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Messages - .~:Sly Foxx:~.

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Random Randomness / Re: Nostalgia Thread
« on: August 11, 2013, 23:22 »
The meet was a thing of beautiful glory, full of nostalgia and reminiscing, and I'm really glad I went to it before Uni. Great to see you guys all! (And the Very Hungry Belly Button :3)

It brought up a few things I'd forgotten about. Anyone else other than me NOT know that Jess was actually a guy? And does anyone remember the rampaging reaction to any 'sprite theft' that went on in the Sprite Fan Art board?

Games General / Re: Shiny Pokemon
« on: August 10, 2013, 01:41 »
Yeahhh, on one level irony suck about the Red Gyarados. And let's not forget that there was a shiny Magikarp event around the place somewhere too =P But I'm kind of happy with it because of that. It's a special little awesome fail~

General Pokémon Discussion / Re: My Top 5 Fire Type Pokemon
« on: August 10, 2013, 01:37 »
Just regarding opinions... Hey, hey. If shinylucario's opinion is that Infernape is ugly (one which I happen to agree with but that's not the point), he's quite free to think that, and it's a perfectly valid reason to dislike a Pokemon. *Shrug* You asked why he disliked Infernape and you got it. It's just an opinion.

Well, either way, not the point.

Whaaat, nobody mentioned Ninetales yet? D8 I love that Pokemon! It has some brilliant movepool options, such as Energy Ball and Confuse Ray, and is just the best troll ever. Plus, just /look/ at that shiny. <3 It was my first ever favourite Pokemon, and it forever will be.

Some other fire types missing out on the love - Rapidash and Flareon. I mean, metagamewise neither of them are very useful, but Rapidash absolutely murders ingame with its attack stat. That thing is a beast.

Overall fire is definitely one of my favourite types, so I had to come over in here and drop my two cents~

X and Y/OmegaRuby and AlphaSapphire / Re: New Mega Evolutions
« on: August 09, 2013, 11:09 »
Looks like we have an update!

MegaEvolutions will indeed have stat increases. MegaLucario will have an increased attack, and MegaAbsol will have increased attack and speed. (I am now convinced that MegaAbsol is going to become killer in metagame.)

MegaEvolutions are confirmed as temporary in-battle features - the Pokemon can only evolve into its Mega form when holding the MegaStone for its species. Also apparently the Blazikenite isn't found within normal gameplay...?

Not all Pokemon will get MegaEvolutions, but with that being said, we are due to see a couple more in next week's Corocoro. The Master Tower has some connection with them, but we don't really know what The Master Tower /is/.

And regarding other stuff, Meekuru has the ability 'sap sipper', and it looks like we'll have a Super Training facility to raise EV points. Hopefully this will be a way for people to focus on EVs - maybe they'll have sections for different stats?

X and Y/OmegaRuby and AlphaSapphire / Re: New Mega Evolutions
« on: August 08, 2013, 17:15 »
Hey hey hey, can we also look at some of the abilities these Pokemon are getting? Provided it finds a way to overcome its pathetic Sp.Def/Speed, powered up Mawile with Huge Power could become a MURDEROUS physical sweeper - plus that Fairy typing, though it is now going to /seriously/ fear Fire types.

Speed Boost MegaBlaziken is undoubtedly going to be banned within a week. OP by far.

Adaptability... Might be good on MegaLucario if the Steel Type gets some better moves. After all, it's a sweeper, so additional STAB doesn't hurt at all. It's not incredible, but it's not bad either; better than Inner Focus, arguably better than Justified.

MegaMewtwo, Insomnia... Meh. I guess if it becomes used in Uubers, this might affect Darkrai or something, but then again dark type.

But that Absol. Magic Guard? Are you serious? Yeah, I'm pretty sure this is a bid to give Absol a much-needed boost. Sure, it's fragile, but then it's going to be brilliant at instilling paranoia. I'd bet my bottom dollar this MegaAbsol is going to show up in OU, at least for a bit.

Ooooh! Well, I definitely enjoyed it - The Last Of Us is a game I've been wanting to play, so any reviews are definitely worth a readthrough so I know what kind of thing to expect. With that being said, some cult games would be nice to hear about; what kind of titles were you thinking of?

In terms of critique... It's largely personal preference, but I'd prefer more discussion of the good and bad aspects of the game, rather than just going over the gameplay features (after all some features sound cool, but come out clunky and awkward, while others don't actually sound that great but when you try them you can't get enough of them). To be fair though, maybe that comes across less here because it's a game you had a more neutral opinion of?

When I heard the names I rolled my eyes. Then I saw them.

I really don't like the Ampharos, but Mawile really needs a boost, and I quite like the Blaziken and Lucario.

... And that Absol. My GOD, that Absol, I am in love. I could be brought around to this. I guess the moral of this generation is, let's not have knee-jerk reactions to silly names - when you actually see what it is, it might not be as bad as you think.

