeans, over a pair of runners. Note. All of Mr Jin’s shirts and pants have been modified to accommodate his mane and foot-long lightning bolt shaped tail.
On Mr Jin’s right shoulder is a tattoo of a lightning bolt, in vivid yellow ink.
Pre-Obstructus History: ERROR. CLASSIFIED Information. Seek permissions above SECURITY Level 5 to proceed.
ERROR. ACCESS to TESTER file DENIED. Security PERMISSIONS LEVEL 8 or higher required to access.
WARNING. Repeated attempts to access CLASSIFIED DATA without adequate permissions will result in your login being TERMINATED.

Powers: Flame Charge- Mr Jin can temporarily coat his body in flames, and charge at an opponent. When this makes impact, Mr Jin’s speed is boosted. This power is often used in conjunction with Mr Ratchet’s ability, to increase the Houndoom youth’s fire related powers. Unfortunately, Mr Jin does not gain the associated speed boost if this course of action is taken.
Discharge- After gathering electricity from the environment, Mr Jin can unleash it, in all directions, from his hair and mane. WARNING. May cause blackouts in the local area.
Pursuit- If an opponent tries to run, Mr Jin can ‘teleport’ (hereby referring to Mr Jin using stored electricity to boost his speed for a single overwhelming burst in order to catch his opponent) to them, and deliver one final blow, usually in the form of a short and powerful punch (quoted to be “a mule’s kick of a punch” by a notable witness), or a quick, painful kick (also referred to as comparable to a mule’s kick). It is possible that one could escape this fate by use of extremespeed, although that has been as of yet, unconfirmed.
Wild Charge- Mr Jin draws in electricity from the surrounding area, until his hair, mane, and markings all glow yellow. Then he charges at an opponent, dealing large electric damage. However, the recklessness of this move will lead to minor to moderate injuries to Mr Jin himself. WARNING. May cause blackouts in the local area.
DNA Ability: Motor Drive. Mr Jin attracts electricity (not just limited to attacks however) to him and absorbs it. When hit with electricity, Mr Jin grows faster. NOTE. This also applies to when he has absorbed enough electricity from the local environment. WARNING. All power sources Mr Jin is to be around consistently require being closed circuits, and surge protected.
Unique Attributes: Mr Jin can sense when a storm is building, from the built up electricity in the air. When angry, Mr Jin’s electric abilities are both more destructive, and less draining. Mr Jin can sense the electrical impulses of the nerves, and can sometimes use these to pre-empt an attack. However, this is ineffective against ground, steel, rock, ghost, and some ice types.
Mr Jin also can run at inhuman speeds, for a unknown amount of time, most often in thunderstorms.
Weaknesses: His electricity has no effect on ground types, while they affect him badly. Mr Jin is also highly claustrophobic, to the point where if a space is too confined, he cannot act. If he stands still on dirt, or is only walking, he quickly loses his charge, and feels sick. However, if he’s running, even barefoot, it doesn’t affect him.
Likes: Lightning, computers, sugary sweets, running, and reading.
Dislikes: Copper, bitter foods, walking, staying still, boredom.
Database Bio: ERROR. DATA inaccessible. Refer to Miss Onna’s file.

((Will finish later. Probably gonna wait until monday evening though. we have a house inspection during the day, and we only found out about it yesterday))

((EDIT- except for the database bio, I'm done. Had to remove Yuki's form. will be added in my next post))
« Last Edit: November 24, 2013, 23:39 by OpalRhea »

Offline MzLuluZombi

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Re: [P][Fu][Pw] Why Are WE The Heroes? [J]
« Reply #6 on: November 23, 2013, 11:15 »
I'll let you get away with it. XD If you want to make any villains, you can choose to control them yourself or ask someone else to do it. =)

Here are my forms.

