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Messages - FaFniR

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Forum Games / Re: How known are you on this Site?
« on: September 10, 2008, 20:42 »
You're that guy with a taste for classical music and peaceful atmospheres! 8/10

Forum Games / Re: What is the above person famous for on PUK?
« on: September 09, 2008, 10:30 »
For being awesome and witty.

Forum Games / Re: What is the above person famous for on PUK?
« on: August 09, 2008, 01:14 »
For visual kei obsession and generally being cool. And Drakengard.

TV and Movies / Re: Doctor Who
« on: July 31, 2008, 23:42 »
NO posts on Music of the Spheres? Jesus. Great mini-episode, the concept was clever and the music theme was deep. Gotta love the Doctor using the 3rd's old trump card/excuse for everything.

RTD has stated that the Christmas special's title is comprised of three words that apparently "gives away too much". I'm betting it's 'The One Doctor', since that's the audio story this one's based off (albeit very loosely).

ALSO, rumours are still going strong that the Sea Devils and the Master (still John Simm) will be in the TV specials. If the latter is true, let's hope we get back the style of the Classic series Master.

OH OH OH, best piece of news yet: the Brigadier (sp?) is returning to Sarah Jane Adventures! Better yet, he rather badassedly kills a Sontaran with a gun hidden in his cane. Also, Harry Sullivan will be referenced. To me, this makes season two worth watching.

Forum Games / Re: Rate the person above you's username
« on: July 30, 2008, 01:40 »
It has a nice ring to it~.

For having a bizarre signature. o.o


TV and Movies / Re: Doctor Who
« on: July 21, 2008, 11:50 »
Jenny is to return in a special. Maybe they'll be news in DWM? I hope so.

Got a source for that? Planetgallifrey doesn't seem to have mentioned it.

And if you remember correctly, Moffat was the one who requested her to be kept alive. Which means she's returning in season 31 (series 5).

TV and Movies / Re: Doctor Who
« on: July 17, 2008, 12:55 »
Still, he's doing Torchwood, and has  yet to broadcast his final Doctor Who episode.


What does that have to do with anything I said?

TV and Movies / Re: Doctor Who
« on: July 17, 2008, 00:01 »
And RTD, that lying toad, said just before Torchwood began that Gwen wasn't related to Gwyneth at all.

Guess what, guys? Seems the 2008 Christmas special is based on the audio play "The One Doctor".

The Proms thing is in a few days I hear, with a short special (taking place in the TARDIS) with a "returning special guest". Recent rumours say Ace is returning! Either for the Proms special or a 2009 TV special.

Also, a bunch of reports were made on planetgallifrey, and among them, apparently...

- Ace (Sophie Aldred) is returning
- John Simm returns in a TV special
- The Sea Devils are returning! (this was confirmed, apparently)

...I'd paste the entire thing, but I'm on the Wii browser. Go check out the full thing if you're intriguie, my memory sucks.

TV and Movies / Re: Doctor Who
« on: July 08, 2008, 23:51 »
I've been watching old 4th Doctor stories lately, and they're great. City of Death is as brilliant as the Classic fans say, and I watched The Seeds of Doom today, which was a bit lengthy (6 episodes), but really good.

Baker is honestly my favourite Doctor and I think Tennant draws a lot of his character from him.

From The Seeds of Doom:
"Are you leaving so soon, Doctor?"
"Why not? I have my toothbrush." *takes out toothbrush, grins, and runs off*

TV and Movies / Re: Doctor Who
« on: July 07, 2008, 20:35 »
But who will be the Doctor's companion for The Christmas Special!

No-one. Unless you count 'the other Doctor' and his companion, Rosita.

TV and Movies / Re: Doctor Who
« on: July 06, 2008, 16:45 »
Yeah, the Mondas Cybermen should be revived at some point. Too bad the Christmas special's sticking with the 'Cybusmen'.

But at least we get the Cybershades as well, eh? They look very awesome.

TV and Movies / Re: Doctor Who
« on: July 05, 2008, 20:25 »
The Christmas special plot rocks from what I've seen. It involves a lot of super awesome steampunk themes. Steampunk Cybermen! Cybershades! I can't wait!

Is Rose in a like... half-relationship with Donna...? Technically? o____O' Since, well, half of 'the no.2 Doctor' was part-Donna.

TV and Movies / Re: Doctor Who
« on: July 05, 2008, 19:59 »
Excellent stuff! I'm really sad to see Donna go. Bit of a sudden cut to the credits, but eh.

Bring on the Cybermen (and Cybershades)!

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