I'm away on holiday with the family now, and I'm not really enjoying it. So far we've been to a car show which was okay, a plane museum which wasn't very interesting, done a pub walk which was largely uphill - the one kind of walking I hate - and gone to see a National Trust house which I wasn't at all interested in (so I just wandered into town instead). That's not to mention the whole drama over bug squashing, but that's a story for another time. Overall, though I know that it would be some people's cups of tea, it really isn't mine.

But that alone? Fine. I know that on family holidays, compromises have to be made. Not everyone can do everything they enjoy, and inevitably the scales are going to fall in the favour of some more than others - fair dos. My parents liked the pub walk and house, my brothers loved the car show, and my dad and older brother really enjoyed the plane museum so I'm not going to sulk about it. But with two days to go, and one of those devoted to a car museum (again for my two brothers and dad more than anything), conversation moved on to what to do on the Thursday.

I think Mum has noticed that it hasn't really been my holiday, so she asked me what kind of things I'd like to do in the area. Well, there are lots of things within distance, and I'm not picky - I suggested a whole host of different options which I thought that everyone could enjoy, such as: Going to see Cheddar Gorge, going to see Stonehenge, going to a Safari Park, going to a Monkey sanctuary, going horseriding, going to the coast, going to Bath, and several other things besides. All things I would find mildly entertaining, and all viable options... or so they would be, if my darling older brother didn't find some reason to object to each and every idea, which of course means we can't do them. He doesn't feel like we'd do much on the coast! There's a safari park the same distance from where we live (never mind we haven't been there in six years)! And I don't even know what the problem was with Stonehenge and Cheddar Gorge.

The worst of it is, when I asked him what he suggested we did, he shrugged in the kind of way that says 'It's not my problem'. After some prodding, he eventually settled on, 'We can just sit in the garden, or go to the pub for lunch or something', but that's not really DOING anything - which might be fine if you've been busy and enjoying yourself, but when you've been spending most of your time feeling bored and restless, yeahno. I'm even MORE bored than I would be at home, and it's putting me in a bad mood that makes me feel like I'd have had more of a holiday if I'd never come here in the first place.

It sounds really stupid, and whiney like 'oh poor little me, not enjoying the holiday I'm lucky enough to have someone else pay for'. To some degree I know it is. And as it stands, we finally settled on going to see a nearby Swannery, which I'm thinking I WILL enjoy, so... I guess all's well that ends well, kind of. But more than anything it was my brother's attitude getting on my nerves; after his whole week of things he enjoys, and all he can do is pick away at the things I'm interested in for a whole load of stupid and petty reasons? Maybe they wasn't the first choice on his list, but none of the above were first choice on mine. And it's just one day, to do one thing which I honestly think he would have enjoyed anyway, compared to him getting what would probably have been his top three choices. Mhhhh. First world problems, but this has me way more stressed out and frustrated than it should do.

Ew. Tentacles. I am /not/ dating a dude with tentacles for an arm.

Games General / Re: Shiny Pokemon
« on: August 04, 2013, 22:19 »
I am now adding to my list. I have caught a shiny Tentacool and a shiny Magikarp. Both were in Nuzlockes... Luck is on my side~

Random Randomness / Re: Your Favourite Food?
« on: August 04, 2013, 20:23 »
I go through phases... Right now my phase is more of a drink - Cherry tango, /yum/ <3 Seriously guys. I know it sounds disgusting - I don't even LIKE tango. Or cherry-flavour things. But it really is just that good, so give it a try.

Also, deep-fried Mars Bar. And I've been craving another deep-fried pizza for a while now.

Random Randomness / Re: Nostalgia Thread
« on: August 04, 2013, 20:19 »
Do you remember our group? Me, Del, Connor, CT and Sam? :3

Well, DUH! That was our group way back when - and do I remember wrongly, or was Kaze another hanger-on in our circles? God, I haven't heard about him for ages, I don't have a clue what he's up to. Shoutout for what he's up to?

As for everyone else, Del already posted here of course... The last I heard from Sam was a few months ago - He's arrogantly awesome as ever, working on his music. He's started to write his own songs now~ The last I heard from CT was... Oh god, was it after GCSEs or A levels? But she was doing pretty good at the time, she drifted off the internet quickly. And then Connor. God, Connor - I have not heard from him, in literally, forever. Literally forever.

... Okay, metaphorically forever. But that's just splitting hairs. Do you know how he's doing?

X and Y/OmegaRuby and AlphaSapphire / Re: Glow Punch?
« on: August 04, 2013, 16:56 »
I am willing to bet anything that Nintendo purposefully did this as a troll move. Just because the fan base is so terrified of Fennekin turning into a fire/fighting. It's not actually going to be another fire/fighting, guys...

For being Liam.

... Seriously, it's Liam. Who DOESN'T know Liam?

Random Randomness / Re: What Realisations Have You Made Today?
« on: August 03, 2013, 10:10 »
While making a sandwich, I realized that if a tomato is really a fruit, then ketchup is a jam.

This may have just genuinely blown my mind. I'm just going to quote this here so that if I ever look back through my old posts I'll find this and realise what my life has been missing all this time.

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