Hero Name: Cotton Diva
Alias(es): Cotton Duosa
Age: 19
Gender: Female
DNA Splice: Flaafy
Appearance: (Will fill in)
Pre-Obstructus History: Cotton was once a young idol, and used to model for many designers and fashion magazines.  She came from a wealthy family and grew up in the lap of luxury.  During a faux-fur fashion show she took part in near a newly built Safari Zone, Cotton was scratched by a poisonous plant and soon contracted a skin disease.  She volunteered for the experiments at Obstructusin hopes that a cure would be found for her condition.
  • Light Screen - Cotton focuses her mind and creates a barrier around her or an ally.  A dazzling sphere of light reduces the damage caused by special attacks, as well as slowing down projectiles.
  • Thunder - Cotton fires a powerful bolt of electricity at one target.  She can use controlled burst in small quantities for overriding devices or mundane things such as charging her toothbrush.
  • Power Gem - The sphere on her chest and tail glow brightly before she sends a ray of light at her target.  The ray sparkles as though it was made of gemstones.
  • Discharge - Using the electricity stored in her wool, Cotton releases a discharge in the area surrounding her.  This power never misses, but continued use will tire her out.  The first discharge in a fight will be the most devastating, as she releases all of the electricity she has stored up to that moment.  Due to her DNA ability, this also works as an EMP of sorts.
DNA Ability: Static.  Due to her body constantly charging electricity, there is a chance that Cotton will shock and paralyse someone through physical contact.  If she is not careful, she can short circuit electrical equipment.  She actually causes static on certain devices when she is in range.
Unique Attributes: Cotton can fire needle-thin hairs from where wool grows on her body once she has charged enough electricity.  The hairs are sensitive to heat and will release shocks when touched.  Cotton had used this in her robberies to create traps for law enforcement.
Weaknesses: Cotton's electricity is naturally ineffective when it comes to Ground types.  Were she to take a long walk in a field with bare feet, her electricity would be drained due to it all flowing into the ground.  Carried over from her human DNA is her skin sensitivity; her pain threshold is higher than usual, so it takes less pressure on her skin to hurt her.
Likes: Shopping, junk food, photography, film, sparkly things.
Dislikes: Dirt, exercise, bad publicity, wardrobe malfunctions, swimming, needles.
Database Bio:


Cotton Duosa has been admitted into this facility for clinical trials.  Make sure she is given appropriate accommodations; if the press gets even a hint that she is unhappy here, they'll be on us like Combee on a flower field.  The admins would rather not risk an investigation, even if some fashion magazine is the one who starts it.
          Specimen has a rare skin infection caused by a jungle plant in Almia.  While we have begun looking for suitable DNA to resist the infection, we have begun administering the necessary medication to the specimen.

Specimen Duosa has been strapped into the splicer and the process has begun.  Vitals are stable.

Specimen states to be suffereing extreme pain and demanding the splicing be aborted.  Vitals are stable.  Skin lesions have begun to heal.  Treatment will go on as planned.

Scanners indicate electromagnetic pulses are coming from the specimen; she won't stop screaming.  Attempts to abort have failed due to interference with the machinery.  It's being cause by something outside the chamber.  Calling maintenance to shut off the pow



Cotton Diva has been an active villain in the past, notable for her heists of several banks, jewellery stores and laboratories.  It has been long confirmed that she worked in affiliation with fellow villains Lockjaw and Glamour.  Damages reach the millions from break-ins alone.  Safeguard has been keeping a close eye on her; someone high on the chain seems impressed by what she can do.
          Lockjaw states that Cotton assisted in sabotaging the heist at the Devon Corporation, even going so far as to incapacitate other criminals involved.  Cotton denies knowledge of the purpose behind stealing the reactor prototype and declares her wish to join Safeguard.  The director has given the go-ahead to recruit her after she goes through necessary rehabilitation.  Here's hoping she's worth the opportunity.

