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Messages - SCM

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Your Art / Re: Cards - Images!
« on: June 02, 2007, 21:55 »
It says earlier in the topic that you can only make card images for cards that exist :/

BUT I love Swablu, and so do many others, so why not put it up on DA or summat, hmm?

Your Art / Re: Cards - Images!
« on: June 02, 2007, 21:48 »
Is there a Swablu card? If there aren't any, you haven't read the topic o.o

If there ARE I want one =D

Your Art / Re: Cards - Images!
« on: May 27, 2007, 11:21 »
Though it may be replaced in the future, my Chatter card was accepted, and I'm estatic! W00t!

Also, my suggested card, Pokemon Live Connection was added! I am so lucky ^__^

Forum Games / Re: How known are you on this Site?
« on: May 26, 2007, 10:40 »
Likewise for you, GBA master. 1/10.

Your Art / Re: Cards - Images!
« on: May 26, 2007, 08:42 »
Wow, I saw the Raticate this morning, and I must say well done to whoever drew it! Who did draw it, by the way?

Forum Games / Re: How known are you on this Site?
« on: May 24, 2007, 11:51 »
Everyone knows you, Swampert man of the northweast =D 9.2/10

Character Guides / Re: Aedan Solomon
« on: May 24, 2007, 09:18 »
Ponyta evolved, removed "Pokemon he used to have" section.


Ekans (Lockjaw) [Male]

Aedan traded his Mankey for Robert's cousins Ekans egg, and it hatched soon after. Lockjaw is extremely sweet, charming all who see him.

Chansey (Sunnyside) [Female]

Smaller than the usual Chansey, so either is newly evolved or recently hatched (since either is possible, it is impossible to tell.) It is however extremely feisty for a Chansey, and seems quite powerful. It was caught after tricking it in the safari zone after tricking it after a long chase.

Smeargle* (Rascal) [Male]

A shining Smeargle recieved in a trade over the GTS. Stubborn, but loves smaller pokemon and protects them well.

Rattata (Cutdown) [Male]

Cutdown is a Rattata extremely capable in wet conditions. It's ability to use water attacks is amazing, and it even swims very well.

Dragonair (Dratal) [Male]

Dratal has been with Aedan from the very beginning, and as a result, is very tame and friendly. It can also fly surprisingly skillfully.

Feraligatr [Male]

A brutal pokemon Aedan traded his Claydol for. It has had years of experience with Dontae (NPC) so it knows when to keep it's cool. It's ice punch is more powerful than usual, as it seems to release ice crystals on contact.

Steelix (Baronyx) [Male]

Baronyx was caught as a rouge Onix originally. He was caught very narrowly, as he gave Aedan a slash on his chest, and hospitilised him. They now, however share a loving bond. Baronyx has a habit of roaring.

Clefairy [Female]

A timid Clefairy who already loves Aedan. It is unknown, but it has a love for special attacks. Aedan traded his Hokey for this Clefairy with Josh.

Slowking (Herald) [Male]

Herald is an odd Slowking with the ability to speak. Though he is very smart, he gets up to some odd antics, and can be a bit naive. His singing is brilliant, and he sounds a bit like Elvis when he does so. He loves the band the Arctic Monkeys.

Gyarados (Drenutix) [Male]

Drenutix was originally caught as a shadow Gyarados long ago. One of Aedan's most powerful and loyal pokemon, Drenutix will do anything to keep him safe. It's special attack is Crimson Lightning (Thunder + Fire Blast).

Scyther (Slashero) [Female]

Slashero was received along with Shipwreck upon joining the PHQ. Also powerful and fast, she is used for spying. She went missing for a while, but was recovered from a toilet.

Alakazam (Psiblur) [Male]

Psiblur is Aedans Alakazam. He is calm, and very intelligent. Instead of all out attacking, he likes to do his "Epileptic attack". (Teleport + Flash + Double Team)

Starmie (Mie)

Mie was recieved in a trade for one of his Heracrosses with a girl called Mary near Mount Moon. Mie is active, and makes noise a lot.

Exeggutor (Zugon) [Male]

Zugon has been with Aedan since the beginning, and is obviously one of his his strongest pokemon. It's Exeggcute were the spawn of Aedan's fathers Exeggutor.

Rapidash [Female]

Traded to Aedan by Michael Denet. Now mature, Rapidash is powerful and fast. It knows how to handle large opponents using it's agility and evasion.

Nidorino (Sharpsting) [Male]

Originally caught as a Nidoran long ago, it evolved fighting Aedan's rival, Bradley. It enjoys using special attacks.

Machamp (Champ) [Male]

Champ is one of Aedans "Tunnel Team" which is used when navigating through caves. His power is used to clear boulders.

Pinsir x2 (Pinsnipp/Pinscrape) [Male]

Aedan caught his two Pinsirs together, in a tunnel under a city. They are members of his tunnel team, and work in pairs.

Golem (Ruby) [Female]

Ruby is one of Aedans "Tunnel Team" which is used when navigating through caves. Her power is used to smash falling rocks and other debris.

Lickitung (Tungtyd) [Male]

A Lickitung which likes to use fire attacks, and use rollout. It is very playful, and likable.

Manectric (Shipwreck) [Male]

Shipwreck was recieved near the beginning of Aedan's journey from the PHQ along with Slashero. Extremely loyal and fast, it is used for sneak missions a lot.

Magikarp (Ikarpred) [Male]

Was bought from the Magikarp salesman in Pewter.

Magnezone (Kannonz)

Kannonz has been with Aedan from the very beginning, along with Zugon and Chargetank. Like those two pokemon, it is one of Aedan's most powerful.

Rhyperior (Chargetank) [Male]

Chargetank has been with Aedan since the very beginning, and was a Rhyhorn for five years before evolving. However, it was worth it, since it is now Aedan's most powerful pokemon.

Drifloon (Blitzkrieg) [Male]

A Drifloon obtained from a sailor. It is fond of people, and doesn't like to battle or train much.

Forum Games / Re: How known are you on this Site?
« on: May 22, 2007, 12:29 »
6/10. I am seing you a lot more frequently, though I'm sure I've seen you before.

Forum Games / Re: How known are you on this Site?
« on: May 20, 2007, 21:08 »
1/10. Seen you about... once. Yeah, that seems right.

Forum Games / Re: How known are you on this Site?
« on: May 18, 2007, 22:07 »
I see you less than before, Emma, which is definately a bad and sad thing D=



And I was beaten to it by Mr. Blaziken, who gets a 4/10

Forum Games / Re: How known are you on this Site?
« on: May 18, 2007, 21:55 »
Lesbian/10. It doesn't need to be said <3

Forum Games / Re: How known are you on this Site?
« on: May 18, 2007, 20:02 »
7/10. You are becoming a MAN.

Forum Games / Re: How known are you on this Site?
« on: May 15, 2007, 15:12 »
I used to see you a lot... I think...


Forum Games / Re: How known are you on this Site?
« on: May 14, 2007, 20:22 »
10/10. Anybody who doesn't know you is either senile or forgetful.

Forum Games / Re: How known are you on this Site?
« on: May 13, 2007, 21:33 »
Don't know ya. Sorry. 3/10.

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