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Messages - RyoMashii

Pages: 1 [2]
Team Building / Re: Team Building Q+A Thread
« on: March 26, 2010, 21:46 »
Well if you had done a Lv100 WiFi battle before training it, you would know the IVs of the Pokemon. With a new Lv100 battle, you'd have a different set of stats. These would be due to the EV training you've done. With the untouched stats (before you started EV training) and the current stats, we would be able to determine how many of each EVs, with an error margin of about 3/7 (depending on some stats).

See what I mean? (Sorry if I've worded it slightly confusing)

I get it now. Damn. I m essed up, and I have no EV reset berries.... What should I do now?

Team Building / Re: Team Building Q+A Thread
« on: March 26, 2010, 19:02 »
If you know the IVs you can work out how many EVs you have left to give it.

How does that work?

Team Building / Re: Team Building Q+A Thread
« on: March 26, 2010, 10:19 »
I have been EV trianing a Combusken, and I calculated everything right, 252 Spd, 252 Atk, 6 HP. I went to the lady in Sunyshore and she said my Combusken needs to work harder. Can anyone help me?

Team Building / Re: Team Building Q+A Thread
« on: March 24, 2010, 01:41 »
My question: Does thepower herb work with fly/ dig? Another question: What would be a good moveset for a Special Tankzone (Tank Magnezone(new metagame term ftw!))

Pages: 1 [2]