Hero Name: Lockjaw
Alias(es): Lottie, as a nickname.  Her real name remains classified.
Age: 17
Gender: Female
DNA Splice: Mawhile
Appearance: (Pictures are allowed, but please use your own if you do so.  Written descriptions are still required.  You can be creative with your morphs or you can go for the good ol' ears 'n tail formula; it's your choice.)
Pre-Obstructus History: Based on what can be recovered from the Obstructus files, Lockjaw was homeless at the time Obstructus found her.  Was supposedly just taken off the streets and later found to have weak bone development.  Further information is classified.
  • Fairy Wind - Lockjaw creates a fairy wind to send towards her target.
  • Iron Defence - The steel horns on Lockjaw's body toughen up to increase her physical defence and reduce damage inflicted.  It also partly 'heals' any existing wounds for a time and increases her strength due to her bones being steel also.
  • Iron Head - If there's one thing you won't want from Lockjaw, it's a headbutt from her steel skull.
  • Sucker Punch - No matter how fast her opponent may be, Lockjaw can always be one step ahead if she wants.  She 'teleports' with a dark mist and reappears to punch her target before they can react.  This only works if the target is on the offensive.
DNA Ability: Hyper Cutter.  Lockjaw is not easily intimidated in combat and keeps a cool head, preventing her attacks from faltering.  Also increases the effectiveness of her steel horns, making it much easier to cut various things.
Unique Attributes: The jaw on the back of her head seems to have a mind of its own, as it may try to chomp on anything that gets too near or surprises Lockjaw.  The jaws are strong enough to chew through iron beams, but (fortunately) it does not act as a second mouth.  Because of her treatments revolving around strengthening the human skeleton, Lockjaw's bones are strong as steel.  She can make iron horns grow from the back of her wrists, her elbows and her heels.
Weaknesses: Lockjaw is weak against ground type attacks, though that appears to be as far as the weakness goes.  She suffers from pyrophobia (understandably) and her weakness to fire is crippling due to the amount of steel in her body; the metal heating up causes her a great amount of pain.  When her jaw is fully exposed, her movement is slowed down.
Likes: Painting, sports, being sarcastic, comedy, desserts.
Dislikes: Jerks, being patronised, soap operas, writing, hot weather.
Database Bio:


The girl's only identification is 'Lottie', as far as we can tell.  She came in requesting to speak to someone about protection.  As soon as this second jaw lashed out for a bite from one of our staff, the order was sent to lock her in an interview room.
          Lottie claims that she hangs out with a few other survivors downtown, but she refuses to identify them.  From what she says they do, they're some of the regular villains that cause trouble in Hoenn.  She wants to be safe in custody because she doesn't trust some of them; this lot work close together and Lottie overheard them talking about some kind of team.
          The Director has requested to meet her face to face.  He wants to get as much as he can on this supposed organisation, so Lottie will be offered an undercover role.  Another young agent to put in harm's way.

Mission Support Request


"The Devon Heist has been successfully sabotaged with the volunteered assistance of Cotton Diva, Villain #103.  Villains #025 and #056 have evaded arrest; all other villains involved have been incapacitated and are ready for collection.  The reactor prototype was removed from the vault and is currently on the roof.  I suggest waking up the scientists to help put it back, because there's no way I am touching that glowing piece of - "

"Lottie-pie, who are you talking to?"

"HQ.  Shush.  A squad should head out to the group's base of operations immediately before - "

"Exactly how long have you been doing this?"

"Cotton.  Please.  I'll explain later.  Please tell reinforcements that Cotton is now a friendly; you don't have to knock her out or anything, she'll wear the cuffs and be taken in quiet - "


"COTTON, SHUT UP!  Lockjaw out."

"Lottie, I SWEAR I will never let you live this d - "

« Last Edit: November 23, 2013, 22:57 by MzLuluZombi »
RubyRobin: Would a morph with Grumpig be able to do his swag dancing?
RubyRobin: Yaaaaaay!!! I shall do Grumpigs swag dance aaaaaaaaaalll day xD
Quote from: The Entertainer
So uhmmmm, you quote yourself huh?
.......not weird at all kiddo :p

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Re: [P][Fu][Pw] Why Are WE The Heroes? [J]
« Reply #7 on: November 23, 2013, 11:46 »
I didn't really know what to put for the Database Bio, so tell me if it isn't really what you meant xD

Hero Name: <Haven't made yet>
Alias(es): Flynn Zanash (Zanash is Fairy in Albanian)
Age: 15
Gender: Male
DNA splice: Jigglypuff

Flynn has fairly lengthy blonde hair, which is quiffed at the front in a similar way to Jigglypuff. He has large eyes as of the experiment, and they are deep blue. He has quite pointy, elf-like ears, and is very attractive. He's around six foot, and weighs about 60-70kg.

Pre-Obstructus History: Classified.

After the experiment, Flynn found himself capable of summoning nearly any move, although he is currently unable to control which (Metronome, when I use it I'll use this to determine what I use.).

He also found himself capable of a life endangering tackle, which, whilst dangerous for him, almost sealed his opponents fate (Double-Edge)

In addition to this, Flynn's singing seemed to be able to attack the oppositions emotions, provided the song he sings it heartfelt (Disarming Voice)

Finally, he was able to fling himself into opponents, occasionally rendering them incapable of movement (Body Slam)

DNA Ability:
Cute Charm - Flynn has an air around him that often makes people fall for him unwillingly, where this differs from the games is that instead of being contact causing infatuation, it is proximity (because why on earth would punching someone make you fall in love?), and also it isn't necessarily affected by gender (because even if pokemon can't be gay, humans can be xD)

Unique Attributes: None of note.

Flynn found himself even more susceptible to poisons than the average human, one drop of chlorine can cause him to be severely ill. Likewise, a strike from a crowbar seems to do more than just physical damage, it appears to drain away his energy.

Likes: Chicken Kievs, Singing, Fairy type pokemon, Tea, Hot-dogs

Dislikes: Arrogance, Evil, cheeseburgers.

Database Bio:

Safeguard Database: Flynn Zanash

Diary from employee of Obstructus


We found this kid today - celebrating his 10th ((I assume that it was 5 years prior to the current date?)) birthday, he must have stepped out for a breath of fresh air - looked pretty crowded in the house. We took him. We knew it was wrong, but we couldn't get any more willing test subjects, especially not after her leaking us to the news...

Anyway, this kid, he's currently in containment. He's banging on the walls to be out, but he's wasting his energy. Tomorrow we're splicing his DNA.


We took him down to the testing chamber, although we had to handcuff him to do so. How the hell does a 10 year old resist that much? We pushed him into the chamber, and locked the door. Now let's see him escape.

We powered up the DNA splicer, ready to merge his DNA. Something went wrong.

We're pretty darn sure it wasn't us, in fact we heard it was the Espurr's department, but the building blew up. My colleague died, and this kid should've been incinerated, but he came out completely unscathed.

He glared at me - I wasn't sure I wanted to argue with him, so I ran. He ran the other way - clearly terrified

Data missing between 14/13/X019 and 12/13/X024 - it is known he returned home and attempted to live normally. It was then he was recruited by Safeguard.

Edit: fixed a spelling error that was bugging me
« Last Edit: November 23, 2013, 21:18 by RubyRobin »
...╚⊙ ⊙╝...

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Re: [P][Fu][Pw] Why Are WE The Heroes? [J]
« Reply #8 on: November 23, 2013, 13:08 »
Deleted my old form, now for a new one! Also, no worries about my activeness, almost everyday I'm on.

Hero Name: Flare Fist

Alias: Samuel Incendie (Blaze in French  :tongue2:)

Age: 18

Gender: Male

DNA Splice: Blaziken (saw this coming?)

Appearance: Samuel is 6' 3" 175 pounds. His eyes are a piercing gold, and on his head is the "V" crest of a Blaziken. His hair is a dark gold with small, light brown streaks in it ((Not dyed)) Sam is very quick and agile, due to his past. Sam's hand were replaced with Blaziken talons, so Samuel wears a pair of fingerless gloves, which hide them well enough for anyone not to freak out.

Personality: (I added this): Sam is dark and has a twisted sense of humor, thanks to his history before he joined the force. In the field, Sam becomes your stereotypical American comic book hero. Either way, Samuel can't resist a good practical joke.

Pre-Obstructus History: Sam's childhood was pretty normal until he destroyed his school as a prank. Unsurprisingly, Sam was expelled and his parents disowned him. Desperate for work, Sam went for the experiment to earn extra money.


Flare Blitz: I cloak myself in flames and charge at my target, it I make contact, I take much damage.

Hi Jump Kick: I attack with a knee kick from a jump. If I miss, I sustain a lot of damage

Quick Attack: I attack with so much speed, I'm practically invisible

Bulk Up: I tense up my muscles to bulk up my body. I can hit harder and take less damage from hand-to-hand combat.

DNA ability:  Speed boost: I get faster the more hits I make.

Unique attributes: I have enhanced Karate skills. Enhanced reflexes.

Weaknesses: Not counting Blaziken's type weaknesses, karate requires me to get close, like my three attacking moves. I'm extremely hydrophobic, and even with the littlest bit of water will make me panic, although I do trust only one water type pokemorph (Coming soon!) I will not attack women and girls. (See pre-force history)

Likes: Music, Fire, Pranks, Spicy foods, Sweet foods, Chocolate, Warm Weather, People who do not backstab others, cooking.(Surprising, huh?)

Dislikes: Annoying people, Getting caught in pranks, Water, The color pink, backstabbers, Extreme heights, falling from extreme heights, Cold weather, cuteness, dry food.

Starter Post: I was about to rob another bank. I exploded the side. I walk in. I gasp in shock. My...beloved.... she's dead. I killed her! I bolt from the scene with her body in shame. Tears are running down my face. //Why did I do this?! Why!?// I put myself into an a coma my jumping into a lake and swimming back out. I'm deathly afraid of water.

Weeks later, the force found out about me, I woke back up in a bed in the base. The forces leaders offered me a choice, no jail and work for them, or go to jail for the rest of my life. I needed to live my life and right my wrongs, especially killing my beloved. I joined the force. The force's leaders said to keep an eye on me, seeing my past with my pranks and my villainous past. Now, I seek to try to stop those who are making the same mistakes as me.  However, m main reason for joining is to hunt down the ones who set me up and made me this way.

Yeah, I'm about to go Beatrix Kiddo on their butts.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2013, 21:28 by ShinyBlaziken2000 »
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Re: [P][Fu][Pw] Why Are WE The Heroes? [J]
« Reply #9 on: November 23, 2013, 14:13 »
Hero Name: Silver
Alias(es): Sadie Steel
Age: 17
Gender: Female
DNA Splice: Skarmory

She is about 5"2 and does not weigh much. She has yellow eyes and Skarmory's wings growing out of her back, the silver plate on her chest is a part of her body and so are the ankle pieces, the shoes however, can be taken off to reveal human feet. She has sandy blonde hair that is worn up for excersises/fights/etc, the features of her face are even but striking.
Pre-Obstructus History: Sadie always lived with her parents until the accident, they lived in a smallish house near the Obstructus building. Sadie was always curious about the activities at Obstructus and was eager to see the inside. Her parents disapproved. While her parents took a holiday, Sadie went into Obstructus and volunteered, on the last day of her first week, the accident happened and Sadie was a part of it. She became spliced with Skarmory's DNA and the next time she saw her parents, they cast her out as "A plague on the Steel family values"
Powers: (Can I have Fly? It seems stupid to have wings and not be able to fly...)
Fly - Sadie dives on her opponents inflicting damage. Can be used elsewhere for a mode of transport.
Sand Attack - Sadie kicks up dust so that her opponents cannot see her/ her allies and as such are less likely to hit them.
Air Cutter - Sadie creates a damage inflicting updraft with her wings.
Steel Wing - Sadie swipes her steel wings at her foe, damaging them.
DNA Ability: Keen Eye - Sadie does not lose accuracy and is observant.
Unique Attributes: Steel runs through Sadie's being. When the weather is hot Sadie's body will be too hot to touch, likewise, when the weather is cold Sadie will be too cold to touch.
Weaknesses: Other than type weaknesses, Sadie has slow reactions and sometimes does not see and enemy attack before it is about to hit her in the face.
Likes: Exploring, Surprises, Carrying people while she flies, The feeling of the wind running between her toes.
Dislikes: Spicy food, Water, the cold.
Starter Post:

I look at my house, but it is not my house. It is my parents house.
Not my house. Not my house. Not my house! But it IS my house. I turn and walk away. Not daring to look back unless I cry. I feel people's eyes on me. On my wings.
I thought having a heart of steel would mean not having emotions, I was wrong, it means having a heavy heart. Feeling melodramatic, my brain sobs "Where do I go?", "Oh, whatever will I do?" and fills me with emptiness.
I sit down, confining myself to sleeping in an alleyway for the night. I fall to sleep.

When I wake it is early morning, I look up as an electric billboard flashes to life. "SAFEGUARD" it reads, "FOR THE PROTECTION OF THE PEOPLE" then the screen changes and suddenly there are images of people. People fighting other people... but these people are different. There is one with ears and a tail, one with a centaur like body that can only be a half-human-half-Rapidash person, one with scaly skin like Seaking among others. Then an array of the people, who can only be described as PokeMorphs take over the scream and say "We're keeping YOU safe!" at the bottom of the screen is an address which I mentally note, then, without a second thought I take off, beating my wings, to search for the address.

When I get there, I am asked to fill out forms for everything I could think of and more and then am asked to wait. I sit for about an hour, in awe of the other PokeMorphs here with varying degrees of Morph-ness. There is one man who is almost completely Zoroark.
I contemplate whether the work and shelter I get here will be adequate or even right for me but before I have the chance to make a decision, I am approached and the woman says "Sadie, you're in. You will be working under the name Silver. We have assigned you a room, if you would like to follow me." and I do.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2013, 15:33 by Chlo »

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Re: [P][Fu][Pw] Why Are WE The Heroes? [J]
« Reply #10 on: November 23, 2013, 16:34 »
While i remember. Do you still want villain forms pmed to you lulu

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Re: [P][Fu][Pw] Why Are WE The Heroes? [J]
« Reply #11 on: November 23, 2013, 16:52 »
If I can, I'd like another hero to be my nemesis, I'd like a female character. My concept is the love/hate relationship like Daredevil and Electra in the Marvel Universe.

Or another villain either one can fill the role of my idea.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2013, 16:58 by ShinyBlaziken2000 »
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Re: [P][Fu][Pw] Why Are WE The Heroes? [J]
« Reply #12 on: November 23, 2013, 22:56 »
I didn't really know what to put for the Database Bio, so tell me if it isn't really what you meant xD

I approve!  I wanted to give people the option to be creative with their starter posts; sometimes writing an event can be hard or easy, so I put in Bios.  XD

Flynn Zanash is accepted.  Oh no, now I keep imagining everyone else on the team will be his fan club since they'll be in close proximity most of the time. XD

Silver is accepted.  STEEL BUDDIES YEAH.

Blaze, adding the Pre-Service history seems a little redundant considering your starter post, but other than that I don't see anything wrong.  Accepted.  And please edit out that swear word, dood. XD

While i remember. Do you still want villain forms pmed to you lulu

Yep!  I would like Villain forms to be sent via PM.  Spots are saved for your characters, Opal. =)

If I can, I'd like another hero to be my nemesis, I'd like a female character. My concept is the love/hate relationship like Daredevil and Electra in the Marvel Universe.

Or another villain either one can fill the role of my idea.

Well, I've nearly finished Lockjaw's form.  Since she's spliced with the Deceiver Pokémon, she might count for some kind of rivalry since Blaze hates backstabbershaha it's funny cause Mawhile... um... nope explaining sucks

Or are you speaking about more of a romantic love/hate than a platonic love/hate?
« Last Edit: November 23, 2013, 23:00 by MzLuluZombi »
RubyRobin: Would a morph with Grumpig be able to do his swag dancing?
RubyRobin: Yaaaaaay!!! I shall do Grumpigs swag dance aaaaaaaaaalll day xD
Quote from: The Entertainer
So uhmmmm, you quote yourself huh?
.......not weird at all kiddo :p

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Re: [P][Fu][Pw] Why Are WE The Heroes? [J]
« Reply #13 on: November 24, 2013, 00:38 »
It's too late in the day for me to think smartly after such a long day.  Can you save me a spot?  I'll update this post here when I'm ready
Gary was here.  Ash is a loser.

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Re: [P][Fu][Pw] Why Are WE The Heroes? [J]
« Reply #14 on: November 24, 2013, 02:36 »
And please edit out that swear word, dood. XD

I wanted to say the actual a word, but I didn't think it would be ok. Also, I'll make sure my rp'ing makes up for being redundant.

Well, I've nearly finished Lockjaw's form.  Since she's spliced with the Deceiver Pokémon, she might count for some kind of rivalry since Blaze hates backstabbershaha it's funny cause Mawhile... um... nope explaining sucks

Or are you speaking about more of a romantic love/hate than a platonic love/hate?

I was thinking of a more romantic love/hate like Daredevil and Electra in the Marvel Universe. Look them up if needed to understand my idea.
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